Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jul 1923, p. 10

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions STR-AND TO-MORROW NO ADVANCE IN PRICES -- A POPULAR STAGE PLAY IS FILMED "The Little CHurch Around the Corner," the popular stage play that has held the interest of millions of theatre-goers, has been made into a motion picture by the Warner Bro- thers and it will be shown at the | Strand theatre, Thursday, Friday | and Saturday. It was made from the play by Charles Blaney, and it was directed by Willlam A. Seiter, An exceptionally large cast of well-known screen players were engaged to interpret the varied roles in this romantic melodrama, the underlying theme of which is that there fs a little church in every 211 person's heart. It was produced | with exacting care, and the film is CORN " | sald to contain a thrilling serles of STARRING | incidents resulting in' a startling » climax. o Claire Windsor AND It is the story of Leila Morton, Kenneth Harland the lovely daughter of a millfon- ADDED ATTRACTION aire mine owner, and her sweet- THOMAS DUNN, | heart, David Graham, a young so- Baritone | clal<-worker, who thinks the poor Direct from an Eight Weeks' | ghould be given a square deal. The two fall in love with each other, but Engagement at the Hippodrome Toronto. The Sweetest Love Story Ever Told "THE LITTLE difficulties arise when David has to take sides between the poor and the rich. How he wins both the poor and the rich te the place where they work together, and how at the same time he wins the girl whom he had almost lost by his idealistic practic- es, form high points in this story. Kenneth Harlan plays the part of David; Hobart Bosworth is cast as Morton, the millionaire mine own- er; Walter Long plays Hex, a ruf- fian; Alec Francis plays Reverend Bradley, an aged kindly pastor; Pauline Stark is Hetty, the mute girl to whom speech is restored by a miracle; George Cooper plays Judge, the town bully; Margaret Seddon is seen as Mrs. Graham, who adopted the young orphaned David; Winter Hall is cast as Doctor Gra- ham; Cyril Chadwick as the young wealthy broker and suitor for Leila's hand. William photoplay. the scenario. One of the most outstanding added attractions of the present summer season at the Strand will be the appearance tomorrow, Friday and Saturday of Thomas Dunn, the famous and talented soloist. Mr. Dunn very seldom contracts engage- ments outside the key cities of the Dominion, and it was by mere acci- dent that E. Abbey, Famous Play- ers' Canadian Corporation's local manager, at the Strand here pre- vailed upon him to come to Kingston for three days enroute to the big Capitol theatre in Montreal where he is to appear indefinitely. Also Round Three of The New Leather Pushers WITH REGINALD DENNY me Se mn Starting Tomorrow A-L-L-E-N -- Seiter directed the A Olga Printzlau wrote "ARE YOU A FAILURE" + HAS GREAT STORY. As a sure cure for those lone- some nights we heartily recommend "Are You a Failure?" the new p15- duction which will be shown at thc Allen theatre starting tomorrow. We are told that this is a picture of laughs, love and life --and it may honestly be said to live up to its advance announcements. 1t is crammed dull of urexpeoted twists and surprise stunts that keep the onlooker struggling between laughter and cold chills. . Little Madge Bellamy, as the lum- herman's daughter, wins her audi- ence with her first demure smiie from the screen; Lloyd Hughes is the handsome youth who -- but that would be telling. Tom Santsohi re- veals himselt as a far more acccr- plished actor in this picture than ever wag suggested by the thrillers in which he formerly has been seen, while Hardee Kirkland, Jane Keck- ley and Hallam Cooley, all are equal- ly well cast. Its unusua! success lies in tte fact that everybody from the director (o the extra, seems to have absorbed the spirit of the unusual story and aided in telling it on the screen --- a feat that has been accomplished with the aid of a series of truly re. markable photographic effects. 