Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1923, p. 7

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¥ v dX 'HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG * SDAY, AUG. 8, 1928. > : JAKI FERRY OPERATOR WILL [TWELVE WEEKS® COURSE OUTING TROUSERS CONTINUE HIS ROUTE} AT THE SUMMER SCHOOL T. 1. Park Association Refus-|is Favored by Queen's Assgol- : "ed Injunction--Defendant ation--Want Term From KHAKI OUTING TROUSERS-- : Suitable for around the camp; will give is Granted $10. June 9th to Aug. 20th. good wear. Price... ........$2.25 Justice" BEN, Smih refused to Yocolved KHAKI OUTING TROUSERS-- i The third ierm proposal grant an injunction' fo the Taousand Dandies for Sport wear. Price . . .$2,75 ABERNETHY'S AUGUST SHOE GANANOQUE | gAug. 8.--A pretty wedding took place on Saturday, August 4th, at St. James church, Pontiac, Michigan, when Gladys Mae, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. &red Deacon, was united in marirage to Hillara La- Frane, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaFranc, of Gan- anoquée. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charm-' ing in a gown of white crepe de chine. Her vell was held in place by a band of myrtle and she carried a bouquet of white Toses. Tne matron of hppor was Miss Marion Wardell, whoi was attired in a dainty gown of Reseda silk and car- riod a bouquet of pink snap-dragon. this scason a resolution was passed 'Landing and has been running a |asking the university to arrange for small ferry between the landing and [a twcive weeks' course for next sum- the park, denying him the right to {mer if possible. This wouid mean take on passengers or land them. 'that a regular fall term, simiiar to The justice said the defendant had a sither of the two winter terms, would right to carry passengers between the | commence on June 9th and continue two points and issued an order to the hearty: support of the Queen's Island. Park Association against summer school Association and Taes- George A. Hunter, who for the past ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS-- day night at the final meeling for forty-five years has lived at Fisher's Price [918 eleisTaTelal (ole e 0 0 0 fo ew bine .$2.75 until August 29th, giving those who George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. \ Wrong Eyes And Headaches This is a common combina- tion. Almost anything can go wrong with a': person whose eyes are below par. Headaches are only one of the symptoms. People should always find out what is causing their headaches --then remove the cause. y Our examination will show the exact condition of your eyes. W.D.GRAHAM R.0. "Successor to red Optometrist ellington Bt. Opp. Post Office. RA he Dr. Waugh | DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. ml Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS © 188 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON "HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. "Evenings by appointment. GAS--X RAY. [BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS || Phone 362w. . IMPORTED LUSTRE . CHINA Inexpensive and very at tractive in Buff, Blue and Green shades, with beautiful Opalescent lining. We have an. exquisite 2f. piece Tea Set at $25.00. Also. Honey Jars, Spoon . Trays, Bon Bons, Olive Dishes, Mayonnaise Dishes and Whipped Cream Dishes, and priced from $1.50 to $2.50. ™ I Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewelers PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON Brn Ae Boy Burglar Held. The youmger of the two brothers, arrested in connection with a sories of burglaries in local stores, las been allowed to go to his home, but the other is being held at the police station until the case js finally dls- posed of. The case is#tlll under in- vestigation by the police as there are a number of matters to be cleared up. : | | | ] can be shown better and will last long- i We have them, er in one of our Beautiful ~ Flower Bowls ~ all colors and sizes in glass, earthenware and china, with ~ . or without the blocks or flower hold-/| i . "COME IN AND LOOK AROUND" \ i J| Thousand Island Park and other points on the river for many years. t expenses until the extra large Brock- ili Eng., ana 30,000 German ! Somes next with 1,100 and Austria that effect. He also granted the de- fendant $10 charges against the plaintiff. Hunter, who is seventy-six years old, has been maintaining a small ferry from Fisher's Landing to the He owns property at the landing, on the river front and up to 1922 the Thousand Island Park Association leased the land from him and used it as a docking place for its ferry. They gave Hunter the right to carry passengers to and from the island providing he did mot interfere with their services. Mr. Hunter has always {taken special pains to see that his [boat did not in any way conflict with {the schedule of the park ferry. | This