Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1923, p. 13

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SATURDAY, AUG, 18, 1928. THE D AILY BRITISH WHIG TTI Helps make rich.red blood 4 revitalize weak nerves A CAUSE OF WOMENS ILLS WOMEN OFTEN THINK THEY HAVE m RT TROUBLE, TioA Us ETC. WHEN 17T'8 SIMPLY IRON STARVA- ATION OF THE BLOOD, ¢ Many women believe they are weak and nervous as & result of age, worry and overwork; they think that their estion, headaches, heart palpitation, ess of breath, pains atross the » otc, are due to some serous disease instead of the real cause--jron starvation of the blood. This is proven by the fact that when many rE these same women take or- anic iron for awhile all their alarm- Bx symptoms quickly disappear and they me strong, robust and heal. thy. Tron is absolutely necessary to "enable your blood to change food into Hving cells and tissue. Without it ne- thing you eat does you the proper amount of good-----you do not get the strength out of it. If you are not strong and well do not 'wait until you go all to pleces and col- lapse In a state of nervoug prostration, ut take some organic iron--Nuxated ron--at once. But be sure it'g organic iron and not metallic iron which people ually take and which is made mere- by the action of strong acids on small pieces of iron. Organic NUXATED IRON is Mke the iron in your blood and Hke the iron in spinach, lentils and apples and it -often-inereases the bodily and mental vigor of weak, worn- out women in two weeks' time. Beware of substitutes. Look for the word "Nuxated" on every package and the letters N. I. on every tablet. Your money will be refunded by the manu- facturers if you do not obtain perfectly satisfactory results. At all druggists. Public. Library Bulletin New Books in the Children's Labrary Days of the Discoverers--L. Lamprey. Burgess Flower Book. Perilous Beat--C. D. Snedeker. Rich Little Poor Boy--E. Gates. cer Story Book--E, M Tappan. Northern. Course- of -Empire--V, Stef- : ansson, Wild Life Under Equator--P. B. Du- Chadllu. HN Apingi Kingdom. : fophant Stories--St. 'Nicholas 4 With Lasalle the Explorer--V. C. Wat. ¥ son. Ancient Man--H. W. VanLoon. Jock of the Bushvelt--], F, Fitzpatrick. Minglestreams--J. Abbott. lw. --=0 @= | a GLASSES For Vacation Before going away, have us make an extra pair of ae duplicate { of those you are wearing. If you break one pair, you still have another to meet the emergency. Enjoy your vacation to the full, with unhampered vision. | R. ARTHEY, R .0 VISION SPECIALIST disturbed dig given on Lew floors Have your hardwood floors cleane With our mew floor cleaning ma- Dr. W. O. Vrooman E DENTAL SURGEON Cerner of Princess and Barrie Streets. Entrance: $14 Barrie Street. $ -- PHONE 2404J. ORice Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ladies' Fall Suits and Coals Bl Se TL unl ing Nurse Service for assistance ia this Sunday Services in Churches field. Patients are nursed regardless of race, creed or color--their need is the measure of the service rendered, The St. Paul's = Morning Prayer, 11 o'clock. = Preacher, Rev. E. Scam- mell. Evening prayer, 7 g'clock preacher, Archdeacon Dobbs. Bt. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Alexander M. Gordon, D.D,, will con- duct, both services. Everybody wel- come, Cooke's. Church, Brock Street, -- Rev. T. J. 8. Ferguson, B.A., miais- ter. Rev, C. 8. Kidd, B.D., Ganano- que, will conduct both services cn Sunday. A™ bright, helpful service, lasting one hour. Come. Bethel Church, Cor. Barrie and Johnson streets. Pastor, A. Sidney Duncan. Church Services and Sun- day sChool al the usual hours of 11 am, 2:45 and 7 p.m. Seals are free. Strangers magde welcome. 5.D.A. Gospel Tent, Barrie street, near York street.--Services Sunday. 7.45 pm. Special instrumental music and solo. Subject: "Is Man Immortal?" in connection with this subject the evangelist will demoxn- strate the weight of a liying soul. All welcome. First Baptist Church, corner John- son and Sydenham streets--I11 a.m., "The Limitless Limit of Prayer." 