Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Aug 1923, p. 2

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On all orders placed in effect until September 15th. Remodeling; Repairs and Alterations -- New Furs, Coats, Jacquettes, Capes and Chokers. We fave sour napcion o sn our beaut mds In i THE FASHIONABLE FURS " Quality, artistic workmanship and dependability. All McKay Furs are sold under this true name. We always _ advise our patrons as to the durability and wearing qualities of the Pu. This insures satisfaction and confidence in the article Peasant Wale Tre. Brockville Picton every Tuesday and Friday 8:00 Standard Time. Passengers and Freight carried Among the Islands, dowii the Canadian Channel, one hour at Alexandria Bay, back by the American Channel. The only way to see all the Islands on both the Canadian and American sides. Every Saturday and Sunday at 2.00 p.m. fast time. FARE: ROUND TRIP, 75 CENTS. BOAT LEAVES WHARF, FOOT OF BROCK STREET "READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS They Lighten Work The J. | K. Carroll ll Agency BRO BeTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. Three Down Hp Buys heating, IS light. , J -------------------------------- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. C.C.C. moonlight to Clayton 7.30. At Brockville Cheese board, 2,746 boxes were sold at 2ilc. Dr. H. A. Boyee will resume his practice at one o'clock on Monday, August 27th. MY. Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, Phone 564w At the Brockville fair races on Wednesday Fred Patch, driven by Mr. Whitney; got fifth Pace in the 2,20 class. The value of the Canadian Nation- ol Exhibition is placed at $11,000, 000, made up of $6,000,000 in buil- dingseand $5,000,000 in grounds. Miss Fannie Horne, B.A, Wolle Island, has been successful in ob- taining her specialist certificate in art and has been engaged as Art teacher in Morrisburg high school. Fred. Mcllquhdm, of this city, re- cently left for the west and is in charge of ome of the grain elevators in Calgary. Mr, Mcllqubam has had much experience in grain handling. Archibald McNaughton, formerly auditor of the Kingston and Pem- broke railway company and now <> the Grand River railway company, Galt, is visiting in Kingston. Canadian National Exhibition, To- ronto, has the largest and most cost- ly building on any permanent fair grounds the world over -- the Coli- seum -- which cost $1,500,000 and has 8 1-4 acres under roof. Under the leadership of Prof. ». T. Rutledge, Queen's, the new tunnel, connecting the Douglas li- brary with Fleming Hall, has been completed in the record time of three weeks and a half.. Only a smal gang of men were ougaged. The late Mrs. H. B. Wartell, King- stom, died on Aug. 22nd at the Mon- treal General hospital. Her funeral took place on Thursday, from the home of her brother-in-law, Mr. Car- sley, 370 Jilleneuve street west, Montreal. 'The pure food building, Canadian National Exhibition, is the most un- fque exhibition structure in Ameri- ca. It has been lengthened from 267 feet to 450 feet this year and boasts among other hovel features sunken Italan gardens and open courts. On Sunday 175 members of the American Veterinary Medical As- sociation are comifig from Chicage hy special C.P.R. train. They will reach Kingston at 5 a.m. and boara the steamer Kingston on the river trip to Montreal. ' MODEL. SCHOOL STUDENTS. Those Who Are in Attendance At This Session ls The list of=Model School students ds a3 follows! Beulah Mitchell, Kingston. Marion Walmsley, Napaneg. . Russell Schultz, Godfrey. ' Gerald Hill, Odessa. Madelyn McKendry, Mills. Margaret Phillips, Kingston. Laura Baker, Cataraqui. Hazel Clement, S8ydembam. Elsie Magee, Silisville. Helen Sandwith, Kingston. Vera Qorsline, Kingston. Kathleen Earle, Brockville. Kathleen Vancoughnett, Harrow- - Brewer's Kathleen Wemp, Collin's, Bay. Helen Moore, Napanee. Blanche Moore, Newburgh. Edna Doupe, Centreville. Inez MoGill, Centreville, Mabel McNeely, Newburgh. Lena Coong, Athens. Kathleen Roblin, Bath, Maybelle Mclean, Harrowsmith, Lillian Newell, Kingston. 'Madolia Babcock, Hartington. Ji Henderson, Morton. "Ida , Selby. * Jennie Judd, Soperton. Erma Maxwell, Bancroft, Elisabeth Lochead, Centreville. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK. Proclaimed By the Govermor-Gen- eral, October 7th to 13th. The governor-general has issu- ed a proclamation setting aside the week of October 7th to 13th to be observed as fire prevention week, and urges a general inspection and clean-up of all fire hazards In dwellings, and their surroundings, all public buildings, stores, ware- houses, factories, hotels, theatres, asylums, hogpitals and all other in~ stitutional buildings, He also urges tire drills for schools, public In. stitutions, factories and large stores so that all may be familiar with ex- its in case of fires. Fire prevention addresses are to be given by 'teachers and munici- pal officials in the schools, also by Boy Scout leaders to their patrols. IN MARINE CIROLES | The