6" : '" mente lense) "v. OTICE will be pleased to conduct Auction in ton or the County of Frontenac. Rates reasonable. be made at my offica. T. J. [IUNRO, i Avctioneer, Osrner Clarence and Ontario Streets. Phone 9242. Arrangements can Farmers Want Rain, The need of rain is being very greatly by some of the farmers in the Xingstor district. Vegetables and roots arc cadly in need of mois lure and it is stated that if rain does soon came the farmers will suf- fer heavy loss. -------- . i Grass On Fire. The firemen had two calls to the outer station on Tuesdar for grass fires. Sparks from passing engines Set fire to the grass in the morning and during the afternoon the firemen were given another call. -- . Many men are'like razors--sharp- or after being stropped, BASEBALL "WEDNESDAY, JULY 184, 6 PN, ------ Youth Killed; Girls Hurt. Ogdensburg, N.Y., July 18.-- Donald Bordeau, fifteen, Cleveland, O., "was instantly killed and Miss Gertrude Rielly, Plattsburg, and Miss Grace Corcoran, Cleveland, were painfully injured whem the roadster in which they were riding upset in a ditch near an overhead crossing on the Canton-Potsdam road, on Tuesday. The accident oc- curred about one mile from Pots. dam. oF ¥ ODDFELLOWS' INSTALLATION. And Presentation of Veterans' Jewels And Several Prizes. The semi-annual! installation of officers for the local lodges of the I. O. O. F. was held on Tuesday even- ing. The ceremony was pérforined by District Deputy H. F. Ward, and District Deputy Marshall George Bak- er, assisted by G. Meggs, E. Andrews, R. Lloyd, James Case, Frank Wiskin, G. Orser, and Dr. L. G. Fraser, all of Gananoque. The ceremony was wit- nessed by a large number of locai Oddfellows. Following were the of- ficers installed. Kingston Lodge No. 59--J.P.G., R. N. McMillan; N.G., J. Ryder; V.G., W: Irvine; R.S., B. J. Gilbert, PG; FS, R. J. Diack, P.G.; treasurer, R. Staf- ford, P.G.; R.S.N.G., P. Allen, P.Q.; L.S.N.G., H. Wright; RS.V.G., G. T. Gilbert; LS.V.G., A. Thompson; warden, R. Hallett; conductor, James Fuller; RS.8., F. T. Paynter; L.S.S., E. Hill; chaplain, T. J. Cherry; '1.G., H. Murray; 0.G,. George English. Granite Lodge No. 363--J.P.G, D. H. Johnston; N.G., B. A. Whitney; V.G., J. Allmark; R.S., W. T. Hark- ness; FS, K. N. H. McCullough; treasurer, O. W. Daly; warden, L., W. Pollitt; conductor, F. Harper; 1.G., A. Mounteer; 0.G., George Little; R.S.N.G., J. Pollie; L8.NG., H. 8. Begg; R.S.8., James Dillon, L.S.8., R. Moncrief; R.S.V.G., 8. Philips; L.8.V.G., F. Morton; chaplain, W. J. Harris. Cataraqui Lodge No. 10--J.P.G., H. R. Hunt; N.G., Douglas Pound; v.G., W. H. Mallory; RS, R. M. Douglas, PG; FS, A WwW Cathcart, P.G.; treasurer, A. W. McLean; R.S.N.G., P. H. Baker, P.G.; LS.N.G, C. R. McLeod; RS.V.G., F. L. Jackson; L.S.V.G., John Handly; warder, H. Nicholson; conductor, A. J. Watts; R.8.S., E. L. Martin; L.S.8, F. Bear- ance; 0.G., Thomas Rogers; 1.G., W. L. Ferguson, P.G.; chaplain, Thomas Dunlop. After the officers were installed P. G. George Couper called on D. D. GM. H. F. Ward to present two veteran's jewels, to P.G.s A BE. Hunt and J. J. Baker of Cataraqui Lodge No. 10. Then several pres- entations took place, all being in connection with the Oddfellows' pic- nic, which took place at Brophy's Point on Dominion Day. Tug-of-war--This was pulled be- tween the different Lodges, a silver shield, presented by Hon. Dr. A. KE. Ross, and responded*to by B. A. Whitney for Granite Lodge. Baseball match between Cataraqui and Kingston Lodges, and won by Kingston Lodge. This was a beauti- ful silver cup, presented by Hon. W. F. Nickle, M.P.P. and present- ed by W. M. M'ckle and responded to by T. J. Cherry. Baseball match between Kingston and Gananoque Lodges and won by Gananoque Lodge. This was a sil. ver shield, given Ly F. 8. Evanson, P.G., and th» presentation was made by Fred. Rutherford in the ab- sence of Mr. ¥', S, Evanson. Then there were also two presen- tations made to Perry Burns and T. Dunlep), the chdirman and secretary of the picnjc. Afterwards light re- freshments were served. - - -- Bad News for Ninéveh, (Reoently a set of political messuges from. Babylon and Nineveh was gis- covered among the 296 so-called, "Amarna stone letters" which were found in Bgypt. They tell of the relations between the Babylonian king, Burnaburiash, and the two Pharaohs, Amen-Hotep III, and Amen-Hotep IV., who lived