Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jul 1923, p. 3

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\¥ MAYURDAY, JULY 31, 1528 mi -- - Fis Filing ae @e | THUMAN RACE > a | | BETTER RESULTS | | | i Chapter 91--New Homes for Gods, bad a different color--golden, sliver, | QUICKER SERVICE People of ancient times believed | black, orange, red, yellow, blue. | :R PRICES gods lived on mountains. I suppose | The golden stage stood for the sun LOWER Greatest this idea came from the fact that |and is said to have been coated with mountain tops were hard to reach. | real gold, We do our own finishing. If a person said gods lived up there, FOR SHOPPING COMFORT-STEACY'SIS THE PLACE: | no one could prove he was wrong. A great cool store with air as fresh as out-of-doors, makes We have our own. equipment d of T Ri . . ? and know bow to use it. | Among Jewels a re xy wag Su : this store a pleasant as well as a profitable shopping place dur- a plain, and mountain peaks too far away. So high towers of a . For your satisfaction leave --_-- brick were built to take the place SLU Ang the heat of Summer. your nest Flim with cf mountains as homes or gods, It Hv did not seem good to have gods live The on distant mountains. Best The most famous towers was L. | g builtjat Borsippa, in Babylonia. It . D iamond is often sald to be the ""Tower of RESCRIPT GGIST wv A ) ri! hy | é 9 r 108 PRU ' Babel" spoken of in the Bible Only S10; IS 2 Open Sundays. the ruins have been found, but old- XE i aced en records give us an idead of how > I. When pl In & data it looked. The picture shows the 3 gl - bil | i i tily pierced Bar Pin is probable shape. truly a beautiful arti- The tower was 153 feet high. It rose by stages, three of which wers Sle ul adornment. 26 feet high and four 15 feet. A Bateman % small praying-place at the top was ; Many deautiful 15 foet high, A grand home for the gods of the Real Estate § Brooches are in our gq The seven stages stood for the |Land ot Two Rivers. ) "seven wanders of the sky," sun, : : Wl sik amd iy I moon and five planets,' Each stage | Next--Laws Doctors Didn't Like. u - : ® Oo FOR SALE \ ties for remounting or -- » 5 acres, 10 miles from city, 25| § remodeling Diamonds, MASONIC EMBLEM ' | acres under cultivation. 16 acres good| which may now be in ON TOUR OF WORLD'{ DATES OF FALL FAIRS, } bush, frame house, barn and cow sta- ; ; "Travelling Beauseant" Dedi- : A splendid list of attractions that should prove of excep- ble Will be sold with crops and stock] Y settings that do not do Farm, valuable, truck farm, 65 acres,| J ; cated by the Great Priory |, "Oct. 2 tional interest to all shoppers who appreciate quality merchan- and Implements if desired. them justice. thoroughly equipped for vegetable and| UP Can Arnpri g : : small frult, close to city. d of Canada. pier . dise at lower than regular prices. Other farms on mquiry. i iB Marion, O., July 21.--As the cru- |Bowmanville 4 saders of old, members of Marion [Brockville + 50 houses for sale in all parts of the : city. Commandery No. 36, Knights Temp- | Centreville ER ee lar, will undertake a pilgrimage. [Cornwall Se . 