4 » - WEEKLY : : MAKE CANADA i : BUY CANADIAN LAKE CANAD . SUCCEED 3m: KINGSTON ¥ CANADL BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING THROW out THE STRAWS; [RADIO Now HEARD ho. HOTEL 3 SERVICE DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM BRING IN AUTUMN FELTS| This, One--Anyway--Carries OFFERED I PUBLIC addr ie 3 bodily | host His Set With Him When Doyle's}Milk Maid Bread : CONTRACTORS Time is Not Far Off When He Wanders. Name, - Equipment and sur-| " . Radio has invaded the twilight U . ! Bo General ndergo Changes. Phone 1369. JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. Change in Headgear Will ---- roundings of Old Albion PHONES 2267F--928W, 400 ALBERT STREET camps of the hobo. Between the ( - | dusk a ight se adven- . . The evenings at the present time gusk am Savliene Lo these ven The old Albion Hotel is gone and r-- 5 ; are sending out their first warnings gather. around the fire watching the in its place mow stands (he same & FRESH SEEDS of the colder season that is coming brewing tea tirey may iow Eh structdre~but how differently is it > POWER AND LIGHTING PLANTS INSTALLED . and these who rise early enough in bed-lime slories Stock reports wes susounded and named. Tke Hotel H Ww FOR BEST RESULTS USE OUR SEEDS--LOWEST MARKET the, morning also feel the chill in| (ho\ forecasts not to maniion 'music | Plaza now occupies the site on the . . NEWMAN ELECTRICAL CO. PRICES FOR HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS. the air. With the warm weather and drama . tm corner of Queen and Montreal streets ELE ICAL JOBBERS AND ConTHA x ARLA r go the reliable old straw hats and A oorr : rd ne | --Llnat namo having been given to it alCAL Jun BLECTR Ms CTORS 227 ONTARIO ST. Mer. NE 4 WOOD, PHONE 111, once more we go back to our feits, Shor onaent of ay. ta only latély, to harmonize with the PHONE 441. AE is : velours and plushes. neral Electric Company Who a many other improvements made to STREET, sy With a great many of us the | pime " : __ | this hostelry by Mrs. £! K. Johnston, fo y SON & himself, "A Wanderer for Twenty ; 7 THE STRAW Dhar, SEA NEW YORK problein of a new hat for fall or ror | ye,rg" describes a or a who now operates it. Perfumery, JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY ) : . WM. BISBIKOS HAT CLEANING CO. winter is going to be rather both-|und says that he always carries | . The Hotel Plaza Das been under Toilet P tions " Renews, Repairs, Oicans--Straw SHOE SHINE PARLOR ersome. We have been accustoreed | some sort of a receiving set vith the direction of Mis, Jokoson for the Dr. Bell HURD « SON Hats or any other kind. 208 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 395. || to" Wearing good hats, but the price | him. He has listened to WGY jp | PASE 1A7o€ years, since her arrival in . BAL, GENERAL CON' se PRICES REASONANLE = Porn LAMPROS. of a good hat is not handy! at all | Rochester, Binghampton, Buffalo, Kicgston Troi Albeng. Ding alt WONDER MEDICINE CO. PHONE 1458J TRicIoRs 90 Princess Street. = Phone 1333 || Z|times and besides, it seems a shame | Glens Falls and Philadelphia, Fa, |U'0e CVETY effort has pion made 10 || 110 Clarence Street. Phones 514-304 ss * 38 STEPHEN gr, \ oe) to. throw away that hat worn last|and admits that no other station bring it up to its Present sighing wt g 0. A y ? year. It may be only a little dis-| has gi im g and improvements wiil continue 7 - SINGER SEWING MACHINE C GENERAL CARTING y $ given him any more pleasure. until it cannot be bettered. ff \ colored, or need a new band or a "1 have been to hell and back in Every room in the building has GEO. A. BATEMAN R.A THEY Man ea monthly PB Boery "hachine guaran- Theatrical Transfer Co. little re-shaping. my young life," he explai mes teed. Mail us a card or phone for R. Buckley, Prop. The New York Hat Cleaners, on |'have associated or. RED as ua, ANG | heen gone over, all paper and paiat REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST CRORES PRINCESS STREET tor. Sore i Uherts Seem Princess street,-a "few doors below | millionaires, 'common TO men: removed