Ea 5 - to a halt at the hour PAY TRIBUTE OF SILENCE To the Late President of the United § States WHLE BODY IS ENTOMBED The Wek atin Mowrs Service Held in Westmin- ster Abbey, London. Washington, D.C., Aug. 10.--Un- {ted Btates will pay a tribute of sil- ence to Warren G. Harding as his body is entombed this afternoon at Marion, Ohlo. From coast to coast #nd from border to border ery whee! of federal government nd practically every ome of indusiyy and of commerce will stand. still. Theatres and other amusement places will be closed, baseball games postponed and other events of sport deferred. » As recommended by President Coolidge 'In his" proclamation offic- ally announcing the death of the president, the day will be one of raing and prayer. At sea on great passenger liners, _ prayers will be said, and memorial ceremondals will be held in a num- per of foreign lands, in historic Westminster Abbey, in France, Switzerland and South America and elsewhere. In many sections, factories, ship- yards and places of business gem- erally will be closed throughout the day. In others there will be cessation of work 'at the hour. Traffic on all railroads will come of entomb- ment trains grinding to stop where- they may be and remaining mo- Pee for two to five minutes. Work 'in the railroad, shops will cease for similar periods. The Post- al Telegraph Company will silence all of its telegraph and cable wires | f for two minutes, while the Western ition will suspend activities for] "be ® oli tor two. inutes; all employees will 'maintain iy simce,. Marion Ohio, Aug. 10.-Slow moving throngs crowded the streets that mot alone Ohio but $very surrounding state from which larfon could be reached before the d had sent legions here to pass the bier or to stand silent as dead president was carried to His rest. Congested sidewalks flank. od Centre street where the home of 'his father stands, and where the tes. close-crowded line kept in by guardsmen, stretched away burial] * he Baily 7 KINGSTON, ONTARIO. _JRIDAY, AUG 10, 1038. BUYING MORE cay ovine 13 Alberta aka US. PRODUCTS social lite of the country arrived for the service. The overflow crowd gathered in the abbey yard, where it heard the funeral music played | on the great organ. | The United States embassy dis- tributed the 1,200 available seats yesterday morning and was obliged later to decline the requests of hun- dreds of tourists who sought tickets of admission. OSHAWA MAN GETS IVE-YEAR SENTENCE Convicted of Theft and Forg= ery--He Is Also A Bigamist. Oshawa, Aug. 10.--Archie Mec- Phee, alias Fred Page, a local young man, was tried before Police Magis- trate A. F. Hind here yesterday and convidled on counts of forgery and theft. He was sentenced to five yearg in Portsmouth penitentiary for forgery and one year for theft, the sentences to run concurrently. McPhee was arrgsted for the theft of 'a motor car by the local police last week after he had borrowed a Ford car from a friend ind had fall- ed to: return with it.* Through the finger print records of Chief Friend of the local police the real identity of McPhee was established. Re- cords showed that he had served twe terms in Burwash. He also admitted that he had been married to two dite ferent women. animous dependence. FIRE DESTROYS a AIDED BY HERRICANE Change in Wind Saved Vil: a lages--mill at" Nelson, N.B:, Was Saved. Air chime ht: thelr arabs 70 political ja: Nelson, Aug. 10. -- Damage es timated as high as $250,000 w:s done here late yesterday 'by a fie which originated in the planing wil fanned by a hurricahe, jumped tie road, swep¥ several buildings out # existence and destroyed from five 10 nine million feet of dressed lumber, Atl one stage the adjoining village of Newlandsville and Craigville ap peared to be doomed, but a change . [in the wind worked their atior States gathered at Westmin- Abbey at noon to-day to mourn of President Harding. ds, who could not be ac- within the cool recess- ancient cathedral, lined tae Fe) Fire fighters from Chatham and New | pycasile," aided by streams from tw) powerful tugs, the Newcastle on and @ host of working mill men gia | ed practically helpless in the face of the gale. The men concentrated ee efforts mainly and successfully ome ving the big Sullivan mill. night the fire was sulll burning, Lug the worst of the danger was beiiev ed to be passed. There is said to © about $80,000 insurance 'on lumber. 1 The British council has agreed to the 'terms of the repiy to the French and Belgian governments in the reparations negotiations, United States telegraphs and rail- ways were stilled for five minutes during the late president Harding's funeral service Friday. What he's GOT. { onty Mat it 1s DIFFERENT, - And not so DUMB, And infinitely less beautiful, And it argues-- : But he thinks blandly: I'll soon CONVERT her . . , 6 Most MEN when they marry Ste ia wt NERVE; 3 SLI. i A., Fournie streets and squares in the vicinity of | gq the parliament buildifigs as prom- inent persomages in political ana NIPPED BLAZE That Threatened the Business |.. Section of Windsor. $100000 DAMAGE DONE Stupendous Efforts By Cit Firemen Confined Blaze to y One Building. Windsor, Aug: 10.