5-8 g Customs Broker. Money to Loan. | | They will leave here July 23ra and |Deita 5 21 A | J S California, August "rd, when Sir | Frankville Sept. 27 e U arai e on 0 1050 Knight Warren G. Harding, a mem- |Inverary . . ber of the commandery, will present | Kemptville Opp. Post Office SIA aya] | '° Hollywood commandery No. 56 an | KINGSTON ra emblem which has crossed the con- Lanark = tinent. | Lansdowne .. we 7 i - | This is the Travelling Beauseant, | Lomdardy Sept. 13-14 t dedicated by the Grand Priory of | maberly ..Sept. 25-26 L C HEMSLEY : AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS Canada, which is to he taken arouffd | Madoc Oct. 2-3 | the world by means of one command- | hy Try our up-to-date Cylinder e "= | Marmaro Sept. 24-25 grinding ery delivering it to another. It IS | McDonald's Corners Sept. 2a from R. J. ROGER | / go ly one branch of the high i T HT yY Astylene Welding and Car- ri 40 OR y +h or . ~ 5 [luickeilia ep Joa CONTINUES O-NIG AND MONDA Wa TCHES and CLOCKS Mechanical work of all kinds. tion. The commandery which holds ry g Sept as S Dr f Silk d C tt 1 1 1 ded . Every ummer €ss 0 an otion 18 1nciu REPAIRED Gasoline Station. Free Air. the Beauseant selects the one which {Odessa Sept. 27-28] gets it next. *3 in thi d 1 1 T ke . In this stupen ous clear-away sale. axKe advantage of : h .s -12] at shortest notice CLARK'S GARAGE Cyrene Preceptory No. 29, K. T. of [Sra (Central Calan ov] Toronto, was the first recepient of the | oF v 1 1 149 Sydenham St. Cor. King and Princess Sts. emblem. Then it was delivered to | Porth - hi VS rang econo, . Phone 2857F. Hugh De Paynes Commandery No. | . 30, stationed at Buffalo, then to 3t. [Picton op -- John's Commandery No. 4, K.T., at [5 i Sept. 18-21 ' ' Fuiladsivhia, which deliverad 1 1a lo SPRN 1 NTs 10:2] MEN'S CHAMBRAY LADIES' SUMMER VESTS of Washington, D.C., whence it was - Aug. 35 Sons SHIRTS To-night sees anivies TOC. Each sent to Marion. ¢ oro . v It has been estimated that ftty {WOlte Island 300 fine, Swiss Ribbed Cotton Madrid, July 21.--The Spanish | Brockville Youth Killed government would give a good deal | LADIES' STEP-INS 3 Broskville. July 21-Audre o- [3 the Dresent 10 obtain a trace of MEN'S PYJAMAS i Refrigerators $27.00, $28.00, $50.00, $100 lnk, seventeen years, oldest son ol the well RoE» fod Piper of auc Tonioht $1.89 Tonight ..........iu... 49. ; - I. and Mrs. Fred Molank, 72 Scho-|{,, = Bat i REI ere re . : Screen Doors .........$2.50 and $3.50 each [[{8eia svenue, who moved sore pout | Soares dune ae rer ee rex lop es po ; ite. | | 120 Lace Trimmed Jersey- 3 mouth ago. from Smith's Falls, Was | > qo rasa, We MSL 40 % id 60 suits Pyjamas in White, knit Step-Ins in flesh and white Window Screens ale 55c¢c., 60c., 65c., 75c., Symost iasantly lee a hursaay to the government to save the vanis- | Blue and Pongee; made of fine --regular 60c. values. and 85c. each. board a moving elevator in the plant {Ing crops by exterminating the pla- 1 1 00 R 2 25 of the Laing Produce and Sra gue. The rats came from the min- English Nains k. 8. $ } Garden Hose, 50 ft. complete, 3 ply, $6.75 Company, where he was employed. | "5 COUBLrY about Placentia. values. LADIES' LISLE VESTS Molank was employed as a trucker DEATH OF PORTLAND LADY "Garden Hose, 50 ft. complete, corrugated in the Laing condensery, and 'it is POREL MEN'S COMBINATIONS | | i | atlas essa an seb eens +3925 [fake iret to fot onto the ward ene Lave Men. i. Peters Ane Ft | the Beuseant around the word. | Plague of Rats Invades 75 only, Men's Blue Chambray Vests, sleeveless. Reg. 25c. 11] em ow ee Spanish Farming District ll Summer Work Shirts. Special values. X Caught in Moving Elevator | values at $1.00 each. x moving elevator as it passed the Nine Years. TET $1.69 200 fine, Cotton Lisle Vests in A second floor cf the building. Portland, July 19.--On 8 Electric Water Heaters . .........