and the walls thoroughly REAL ESTATE --- AND OPTICIAN Phone 631. \ ones » . s|the Grand Opera House, have tne] crooks of ail descriptions." | Seana, Faint memories of a bY= Phone 396w. 150 Wellington, 143 Princens St. Phone 2108. solution for our problem. They In 'his concluding paragraph the golls aZc were rodhlied in Some of 1}, 2 \ : the rooms, where the "bottom layers | -- | x -- { General Auto . Repairing, Carbon have had many years of experience | wanderer writes: "That last Sun. ¢ dded b d th Job Work 5, or : of paper were pada cre a ere obbing We peciaity -- e Kitchenware Carried Burning, Acetylene Welding just making old hats as good as|day sermon entered throu # gh my set VEALE Cars washed. new and they say that tha first falt into a bootleg joint and I'm Sto with old Aewapayers uated 1855. 5 F. H. HAMILTON KINGSTON ARTIFICIAL o ie R. C. CLARKE work is well under way now. it done some good." Ae Be pi ot of the Totel Plumbing and Steam Fitting, ICE oo. ¢ h i d i - nd 1 psc ? th u STOR ors Pines Se. Prone soar | [| 00m INC pr Ca STREET dni to th on Bighten Up That Argument, | :°0li*ed that {he travelers of today Hat Water Hedtlng Delivers To AN Parts ap crn, RES--154 York Street. Phone 895M | |\ "/ |any desired shape, puts mew bands| A selling talk needs to be Jaund- go not look upon the eWarapers ot [{ Fone 1420w, 131 Alfrea st. | PHONE 603. 423 MONTRMAL ST. in,--in fact, is a service station for|ered just as often and as thoroughly 1858 as fiiting . ovaments for bed N\ (STRAW HAT SEASON )|" rooms. The walls aro now coated |{" Ne = f al ds. Velours, plushes, | 28 a shirt, Te and Acetylene Welding. ) FOR LADIES NOW OPE 31s of all kinds. . Velouss, plushes with clean enamel paint, and the ASK FOR BRITISH 'AMERICAN HOTEL Elect 2 N felts and all other kinds recelveq|{ Into the tub of sales gi Brass and Iron Castings, Patterns, We clean and remodel all kinds ||!€its and all other 8 a sales ginger, then emerni Machinery Repairs of Straws. the very best of attention and the | With all those old arguments ang beautifully aired Yooms are gives a MASOUD'S THOS. G. BISHOP KINGSTON HAT CLEANERS prices are reasonable. selling paints, which from continueq | "OMe Ike touch with denim and lace ICE CREAM Special Sunday Dinser Served fro AND QUEEN STREETS 193 Pru a Yvan, Unless a hat is literally torn to|USe have grown a little limp as to | Curtains arranged in tasteful fashion. ALWAYS THE samp 3 10 280. Price 75 - XING AND EE? one . ; - : S y 4 : COR. XING AN ns os. shreds the New York Hat Cleaners|the manner in which they are de. On the sides of the building shade M. BOHAN, rieto, x 238 Princess Street. Phone 980. ee ---------------------- can re-claim it for you and save livered. Souse them in the suds; porches with attractive flower bores J KINGSTON re » ONT, put them- through the wringer, add offer rest to weary tourists and the -------------- ff ----------------=-- 8. V. HORNE you money. : ink : 5 r : VOY D AIRY LUNCH AMERICAN BOTTLING WORKS ; a little of the starch of enthustasm | 275° dining my high a aes SEE ) SAVOY DAIRY LUNCH GINGER ALE, PLAIN SODA, BIRCH || Why Osteopaths --and hang them on the line to Jeon *edosorat Psi i ESTIMATES SUBMITTED SANITARY. Ig! . BEER, LEMON SOUR AN dry. After that iron them out ted in miodein style, is building E. L. MARTIN MEALS AT ALL HOURS. WHISTLE. Do Not Use Drugs there you are, viand up an enviable reputation for it cui- THOS. ANDRE Open Day and Night. Provs. PHONE 277. | . RANTES & €ALLAS, Props 148 ONTARIO STREET i sino and service. FOR REAL ESTATE CONTRACTOR 210 Princess Stree "IR wi A Osteopathy believes with the fam- "Devilish" _Invention, When the presemt management 1113 BROCK 7 8 fi ST. 86 Sixth | Street. Phone 1400, FAAS . 7 ous Dr. 8. Weir Mitchell that "Back Back in 1885 when ff was pro- | indertook the operatiof\of the hotel | "em of disease lies a cause, and the cause | posed_that the Belgian 'railway sta- there was no central heating system - EE \ fre 7 . . 