7 p.m., "Whom Christ Calis to Repent. ance." Rev. Douglas Laing at both services. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Everybody welcome to all tie ser vices. - Calvary Congregational Church-- Corner Oharles and Bagot streets. Pastor, Rev. A. F. Brown, 144 Bar- rie street. Phone 1806w. Sunaay, 11 am.; 8 p.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m.; Monday, 8 p.m., Christian En- deavor; Wednesday, 8 p.m. prayer meeting. . ' Chalmers Church----Rev. R, J. Wil- son, D.D., minister. Union services with Sydenham . street Methodist church. il a ma. and 7 p.m. Preacher. liev. Professor Johnston, D.1), of Victoria University, Toronto. Stran- kers und students are welcome to all the servipes. Sydenham Street Methods Church ~~ Union services' with Chal - p.an. | tor, the rectory. mon subject, lon." dom." --Corner of Princess streets. tor. Our Need." Question." close of the morning rector. ity. baptism, 7 Couper. Seats free. 'The Fear of God." gan. ed to worship with us. ing foom. evening prayer and sermon. mon subject, "Ways into the King- a.m., morning prayer; mers Presbyterian Church. Preach- er, Rev. Prof. A. J. Johnston, D.L., 11 a.m. and 7 pan. W. W. Chown's class J:45 a.m.; Bible School, 2:46 Frayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 pm. A hearty welcome to all. tt. James Church, Cor. Union and Barrie streets --- T. W. Savary, ree- 11 a.m., morning prajer and holy communion. Sef- 'The Church in Baby- 3 p.m., Sunday school, 7 p.m., 3er- -- & » Princess Strect Methodist Cliurch Albert Rev. J. K. Curtis, B.A, pas- Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Subject, 11 a.m., "How Christ Mests 7 p.m., "The Doubter's Sunday school and ser icc. tors cordially welcomed. St. Luke's Church, Nelson street---- Rev. J. dePencier Wright, M.A, B.D., Twelfth Bunday after Trin- 8 a.m. holy communion; 11 4 p.m., holy p.m, evening ' praycr. Music--anthem, 'Praise the Lord O My Soul" (8imper) choir, ..Queen Street, Methodist Church-- The pastor, Rev. W. 8. Lennon, D.D., will preach at both services. Christian Sclence, First Church of July and August the Sunday even- ing services and Sunday 'school ara discontinued. All are cordially sn. vited to the services and to the read- at the Visi Solo, D. Visitors and strangers cordially welcome. 11am, 7 p.m, "The Christian's Charged World." day school and Bible classes at 3 p.re. Mrs. McKinnon, (formerly Miss keen Wright), a former organist of the churéh, will have charge of the or- All seats free. You are invit- Sun- nationalities of the 43,223 patients nursed during the year is as follows: Nativity of Patients Total Per Cent Native White of Native : Parents .......comcine.. 8,003 19.9 Native White of Foreign Parents -..uneus-15.701 36.3 Foreign-Born White.....12,269 28.4 Native-Born, Birthplace of Parent Unknown. 1,455 3.4 Colored pire OAD | 10.5 Unknown .....ommemionte- 558 LZ Total __ lin 223 100 This table is interesting in that it shows that the patients being visited constitute a horizontal slice of the population in the boroughs of Man- hattan, Richmond and the Bronx, in which the service operates. However, a larger part of the work is being car- ried on among the native-white of na- tive parents than is generally suppos- ed. The percentage of this group liv- ing in the three boroughs is 17.8 per cent, whereas the number nursed is 199 per cent. The percentage of na- tive-white of foreign parents living in the three boroughs is 326 per cent. and the percentage nursed is 36.3 per cent. The foreign-born population liv- ing in the three boroughs is 38.9 per cent, whereas the percentage nursed is 28.4 per cent. It is obvious, therefore, that the major part of the nursing ser- vice is given to native whites. On the other hand the figures concerning the Service among colored people indi- cate that whereas the colored popula- tion of the three boroughs is 3.6 per cent, the percentage of colored pati- ents among all those nursed was 