around 1400 B.C, Other clay leters reveal various Phases of life in the two capitals or Assyria and Babylonia. We learn, for instance, that bad tidings are anmounced when an Assyrian writes to his sovereign, King Ashurbanipal, of Nineveh, in the following man- ner: "To the king, my master, from your servant, Babua: May the Gods Nebo and Merodach have mercy up- on the king, my master!" Stealing Wives, In semi-historic times, during which Romulus, the legendary found- er, the first king of Rome, is said to have traced out the form of his city with a plough, the stronger took from the weaker whatever tempt- ed his ambition or seemed good in his eyes. And eo one reads of Romulus, the half-civilized chieftain, living in a mud hovel covered with thatch in the midst of a few families of the old Trojan race, supplying himself and the younger men, out- laws and runawess who had joined him, with wives by the simple exped- ient of inviting a neighboring tribe to a feast, and then carrying om their inaidens. . William Houston of the GlSbe Toronto Star. 'When wou can put an encyclopedia in a paragraph you can give some idea of the scope of experience of a veteran journalist, educator, citizen, who hasn't dazzled two generations, but has served them, To be with- in tén weeks of one's eightieth wear is to be old, according to the calen- x as replenished tn tne active in body as Mr. 5 TEE L° #58 Hl £ 3 be EERE. 2 Queen's Bowling Club, The regular rink games of Queen's Bowling Club were played ed and won by J. F. McMillan was | very close, the deciding point being | won in the last end. The results: J. F. McMillan defeated F. Evanson, 12-11. ! N. Manahan defeated Dr. R. E. Sparks, 13-12. C. C. Hodgins defeated 'A. E. Treadgold, 12-10. F. Crozier defeated G. VanHorne, | 11-7. * | Bean TO-MORROW Through an oversight it was state under the above heading in this col umn yesterday that the Athletics and 4th. Hussars of the senior city leagus would play this evening. The notice was meant for today's issue as the city league teams meet on Thursday evening. The date was originaliy set for Friday, but in order to avoid clashing and to give the fans a chance of seeing all games, the exe- cutive ordered the Hussars -- Ate- leties 'match played Thursday. A B ASEBAL International League, Newark 8-9 Toronto 5-2, win for Athlatics means firstuposition for them, while Hussars by a Victory will take a long lead in the oud Baltimore 5, Syracuse3. Jersey City 14-2, Buffalo 11-10. round. | J Reading 5, Rochester 3. National League. New York, 7, Chicago 3. Brooklyn 6, Pittsburgh 2. St. Louis 2, Philadelphia 1. Cincinnati 4-9, Boston 3-5. American League. St. Louis 10, Boston 1. Chicago 8, Philadelphia Cleveland 13, New York Oy Detroit 4. Washington 2. - a. ARDEN MAN FINED; HAD A LIQUOR CARGO Another Man in Car With Him Also Charged--Decision Reserved. "Moonshine" in wholesale lots was exhibited before Justices of ihe Peace Allison and Capon Wednes- day morning when Ben®min Hayes, Arden, was tried on a charge of hav- ing liquor in a place other than a private residence, and upon pleading guilty was sentenced to a fine of $200 and costs or six months in jail. Arthur Hayes, who rode in the car with the cargo of Mquor, was al- so charged, but the decision was rc- served untfl Thursday, when a thi:d party named Green will also be ar- SPORTING NEWS | on Tuesday evening. The game play- | WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1923. UNUSUAL VALUES IN WOMEN'S AND MISSES' FLANNEL SUITS SLEEVELESS THREE PIECE SUITS RATINE-JACQUETTE SUITS ALLTYME CREPE, PAISLEY TOP DRESSES | HOMESPUN AND TWEED SUITS '15 Interesting values in all departments. al ITV Ld Ii4 PRINCESS STREET CRENT STORM SWEEPS OVER SASKATCHEWAN Live Stock Killed and Damage Done to Crops by Rain and Wind. Regina, July 18.