--Fire which broke out shortly after 5 o'clock this morning caused $100,000 dame age in the heart of the business dls. trict of Windsor at Ouellette ave. oue and Medbury lane. The chiet loss was sustained in the Medbury building, which fronts.on Ouellette avenue near the Detroit-Windsor ferry company's landing. The fire was discovered by the fire tug Jim Battle belonging to the Detroit fire departmént. From the river, hose lines from the tug easily reached the building and in a short time the fire was under control. The building itself wes completely gut- ted, however, and several firemen had Jarrow. escapes: from falling walls. Among the firms to suffer loss from the fire are Thé Universal Wrench Company, Leo McLauchlin, auto supply, offices of the Y.M.O. 'Manufacturing Com- pany, and one or two small offices. For a time it looked as if the business section of the city wouia be destroyed, but by a stupendous effort the firemen kept the flames to the ome building. A huge coal pile, owned by the Detroit-Windsor ferry company, on the river at the rear of the build- ing, caugh:. fire but was extinguish- ed without serious' difficulty. The loss is covered by Insurance. Earl-and Countess; Minto Go to West, August 27th 10.--Barl and : jean Brant," Sen: | neville-are eaving August 27th for the west, to stay at their ranch near Calgary, for a short time, and may also go on to the Pacific coast later. Their baby daughter, Lady Bridget Elliot, will remain with her grand- mother, at Senneville. They will re- turn to Scotland late in September. Mr. Cook 18 accompanying bia daughtér to the west. Placed Under Arrest. Montreal Aug. 10. -- Denying that he had done anything to cause lhe death of Ele Sava and protesting innocence of any participation in a hight with him, Nick AMivalia, Ital. fun laborer, was placed undar arrest while he was at work today paving of William Sullivan, Limitod, and|one of the city streets. The Italian is held pending the, coroner's in- quest. OPPOSITION INCREASES T0-INPERIAL PREFERENCE British Londoners Association Protests Against Admis~ ¢ slon of Cereals. 2 ndon, Aug. 10.-- 10.-~The opposition foo the extension of Imperial prefer- fines is rallying its forces. The lat- est recruit is the Central Land-Own. ers' Association which has submitt- ed a resolution to the Cabinet say. Ving, in summary, that while it is fully agreed to a policy of welding the Empire for obtaining such pro- portion of foodstuffs within the Bm- pire as cannot be produced in Brit- ain, it declares, from .2 _ national viewpoint, that the Dominions' pre- ferences to British manufacturers should be met with reciprocal meas- ures. Regarding tHe admission of foodstuffs there would be no reci- 'procity so far as the British farmer s News off the Wires InCondensed Form Western farmers' are unloading SOWS. tions. Saskatchewan "blue sky" law de- cision to Le carried to Supreme Court. : Retail Merchants' handling wool. Mrs. Harding gives "'Laddie Boy," Jute president's Airedale terrior, to From 116 Miilions 1922 to 161 Millions in Present Year. Ottawa, Aug. 10.--In a special re- secret service man, Chief of Six Natlows Indians on way fo England 10 ask King George to-grant complete independence to his pecple. Hydro Conciliation "Board ad- Journs until August' 20th, pending announcement from Ottawa on juris- diction contidversy. le ------. Boy Electrocuted While Tryingse Untangle Kite 10.--~-A barefooted boy of eleven ed a high post in Harlem, 'bent off dhe recovery of a kite that had bime canght in the wires. New York, Al 'contact with an 11,000 volts. He fell. Still conscious, & piece of the kite tail clutched in is hands, he was taken to 8 hospital. An hour later he died. GREAT IMMIGRATION CHANGE 'FOR CANADA Could Secure High Class 'of Settiers--An "Ambitious Scheme. London, or. 10.--The - rush of British harvesters to Canada, which has given the steamship companies the busiest forinigh¢ ever experienc- ed will end on Saturday when over 7,000 men will be on their way to the wheat fleids. = Every available berth nas been booked and if the de- mend were twice a filled. ¥ ian Pacific boats left d 3 present fortnight with "available space hlled, The A and Canada of the White Star lne are leaving fully loaded while the Pittsburg and Scythia are almost' booked up. A striking featurc of this emigra-. tiop. and one typical of the economic depression here is the exodus of skilled craftsmen. One hundred and filty men who 'left Manchester in- cluded university students, engin- eers, engine drivers, colion sales- men, electricians and clerks. They