TO-DAY MIRIAM COOPER in "THE GIRL WHO CAME BACK" Che Daily British Whig ho |. ALLEN] TO-DAY MIRIAM COOPER in "THE GIRL WHO CAME BACK" YEAR 90; No. 174 KINGSTON, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1928 THINKS WELL Are Agreed on Their Reply to the FRANCE AND BELGIUM. British Note. ! Panis, July 26.--The French and | SCORES ARE COAL MINERS OBJECT i TO ANY ARBITRATION Journal Declares They Are News off the Wires BANDITS GET | In Condensed Form OF CANADA President Harding At Van- couver Was Enthusiastic. Belgian governments have reached | an agreement on all essential points | respecting the British note, dt was announced to-day. It was not made known whether there will be a joint or separate reply. Ready Very Speedily. Paris, July 26.--The French reply will not be ready until the begin- ning of next week, but Premier Poincare is understood to have in AFTER SEATS Candidates For Irish House Sago Uy Oo A Sie Committed to Collective Bargaining. submit nothing to arbitration. The position is officially declared in the issue of the Mine Workers Journal, distributed at the close of Atlantic City, July 26.--Whatever the outcome of the wage negotiations now under way in the Hotel Ambas- sador, the United Mine Workers will mind the fact that the British Par- liament is to adjourn on August 3rd STRIKERS FAVOR SABOTAGE and he is expetoced to submit his ---- -- governments answer before . that * Jokingly Urges Canada Tose ~ Foster No Propaganda To | Watte partiament das nothing to Scatter Steel Spikes in Mea- dows to Destroy Live- stock. session of the committee: 'The miners," says the journal, 'will take no backward steps. Nor will the miners accept any form of arbitration of the issucs invwived in the present negotiations. Tie United Mine Workers are committe to the principle of collective bargdning as of Royal Military College. HE 1S NATIVE OF BALA But Has Held Posts In All Parts of the Globe--He Was on Mission. A CANADIAN Mining Engineer, a Graduate « Prince Edward Island provinci elections take place to-day. ! in lumber camps are being sought. Leroy Rennie, Canada, is to me { match. A Riga report states that | Canada. Sir Campbell Stuart, Laborers for fall and winter work uluda, of Japan, in the Davis Cap 5.000 | Robbery | Mennonites are leaving shortly for managing NO TRACE OF ~ ARED CAR The Bandits in t | al et | he Toronto Not Crack Shots. director of the London Times, has sailed for Quebec. Toronto is to get the great inter- | MANY BULLETS; FEW BILLETS nia tn dune, 1934 "|The Messengers in Hospi Are Carag ig c do, directly, with this stage of the Annex United States. negotiations, yet it is thought here Vancouver, July 26. -- The ancient bugaboo of the United States, schein- ing to annex Canada, disappeared from all our mirds years ago," de- di, that Prime Minister Baldwin might like to say something to the House of Commons on the subject before the summer recess. Negotiations, prior to the submis- a means for the proper adustment of such matters and the ution does not propose to accept anyting alse as a substitute for that log estad- lished principle." London, July 26.--Candidetes for the suffrages of the electors at the forthcoming Irish election are spring- ing up on every hand. De Valema is Pekin, July 26.--Cainese bandits | the C.N.R. have captured Darcy Weatherbee, a | the proceeds of which will British miming engineer, near Chiu- equip the railway. 20, province of Yunnan, according to | go t A Toronto syndicate -has bought issue of $22,500,000, Chlef Justice Sir Francois Lem- | At Atlantic City, the coal opere- Aloag Com- rtably. tors rejected the demand of the miners for closed shops. Toronto, July 36.