year the association bought !some land and erected a dock whera {®t can land its boats. They did not {use the land belonging to Mr. Hunter |and they said he could not take on.or | discharge passengers at the park. They sent an order to show cause for {an injunction to be issued him re- {straining him from landing at the { |The mo Island Park. The matter was brought up before Justice EN. Smith. Attorney Lewis A. Ford appeared" for the association {and argued in favor of an injunction being issued not allowing Hunter to land at the park for the purpose of taking on or discharging passengers. Attorney N. M. Smith appeared for Mr. Hunter and opposed tho molion to grant the injunction. The court after hearing both argu- ments refused to grant the injunction restraining Hunter from landing at the park and ordered the defendant be paid $10. SURPRISE TO SUPERVISORS. Are Dumbfounded at Bill for Uso of Country Club. Watertown, N.Y. Standard. A little aftermath of the Boar of | Supervisors and Lincoln League out- iag to Brockville, Ont., last week, came recently in the form of a bill for $500 from the Brockville Country Club where the local men were enter- tained for less than two hours, Needless to say, the committee in charge of the outing were dumb- founded at the amount. To make the figure sound easier, the club todd them that the usual figure for the use of the. clubhouse and entertaining was $1,000. 3 The committee expected to pay for the cigars, soft drinks and other in- cidental expenses and made arrange- ments before hand for these. At pre- sent the committee is at a loss to understand the bill and have written the Brockville people for @ more de- talled explanation. fia 2 The outing was highly successful and thé receipts about equalled the ® bill was presented. % -------------- In twelve hours 35,000 vehicles pass the Mansion House, pass Ludgate cus, . In Russia there are 1,229 women to every 1,000 men. y A good education {is the dowry. best attended credit for a whole terms' work, two of which would be, equi- valent to a winter's attendance at college and fulfill the intra-mural re- quirements for a degree. Tho mat- tar was fully discussed. at several meetings of (he association, and Tuesday night the result of the ques- tionnaire, which (was sent out, was announced. The students were in fa- vor of the long summer term by about 10 to 1. For those who can- not leave their schools so early, the second half of the summer course, that 1s the last six weeks, will count as a regular short summer course, four of which will fill the residence requirements. ------------ A garden party is to be given to the Summer School Association Ly the university and wifil be held on tae lawn in front of the principai's rcsi- dence on Monday, August 13th. HAD A NASTY FALL. The Methodist Sunday Schoo! Picnic a Good Affair. Adolphustown, Aug. 3.--Harvest- ing 1s in full awing but rain is badly needed. The bal game, played at Selby on Wednesday between Selby amd Adolphustown resulted in a score of 5-3 in favor of Selby. R.-M. Robh- lm was in the field again but was un- able to maintain his usual batting as his shoulder is still stiff from the sprain received in the last game with Selby: Balfour 'Allison met with a nasty accident, Tuesday, whon he fell from a load of grain' to the barn flocr. He sustained severe bruises but nc broken bones and is able to.be cut again. The Methodist Sunday School plec- nic held in Mr. Shelby's grove, on Tuesday was much enjoyed by those present, judging by the enthusiasm with which the sports were entered into by both children and grownups. The Jawn social held at the home ofgyr. and Mrs. Frank Bygoit, on Wednesday evening, was a splendid success. The kindness of Mr. and Mra. Bygott in giving the use of their lawn, and the friends from Glen Je land who furnished the programme, was much appreciated by the irem- bers of the Ladies' Aid. Mrs. R. J. Alison is in Camden, N.Y., taking medical treatment. Law- rence Magee and eister spent a few days last week with friends on Wolle Island. Among recent visitors were. Mrs. W. Grass, Collin's Bay. with her daughter, Mre. J. L. Haycock, Jr.; Mr. and Miss Lake, Gananoque, at. the rectory; Miss Frice, Selby, with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Magee; Miss Madeline Roblin, Kingston, with Miss L. Carr; George Hawley, Buffalo, with his mother, Mrs, R. Hawley; Mra. D. M. Allison and family, Cam~ don, N.Y. with her sister, Mrs. George Chalmers; Mrs, Clarke, Plc- ton, with Mrs. Duffet; Mr. and Mrs. Neal, Port Hope, with their son, Rev. H. B. Neal. \ Tue Siva our weschall tam 1a ve these warm days. In thé 295 bull-fights held in Spain during 1921, four bullfight. ers, 38,764 horses and 1,692 bulls were killed. rag The bridesmaides were Miss Freda Deacon, sister of the bride, ana Miss Violet Bowyer the bride's cous in. They wore frocks of maize or- gandie and white silk hats, and carried - bouquets of yellow snap- dragon. The bridegroom was at- tonded by Joseph Cochle. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a gold pendant, to the bridesmaids, pearl necklaces, and to the grooms- man, a gold fountain pen. A re- ception was afterwards held at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs, Jos- eph Cochle, where upwards of eighty guests were entertained. Among those who attended were Mrs, Child and family, Gananoque, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Kerastas, Detroit. The happy couple will take up. residence in: Pontiac, Mich. The bride, who was very popular, had many show- ers given in her honor, including one by the telephone girls of Pon- tac, she having been employed by the Telephone Company for several years, Dr. Fred Jones, Toronto, arriv- ed yesterday and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Parmenver, Miss Marion W. Kent, Montclair, N.J., arrived today from Putney, Vt.,, to spend the balance of the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Her- bert Howard, who has taken the Engells cottage. Mrs, Cora Whict~ beck, Catskill, N.Y., is also a guest of Mrs. Howard. J. Reilly, Wm. Donevan, Danfel Finnegan and Frank Tabenek, Utica, N.Y., motored up for the week-end and enjoyed a tour of the islands with George ¥Funnell as their guide. Mrs. Childs and family, who have been in Pontiac, Mich., ror the past few weeks, returned to their home here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent are here on a month's vacation. Mr, Kent has just finished rewriting the tenth edition of 'Mechanical Engin- eer's Handbook." B. McCarney and Mrs, Leahey, Montreal, are guests of Miss Kate MoCarney, at the Provincial. Miss Gwendolyn Hagen left yes- terday dor Kemptville after having spent two weeks vacation 'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hagen. George Gibson, Perth, spent the holiday in town. Mrs. Hockenberry, New York, and her sister, Miss Tucker, who were at the populars for the season, are leaving shortly for New York City. Graham Thompson is spending a few days with friends in Brockville. Wilfred Ellis has severed his con- nection with the DP H.O., Brock- ville, and is with friends in town. Miss Loretta Goodfriend has gone to New York. Gerald Hagen is spending a holi- day with friends in Kemptville. Bruce Hall, Ottawa, | is with friends in town end will remain about two weeks, A G. Bambridge, J. O'Connor and Charles Brewer were the guests of the Misses Henderson over the week-end. ge 'Many ueans" were In Brockville for the holiday and XK. of C. plenic, at which Miss N. Noo- nan, of Brockville, was winner of the Star car given as a prize. Miss Starts Thursday COME AND SAVE MONEY ! NOTHING BUT UP-TO-DATE STYLES | Men's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes and Shoes for Children. ALL AT BIG REDUCTIONS! Abernethy's Shoe Store Kingston's Largest Home Furnishers each article carrying our guarantee. Phone | 47 YOU LIVE WITH YOUR FURNITURE, SELECT IT WITH CARE. This store sells Furniture of quality at the lowest possible prices When you buy here you not only p less, but you get the right kind, which is even more important. . Buy now during our Big August Furniture Sale, JAMES REID for Service. Lappan were among those who at- tended, i WOMAN LANDS BABY MUSKIE. Good Catches Reported by Parties on River. k Mrs. Thomas Morris, New York, who is occupying her cottage on the , near Alexandria Bay, N.Y., ac- companied by her guest, Mrs. John Murphy, also of New York, were trol- lng in the Lake of the Isles, when (Mrs. Morris had a strike. She sup- powed she bad a pickercl on the Nne. and not having a net, alter playing Bes sufficient length of time} rowed 'their boat to the dock, ang drew the fish up on the land. to their surprise they discover had landed a baby muski- which welighed 22 pounds. Violated Fishing Laws. George Eves, a 2tmcos Island fish- was charged beforo Magi- - { Perth , | Renfrew * | Toronto DATES OF FALL ann] Almonte ......ci4i's0esBept 18 Arden svennsane vasa ATDDTIOr ues vs oe mmo Sept. 3 Belleville oon ee nome oo BOPE J Bowmanville ., eee Sept. 1 BrOCKVIL® « «sme o mao +o AUS. . COPAWALL eee ree Sept. 5 DOS wei res mens SOpt. 104 Demoreotville ... . mae « ae iu SSPE Frankville .. we as Sept, 374 IRVETALY: .. nae suis ois sae Kemptville ....wwi. Septs KINGSTON ne... SEPT, Lanark .. ose X oH nmin dep see Sept. Maberly oem wo Cage Madoc ooinh eee an ein moras Oct. 3 A MAIMATO wn vis + #0e om Sept. McDonald's Corners ......Sept. Merrickville ........ Morrisburg .......o aoe Al Napanee ........w.. Sept 1 Odessa .. we cov ivoms Soph Oshawa ..,.ec.ier.. Sept. 1 Ottawa (Central Canada), Parham .....pee inns pt. See ea PICIOR ols c.canuie is 0% ae eT "ise samme ug. Tweed ovr: Bee mson «Ort, Wolfe 'Island ........ Sept.

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