SATURDAY, AUG. 18, 1028 ik THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- FROST'S (CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, (Your own lock private rooms. and key.) PHONE 526. 299.305 QUEEN STREET. PIANO TUNING | Plano Tuning, Repsifing and Butcher, 27 { -------- rooms, . Pgasession Oc Division Street--¥iat of three rooms, per month, includes heat and elec Possession Sept. Heht. General insurance. Pine PHONE 1819w. To Let, Furnished Kensington Avenuwe---Brick, detached, ] all conveniences, $70 per tober 15th. Bonds bought and wold. H. V Waddell 46 Mrock Si. of Johnson and Wellingtun Phone 363 Int. { diarrhoea with which Use Always BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use It All Ways. Cholera tifantum A Fatal Disease Of Children Cholera Infantum or summer com- plaint of children is dne of the most dangerous bowel complaints during the summer months. It begins with a profuse diarrhoea, 'the stomach hecomes irritated, very often accompanied by vomiting and purging and the matter excreted from the stomach has a bilious appearance. The child_rapidly loses flesh, is soon reduced to langubr and prostration, and in a great many cases death en- Mothers, if any of your children be- come sick with cholera infantum do not endanger their hedlth, perhaps their life, by experimenting with some new and untried remedy; get one that has stood the test of time; i one that will quickly offset the vomit- ing, purging and the diarrhoea. This you will find in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, a remedy that has been on the market for the past 78 years. Mrs. W. A. Harrison, 10 Elevator Court, Halifax, N.S.,. writes:--"Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry saved the lives of three of my child- ren when all other remedies failed. It stopped the vomiting and terrible they were troubled. I always keep a bottle of it on hand in case of emergency." "Dr. Fowler's" is 50c. a bottle; puf up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limit- ed, Toronto, Ont. I at Flies, Fleas, Bugs and Beetles Don't lose the "battle with the in- sees." Let us supply your "ammunition." No "duds" among these! Sappho-Puffer packages 15e. eating's Powder... .10c. and 25e. 'Wilson's Poison Pads ..10e. pkg. Fly-8an and Fly-Fox. Tanglefoot, 3 double sheets, 10e. Sticky-Colls. ... 2 for Be. "Kreso," the handy disinfectant and wash bottles," 25c. and up. Internatipnal "Fly-Way" for your stock----quarts and gallons at very special low prices. Useful Sprayers ,...75¢. and $1.00. Fly Swatters 1 TELEPHONE 2018. FREIGHT, F : PIANOS, i «nome 377. Moving of URNITURE, SAFES, CARTAGE and STORAGE O EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Bysaings 2231. . 188 WELLINGTON STREET. Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. Entrance, BROOM D.D.8, 2 Wellington and Brock Streetad i nt 139 Wellington St, Evening by appointment, PHONE 7. WATTS People's Florist PRINCESS PHARMACY The Convenient, Dependable . Up~town Drug Store "Where Princess and Division Cross" FOR SALE $6,500 Street, 11 rooms, 7 bedrooms, 3 p. B., sep- arate toilet, good cellar, verandah, electric light and gas, hot air and hot water heating, fireplaces. First Class Roomipg House Solid brick house on $7500 Centre St.,, 10 rooms ) 4 bedrooms, 3 p. B., good cellar, verandah, electric light and hot water heating, two fireplaces, Janiweod floors in two parlors, gar- en. + 4 Stone house, 12 rooms, $7 500 9 bedrooms, two bath- ' rooms and separate toilet. Good cellar, gas. hot water heating, .two fireplaces, hardwood floors in living and dining room. Well established room and boarding house, Solid brick, 6 room house, 3 bedrooms, 3 p. B., first class cellar, verandah, electric light and gas, hot water heating, fireplace, hardwood floors, garden. | Solid brick, 11 room $16,000 house, 7 bedrooms, ; two three piece bathrooms, one separate toilet, splen- did cellar with stationary tubs, elec- tric light and gas, hot water heating, two fireplaces, hardwood floors down- stairs and in upstairs hall. Electric heater for bath, verandah, garage, "EL. MARTIN _ nl Swat the Fly| STICKY FLY PAPER-- , (Flat and coils). FLY POISON PADS-- FLY SWATTERS-- 10c. and 15¢. each PUFFERS . 10c. and 15¢, each SPRAY FLY-SAN-- 75¢c., $1.25 a can. Sold by ie M. R. McColl Druggist, Prescription (Opp. St. Andrew's Church) Cor, Princess and Sts, Phone 82 WATCH the carbonated spar kié as it foams to the top. 