BATURDAY, AUG. 18, 1928, Whenever you feel doubtful about a WEDDING GIFT You are safe in choosing L.T. Best Farms For Sale 2. 200 ACREBS--100 under cultivation, 12 'miles from Kingston; frame house, good . 'gondition; 2 large barns, newly shingled . ==with or without implements--would 'eXchange for city property. 190 ACRES---8 miles from Kingston 115 acres under cultivation--$50 acres ood bush; good, stone house, large {ie and drive shed; well watered, ie unning stream; welFadapted for mar- rd rdening; 1 mile from 'church, school and factory. 125 ACRES---100 acres good soil; bal- ance good pasture; good frame house; 2 barns; never-failing spring. 12 miles from city. 65 ACRES--Garden and truck farm; double brick house; sll conveniences; close to city. + B85 ACRES -- 25 acres good garden Jand; frame housé; barn and cow 4 house; close to factory, school and $ church; 12 miles from Kingston; on easy terms or exchange. Crop on easy [terms for quick sale, Bateman's| * Real Estate We offer many articles of distinction to select from and all of them possess the brilliancy that can only be ob- tained in the genuine BELGIAN blanks, \ | begged him to urge the hero to help 136 Wellington St. 1 Yes! We Have No Stove Coal (With apologies to Frank Silva and Irving Cohn) Also to the Anthracite Operators, YES, WE HAVE NO STOVE COAL, WE HAVE NO STOVE COAL TO-DAY, WE'VE BIRDSEYE AND BARLEY, « BUCKWHEAT AND BOILER. AND ALL KINDS OF SMALL COAL, SAY! WE HAVE SOME NEW FASHIONED RANGE COAL, GRATE COAL, RICE COAL, TOO; BUT, YES WE HAVE NO STOVE COAL, WE HAVE NO STOVE COAL TO-DAY. SOWARDS COAL CO i Make Your | : . ° : k FA | Wife Happy BUY HER A McCLARY ELEC- TRIC RANGE WITH THE PRO- ox TECTED ELEMENT It will save you a big difference in your cooking expense and will give HER a nice, clean range to work with, NO ODOR! NO SMOKE! Electric Water Heaters, Fans, Irons aah . and Toasters in stock. ; Ma Lady at "AUGUST SALE PRICES Ca 2 '| rockets to his assistants on shore, Chapter 115--The Death of Patroclus. Patroclus learned that the wounded man was a surgeon whose healing art was kndwn far and wide, As he was getting ready to go back to tell this news to Achilles, an old Greek leader in the fight against the Trojans. Returning to Achilles, he said: "The Greek army is near defeat. The Trojans have set fire to some of the ships. Look yonder! There is another one aflame. Will yqu help? Or, if you are unwilling still, will you let me wear your armor so I may frighten the en- emy? Achilles was still stubborn, but the speech moved him. the picture is a goddess VERY POPULAR CANE FIFTY YEARS AGO Law Forbidding Border Traf= fic in Booze Was Opera= tive in 1870. wn A Watertown, N.Y., despatch says: Continued reports of rum running along Lake Ontario and the St. Law- rence river tend to bring out the fact that this is no new enterprise, as it was practised more than fifty years ago and no doubt long before that hime. traffic in Canadian liquor was dis- covered about 25 years ago when the old hotel near Mexico Point was de- stroyed by fire. When the ruins were cleared away workers found a small but well built cistern in the cellar of the building which had been used as a storage for whiskey. At that time the owner of the hotel was supposed to be an enthus- iastic fisherman and would go out fn his boat ostensibly for the purpose of catching finny specimens. But in- stead the Httle craft would head across to Kingston and take on a load of fllicit booze, for even at that time there was the law which for- bade the transportation of Hquor from Canada to United States with- out paying a heavy duty. Stealing through the night on his return journey he would signal by and if the coast was clear the boat would be brought to shore and the liquor taken to the cistern for stor-| age. If, on the other hand, no re- turn signal was-given the skipper of the craft, would remain some dis- tance out in the channel and buoy the casks in the lake awaiting a more favorable opportunity to bring them to shore. Through the viligance of Elias Root, collector of the port of Oswe- 80 at that time, and custom officials sent to that territory, the smuggling game was not profitable although it was many years before it was broken We uf 1 [£28 Fatally Hurt. Pembroke, Aug. 18. -- A very unfortunate accident occurred here when Allen Laidlaw, whose home is in Midland, suffered serious injuries at The Pembroke Lumber Company. Mr. Laidlaw, a foreman in the fac- tory, was adjusting some mechanical defect when his clothes were caught in a belt. The unfortunate man was hurled several feet. His leg was bro- ken in three placts and the head of the' victim was badly wounded. Up- on being found in this condition, Mr. Laidlaw was removed to the