PUESDAY, AUG. 14, 1023. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ee ---- FROST'S STORAGE has vacant two clean, dry, (Your own lock PHONE 5260. 200-805 QUEEN STREET. re ---- | PIANO TUNING | 'Plano Tuning, Repairing and (| yer Piano Adjusting. Norman || Butcher, 27 Pine Street. || PHONE 1819w. - a ------------------------------ | REAL ESTATE. GENERAL INSURANCE. RELIABLE COMPANIES ONLY REPRESENTED, GUARANTEE BONDS. VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. | R. H. V Waddell 58 reek St I | wag cutting her teeth. When the baby starts | teeth, especially during the hot wea | ther, then is the time that the poor | | mother is under the stress and strain [* 3 of great anxiety. There is no remedy so safe and ef- | fectual, for the teething complaints infants, as is Dr. Fowler's Extract o Wild Strawberry, no remedy that has | bad the endorsation of so many Cana- dian mothers during the past 78 years 'it has been on the market. Mrs. C. W. Myers, Clanwilliam, Man., writes:-- 'My baby girl was | very sick with diarrhoeadwhen she | §igerent remedies, but nothing did er any good. She was getting worse | | when my mother sent me out a bottle | of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild | Strawberry. and the next day she was much, bet- ter, and in a couple more anys she was as well as gver. Now, I always keep 'Dr. Fowler's' in the house and recommend it to all those troubled with diarrhoea." Price 50c. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. R.A W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, ¢ Johnsou and Wellingtun er © 868 __ ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM | (Uhapped Hands, etc.) ° i Use It CART. = O08, VERY D DESCRIPTION gston Transfer Co. wT Jam Dental Surgeon DR. 3. C. W. BROOM _ Td. D.D.S. 3 Brock Streets RE 159 Welllngtion St, Bening > ¥ Spholatment, THERE 18 JUST AS MUCH DIFFERNCE IN. COAL. a8 there fs in anything else. 4 fu are good kinds ad poor There are a best and we sell t BOOTH & 00. lan Yard Phone 188 THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. See ws for all kinds of Carpentry Estima given on view floors laid. Have your hardweed floors cleans Ph our . floor clenning mae ---- fem Flies, Fleas, Bugs and Beetles Don't lose the * 'battle with the in- secis." Let us supply your "ammunition." No "duds" among these! . Bappho-Puffer packages 15e. Keating' s Powder....10c. and 25e. Wilson's Poison Pads . .1ge. pkg.| Fly+8an and Fly-Fox Tanglefoot, 3 double sheets, 10a. Sticky- Coils 2 for "Kreso," the handy Adiainfectant and wash* bottles, 26c. and up. International "Fly-Way" for your stock--quarts and gallons at very special low prices. Useful Sprayers .. Fly Swatters > TELEPHONE 2018. PRINCESS PHARMACY The Convenient, Dependable Up-fown Drug Store "Where Princess anil Division Cross" FARMS FOR SALE 208 acré farm in the Twp. of Storrington, .75¢c. and $1.00. 10e¢. $9, 25 acres wood, black loam, 8 room 198 cash will handle. A real farm, acres, 120 $10,000 2s, wo good timber, large Bouse and good buildings, all in Al shape. 13 miles from city and close to rail and fac- tory. $4,000 cash will handle. A large selection of city property, ranging in price from $1000.00 to $12,000.00, Also Insurance of ail kinds written up. Bik Mammy 111% Brock Street. Residence to cut its | I tried several | 1 gave her a few doses | 100 acres. workland, | $2000} acres IEEE KINGSTON and VICINITY 2 To Have a Big Time. Clayton, N.Y., business men are planning a big 'elebration.. It wiil run for three days, finishing up on Labor Day, Sept. 3rd. -------------- New Siren At R. M. C. A new fire alarm siren is being installed at the Royal Military Col- {lege. It was being tested out om Monday afternoon, and many people thought there was a fire at the Col- { lege, { Need a Fire Boat. Owing to fires on islands, in (be { Thousand Island group, it is now | suggested that a fully equipped fire boat should be purchased and pu' into service. The risks from fire are | very great and if no apparatus is jaxatiuble serious losses might ensue. | Shirt Sale. We made another special purchase of Boys' and Men's colored shirts-- collars attached. Sizes from 13% to 16%. Regular prices of these shirts were $2.60 to $3.50. Sale price $1.75 each. Prevost, Brock street. Likes Open Cars. A lady. visitor in Kingston from a large American city seems to be a great admirer of the large oped cars of the local street railway. She told one ol the passengers