said conditions in gland were throttling them and rad they praferred to work in tho wheat fields. There 1s no doubt could grants of a higher class and more of them than has ever .been pos- sible before. Crops are as plenti- ful hiere as they are in Canada, but with the world prices too lw al- most even for the Canadian tarmer, the 3ritish grain grower cxpouts to sell his wheat at a loss. The indus. rial outlook for the coming winter is very gloomy and altogetiaer cone ditions are such as to make even an ambitious schime to settle 8 quarter of a million Highlanders 1 Canada, wlien Gias been propounded on the return from the Dominion by Angus Robertson of Glasgow, not so fan- tastic as it seems. Not all emigration to Canada these days is composed of amateur harvesters. A party of teachers sai.cd last week from Liver- pool awhile fifty picked emigrants left for the Dominion. BRITISH FARMERS' ANXIETY. London, Aug. 10.--Jespits the bumper crops in this country thi ear. Sha duis of the Beliat farm. A not diminished, 2 ers las ete are, Sten On| o's Trade With Repob- fc Has Greatly Increased wa ric . IN THREE MONTHS PERIOD nts stricter regulation of dealurs x port upon Canadian trade with the AND SAWFLY IN WEST From 10 to 50 Per Cent, Dani- ages Done In Some Sections of Prairie. Winnipeg, Aug. 10.--Black rus. and sawfly have in many places dam- aged the crop to percentages rang- ing from ten to fifty per cent. states the Canadian National Railway Crop report for western lines, issued-here. Some wheat cutting is reported in Manitoba, and dt is expected to be general between the 15th and 20th of the month, Soulhérn and south wastern sections of the province have been more seriously damaged w'th rust and sawfly than those in the north and central districts. Already rye has been harvested in many dis- tricts and the yield has been ealis- factory in most. places, the report slates. ; Many places report fall ryc cutting United States just published, which [as being in full swing in Saskatcle- covers a three months' period to the [wan and good yields are expected. A end of June the Dominion Bureawilarge mumber of points report no of Statistics records an Increase in [damage whatever from rust, importation not only on the: whole, favorable weather, With all crops are but generally all along the line. Im- | making good progress towards ma- ports; as a whole rose from ' $116,- 000,000 for the » quarter in 1922 to $161,000,000 tor turity. corresponding |tween the 15th and 20th of August. Harvesting will begin be- Crop reports from Alberta are the quarter this year, and the in-|more favorable than from either of crease was spread over eight out of (thc other provinces. No damage so the .nine different classes of com- |far is reported from either hail, rust modities reported upon by the bur- [or frost. and harvesting will be genersl about All crops are doing wel! The increases were noticed in |August 25th. agricultural, vegetable -and in ani- mal produyots, in fibres and textiles, in wood and paper, in fron and Its produots, in non-ferrous metal pro- dusts, in non-metallic mineral pro- ducts,' and in chemical and allied YUKON H ARVESY ON. Wheat and Barley Cut Three Months After Dawson, Y.T., Aug. 10 Parme products. Commodities listed as mis-| €'s are now cutting and threshing cellaneous only showed a fall. Non- wheat, oats and barley. Wheat seed- metallic minerals showed the great- | d at the. Dominion Government Ex- est increase of all, jumping from | perimental Farm on April 27th was $16,887,000 for the period in 1922 cut July 26th for harvesting. Bar- to $35,146,000 for the quarter in |ley was cut there two days later. 1923. This was one of the most continu With the exception of agricultural{ Ous warm summers recorded in the and vegetable products and of the | Yuken, cereals, potatoes and veget- miscellaneous list, increases are also | ables giving splendid yields. indicated in the export commodities set forth in the report. Wood and BRITISH W paper increased from $38,504,000 for the quarter in 1922 to $56,523,- 000 for: the same period this year. Non-ferrous metal products jumped more than. 100 per cent,, as did also the non-metallic mineral exports. RETAIN NATIONALITY On: Marrying Allens If They ary 80 Desire--A Caronia | Nervous Tension Attaches to Coming and Going of Dif- ferent Personages. | Aug. 10.