$32.00 He wae sqncesed between the €1- | omnis. July Jote oor Sa) 150 Balbriggan Hatchway No Seve) $5 id an Hews vator and the collapsible gate, and ! Gas Water Heaters . ..... . .$30.00 installed |] curred to the oor hove. Wen the | aoath Mrs. Harry Feors, Portand. inations, in si Decensed was the daughter of the Button Combinations, in sizes reg. 60c. to 75c. values. elevator reached the third floor th ' Brandram-Henderson's Pure Paints. body dropped to the cement tellar. {late Charles Meteaite, and Was & lady 34 to 44. Regular $2.00 values well known and highly respected in ry Settons Deration te eo eer CHILDREN'S SOCKS very serious operation in ng- n ™ 2 »" By a Batted Ball--Farmer Hit By 419% Geers! Rei a a 1 "MILL END MA TABLE To-night 35c. pr., 3 prs. for $1. 3 ied her unconscious for several days Adolphustown, July 18.--The hot assed + > . . dry weather cures the hay rapidly | ne Se pus a Srtyive To-night isan 40c. yard 200 pairs of Children's White aw wid oye a iat = { years of age and had resided in Leeds 800 yds. of heavy, Table Da- Socks with fancy colored tops. i {county all her life. She was a con- ol : : DY Mit Jn De sane wih sistent member of the Methodist mask Mill Ends in 2 to 5 yd. : Sizes 5} to 81. Regular 50c. game a peculiar accident occurred Sheareh; ET a aut { lengths; widths 54to 72 inches. values. when Rose, Selby, batted a bail | x which struck him in the ese, making ka yoy ua lite saying within Reg. $1.25 to $2.00 yd. ash which necessitated i 3K > A Sila i pass to do a kindness or perform CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS i stitches i ian act of charity. The funeral was * Fj Jase, the. sti nd yo held to the Anglican church on Mon PERSIAN FLOSS Tonight ........... 25c¢. pair |Arnold was engaged in unloadng 3aY. after which burial male To-night 'aise nes vs 29c Ball 240 1 f 3 bay. A pully. pulled off the rafter "thin the family plot in the Eigin pairs of fine ribbed Cotton and fell striking Mr. Arnold on the | STetery. eal as largely 180 balls only, of this latest Hose in colors Black, White buck ot the Head, Hacturidg tho out. | ge nt, EL lve Novelty Sweater Wool in the and Brown; in sizes 4 "He is vecovert . . y r wn; in sizes 4} to 6 es are glad to report that James | f0Tal Offerings Indicated how well new "King Tut" shades--reg- only. Regular 35¢. and 50c. a ---- STRUCK IN THE EYE, Bird, who was so seriously injured | "a favorably she was thought of. ; ~ . She had no children, but leaves to ular 40c. a ball. pair, {mst week, 1s able to be out agam,l_ _ her loss a hasband, three' Mrs. Addie Davis, Belleville, is % spending the week with friends here. | PTOthers, H. F. Metealte, Kingston: To mt se | Fo kat ore ok " Q entertained on, Tuesday evening. . y nN Mr. and Mrs. Vanalstine visited ther | '&'S MS. F. C. Mclaren, Chicags, ome 5 ose . and Mrs. 8. G. Stuart, Jones' Falls. Roblin, Belleville, ta aay May Come to ° ° 5 ink acquaintances recently: Toronto, ys eatin To-night 49¢ pair > - 300 pairs only, Black, Sand and Grey Silk Hose, with silk lisle garter top, toe and heel Ipswich Mills sub - standards. Regular quality worth $1.00 pair, " | Mr. representing latives in this locality. Congratu- he nts 1 & | lations are extended to Miss Hilda 2 Grice and Miss Bertha Abrams, on a > wee their success in their recent entrance ¢ examinations. Joka Finrigan, Glu- tes. and th : : > Ny 68 - 3 chin, Alta., will leave for the wes: . week. » . . Wis Waid. Hi a Kingston's Shopping Centre | been engaged as teacher for the next : 'term for the Finger Board School.

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