10.8 per cent. This is accounted for largely by the fact that the death rate and the amount of sickness among the color- ed people of New York is about twice as great as it is among the white popu- lation, and because the Visiting Nurse Service has made special efforts in certain districts inhabited mainly by colored people, to carry on an inten- sive nursing sérvice, Christ, Scientist, © 95 Johmaton| Tp... ndition of the patient on 'dis- street -- Services, 11 a.m. Subject| parce is shown in the following table: "Soul." Wednesday, 8 Pp. m., Recovered mmm 32,017 76.1 testimonial meeting, Public read-| Improved . 1.6 ing room open every afternoon ex» Unimproved 0.4 cept Sundays and halidays, from 3 Dead ...... 2.9 to 5 pm, and on Thursday even- ---- ings from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. During | Total __ enn 223 = 100 No charge is made for nursing ser- vice when a patient is unable to pay, lar per visit. Sometimes patients can pay only part of this fee. The Service as a-whole is about forty per cent self supporting, although only about ten By the Rev. | Wile the Charles Stelsle. "Henry Street Nurse" is Trained per cent, can pay the full amount of the fee. The total annual cost of maintain- ing the entire Nursing Service is something over $400,000. "Henry Street Settlement" is not an institution, as that term is usually understood, implying, mechanical and not personal relationships, but it is an institution in the sense that it is or- ganized and established on the most fundamental principles, having high standards of efficiency. Neither does it belong to a single localNy. Begun as a nursing settlement in Henry Street about thirty years ago by Miss Lillian D. Wald, who is still its directing gen- ius, it has grown to 23 centres, scat- tered throughout the boroughs of Manhattan, Bronx and Richmond. It is the largest, visiting nurse service of any city in the world. It is also help- ing to conduct four fully developed settlements in various parts of the city, and it maintains country places for the children of the tenements ih Westches. ter and Putnam Counties. It has, besides, important contacts with other enterprises in the city con- ducted for the benefit of the people. Indeed, the outreach of 'the settlement has become worldwide, because it is founded upon an idea accepted every- where as sound and workable. Because this is true, particularly in the field of health and preventive work, "The House on Henry Street" is a shrine to which thousands of visi tors have come in order to see for themselves the work which has made the Henry Street nurse famous. Not oily from every section of the United States do they come, but from many other parts of the world--men and women who are leaders in social and political affairs, as 'well as students visiting nurses. Not a day but that delegates or indi: viduals come to the House, commis- sioned to. investi its methods and PRICES RIGHT the old car look like new, fo report upon them, so that similar work may be established or helped in other. communities... Thousands of nurses have received their training in the public health field at, the settlement, and they are now scattered to nearly every part of the world, still calling themselves "Henry Street Nurses," and to the hundreds never seen the settlement but. have Deen cared for by its nurses. g who receive training for service as| of thousands of patients who have F Henry Male : a Street Settlement for their my child and I want to congratulate you upon the fine ritirses oh your staff. During my child's long illness, becanse of the days off duty and va- cation, different ones came to see her, but all of them were gentle and able and my daughter loved them all." The third communication was from a woman who said--~"We moved into our summer home and I was told by my doctor that I would have to have trained nursing service. The introduce tion of a trained nurse into our house- hold at that time wus a difficult mat- ter to arrange, but the