~ dL RA ri rarer am x WEDNXSDAT, AUGUST 1, 1930 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 'Banff-Windermere Road |YARKER IN NEED OF RAIN Water In The River Very Low and Wells Are Drying a - ri CHIR EN Yarker, Aug. 1, -- The Yarker = : 4 team, of the inter-county Intermedi- / - {ate series, on Saturday last, defeated Enterprise in a league game by Lhe close score of 8 to 7. Warnsr, of the locas, made s home run with men on bases and the credit is mosi- ly due him for the victory. Duan pitched a masterly game after th- ASTE} v / : second inning, as the score siood 6 : y : > 0 0 against the locals. Yarker, with one more game to play, are rea- dy for the play-off for the Lecmox and Addington championship, Ruth Walker, Kingston, speat the week-end. with friends here. The Misses Shibleys, Harrowsmith, spent their holidays with their grand par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Winters. Rev. Mr. Poston, Tamworth, took clarge A er --n SL DANCE AND VOCAL RECORDS, previously released as speciale 10-inch double-sided, Te. Seven Fox Melody Kings aggie 'am--~Fox Trot Melody uu Treg roote Melody Kings Love Me--Fox Trot o--, Ballet Egyptienne-- Fox Trot Melody Kings : Wonderful Child--Fox Trot Capitol Theatre Jazz Band Courtesy of of the services in the Anglican caurch Thea Band of Sunday last. Several of the Yarker- Stella--Fox Trot Sap . a. ites took advantage of a trip to the Yic edley Waltz Islands recemtly. All report a good! How High is Up? Part 1 {Come Dictosue) time. Victor Clayton, Toroato, wes How High is Up? Part 2 (Comic Dialogue a visitor in our midst for a prolong- DANCE RECORDS, 10-inch double-sided, 75c. ed time. Mrs. Ruth McAuley, Wat- Trot Al Fox Trot ertown, N. Y., was a visitor at the ong --Fox HL " - of ® home of her uncle, James Warner. | Wet Yo Spl Ror ot = ol - -- . Rev. and Mrs. McLaughlin and fa- Oh! Har: te Walk or Fox Trod mily," Keenan, were visiting at the When June Comes Along--Fox Trot home of the Rev. Mr. Down's, last Porn 3nd Bred in Broo Welts week. Yarker defeated Newburgh eel--( Violin Sol in a league game by the score of 11 Virginia Real Violin | lo 8. Dr. Warner, dentist, is have. VOCAL RECORDS, 10-inch double-sifled, 78c, ing his dental office in the Oddre!. lows' block remodelled and | Sle Jb Me pa:nted. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hui Down Hearted Blues aud Mrs. Jd. Love spent Sunday at | Waitin' for the Evenin' Mail the home of Miss Lizzie Babcock. My, Macnamara's Band amd Mrs. Baxter Redden, Inverary, Finnigan's Ball spent the week-end at the home of ry Ls Mrs. Redden's aunt, Mrs. Garrison. Nichol smokes the pipe . Todisus, capavisened, swait the judges' pleasure. 2. Lieutenant Governor ro tly oats, Sh Ge JOY Yniaie. 4. Car-No-Sic-Kimeet and the Indian chief. dian bert i reticent and undemenstrative, | by making him an heno chief of their tribe. Ro TE B Judi, a a his appreciation of the fact that | Randolph Bruce, a Jener fn bn Wisdormars priv aud Kootena the pale face is a friend, a brother to him. 'n | de t 4s ho fe than not, he takes advantage of his fetedays to show this of the ceremonial pipe appreciation and good-will in simple ceremonies which honor the white man by bestowing upon him the name of one of their own, and a seat in their family and council Te A a fon xia us ful chiefSain Dalng gives sire) of the Banfl-Windermere Motor High- | Sky", after a famous council chief of the be who has es. The o ; ; si Mr. Bruce expressed his pleasure . ong since away. T. P Fob TP rn ie Fee | oe Es te mo , Dall yp i cntertained_uwid wore [bank note for vor he ra were resumed and pipes "| Sees Waters, Tamworth, wits her INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS, 10-inch double-sided, 78e. entertained by a Hyg 0! Males were easily were rishi the best-costumed Indian on foot, the daughter, Mrs. Bruce Richardson, for Valse Hilda (Saxophone Solo with Orchestre) having atten glories of Tt tostay for afew days. | best costumed squaw, the best caparisoned Indian on a few days' vacation. Bruce Saxanola ( hone Solo with Orchestra) itducad by the h Ramtry