--The police are o [ battled in finding no trace or the ['bandits' Ted car, The conditions of the three mes- sion of the proposed collective allied himself a candidate in County Clare, This declaration, foreshdowing clared President Warren G. Harding, § speaking before a huge crowd in : Stanley Park here, today. ~ "Hea- ven knows," he continued, "we havc all 'we can manage mow, and room enough to spare for another hundred millions, before approaching tne in- tensive stage of existomoe of many of the European states. "And, if I might be so bold as to offer word of advice to you." he "went on, "it would be this, do not en- courage any entoarprise looking to Canada's annexation of the Unitod States. "You are one of the most capabl: governing people in the world, but I entreat you, for your own sakes, to think twice before undertaking the management of the territory which lies between the great lakes and the Rio Grande. *No, let us our own gaits along paraliel » you helping ws and we helping you. So long as each country maintains its independence, and both recognize their indepen- dence, these paths can not fail to be highways of progress and prosperity. Nationality continues to be a sup- "Teme factor in modern existence. Our very propinquity enjoins that the . most effective co-operaiion comes on- ly from ithe clasping of hands in true faith and good fellowship." FAN note to the German government will hardly be completed with the sub- mission of the French and Belgian Yeplies to the British proposal, ac¢- cording to the view taken here be- 'cause it is considered that some points will require further discus- fon with the British foreign office, A DISASTROUS FIRE. Seven Business Buildings 'Wiped Out at Wynyard, Sask. Wynyard, Sask. July 26.--Fire, which broke out at 7.20 o'clock last night, within two hours resulted in the destruction of seven business buildings on Bosworth street, causing a joss estimated at $125,000. Wyn- yard is the divisional point of the C.P.R., 125 miles east of Saskatoon. VANISHED AT NIGHT; LAST SEEN ON TRAM The Strange Disappearance of a Bank Clerk From Montreal. Montreal, July 26.-- The strange Tidings From Warburton. Warpurton, July 24.--The recent showers have put new lifc in the Pastures and late crops. Farmers . | &re very busy with tae haying, as most barns are filled many stacks are being built. Raymond Macdon- ald, Sand Bay, is assisting B. Fodey with the haying. Harry Steacy is recovering rapid- ly after bis recent illness. Joseph and James Milne, Kingston, arc Spending their holidays at J. Fodey's. Misses Vera end Madeline Vander- purg have returned from a two weeks' vacation at Arden. Recent visitors: Mrs. Arnold Hugely and children, Sault Ste. Maric, and Mrs. R. P. Milne and children, Brewer's Mills, at J. Fodey's; Miss Veronica Dier, Gananoque and Miss Norah Dier, Seeley's Bay, at W. A. Dier's, Mrs. John Haver and daugnter, St Jobmsville, N. Y., and Mrs. John Da- ly sad daugthers, Buffalo, N. Y,, at Oharfes A. Lee's. ---- ONE LAD KILLED. Others Injured in Explosion at Fire ' works Philadelphia, July 26.-- One un- identified boy was killed and four other youths were slightly injured, today, in connected with the United States Fireworks Manufastaring Company, disappearance of George Thompson, head teller at the head office of the Bank of Montreal, St. James street, who has been missing since Friday evening last, constitutes a mystery which is taxing the best brains of the private detectives and officials at the bank. refusal of the proposal to ,rbitrate Washington is expectad to rake the present negotiations deadick, over shadows the development ¢ a day devoted mainly to techmica discus- sions of mining conditionsand fol- lowed by the issuances. ¢ formal statements in which each sie "pass- of respoasibiliy for any shortage of coal this wintr 10 the other, and declares that he will continue to be a candidate un a bullet stops him. "The people of Clare have been allowed once more to exercise their political intelligence, and they will avail themselves of the opportunity by electing me," he said. The chances of Labor, which at one time were considered remarkably good, have geen weakened by the un- official strike of the dock iaborers at Dublin and Cork, and the strike of the farm laborers et Waterford. The ranks of Labor are badly split, with Larkin leading the rebels. Sabotage on a large scale coa- tinues, the favorite form to-day being the scattering of steel spikes in tie meadows, thus destroying horses apd cattle. The 'business men's party hes fizzled out owing to lack of suppor and deanth of candidates. Outside the ranks of the professional politi- cians the ministerial panty seems best organized and is Mkely to be returned t0 power. Must Wear Sleeves To Retain Their Jobs Chicago, July 26.