TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1928. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WHY? Try to make yourself a new Hat out of materials that are as common 'as postage stamps. You spend from $3 to $5, spend hours in the making of it and what have you got when It is finished? Something your friends laugh at a block away. No doubt you have a Hat you used to like but are tired Of the shepe. Let us reblock it up-to-date. You will a Hat when it is finished. It Lave 8 ot more than $1.50 aad probably less. The Kingston Hat Cleaners UPSTAIRS 163 Princess St. Phone 1488. REAL ESTATE. GENERAL INSURANCE. RELIABLE COMPANIES ONLY REPRESENTED, GUARANTEE BONDS. VIOTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD, R. H. Waddell Phones 326-596. _ 868 Breck St. | DR. A.W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Baby Cutting Teo:th Was Very Sick "With Diarrhoea | When the baby starts to cut its teeth, especially during the hot wea- ther, then is the time that the poor mother is under the stress and strain of great anxiety. | i There is no remedy so.safe and ef- fectual, for the teething eomplaints infants, as is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, no remedy that has | had the endorsation of vo many Cana- dian mothers during the past 78 years it has been on the market. Mrs. C. W. Myers, Clanwilliam, | Man., writes: --*"My baby girl was | very sick with diarrhoea when she was cutting her teeth. different remedies, but nothing did her any good. She was getting worse when my mother sent me out a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I gave her a few doses was as well as ever. Now, I always keep 'Dr. Fowler's' in the house and recommend it to all those troubled with diarrhoea." Price 50c. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, | Ont, ree I tried several | and the next day she was much bet- | ter, and in a couple more days she ! | | i | KINGSTON anp VICINITY Here'\ Another Guess. | Many local weather prophcts have {announced that we are due for a late | and pleasant fall this year, as au an- tidote to the cold spring. That will | nelp some. Guilty of Bigamy. | Violet Hazel Stillwell in Brockville | police court pleaded guilty to biga- my. She was remanded for sentence, | She is twenty-two years of age and lived in Cardinal, , Good Fishing Now, The fish are commencing to hite good now, judging by the reports being received in the city from the followers of Isaak Walton, who are hooking on the big feilows. | | - Appointed School Inspectar. At the special meeting of the Lan- {ark county council in Perth, J. C. Spence, Ottawa, was appointed pub- | lie school inspector for North Lan- ark, succeeding R. CO. Rose. | | | | Dcath of Mrs. Benson. The death is reported at Grimsby Beach of the Widow of the late Eev. Mauly Benson, D.D., in her eighty- | thir year. She lived in the Meth- | odist parsonages at Gananoque and | Perth. but almost eny corner on Princess |of which Hon. Thomas A. Low is pre- street from Ontario to Division street is dangerous and drivers have to hold their cars under absoiute con- trol, Western Canada in Need of 50,000 Harvesters. Western Canada is in need of 50,- 000 Harvesters to help in the grain fields. Canadian National Railways is making special arrangements to handle the large volume of travel expected by operating special trains through to Winnipeg with. out change. In addition, colonist cars will also be operated on some of the regular trains and same will run through to Winnipeg. The go- ing dates are August 13th and 22nd. The special trains will carry col onist cars of the latest design and lunch counter cars serving food and meals at reasonable prices. Bpecial colonist cars will also ba provided for women and familaes. The fare from any statton in the Province of Quebec, or Ontario, will be $15 to Winnipeg plus one half cent per mile beyond to points | in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- | | berta, Edmonton, Tannls, Calgary, MacLeod and East. For the return Journey one half cent per mile to Winnipeg plus $20 to original start- sident, and is being rapidly pushed forward. The new riill replaces the | one destroyed by fire recently. The | brick-work is now half up and every thing is being done to hurry it, the carpenters occasionally nights to koep ahead of th» brick- layers. Mr. Low states that they ex- pect to have the roof on in a couple of woeks. The mill will be tts same size as the oly pacity of 450 barrels a day. Commi'ted For Trial. Frank and John Palmateer, of the township of Kennebec, who were ac- raigned before Magistrate Napanee, on Monday, on charges of maiming and injuring horses at God- frey, were committed for trial. The | Kingston | The horses were the property of 8yl- trial will take place at vester Clarke, Godfrey, and it is al- ieged that the accused cut taelir tails and manes and destroyed harness by | catting it up. T. J. Rigney, K.C., Kingston, prosecuted and W. G. Wil- | son, K.C., Napance, defended tle accused. Dr. Martel's Female Pills Have helped thousands last half cen- tury, Delayed and Painful Menstrua- tion, Nervousness, Dizziness, Back- working | struoture, wit: a ca- | Ruttan, | . COAL The United States and Canadian Fuel Controllers have advised consumers to lay in their coal supply early, in anticipation of a hard coal strike on September Ist. We can now supply Scranton Anthracite in Pea, Chestnut and Egg sizes. S. ANGLIN & CO. * Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 686. Factory Phone 1413 The British Whig Publishing Co. Ltd. has a Department specially equipped to execute all classes of JOB PRINTING First-class service and fair prices. 