'Raise it to the most ierli g . } KINGSTON anp VICINITY by ov " Order Now. § We are showing the finest range of Men's Suitings ever carried, and our prices are the lowest. Suits made to measure from $32.50 to $40.00.-- Prevost, Brock Street. Sale of Property. J. B. Reid, and C. 8. Thompson, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., have sold their two family house at the cor- ner of Washington street and Park avenue to Harrfet A. Walter. Excursion to Picton, Steamer Brockville will special excursion to Picton, Mon- day, August 20th. Leave Ferry dock 10 a.m., (fast fime) two hours in Picton. Fare round trip. Adults, one dollar; children 50c. ran a A Business Superintendent. It is understood that the manage- meant committee of the Kingston Ge- neral Hospital has decided that the new superintendent wilh be a bm- siness man. The name of a promin- ent Kingstonian is mentioned in tion with the post. A Queen's Man on Board. Capt. Bruce L. Wickware appoint- ed to the Central Board of Pension Appeal, was, at the time the war broke out superintendent pf the Moose Jaw General hospital. He is a graduate of Queen's university and he had three years overseas service with No. 2 General Hospital, Cheese Board. At the meeting of the Brockville Dairymens' Board of Trade, 2,928 boxes of cheese were registéred com- posed of 1,263 boxes of white and 1,665 colored; 1,443 boxes about 'evenly divided between white and colored sold at 20c. Pole Should Be Moved. There is a pole at the corner of Bagot and Brock streets thal should be moved. It haus been an eyesore for years. It is not omly unsightly, but] is too close to tne white way lamp pole. Perhaps the Board of Works members might make an effort to gat the company which gwns the pole to move iL back a liltie distance. s Transferred to Montreal, William QOairns, Ottawa, district inspector for the Bell Telephone Company, has been promoted to a higher position in the company serv- ice and will have headquarters in Montreal. As a prominent Rotar- fan and former Governor of this Rotarian district, his removal will be regretted. 3 Planning Conventién. At a special meeting of Camp Vimy, British Great War Veterans, Watertown, N.Y., plans were set in motion for the national coanvention of British Great War Vaterans, which will be held in 'that city in October. It is understood that the veterans from Kingston and several Canadian towns will be guests dur- ing the convention. Formerly of Kingston. Col." C. W. Belton, M.D., made chairman of the Central Board of Appeal, the final court of the Vet- erans, was formerly a resident of Kingston. In 1914 he was A.D.M. 8., of this military district. He was transferred to London, and later became medical adviser to the Board of Pensions commissioryrs. He was a son-indaw of the late Hon. G. W. Rosa ° Agitation For a Radial Railway. The agitation for a radial from Havelock through Campbeliford, to William Henry Finkle, son of Mrs. Finkle and the late William Henry Finkle, Belleville, Ont. The mar- riage will take place the 1st of Sep- tember. Leaving The Hospital. Miss Mary D. Donoghue, night supervisor at the Brockville Gemer- al hospital for the past three years, was entertained to dinner by the staff and npurses-in-training. Miss Donoghue has resigned to accept a pogition on the nursing staff of the Military hospital at Ste Anne de Bellevue, Que. Miss Donoghue was presented with a silver bar pin, on behalf of the staff; with a pair of sterling silver candle-sticks, on be- half of the nurses-in-training, and with a pair of silver vases, on Dbe- half of the domestic staff. Education at Penitentiary. The econvicis in" the penitentiary are taking oarnestly to the trainicg of their minds. . The schools are thronged and men are engaged in their spare hours in working on sub- jects of aun 'appealing character. Where there were a dozen ten years ago studying there arc scores aow. Some 300 being interestd in primary and secondary work. "We earry on the, work up te matriculation and: the pupils can get their papers her: from the deparimemt of education as readily as in any school in the province," said the deputy' warden. The pupils also study drawing, de- signing and the languages. The foreigners are instrucied in Eng- lish and make headway rapidly. A Splendid Outing. A most enjoyable