--The persistent wearing of sleeveless dresses and the excessive application of make-up will mean the dismissal of women em- ployees of the People's Gas, Light and Coke Company, Johanne Doane, dean of women, said to-day in a no- tice to |womem employees. Dean Doane also requested the women em- ployed ¢o wear dats while on the| Streets. i The order affects more than 600 girls, and all have accepted the rul- a report received by the customs com- missioner yesterday. formerly was a resident of Pekin. Darcy Weatherboe, the British mining engineer, reported captured by Chinese bandits in the province of Yunnan, set out on May 22nd of this year to attempt the overland rcute from Burma to Pekin. It was stated at the time that the route selectod was different than that other explorers and travellers, and passed through country never before traversed by whiie men. Weatherbee is a native of Ialifax, fifty years of age, a son of the late Sir Robert Weatheibee, formerly chief justice of Nova Scotia. He was edu- cated at the Royal Military College, Kingston, and has held posts in every part of the globe. From the mines office in Halifax, where he was employed, following his | graduation, he proceeded to Califor- | nia, just previous to the San Fran- cisco earthquake. Subsequently he worked 1n Arizona and Mexico, in the Argentine, and in Spain, at copper mining and in Siberia at gold mining. Later he lived in London, where he built up an extensive practice as a consulting mining engineer. Barly in the present year from London he went to Pekin. He left Pekin on a trip through China and India, across the Indian Ocean to British East Africa, and up through Egypt and the Mediterranean to Londen, return- ing to Pekin toward the middle of April, | explorer by his brother, Colonel Faul Weatherbee, now living in Nova | leux has announced officially that he |sengers reported by the hospital au- Weatherbes | taken by | 5 When he stepped on a street car to go down town, from St. Domin- ique street, above Besubin street, at 9 o'clock on Friday night Mr. Thompson apparently vanished from humana ken. ing rather than lose their jobs, Dean Doane sabd. t ---------- DID NOT HALT AS ASKED. Watertown, N.Y., Ju! 2§-- Rio- wana, of Toronto, won © fifst race for the George Cup; Nada, Teron- to, second; Latonka, Owego, tard; Scotia, was contained in a letter dat- ed from northern Burma in May, and told of the natives and mules he had engaged for the expedition. He had hoped to make important discoveries would decline to preside over | second Delorme trial wherever | might be held. 1 te | C | cree of divorce given the Hon. Joh | Hugo Russell, | hill. King George's yacht Britannia ra. ground on the Shoebury sands nea the mouth of the Thames at th completion of the first round of a Yes high many bullets which did not fin. race on Wednesday. Shy and dry. THE CRINOLNE SKRT 5 COMING BACK skirt, whi new fashion battle. brought back a month ag: Mistinguett, a musical com the hoop skirt was disdain Parisiennes. M. Polret known figures--such as Cecile Sorel ~--but Paris remained cold. Yesterday, however, a half-dozen war is on. It seems doubtful it French women will be willing to adopt the voluminous crinolines with the ther- mometer reading ninety-nine in the shade, but M, Poiret and Jeanne tha th it | Michael's The British Court of Appeals yes rday dismissed the appeal of Mrs hrijtobel Russell against the de- heir to Lord Ampt- Is Centre of Fashion Battle ch made its appearance at Saturday's races, is the centre of a Originally 0 for Mlle. edy star, ed by the continued putting crinolines on certain well- mannequins paraded in crinolines at the Maisons Lafitte races, and tne The lack of a motive for a dis appearance and the failure of those seeking for the head teller to find a trace of him in morgue, hospital, police