that she would -- if she could afford it ---- buy one of them and take it home for the use of her friends. py A Busy Xcar, Joseph Brophy, proprietor of the favorite Brophy's Point, says that this year has séen a remarkaule number of American tourists pas- sing through and the point has been very busy. Several wealthy Ameri- cans have made the remark that Eu- rope is no longer an attraction. » Laying in Coal. Hundreds of citizens have taken heed to the danger of a coal shert- age and have lald fn their supply of fuel for the fall and winter. Their action enabled the coal dealers to get rid of all vessel cargos as they arrived. There is practically no coal held in reserve by the dealers su far. Busy At Queen's. Already there is activity around the buildings at Queen's in prepara: tion for ihe opening of the Izil term. "Bille" Hugoees returncd from a trip by motor a few days azo and has started getting his training rooms and equipment in order. The new Hbraty fe taking definite rhapd in a manner. -- iin. Iroquois War Memorial. A meeting of the executive of the Women's Institute, the FPubiic Library,and the G.W.V.A. was held in Iroquois, to consider the erection of a war memorial. The opinion was that the-mowt feasible and suit- able memorial was that of a Com- munity Hall, built on the govern- ment grounds. A committee, was appointe to secure definite informa tion and report at once. Fire at Lavant. eler Cavers, secretary of the Ladark County Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co., receiveda tele- phone message on Tuesday that the residence of Jumes V. Reid, in Lave ant towns'iip had been destroyed by fire. Burning shingles from the house were blown to a mearby hay fleld and the crop was aiso dostroy. ed. The fire raged through bush aad | feds for a distance of about four miles. Again on Duty. = * Mrs. Robinson, Victorian Nurse, bas returned alter a fow months' ab- sence on account of fliness, and is again to de found on duty at the Welfare Station, corner Barrie and York streets. The mothers who look to the stalfon for advice and 'help are delighted at her return, for | they know and appreciate the splen- did work she has been doing. Now under the chairmanship of Judge O'Reilly and Mrs. H. W. Soetsinger. The vicar's jubilee -- fifly years in the -priestaood ---- thirty-three of which have been spent as vicar-gen- eral of the diocese of Alexandria Land pastor of St. Columban's -- will undoubtedly afford his parish- dopers and many friends, a worthy opportunity of manifesting their gratitude, admiration and love for him. The date selected is Sept. 12th. Vicar-General ' Corbet was formerly of Kingston diocese. + Funcral on Sunday. The body of Dr. J. W. Simmons, Frankford, who died in thc King- ston General Hospital, was buried on Sunday. Deceased was a public- spirited man, highly regarded in his profession and will be much missed. At ome thme he was postmaster cf Frankford. He is survived by his wife, Nora Aruotit, one daugater, Anita (. Mrs. George N. Rogers, Belle- ville), two sons, Dr. Jack Simmons; Broad Street Hospital, New. York, and Grant A., ai home; also three grandsons, Jack, Harry and Allan Rogers. Deceased was sixty-two years of age. ---------------- Service at Princess Street Church. Rev. Mr. Curtis spoke on Jesus plans revealing his heart. "For their sakes I sacrifice Myself." In his decision to suffer for us, Jesus accepted the one plan that could save uplift this world. The call to- the poisons!moving out. ment of well known authority. Many pet theories about rheu- matism of the joints; that is chronic arthritis, have been smashed during the last few years. 'The old idea of 'meat causing rheumatism is ridicu- lous; just think of the large number of vegétarians who suffer from rheu- matism;, these people never eat meat. Cases have been known where people living entirely. without meat were reat sufferers from rheumatism. These people would go so long With- out meat they would become so weak, they would not have sufficient strength to throw off the disease. Just '80 soon as they began to ime prove and with the help of good medicine like Dreco, were well in a short time. Great harm has been done by the ordinary rheumatism medicines be- cause they not only disturb the gfomach. but often fail to relieve the pain of contain something that re- lHeves the pain for the time being, and the disease is as bad or worse at- ter taking such medicine. There Are a great