doctor explain- ed that as I only need care, after a difficult operation, that would take not more than an hour a day, he could summon a Henry Street nurse. She came in a business-like way and most prescribed, charged $1.00 for the visit No tenement house woman could have needed her at that time more than I did and our house- hold apprecifited more than I can tell you the simplifying of our problems and departed. through her." During the thirty years that the Henry Street Settlement has been en- gaged in its visiting nurse service, its nurses have cared for approximately 500,000 different patients and made past year istory. In nurses of the ly 400,000 about 4,000,000 visits, has been the greatest in round numbers, the 230 Service made approximate! visits to 51,000 patients. Of these pati- ents, 43,223 were nursed and dismissed the year, and records of their cases were carefully kept. during Th its - kindness to +|[ The Man On Watch This would have been a good time for the Liberty Leaguers to have had a referendum. The long dry spell has made madly people sore. The Toronto minister who said that Sabbath obscrvance is not neces- sary for Christians is all wrong. If he had said church atiendance twice on Sunday he would have been near- er the mark. S-- As sweet stuging as the. Watchman has heard by any religious body was that rendered by a little company oi worshippers at the corner of Clergy and Princédes sireeis last Saturday night. It was worth standing to lis- ten to. Babies are not sent to s¢chooi be- cause they are-unable to comprehgnsl the teaching. Why then should children under school age be taken to church when they not only do not understand the preaching bu aunoy the congregation? . ---- Some professors of Queen's uni- versity may perhaps be horrifled at learning that there are some eminent breachers who like to read a good de- oetive story. ¢ They say that the next Portsmouth musiicipal election campaign may be waged over dog barking and streot oiling. . Of the age groups nursed during the] = ° -- year, 42 per cent. or 18,205 were a Spiritualism is no "master dalu- five years old, and it was in this that the largest number were 27.5 per cent, The color and sex of of lives patients nurs- group were saved. The next largest group was that between 25 to 44, of whom there 8i0n," as a certain local preacher in- timates. The Watchman regards those who refuss to even comsiier the claims of spititualists as lik the People. who refused to believe that the earth was round and not square. ed age indicated in the following table. ' res Total Per Cént| It might be noted that since the Color; ... onneer §3,333 100 UFO. party was voted out, the White, Male .... 11,675 270 |tOuntry hereabouts has had scarcely Female nie... 26, 623 |%ny rainfalls. There you are. Colored, Male ...... .._ 1,002 26 | . --- emale _.. ree. 3,548 82 |, Verons contimues to be a Sex (white and colored)..43,223 100 Place ad should afford a good Hine but the regular fee charged is one dol-|. Kingston Markets | Friday, Aug. 17th. A number of fresh fruits ap- peared om the local market this week, although the prices quoted are a iittle high as yet. New cheese is quofed at 27c a pound and old cheese at 40c. selling at $4 to $4.10 a hundred- Lemons, dos. EGG MARKET REVIEW. | Ottawa, Aug. 17. -- A sale of stot- age firsis for export Fall deiivery is reported at 36¢ Lob, Montreal. The preliminary report of stocks of- eggs In storage on Aug. 1, ag Is. Statisti pared with 493,231 cases on July 1, or a movement out of storage during the month of July of 8,350 cazes. _ Toronto -- Steady; receipts fair. Jobbing extras, 36 to 37c; firsts, 31 to 32¢; seconds, 26c to #7e. Flour is | weight. Raspberries, are finished for the season. ( . Fruit. Bananas, dos. .......... 40 to 50 Blueberries, gt. . od v0ev... i 30 | Currants, black, box, .........25 Raspberries, - Columbia, ........ 20 Oranges, dos .. 50 to 70 sessssasacsecessdO] Meions, 10eal, =... .....- 25 to 50 | Pears, Cal. dos. .......... 