station or other institutions, makes the case even more myster- fous. He did not drink, he was a man of quiet, retiring habits, and there had been no Worries so far as relatives and friends are able to determine which would have prey- ed on his mind, Only one little olue gives the de- Free State Soldier Cyclists Were Then ing hand of Skipper . G. Rielly Won the first heat. T Nayada of the same club was alx four boa. lengths behind at tlemish line_ The Huskie of Waterta, holder o- the cup trailed the td boat by about a third of a m At the end of the fideg the La- tonka was leading by slight mar- soldder cyclists were seized by Ulster specials after they crossed the border and allegedly refused to halt when challenged. When the challenge was disobeyed the specials fired a volley and the southerners dismounted and attempted to reply, but the specials rushed in and captured them. se route. Lanvin both said the crinoline Huskye, defend : is Arrested. Husky hope, or fourth; ee ---- coming back inevitably. Belfast, July 26.--At Castle Saun-| B ot lin OLD SETTLER LOST HIS LIFE. --_---- derson, on the Fermanagh-Cavan y crafty sailing angood judg- . : border, yestorday, three Free State|™°0t! the Rlowana, um the guid- 'en Houses and Three Camps De- | FORD HAS NO DESIRE stroyvd in Quebec, - July 26.--Forest fires Qused by the burning of slash by Sdtlers have resulted in the loss of TO BE U.S. PRESIDENT Was Asked In Traverse City, Castle Saunderson was the estate of Col. Bdward James Saunderson, once a noted Ulster Orange leader. FEAST OF ST. ANNE tectives something to work on. CL ------------ NO EVACUATION YET. Gen. Thacker Is Not Able to Say When It Will Come. Halifax, July 26.--General Thack- er, officer commanding military dis- trict No. 6, which includes Cape Bre- gin. The other entriesing bunch- ed slightly in the rea A 15-mile breeze picked up ande Latonka, being a light weathedoat, was quickly overhauled byhe Nayada, orities are: David Campbell, m St. i resting comfortably. | slightly improved. Walter S. Duck, - in General, slightly improved. J. | W. Harris, also in General, remains unchanged. No matter how freely the bank jTobbers used their revolvers on Tues- | day morning, they do not seem to n | have been crack shots; their bullets Tiwere effective only when fir- ejed at extremely close range This was evident from the d a {human bullet. Four bullets or shot were also found in two heavy rese- graph oables which span JOTwan Street, north of Melinda. These cut One or more wires and put a ticker {in a broker's office out of commis {sion. But whether these shots were fired by the gunmen or from an up- per window by someone taking pot- shots at the bandits, is not deter- A mined. fter Appearance at Races -- in Paris. No New -- "There are no new developments Paris, July 26.--The crinoline {in the bank robbers case," stated General Vv, A. 8S, Williams, the provincial police, cured a better description of the bandits than we had yesterday, of their clothing and of themselves, and this has been sent out by tele- phone to all the provincial inspect ors throughout the province, who will pass the description on to the officers in their d'stricts. "Ot course all our men will be on the lookout for any of the bandits, but all we can do is watch for them. There is nothing new so far." The Studebaker car found three miles south of Fort Brie at an earks hour this morning is not that of the sunmen who robbed the Toronto bank messengers on Tuesday. This Was ascertained by General Victor Williams, head of the provincial pol- ice this afternoon. Immediately on receipt of the in- formation the general had his men investigate the matter and it was ascertained that the burned car was a Studebaker coupe, not a car such as used by the bandits. head ot "We have se- pe life and the destruction of ten Mich., as to His Possible {The police later learned that the uses and three camps at St. Val- Candidac |ruined car was owned by a reput- efen, Rimouski county. y- {able Buffalo man. Louis Beaupre, sixty-eight years of Traverse City, Mich. July 26. (Continued on page 16. ln