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont, » Piles Went Down The River. PHONE 248. Se usally ducto strains | The steamer Waubic and Brock- : # | ville carrfed large crowds of King- Nujol being a lubricant stonians anxious to escape the heat ! keeps the food waste soft and on Sunday afternoon. An orchestra therefore prevents strain- {enlivened the trip of the Waubic to ing. Doctors prescribe Nujol IF Vincent, N. Y. ache, etc. Sealed TIN BOX, $2.00, Druggists or direct by mall Knicker- bocker Remedy Co. 71 E. Front Street, Toronto. wet PIANO TUNING { Plano Tuning, Repairing ang Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H," Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. ing joint in the East. For tickets and further particul- | ars apply to any agent of the Cana- | dian National Railways or to J. P. Hanley, C. P. and T. A. C. N. Rys. Phone 99 or 1433. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 363 A a -- -------- -------------------------------- i ~ NOTICE GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street ASK FOR ~~ BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) } Use Use It i Always All Ways, ' Mills Being Rushed. Work has been commenced on the | new flour mail which is being erected | by the Renfrew Flour Mills, Lunted, | [ I --------al because it not only soothes <x Shirt Sale. the suffering of piles but relieves the irritation, brings We made another special purchase comfort and helps to re- of Boys' and Men's colored shirts--- {collars detached. Sizes from 13% |. move them. l . {to 16%. Regular prices of these Nujol is a lubricant--not a shirts were $2.50 and $3.50. Sale | medicine or laxative -- so price, $1.75 cach. Prevost, Brock | cannot gripe. Try it today. street, BRING YOUR FRIENDS TO GRAND CAFE Enjoy the warm weather. Dine out. Bring your visitors to our Cafe, where everything is cooked and served to your or- der. 222 PRINCESS ST. TWO DOORS FROM OPERA HOUSE. PETER LEE, Proprietor FES, PIAN CARTAGE aad STORAGE OF os, ERY DESCRIPTION Co. ston Transfer Phone 377. Evenings 2231. WELLIN N > Collin"s Bay Causeway. The filling in of the Collin's Bay Diversion is progressing well. By the end of the present week R. i Fair, county road superintendent, expects that all of the rock filing will be completed and them work on the earth embankment will be carried on. A Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S, D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets, Eatrance, 1580 Wellington Sg, Bening a appointment, Pe = co as $3,000--Frame. 7 room house, 3 bedrooms, toilet, electric light, stoves, Business Man F summer kitchen, henhouse, verandah, R. Bruce Gray, Pem balcony and garden. $500 will |known business man, on July handle this. Z6th, aged seventy-four years. He $5,300--Solid brick, 9 room house, | Was born at Perth and tn 1867 land- 4 bedrooms and den, 3 piece bath-|od at Pembroke where be was in bu- Away. , 8 2 NE Te. WATTS People's - Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Residence, 1187. and Cannel Coal. Mixed Wood cut in stove lengths, BOGTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 ¥ c FOR SALE TENTS, MARQUEES, BULLIMNG aaa a saaad, ---- room, splendid cellar, good verandah, electric light, heating, gas fireplace, floors. Garden and garage. $6,000--Brick, 10 room house. 6 8, 2 plece bathroom, separate toilet, good cellar, electric light, gas, hot water heating, hardwood floors, porch, balcony and garden. First class rooming house. E. L. MARTIN WANTS TO HELP OTHER WOME hardwood Fi i a ? ; i i i § 7 | fs BATHING LCohen& Co, _ 267-275 ONTARIO STREET PHONES 836 and 837. ---------- W. H. Godwin & Son sented. Lowest possible rates. ; . BROCK STREET Phone By wearing one of our Bath- ing Caps, all prices, colors and styles. Also JERGEN'S LOTION for sunburn and your favorite Tal- cum to relieve the sunburn and soothe the skin. For sale by;-- 'M. R. McColl Prescription siness for fifty-one years. One &as for cooking, hot air | daughter, one sister and two broth- ers survive. Cheese Boards Sales. Gouverneur, N. Y., 4,468 at 22%¢. Belleville, 2,151 at 19 9-16e¢. London, 646 boarded, 18 3-4c bid, no sales. Cornwall, 2,177 at 19 3-8a. Vankleek Hill, 900 at 19 5-18¢. St. Hyacinthe, Que, 650 at 18 7-8c. Death of Max. Palter. There passed away at his late rest- dence in Brooklyn, N. Y., Max. Pal- , beloved husband of Nellie M. Sinden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Sinden, Picton. Mr. Palter Dangerous The corner at the junction of Wel- lington and Clarence sireets. is dan- gorous for automobiles. Two cars A ICIENT RELIEF FOR ASTHI Al PL Sansa HER vk whe BOAR 3 AND ACTRATOWALL CORONSS EN te A er AA A A ar PAA vt rt lh desired. 302 KING ST. Best Quality Ice Cream Order our Ice Cream if you want the best. Ice Cream, ali flavors, sold in bulk and delivered when Try our Strawberry Ice Cream--it's delicious. LACKIE'S BAKERY PHONE 141, HAVE DINNER DOWNTOWN Take it easy this Summer. Have your Dinner with us, Good things well served. Prices reasonable. THE VICTORIA CAFE King St, JEWLY LEB, Mgr. Telephone 762, o£ 7 pr. O'S 7 ) | 2 . \ 7 / | MOTHER! Fletcher's: Castoria is a harmless A 74 TO (6 R pS rrr for Substitute Castor Ofl, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Diarrhea {Constipation Flatulency Wind Colic To Sweeten StonracH Regulate Bowels Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep without Opiates ; To avoid imitations, always look fo the siguature of (2s A BLLer. Rroven : Physicians 1 en ed fr itl > everywhere recommend it, ~ For the Best Values mn Young Men's Suits at $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 'TWEDDELL'S Clothing House We Are Offering A Pure LINEN HUCK TOWEL Hemstitched, in an extra good quality FOr womivivinismitvins sins + vue 1 0G. ch 80 pure Linen Table Cloths -- 2 yards by 2 yards; all pattern cloths, in splendid designs. These are weaver's imperfections and a great bargain at Table Napkins to match cloths -- very special at $3.00 and $3.75 doz. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. 0)