General case. a ' | x Achilles threw himself on the body of his friend and wept. At the left of who has brought new armor to the hero, Evidence in 'a flourishing illicit f Hospital, it is hoped he will recover frdm what the doctors in at- |. look upon as a serious "I shall not help," he replied, "but you can put on my armor and lead my men to the battle. I warn you, friend! Patroclus, be content with driving the Trojans back. Do not pursue too far." The Trojans thought it was Achil- les himself who appeared upon the bat- tlefield. Terror seized their hearts, and they fled back toward their city. Only brave Hector made a stand. As Patroc- lys advanced, he faced him and burled his spear. The blow was fatal, and Pa- troclus sank to the ground in the -ag- ony of death. Hector took off his op- ponent's armor and carried it to Troy. When Achilles learned of the event, he was overcome with sorrow, and threw himself on the body of his old comrade, weeping without stint, N_Z2 f PRODUCE MARKETS. | 3 oud Toronto, Aug. 18. Steers, $7.25 to $7.50, Cattle, $7. to $7.25. Lambs, $12 to $12.56: Hens, 22c¢ to 24c. Chickens, 30c to 3be. Turkeys, 25s to 3b6c. Grain dealers quotations: Manitoba wheat, No, 1 Northern, bay ports $1.22, Manitoba oats, No. 2 C.W., none. No. 3, C.W,, ble. Ontario wheat, nominal. Oats Ontario, No. 2, white, 44c to 46e. Hay: 'No. 2 track, Toronto, No. 3, $13 to $15. Mixed $12.50 to $13.50. Lower grades $8. Dairy and produce, wholesale to retail trade: Eggs: . Firsts 30c to 31e, $15 per ion. Extras 35 to 360. | Cartons 37 to 38c. Eges delivered' ito: Extras 29¢ to 30c. Firsts 26¢ to. 27cs Seconds 18¢ to 20c. Splits 18¢ to 20c. Butter to retail trade: : Creamery extra fancy 36c to 37c. Creamery, No. 1 25c to 36ec. No. 2, 34c to 35e. Dairy 28c to 30c. 1 Delivered: ! Creamery, extra fancy solids, 30¢ to 30%ec. : Solids, No. 1, 29%ec to 30c. No. 2, 28%¢ to 29c. : Dairy prints, 20c to 22¢. Cheese large, per pound, new, 21c to 22¢c. Cheese, Stilton, 2334¢ to 24c. 3 * Russian Grain Harvest Unfavorably Affected Moscow, Aug. 18.--The uniasor- able weather of tbe last mornin has changed the coming harvest pros- pects for the worse and the estimates are now much below the previous figure of 3,000,000,000 poocs (about 54,000,000 tons), the probable in- crease over last year being calculat- ed at only i8 per cent. Official circies however aver that the 'previous exports will not be in- terfered with. ------------------------ Damage $750,000,000. New York, Aug. 18.---President BE. E. Bartlett, Jr., of the New York cot- 'ton exchange, in a statement declar- ¢d that the Bol and drought so far this season represented dam- age to the cotton crop based on pre- sent prices of approximately $750,- 000,000. - 755 0} 1 W gm g Nea quality ity--be early. ££ o Reg. 65¢; is ¥ . selling shades. 150 and Grey Print -- standard | 15 New York Model Hats -- PROBS: --Sunday, mostly fair, becoming cooler. A hb TSTEACY'S - Bargain Basement Sale Store Open Until | 9.45 O'clock. ' Take advantage of the many rare economies of this great bargain event to-night and Monday. See our windows for add- ed attractions. LISLE HOSE Reg. 45c. values Sale Price ein o eT Wal ale" o oTe 19¢. 60 pairs, fine, Lisle Hose, 'in light colors, to clear. LISLE HOSE 'Reg. 50c. and 59c¢. pair. Sale Price ce WieTaTeN al) 25¢. Pair 240 pairs, fine, Colored, Lisle Hose--our special sale value at 3 pairs for $1.00, to clear. LISLE HOSE Regular 75c¢. pair. Sale Price .... sen: 39¢. pair | 300 pairs of Heather and Col- ored Lisle -- our former sale values at 49c.--re-marked fora quick clean-up. "CORSET COVERS Sale Price "TET TaTa" o Ta Tan 35c¢. or 3 for $1.00 ; 150 White Knitted Corset Cov- ers, to clear. i ~ MONARCH FLOSS Reg. 25c. ball : Sale Price . - 18c., or 2 for 35¢. 600 balls of the celebrated | Monarch Floss in all the best Reg. 25¢. yard & PERFECTION CORSETS Reg. $1.25 pair. x Sale Price ...... vv. vou w. 89¢. 200 pairs of White and Flesh Coutil Corsets -- four garter supports. Sizes 21 to 26, SEPARATE SKIRTS Reg. $7.50 to $20.00. Sale Price ............ $3.98 ' 24 only, plain, striped and plaid Novelty Skirts--a good range of colors, REMNANTS FLOOR OILCLOTH Sale Price ........ 45c. sq. yd. 100 yds. heavy Floor Oilcloth inwidths | to 2 yds. The lengths measure | to 3 yds. BOYS' JERSEYS 'Reg. 50c. each., Sale Price "iris eis SD for $1.00 ; 300 Navy Blue Knitted Jerseys --sizes 22 to 32 -- Me and colored trimmed. ; DENTS' CAPE GLOVES Regular $2.00 pair. P Sale Price ............. 87e. 150 pairs slightly damaged Tan Cape Kid Gloves; sizes 7} to73. Toclear, . -- ¥ SUMMER MILLINERY. Reg. $3.50 to $6.00 © 36 trimmed and untrimmed hats. : Reg. $10.00 to $25.00. Sale F rice wtmrare «wiv ie] Tule $4.98 Yate Tat a he afl