outing was a picnic held at McMillan's Grove, Ve- rona, on Thursday - afternoon by Frontenac chapter, No. 90, Order of the Eastern Star. The weather was perfect. and games, races, boat- | liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ing and swimming made the time pass all tuo quickly. Past Worthy Matron, Mrs. Meclaren, Patricia chapter, No. 8, Winnipeg, was an honored gusst. An excellent supper was served by Mrs. Tallon, well' known caterer of Verona, and it cer- tainly was a fitting climax to tha end of a perfect day. The success of the picnac was largely due to Frank Hamilton and Mrs, Henibry, and their staff of able assistants, who spared no effort to give every- one a good time, STNPTONS OF ANAEMIA An Inherited Tendency to Anaemia May be Overcome, Some people have a tendency to be- come thin-blooded just as others have an inherited tendency to rheumatism, or,.to nervous disorders. The condi- x in which the blood becomes so thin that the whole body suffers comes on so gradually and stealthily that anyone with a natural disposition ! in that direction should watch the r-- when properly laid, have a very long life. Certain manufacturers claim that they will last for fifty years, under favorable con- ditions, Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Factory Phone 1413 S. ANGLIN & CO. Office Phone 66. imme st-- Last Chance! To buy a pair of Men's Goodyear Welt than cost price. See our window- full, to clearat . ...... symptoms carefully. Bloodlessness, or anaemia, as the medical term fis, can be carrected much more easily | in the earlier stages than later. It begins with a tired feeling that rest | does not overcome, the complexion | becomes pale, and breathlessness on slight exertion, such as going up stairs, is noticed. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a home remedy that has been most successful in the treatment of diseases caused by thin blood. With pure air and wholesome food these blood-making pills afford the correct treatment when the symptoms described are noticed. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail, post- paid, at 50c. a box from The Dr. Wil- FOR BRITAIN'S HOUR OF PERIL. A mysterious box, containing the inspired writings of Joanna Seutheott, bequeathed to Britain many long years ago, may be opened if the present European situation grows .any more serious. The box, according to the conditions attached to it, was to be opened during a time of national Britain, and in the presence of twenty-four Archbishop of Canterbury has written to the Johanna South- cott Movement, saying that he has made repeated requests for the opening, but that those in charge have so far declined, un- less all the conditions are adhered to. = eril to Great ishops. The The British Whig Publishing Co. Lid has a Department specially equipped to Brighton or some other town on the front, is not to be allowed to drop. Campbetidord council has appoini- ed a committee consisting of Mayor cillor Allan to take the matter up with the Chamber of Commerce. A meeting of delegates from a the municipalities interepted will be called. The Boat Builder Sustained. Ira Ouppernall, Thousand Island bufiding amount about $336: which was Jeft over after | the construction of the "Miss St. Lawrence," owned by Dr. George H. Stephens, Syracuse, N.Y. The court rant uncovered the goods, nall' claiming the doctor the articles. The court has so de cided and Mr. Cuppernall is given Meyers, Reeve Anderson and Coun- || execute all classes of JOB PRINTING First-class service and fair prices. 306-3-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. « gave him| on a costly piece of machinery or . steel, by means of our oxy-acetyvlene process of welding, often résults in the saving of the machine. You 'know what this means. By paying us a fraction of the post of new arts, you can restore your machinery to Its'original 'usefulness and value. Wetter rere eT ------------ ng a re Phone 231]. Shoes--high or low, at less § 49 vase OO I JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 Brock Street GOURDIER'S have removed to 86, PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 . TWEDDELL'S Clothing House . COTTON PILLOW CASES All sizes, good, "strong wearing quality, for ...........25¢c. each ALL PURE LINEN TABLE NAPKINS | . 22x22, assorted patterns, hemmed . ready for use. 45¢c. each, 6 for $2.