50 to 60 Peaches, Cal, dos. .....;.. 40 to 50 Plums, greengage, 11 qt. ....$1.15 Peaches, local, 11qt."..... «31.00 Dried fruits -- Apricots, Cal, 1b., .......... 40 Thimblelerries, Dox ........... 30 Prunes, Cal... ........ 15 to 30 Peaches, evap. 1b, .......... 23 Plums, Cal, dos. ........ 20 to 25 Raspberries, red, box, ........ 30 -" -- Garden Produce. { Cauliflower, each, ...... 15 to 20. Celery, batich .. ............. 10 Corn, green, doz. ........ sue. Cucumbers, local, each '....... . 10 letinea, h8ad ............... 10 Lettucs, leaf, ..........:...... 5 Onion, green, bunch, .......... b Onions, Spanigh, 1b......... 8 for 25 | Peas, garden, qt. ...........; 10 Peas, shell, at, .............. 30 Potatoes, new, pK. ............ 60 Fresh vegetables-- Beans, butter, qt. ............. 10 Carrots, bunel ..... 3. . 10 Cabbage, eath,. ............... 10 Tomatoes, 3 lbs. ...... 25 Beets, bunch -............. . .8 Unclassified, Sugar, granulated, 1b. ........ 11} Sugar, yellow, 1b, ............ 111 Bugar, icing, Ib. .............. 16 Flour, standard, cwt....$4 to $4.10 Rolled oats, Ib... .... .. .. .. «58 Honey, 5b pafl-.............. 80 Holey, comb, ................ 30 Lard, Wh... ...oc0ii iii 21 Oleomargarine, ®.. ...... .25 Maple Sugar, 1b. ............. 25 -- Fish % Codi Ih, 15 Files, Ih, ... ... ... ... 30 W'3 PFinnag haddfe, Ib. ... ... 15 to 1» Haddock fresh 1b. .......... 12% Halibut, fresh, Ib. ........ 32 to 35 Kippers, Pair ............20 to 25 Pelch a. .............. 10 to i2 Pike, IB. .... «civ 2nii +... 15 Salmon, 1b. ..... Pees bans 35 to 40 Fresh: Trout, Salmon, 1b. ............ 25 White fish, ............... 20 to 22 Dalry Produce Butter, creamery, Ib..... 38 to 40 Butler. aafry, 1b .......... .... 36 Cheeze, now, 1. ,............. 21 Cheese, oM, Wb. ............... 40 Eggs, fresh, dos. .. .. .. .... 30 Meats and Poulrty Beef: Steak, porterhouse, 1b. ....33 to 35 Steak, round, Ib. ... ... 20 to 25 Boilingeuts, 1b ..... isnt 9 to 12 Stewing cuts, 1b. ........ 8 to 11 Beef, western, cwt, ........ 11te 15 Beal, local, Ib, ........... Tie, Vel, Ib, ................ 9 to 12 Pork: doin roasts, Id. ........... . 30 Shoulder roasts ... . 18 to 23 Hog, live weight, ewt, ......... 9 Chops, 1b. ..... Noss ins 25 to 8c Hogs, dressed, cwt. ...... 13 to 15 Bacon, breakfast, ...... 30 to 33 Ham, smoked, ..............,, 28 Spring lamb: Carcage, 1d, ....... Fronts, Ib, ......: sens Mutton, chops, Ib. .."..., Mutton, carcase, ,.....¢... Poultry: Fowl. lb"... .......... Chickeng, 1b. .,,.... . y Biraw 'and Grains Barley bus. ........ errriny 70 Brag, ton .. .. .. 28 to 29 Buckwhest, bra. ,. ve us + ndl Corn, feel, 'arlots .. .. .. .. $1.09 Corn, feed, bud. ., .. .. «. $1.18 Hay, baled, ton ...... $12 to $13 Hay, loose, ton .......... 11 to 1? Oats, local, dus., ... ... ... 82 Shorts, ton .......... $20 to $30 Straw baled, tom, ...... ..$7 to $8 Wheat, local, bus. .. $1.06 to 31.10 { B.C. FIR CEILING Just unloaded a carload of No. | Clear Fir, V joints for ceilings, Wainscoting, etc. Excellent stock. Also have on hand a full assortment of Spruce, V Joints, Siding and Flooring. For prompt service, telephone 1042. ALLAN LUMBER C0. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. | i | | | } Deposits increase rapidly : Year | Deposits THE following com- parative figures indicate an' almost ms =m steady acceleration of the rate of growth of 1003 ova total deposits, especial- 1872 ly during the last few Hh | years. 1882 | 3730470 | This growth is the re- 1892 7.817.429 ; sult of confidence in the 1902 | 15.0308 | sound policies of this J en f Bank and the willing 1912 41,622,345 p and capable service ren- dered by its officers. 1917 | 63,907,297 1922 (73,678,151 You will get a friendly reception et any branch of ' BRANCHES KINGSTON LYNDHURS1 athieus Syrup oF TAR & ermal ~~ "BANK-TORONTO | f an [AUGUST SALE OF i Sah £8 Furniture 3 * See this field, 2 Arm Chairs, Table Cushions, Mohair Upholstering Chester-

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