9 ||vo drug can reach." For mstance, tion be lighted by electricity a mem- | Put only an out-of-date and incon- yr - rin ™ Electric fome Needs We K Simons' if the sixth dorsal vertebrae is-Luro-|her-of-the-Belglan teg!slative body | Yenient system of stoves. Last year ; : t= ected. OF ed out of its true 'relationship."to {arose and issued a diatrib @ large not water heating plant was : Moftatt Ranges, prot © against | ° Ww eeps Coal el ts, Hoaters, Grates, the vertebrae above and. helow it|the idea, stating that "electricity | installed at great expense and every OE Mnchines, Vacuum SIMONIZ ~|| Will involve the vasomotor merves to| was the invention "of the geil." room is now provided with its own || This year's crop is exceptionally Coal K Ask for our special the. stomach, impair tha secretory -------- radiator. : high grade eeps So ' Have you used it? Bower Of the gastric glands, make ppg sprpagrs fnital re 3 New furniture has boew added fa PHONE 158 : It 1P 1 h digestion slow and incomplete, rom: | geo. 17 Vears of service Ras rae many rooms and it'is planned to ||' ogeg 5. ha - tsareda olish. !gas in the stomach and cause pam ONE > make further alterations and im- 130 4 YY. S-- Public Utilities I pensioned and will spend the rest provements as opportunity presents. . one and distress. The drug doctor. cub [oe py days 1 i neutralize the acidity of the stom- 2 ea a tase, due lo the effort!' oy, the exterior the husteiry aso Our Motto: Branch Office: Hydro Shop . J of Mrs, C. 268 PRINCESS STREET MARSHALL'S HARDWARE ach by the use of alkali, biearbon-| ciubwomen A, Severance, Minnesota, | presents a nice appearance with its SER McQGall's Cigar Solaphous Sad. 193 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 180. | late of soda for instance, but its ef- | 7g, To did Sha burglar alarms | Tovering window and rail boxes, its _ ROMP TE RVICE NS Jar. Store \ fect Is purely palliative; the Osteo-|whjoh not only give loud warnings] "5° 550 and the attractive lights 810 LTD, jo . asin \ path corrects the eause of thee the intruder, but also take a Toul erected. : : > 4 trouble--the malalignment at the snapshot photograph of him, are be- t is the intention of the Hotel ' Yass Things ™ - Plaza z et HOTEL RANDO ng -. TELGMANN BELMONT DINING ROOM ||spinal center governing: the nerves ing tested in Paris, France. ier a lo Te hot a or The Leading L [esate "uring ven 7 e Co! Saves a Lot of Buying Things } to the stomach C Open from 5 kum. to 12 midnight. . Cats and kittens are fetching en- ] SCHOOL OF MUS! nig Osteopathy does not injure a [ormous rice or Hg and it is with this in view that so A. TIERNEY, health much care is being expended upon COLLIER'S y part in treating any disease. . Pi Commercial 484 Brock St. Phone 22174 | {| Prone ssi. Proprietor || 00 oy par rer - "hove Hic are causing serious dam-| t1c buslding. The hotel yard wii Dyer "Ny Valet" Cleaner 7 \ " "| treating for rheumatism, sciatica, In Glasgow, Scotland, it is said Shotily be divided tn 4ive ampli ) | neuritis, etc., instead of being weak-|that there are 10,000 marriages Soom, 100 Jurking oI aly 4 Sy \ BLUE GARAGE, LTD. EXPERT SERVICE ON ened by the administration or op- yearly and only 1,000 new houses the traveller lates or salicylates. As a Professor | available, The .Hotél Plaza starts' on 2 now =----=WE NEVER OLOSE------ ~ ALL CARS at New York Medical College saa:| Miss Mary E. Porter of New Bri. i > "Drug medicines do but cure one. tain, CL, Bas a collection of 500 ife under a new name and should OPEN D AY AND disease by producing another." dolls gathered from all parts of the 30 [90k to make Saas ur bus THE CENTRAL GARAGE, LIMITED Osteopathy had made its reputa-| world : hone . ston. Brock and Montreal Streets. P 600. . NIGHT. tion by curing the failures of allo- India has'a small fish, the gour- » ' . pathic medicine. As Dr. Eli Gg|emi, whichggives an audible croak -_- H . : J » STUDEBAKER AND EV UTO) Queen snd Bagot Streets Washing done at night. Jones said: "In spite of allopathié|when on th rface of the water. The republic of Chile threw on TIRES TY foyidr noe RONEY DISTRIN nS _ Phone 56%. medicine, all the chronic diseases' of| Opals are so soft when first taken allegiance (to the crown of Spasn wy TUBES ors ACCESSORIES # | the last hundred years are with us." |from the ground that they can be|the declaration of independence of : ' The dictum has recently gone. forth |pulled apart with the fingers, Sept. 18th, 1810, and finally freed " 4. ) -- - § ; » "R. H. TOYE & COMPANY PEERLESS HIGH TEST GASO. ) "There Is noting 'in the acid theory| The English Janguage contains | itself from the yoke of Spain in Di . COM- LINE, OILS, TIRES, T of rhumatism." Think of the gal-|about 20,000 words whic are of|1818. } WHOLESALE FRUIT AND } ' ' » TUBES lons of medicine that have been | french origin. Labor, if it were not necessary to MISSION MERCH. 8. 2 Distributors ATWOOD AND DINE swallowed by rheumatic patients| Alexandria, Egypt," was built by | the existence, would be indespens- | G VINEGAR MOIR'S CHOCOLATES and ACES IN VULCANIZING with the idea of counteracting the Alexander the Great, 1,17 days. able to the happiness of man. PHONE. 461. Phone 902m. 277 Bagot Street. || Uric 2¢id in the blood! Now, vue" pies e . n-- owe iF Best for pickling. . » | doctor tells you to have your teeti NESS Factory: Bagot Street, Kingston as = \ | 7 \ and tonsils out! The practice or HAPPI THROUGH > 2 " medi -- 5 ' a artagenfraisntl mma Baas iia' 0%. | WAS ADVICE OF HARDING [HOTEL PLAZA ||| *oisess somrrso Move Anything Anywhere. DAIRY Osteopathy teaches that our bod- ; . - Corner Montreal and Queen Sts. H. HORTON '{ H.L. BRYANT 689 PRINCESS STREET les become deranged from strain, By S. W. Straus, President American Society for Thrift Tourists' Popular Stopover PAINTER AND DECORATOR me 1801w. comfort and egpvironment Phone 1753J MILK and CRI Te orl Stposute. faulty posture, : nd excellent cutat | CREAM | bad habits, etc., which lower vital Of the many cherished words tions have given expression inl || of sil diserimina 203 ALFRED STREET 214 Princess Street, Phone 650. J 5 3 McGinnis & O'Connor Highway Kuglueers and Contractors 7 >) resistance and invite disease. While which a grieving nation today is' various terms to the value of. S-- y ' tke body is constantl fightin . : : ao ye 4 TRY THE NEW LA ) { ¥ Ashung) a ft to the , but no' | ) ENGLAND LOAF against the inroads of disease, its si Rng Ba Salued heritage thrift ihe individual i HONESTY OF WORKMANSHIP [ 0. AYKROYD & SON he ' . ' 'TARLINGTON'S DELICIOUS NEW ENGLAND ability to do this successfully de- perhaps are more typical of the appeal 3 CYLINDERS BUILDING CONTRACTORS man ~ pends upon a free and unrestricted : " b 3 4 BAKERY If than his utterances ' Ground on a Heald Estimates Given on New and DOUGHNUTS blood supply. Disease can only be : ry : : | Something to ent that's a treat, 37 COLLINGWOOD ETRERY prevented and cured by and througl | | Urging the practice of thrift by A R. M. CAMPBELL Hegaly Wark, 5c. PER DOZEN. J ) - the blood and its circulation to ayi| his fellow country- S 235 Wellington St. Phone 12124. | {| 21 MAIN STREET, PHONE 1870 men : 1% . parts of the body. Osteopathy re- v - n : : moves all obstructions interfering : AUTO PAINTING J Y. Parkhill &-Co with nerve force and blood stream, ' GEORGE HUNTER | TO HAVE A PERFECT MEAL J. A. FOX : * ||80d if a patient has sufficient inhes- CARPENTER CONTRACTOR : . PHONE 567, DISTRIBUTORS ent recuperative power he recovers, | understdod its val Plans and estimates of sil kinds a. K. Krause Di wu! ------ on Third Floor Blue Garades. DAIRY SCHOOL BUTTER "FOR BUILDING HOMES" _ USE A PERFECT BREAD "BAGOT and QUEEN STREETS x | The Man Without Initiative, J BAG PHONES 96 and 113, There's 'an tonal Phone B4Sw. 75 Pembroke Street. FRONT ST. PHONE 1153. : uit LL OUR AIM IS SERVICE machines. One of the instruments Kingston, Portsmouth and " Cataraqui Electric R. R. Hi Fit oe. ~5% om » 0 of 0 - J = i : it 8 Circular doors," weighing 18 tons and two feet thick, are a new pro- 2 MONTREAL STREET tection for safes gma burglars, Jobbing Work a Specialty He that listens for what people say of Wim shall never have peace. | William Hol Improve rather by other men's er- > rors than find fault with them. ! g 8 a g | I B # i ' yo i siz Ere Au