nicE. Yaa crinhed in the | Henry Ford does not want to be U. S. MARRIAGES DECREASE Re Fry aa Pirineed in te President, he told a group of Tra. : ¥ AP . "| verse City people at the Weque- Ta moreno sl who | L026, BO Ch, "Laure ily Cour Bares Fewes Show In WAG | homeward aboard his yacht Sialia. . se fire to a quaniity of slash in Lan- He had been visiting his brother- {falling off in the which went into. first ce ana tae|gi township on the south shore Riowana, going into nd, while|cased a serious outbreak on Friday indaw, M. D. Bryant, for three ! the Leader had third ition. lat, and ten houses were reduced to a. h : The voloclty of thend increas. aga. A lot of settlers' efteots, | , 11, ave Apis 30 be Pre | ed and widen © gtetween the | funiture and implements werc de. * 33 answer 1a a The Corner Stone of New St. Riowana and the Lata. Por |stoyed. ©1¢ 9¢ | question on his possmle candidacy. | | Washington, July 26.--Pigures compiled by the Bureau of the Cep- Sus are understood to show a general number of marriages throughout the United States, and an increase in divorces. The first figures, just made public, are for New Hamp- at Cardington on the outskirts of Philadelphia, The property loss wes small. The® dead boy was about seventeen years old. The foreman of the plant said the boys { were not employed by the company but had applied for positions. recent strike. morning, Breton was being evacuated by the military, called there during the The troops were still Anne de Beaupre Church Blessed. St. Anne, de Beaupre, Que., July 26.--Fifteen thousand people at- tended the ceremonies which took stated that about five minutes light rain Another fire which broke out in "You see, I have a bigger job now," | shire, Delaware and Connecticut. perfect calm, started to fall and follng the rain the wind went down mag almost a The whbegan com- ing in puffs and by dul and good guidance | Rmouski county, on Monday, stoyed three large camps. Generally speaking, the situation is V€y serious. In the St. Maurice Val- la the forest fires are very hard to f sailing Riowana h de- ed {| The number of marriages in Con- [necticut dropped from 15,168 in 1516 ---------------- {10 12,095 In 1922, but the number of Concern May Move to Hull. {divorces jumped from 961 to 1,030, Ottawa, July 26.--The Ottawa Car In Delaware marriages e added. There thé discussion end- gradually overtook thader, fight, and, in spite of all efforts, are T2000 00 00000002002 * + BLOCKADE OF AREA ° Lad in Cape Breton. Gen. Thacker said none bad been place, to-day, here, on the occasion Of the feast of St. Anne and the blessing of the corner stone of tne new church. Striking a slight be Skipper Reilly jibbed Jis dover and blanketed the Nayadang imto the gining some headway. -- Bulgaria decides to crush Com- F {from 2,038 in 1916 divorces increased from 210 to 224. In New Hampshire the Manufacturing Company, Limited, to 1.45 may move their entire plant from Ot- aly yale tawa to the city of Hull in the nea: . FAS BEEN REACHED 4 the former strike area would com-| Each year the feast of St. Anne [1904 Dever 10 be bel. | mista, and may sation mo. restriotive legislation and the differ. |v het Jocroase 2b * -- «| mence. is celebrated with grandeur, which pine a . "~~ [ence between Ottawa and the Huw | Co Tom 598 to 600. 4 Berlin, July 26.--It twas re- ¢ was not affected, even through the - taxation is given as the reason for In ® ported from Dontmuad, in Rub, #| Dr. Ruthenford's successor on the destruction of the famous Baafifca, this contemplated move. The cory. ADVICE TO POINCARR 4 today, that the authorities of + |rafiway board may come either from but, this year, the Redemptorist ta- pany is one of the biggest manufac WEP 4 oocupation had announced that # British Columbia or any of the pradrie| 0 10 are In charge of the turing concerns in Ottawa. At the Present European Outlook is Des # the blockade of the occupied provinces. There will be no Soarelty | rine. made arrangements to make Present time 'the company has be. Pairing, Lloyd George Says. ® area had been rmised, dating +|of aspirants. it