honored Lieutenant | horseback, and to others for neatness of tepees and the Richardson bas returned home af. Elegio (Violin On this occasion the o To had officiated, with | best travois and papoose in baby trap, and for their 5 Mebody inF (Vion Solo) Governor W. C. Niehol of B.C., wi buted, demonstrated skill in athletic sports. ter a fishing trip in the north Jakes. el Lieutenant Governor Brett of Alberta, at ape non ' Mrs. Fitageraid epent a few days with WEIGHT REDUCING EXERCISES, Special Set $6.00. her mother, at Wolfe Island. Mrs. - " » " 'en lesso; separate exercises. lustrated instruction book, Fi deuble mdat secon: "Joe" Smith, Reafrew, is spending RED SEAL RECORDS, 10-inch, $1.50, a few days with her husband who is in the C. N, R. staff. Wilburt Wit. Prince Igor--Recitative and Air of Prince Galitsks Landler (Violin Solo) f power, and beaded clothes, to The tribe as full chieftain, being given with "record 'album "and from 216371 to 216375, ea ome esd son is unloading his second car of coal here at $16.75 a ton. Mn aud Mrs. George Curl aud daughter, Pansy, motored to Ganaa- oque to visit friends. The water in the river and mills is very low at presen and rain Is badly needed. W. Storms has gone to Rochester for the balance of the summer to work at his trade. Wesiey and Liazie Brown, Marlbank, were Sunday visit- urs. atthe home of their sister, Mrs. D. A, Stewart. Edward Irish, Toron- to, was. in the village calling ou friends and pelatives. Mra. George Truscott and family have ;)» turned" home after visiting at tae ome of her aunt." Chanite Oatis, Rochester, is at the home of Mio. William Smith; for a visit, All roads will lead to Kingston for the Redpath Chautauqua, July 3st to Augugt 6th. The show will be weil pat- remeren, minds a sense of maturity which | ronized. M. V. Lake returned hone alter spending a few days will friends in Napanee. The road be- tween Yarker and Camden East is uearing completion. It whl then complete a good road to Napaneo. PT ------ Summer Fever, Boston Globe. Summer is essentially a queer combination of laziness dnd indus- try. It isa time of inordinate ambi- tion to ioat and invite our souls, a counteracts our wayward impulse to let things go bang. So we drift along, now plunging into utter Mazi. ness, again bustling with activity; now released. for a vacation of in- tensive devil-may-care, again brought snub up against imperative labor. We are caught in the throes of a dualism of desires and while we fol- low now one and now, the other, loaf. ing ar weeding our wioughts, it be- comes astonishingly evident that we grow all the while. TheBritish Whig Publishing Co. Ltd. has a Department specially equipped to execute all classes of OB PRINTING First-class service and fair prices, period of cultivation with am eye to harvest. Somehow the will to loat They are the most frivolous ang keeps interrupting us. The weeds [superficial of mankind who can be Seem deplorably lusty. They defy industry, Mie the continuous army that flowpd out of the earth in the A fable, = Progress toward maturity Ceremonies are different in every Seems to lag with feet of lead. Yet country but true politeness is ev. there is everlastingly present in our erywhere the same. wr we ost Economical CornFlakes Because they are made from choicest selected an exclusive process in which all the nourishment is retained --Post Toasties are richer in food value and more econorhical. Try them--for greater sati You can tell Post Toasties by the "bubbles" on the flakes--the sure sign of crisper, more appetizing corn flakes, 2 packages for 25c, | IEUTENANT-Governor W. C. Nichol of British Columbia and Randolph Bruce, leader in the " k of K d Windermere, at the Indian celebration at I vermere following the Windermere road. 2 wer hacored bv the Koetwany Lodi who adh shee iG oacPe 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont, - rm ---------- . AA BETTERING ITSELF HUGELY |spirit is "Popular Music" is doing quite re- markable things' these days The ] ly 1s In want of much, but ice of &verything. s "There's a Reason" 1 MADE IN CANADA