--From outside appearances the plots at Doorn seem 10 be thickening, in spite of the ef- forts of -the official Dutch press to prove to the contrary. atinosphere of nervous temsion sur- rounding the House of Doorn, where the constant coming in and gomg. out of all manmer of persofages only increase this BEF than stay surrounding have beon increased, as that Canada [number of plain clothes police and in Britain today emi- [detectives. All this, however, is more with a the House of Doorn view to protecting the exiled royal- ties from any harm, than with a view to preventing them from cscaping. Sonjé of these secret service men are Germans in the service af tho Hohen- zollerns. Strangers are no Ionger allowed tn circulate so freely as during the past 'a8 to the natiomslity of women whose husbands are of a different nationality is such a difficult one te decide that the Parliamentary Com- mittee composed of an equal num- ber of peers and commoners, which has the matter under consideration, frankly confasses its inability to make any recommendations with re- gard to it. The bill with reference to the question which was recently intro. duced in the House of Commons by Sir John - Butcher, Conservative member for York, suggests that a British woman marrying an alien shall retain her nationality if she desires to do so. The five commoners on the com- mittee have voted for _Livis and the five members of thé House ot Lords have voted . against it. Now they have agreed to place the whole mat- ter, with all the evidence at disposal, before Parliament snd let Parliament decide the troublesome question. They declare that they can do nothing further with it. thelr i pnt. few months, and are constantly Iiiterates to Be Barred questioned as to their business if in the vicinity of the House of Doorn, and are even followed by the delec- tives. From Voting This Fall New York, Aug. 10.--Many iliiter- ate women of New York State who The ex-kaiser ls having a Nigh bar- |; i1e privilege of voting merely bes ricade of matting erected round the cause thelr husbands became na- estate, in order to prevcat the resi- turalized will be prevented from cast- dence from being overlooked from : the road and footpath. Workmen | IPE their ballots this year by the new ¥ I» Mterecy law, which will be in cfiect have already started on this work. 'during the fall elections, Alfred E. Rejall, of the state department of SL i itt, education, declared at an American- ization comferemce at Columbia uni: versity. The new state law requires that no {person shall become entitled to vote by attaining majority by naturaliza- | | tion or otherwise, unless able to read and write English. : Bail For Save a a the | ad Month of September. 3 The Greatest Bri Migr tion to Canadian Harvest Fields in Years. Montreal, Aug. 10--Interest in ery section of local marine circles | centred today on the extraotdinah response made to the special har- vester rate arranged by steamabip and railway companies. It was stats ed yesterday by & prominent ships ping authority that, thanks he £12 rate from the United Ki worts to Winnipeg, from twelve to fifteen thousand of the best type of British settlers will be landed fn Ch- Dada and 'distributed through thi west in me for harvesting opcras tions. ' Not since the palmy days of the initial rush to Canada has there been such a migration of Brillsh men to Canadian fields. The Cunard, Anchor-Donaldson and allied lines are bringing in about four thousand men on the harvester rate which is about fifty pei cent. of the Rotmal rate. The Anchor-Donaldson I Vassandra, due here on Suaday, i. ringing 669 harvostors. The. Cunard. Laconia, a 21,000-ton liner, will ond 702 sleerage at" Halifax, the greal ma;ority on the harvester rate, § Cunard. haoer, Ausonis, will siortly be en routs to Monireal with Tk harvesters, and is being followed by Caronia, which will put off (He larg est party of all, namely, 1,850, ai Halifax. In addition to these Cunard Mner Soythda is leaving for Canada on Sunday with 800 harvese ters on board. ; During the coming wcek end debarkation of these harvest Parties will almost reach the peak activity. The Cesssndra, ao" Iiner;-is bring the biggest party of all, namely harvesters. Tae total of Writish men coming to Canada this week-end i. therefore 3,104 with half as many more landing at Halifax. ------------------ Stolen Auto Breall. Brockville, "Aug, 10.- «Timely as- sistance remdcred by W. R. Ban- nerman, customs landing waiter, on duty at the city wharf, led to the re sovery of a motor car stolca in Ot: tawa, and the arrest by the local po- lice of two vccupants, giviag names and address of Malcolm Sm! and Morris Smith, 197 Dalhousie street, Ottawa, of Russian birth, Fifteen minutes after word had been received by the police here of the theft of the car and panticulars been - flashed - to the . wharf, Offices Bannerman noticed the wanted nivtor car, the occupants of which were egs: deavoring to cross.the St, Lawrenc into New York State. They are under detention here wailing the are rival of an officer from Ottawa. A GOVERNMENT MOVE ON COAL 18 EXPECTE President Coolidge May Up The Matter of ., Anthracite, Washington, tions are gen b anthracite miners and op {the United States soon volu resume negotiations, there will } move by the new admin 1 bring them tbgether. This may the form of request from the C Commission to both sides to