an unusual event and succeeded. tween 450 and 500 men on § London, July 28. --David Lioyd (# from last night. #| The British House of Commons will 28 Wag canted " 8 PAY- | George, former Premier of Great x The pontifical mass was ed by roil » @ adjourn on August 2nd until Novem- i Britain, speaking at Bristol, declar- ; His Grace Mgr. Gagnon, auxiliary --------a a PEEP PPRLP 0292499 «wv ber 13M, it is announced. bishop of Sherbrooke, assisted by | Want Mel Han ed that the European outlook is en- 3 : WE - Rev. Fathers Louis Rolleau and Aw- aly toad. | ough to "cause the stoutest heart to 3 : rgrdiprnmndue fons Brion, Out, July 261 Pre. | sebaie™ of nen eamogioet be Poin aa + --_-- . . . y Sule Arseneau as Inter Ferguson Santis out his inten- | care would stop his Sunday speech. . ! . eacon. on of asking the Hydro municipali- : " : You Said It Marceline! His Eminence Cardinal Begin, ties to name several people, iespall- es such as those of the last two 3 y * ed the throne EOV- | weeks," Lioyd George sald. "Thaq ; i x ; during mass, - oocupi erament to choose dne to fill the va- | i; no day on which to unscrew the -- MARCELINE 'ALROY having as his attendants Rev. i caney on the Hydro commission due | cylinders and diffuse a carefully dis- h : ther Thomas Piatal, provincial 10 the ousting of J. G. Ramsden, | lied Dotiod (tar produces suspic 2 On She Who Looks Simple the Redemptorists in Senadar and prantford will back M. M. McBride, | jon and sager amongst nations." ; "A young girl should LOOK simple , And that is "WOMAN." j Rev. Father William. Kenya. M.P.P., for the appointment. In a speech last Sunday Poincare Redemptorist monastery, Boston. J attacked Lloyd George = And be SMART. But all HE ean do { A special musical programme was : T Averts Bread Crisis. 3 . : to TRY to learn, | andsped el ys singint of isious Dublin, July 26.--A threatoned | Small E tate Takes Grand. be Not LOOK smart xi be | hymns lo He sent V- un. bread crisis was averted by the action | Montreal, July 26.--R_ A Meagh- 3 And be even then, | Nis fepes n gu v an of the government in supplying a | er, liquidator of the Trans-Canada : : : SHE races him again, | fal - Sera Ta TORONO BANK : troop of soldiers in response to an Theatres, Limited, confirmed a re. 2 Many YOUNG women CRE Ras monies. a i. o ONTO ROBBERY. appeal from the bakery proprietors | port that the estate of Ambrose Are infinitely WISER he = fo on. daybreak this WarSiag, wa. (3 Can Ban messenger, who was shot| for a guard iio Protect the removal of | Small will take. over the Gran 5 3 WEEN the LIN . bandi | yeast from Am eet station, | Opera House in Toronto in acco : Than OLD men. While be is TRYING ' | distributed to thousands ot pilgrims | through the oh ox its made a murderous attack ooo strike pickets were holding up. | ance with an agreement made srg. . And LE gir to make out | ang, according to the Redeptorist on bank : e hart of Toronto's financial dis- to the failure of the Trams-Canadg A The written page. fathers, the number ot poopie trict. The by he , according to their Brockville Cup. Company. Is more deep j ent was record one. a . and a h Prescott, July 26.--The sojourn of : : Cy ad a CLEVER } ae, And THAT is why . ---- own officials, eight; La undred thousand dol- i, Higgins Cup with the mon mt Toe -- - < La Sl am MANY | WOMEN LAUGH up their sleeve, | In Maly, one month to two years'| lars in nef. S. Duck, on right, Union Bank messen- | bowlers was of short duration. With- i a hE Althongh knows Because THEY inc imprisonment and a fine of 120,000! ger, was shot the aeart. Blood transfusion wasin a few days of its capture from the [troops under General 3 Tin » jlire will be imposed on merchants... ted to i and he s in a critical condition. The | Oneacse Homtrr oer on by the (a July 2iet and 22nd, Sate 4 SHE knows ONE THING well, MEN are so OBVIOUS. | destroying foodstuffs in onder to have, Bl. mad : _~ | Ontario Hospital Bowling Club by 43 weather in which the armies re: : Yi TL Suma, 38, Presi: Syadicats, Tae, ' keep up Ge price, bandits : © a cean getaway. to 36. ted the sun-hardened Moots. te