many medicines on the market for rheumatism, but do you remember seeing anything about taking care of rheumatism of the joints after the patient has had the disease for several years? Dreco is a remedy that many suf- ferers take after they ar ou. about syeryibing alse yeums- tism. No ek bottle or two wil Sut it removes every ret it! EN A der. 223 PRINCESS ST. T™WO day is for the same spirit. The late President Harding was kindly re- ferred to, who, as president-elect, after his strenuous election cafh- paign, refused all persuasion to goif and fish on Sunday, setting an ex- ample of Christian prihciple as the first citizen of his country. At the evening sermon, Miss Lloyd rendered" the solo, "Ilow Beautiful Are Thy Dwellings." Should Bishops Relax. "1 am not sure what the ortdodox answer to this question is, but I know that some of them do, even the tamous ones. Their biographies give them away," writes the Bishop of Ontario in Queen's Quarterly. "It is recorded, for instance, of the Eng- lish bishops, Stubbs and Creighton, beth famous historians as weil as holders of episcopal office, that they were confirmed novel readors. Per- heps 'm their case it was a recoil trom the severe repression of the imaginative facully demanded of the modern scientific historian. Or it nay be dus to a reaction from the exacting, and sometimes exasperat- ing, routine of ecclesiastical admini- stration. In any case, the present writer has to confess that re shares with 'his iMustrious brethren named above their love of fiction, and as he very seldom has any time tp spare for this relaxation till late at night, has sacrificed a good many hours of sleep to the indulgence of this. failing, 1t failing it be." Man's Own Poison Causes Rheumatism, Smashes Many Foolish Fallacies--The idea that eating meat causes rheumatism Is no longer accepted--Should keep Says Authority "Man poisons himself bythe absorption of certain substances that should be eliminated, this is the cause of, so much rheumatism," is the state- - and every twinge of pain if you keep it up. Martha Hurly, Halifaxxsays: : "For sexeral years I suffered from rheumatism, my joints would stiffen and crack till the pains were terrible and at times I could hardly walk. My appetite was very poor. re amount of food I ate before taking Dreco would hardly keep a bird. Now 1 can eat most anything. stronger. The pains in my joints have greatly improved. Can sleep through the night without being dis- turbed. I am thankful for Dreco, for it has done the work after every- thing else I have taken-has failed. It hits the spot and has done me good in so many ways." Dreco is being specially in= troduced in Kingston by MA- HOOD'S DRUG STORE. Go there to-day and ask for' Mir. Vaughan, the Dreco Expert, and let him explain the merits of this great remedy. There Is no charge and he will tell you honestly if he belleves Dreco will benefit you. Dreco Is also ried [sold in Napanee by Wallace 5 Co., in Gananoque by W. E. Austin, and by a good druggist 59 Gerrish street, everywhere. BRING YOUR FRIENDS TO 'GRAND CAFE ' Hmjoy the warm weather. Dine out. Bring your visitors to our Cafe, where everything is cooked and served to your or- © 'DOORS FROM OPERA HOUSE. PETER LEE, Proprietor Ton test solid Fibre Board, is aghiff. solid ' Wall Board. Very suitable for panelling stores, dwell- ing houses, offices, public buildings, etc. Can also be used on outside walls with Stucco. Ask for catalogue. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Factory Phone 1415 Office Phone 86. - Nonaare Lusterize MR. SPROULE, of Toronto, re- presenting LUSTERIZE, the great Car ressing, will be in the city on THURSDAY ' to arrange with the trade for them to handle LUSTERIZE. To insure seeing our representative, phone us No. 2468w. RAWBON & SON 159 WELLINGTON 8T., City (Branch Office) 7 NOTICE GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Lintited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street. store. GOURDIER! S 78-80 Brock Street. » I feel much |; "TWEDDELLS | For the Best Valuestin Young Men's Suits at $20.00, Eon $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 ' TWEDDELL'S ; Specials In Linen ~ Handkerchiefs leaported dirsat From th bist mer : 'in Ireland. 4 For Women--all pure Linen, hem- stitclied, in White, at Pi0c., 124, Joe. Hemstitched, in colors, at |5¢., 20, and 25¢. Fancy Embroj Handkerchiefs -- in white and SE oh y Homatitched 30c,, = 1 | | | | | | t | | |