steamer Brantford arrived from Oswego om Thursday eveming and is unloading her cargo of coal at Crawford's. The steamer Susie Chipman ar- rived from Oswego on Friday morn- ing and is unleading coal at Richards son's. The steamer Concretia is! below the La Salle causeway awaiting or- gers. . The steamer Brockville ® arrived on Friday moming with canned goods and freight from Bay of Quinte ports. The steamer Arabian arrived front the Welland Canal on Friday and pcleared with freight for Montreal. The steamer Britannic arrived Jf{rom Montreal on Friday with pas- sengors and freight. A SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL HELD AT INVERARY ---- The Inverary Team Defeated Glenburnie at Baseball By 7 to 2. The members of the Ladie's Aid of Inverary Methodist church, held a very successful social at the vil- lage, on Thursday evening, with a good attendames. The Gananoque orchestra supped a number of de- lightful selections during the even- ments of all kinds, combined to make the air enjoyable in every way. Rev. R. Calvert, pastor, gave a short address in which he reviewed the splendid work being carried on by the ladies' organization. A good sum was realized by the saie of tick- ots and refreshments in the various | booths, which will be used to far-| ther the interests of the church of the social, resulting in a win for Inverary by 7 to 2. The match at- tracted a darge number of fans and the game was one of the best played in some time. Ice Driver ot N While unloading some. ice about nine o'clock Friday moming, H. Coulson, Centre street, an employee of the Kingston Ice Company, met with an accident. His high spirited team started awsy and threw him on the hard pavement. He was tak- en to the General Hospital where an X-ray examination by Dr. R. J. Gardiner showed a contusion of the hip. Mr. Coulson was taken home later and is expected to be around again ip a few days. R. M. Dart. Roanoke, Va., who with Mrs. Dart, is spending the summer at their cotage west of Butternut Bay, wet with an unfor- |tunate accident on Wednesday, when left hand was severly cat by an axe, when he was cutting wood, A nasty gash was inflicted. Learn all there 4s to learn, and then choosé your own path, ing, the programme and refresh-' i 'Order of Hibernians at "VULCANIZING CONFIDENCE ECONOMY -- Our prices are lower than smaller shops be- cause we have the largest and most uptodate ~and economical vulcanizing plant in Eastern Ontario, \ QUALITY-- We tise only the highest and best gfade of re- pair materials. DEPENDABILITY You can always depend on our repair work LIV Sud SuEWONEIN he, re 91 Yous # SATISFACTION-- remy ploce of work lessing-vur: Ahan le abc lutely guaranteed and we will refund any- thing that is not satisfactory. CONSULT US-- Don't throw away your old Tires--perhaps we can repair that old Tire and put it back in service for several thousand more miles at a small cost. yo Shy very sits new THO In tuck at popular MOORE'S a rar ns A A A ANNA NASA A VERY LITTLE MONEY WILL GO A LONG WAY AT THIS STORE Lid A Few of Our Saturday Snaps Are Large size Bath Towels De ri rerirerererat reve me § oe BOCs BCH Children's Ribbed Cotton Hose, Black, all sizes ........ 28¢: pair Ladies' Cotton Hoeer White, Brown, El Black. Broken BIZOE . oi ivinieisi in sis isin oi0 0s 0a Sith taine sistetsienntee: BE PAIP Children's Knit Deavocis broken sizes from 3 to 12. Priced at69c. SalePrice ...... ..ccicisiiosernnienmes 25C Pair Ladies' Pink Bloomers with gusset. 50c. line on Saturday 3Sc. Boys' Wool Jersey--fancy and plain colors. All sizes. Elegant array of newest creations . . LADIES' COATS arya. $18.00 up The best DOLLAR CORSET in the'trade. Big shipment of McLintock's celebrated Down Quilts just arriv- gy - ed. We always have the best value in Quilts--thjs year's no exception to the Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY.STORE 10 Givi SWIMMING LESSONS. The ¥. W. C. A. wil Conduct Them At X. W. GC. A. Pool. 'a The Y.W.C.A. Is turning over swimming pool all next week, during the morning, t tothe Y. W.C. A. which will give swimming lessons to girls and women, a very desirable thing. Those who wish to avail themselves of the lessons &re asked to register at the Y. W. C. A. before Saturday Ent, oe -------- 'was re-elected of the Ancient seven- biennial convention held in C. J. Foy, Perth, provincial president teenth C.C.C. moonlight to Clayton 7.30. Ottawa on Wednesday. IA A tl SANA BE AT A SRA 5 I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE _ ~CGarrett Street, de- tached brick dwelling, 8 rooms, two piece bath, gas, electric lights, barn. ~King Street, West, overlooking the lake, yard, stone foundation. row of three frame dwellings, 10 rooms, three piece bath each 7 rooms, toilet, gas, good. electric lights, furnace, a E. W. MULLIN & SON tii TO LOAN. FIRE INSURANCE oa pou, ta: low, § rooms, three piece bath, hardwood floors. gas, electric lights, hot air furnace, cellar, ~--Garrett Street, de- tached brick dwelling, PHONE 539w.

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