--At least one person has beer injured, much live- stock killed, dozens of houses and farm buildings wrecked and thous- ands of acres of crops laid low by hail, rain and wind, and hundreds of miles of telephone wires put out of commission in a storm that swept the province from west of Dodsland to east of Wolsely last night. The storm was the most severe of the year in Saskatchewan. With tele- phone communication cut off, but few reports were obtainable. Mrs. Burbridge, who was at Clinton Pettigrew farm, near Lumsden, was bruised when her house was destroy- ed. At Dodsland and Plenty, cloud- bursts occurred which caused streams of water eight inches deep to run across the roads and over fields washing away crops. In Lux- raigned. The arrests were made by W. J. Thomlinson, county constable. C. R Webster prosecuted and A. B. Cunningham, K.C., defended tine pri- soners. TO SECURE NATIONAL UNITY. How It Can Be Brought About Dis cussed at Winnipeg. Winnipeg, July 18.--To secure national unity it Is essential that | the people of each part of Canade | should understand the view point of all, declared Hon. W. D. Me- pherson, Toronto, grand master. of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America, In presenting his annual report at the opening session of the grand lodge this morning. East and west must each have a set of differ- ent local problems and interests which it !s desirable that all of us should appreciate and study, in the ford and Marquis districts some hail fell, which dislodged several hund- red acres of crops. Telephone lines and poles were blown across the roads. The Late Mrs. John Kincaid. Junetown, July 23.--Peacefully, at the home of her son-in-law, B. B. Graham, Caintown ,on July 10th, Mrs. John Kincaid breathed out her apirit after having rounded out her four score years and four. Patience Esther Earl, for such was her maid- en name, was born at Temperance Lake, near Athens, in 1837." In 1868 she married John Kincald and moved to Caintown to the same home where they resided together till last Nov. 7th, when death severed their com- panionship. Since then she has re- sided with her daughters, Mrs. B. B. Graham, Caintown, and Mrs. W. H. Franklin, Junetown, who survive, to- hope that as far as possible justice should be done and all should work unitedly for the upbuilding of our common country, stated Mr. Mec- _pherson. Late Mrs, Richards, Latimer. The funeral of the late Mrs, Arci!- 1a Richards took place on Tuesday afternoon, from her late residence, at Latimer, to the Kepler church, where a service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Puttenham, and Rev. Mr. Calvert. The service was very large- ly attended. A beautiful collection 'jot flowers was received. Imterment took place et Latimer cemetery. The pallbearers were John Irwin. Alex- ander Irwin. Stanley Hansqn, Otto Hanson, M. Asseistine and John Young. James Reld & Sons had charge of the funeral. Boys In Swimming. The Y.M.C.A. had a class of fifty boys for swimming instruction at Sandy Bottom on Tuesday afternoon. The hoys met at the Y.M.C.A. and went to the "swimming hole" in a body, under the suparvision .of the |secretary, Frad Wilson. These clas- 'ses will be held every Tuesday af- ternoon and are open to every boy In the city who would like to attond. The bcys are asked to meet at the cam : ef Vercna. The meetings aro being attended by a very large number of the members in this district. On YMCA. at 2 pm. on Tuesday. gether with four grandchildren ,to mourn the loss of a much beloved mother and grandmother. Possessed of a buoyant cheerful and contented spirit, those who knew her could hever think of her as old. Early in life she joined the Methodist church and was an active member and Sabbath school teacher until pre= vented from attending by age. Truly hers was a strong and useful life, very devoted to the care of her hus- band during his reclining years. Her funeral, which was largely at- tended, was conducted in the home church at Caintown, by her pastor, Rev. T. Meredith after which the remains were laid to rest beside her husband in Glen Elbe cemetery. ¥ When the Prince of Wales massed in greeling formation Is this woman properly dccssed for dinner in a restaurant ? The answer wil. be found among to-day's want ads. A LOSS OF $20. Through Being Thrown Into Water From Canoe. Charleston, July 16.--One day re- cently H. W. Beecher and companion Were tipped out of a canoe into sthe lake. Apart from a wetting they were none the worse but Mr, Beecher lost twenty dollars. One of the guests at Cedar Park has a radio ap- paratus and the Willard-Firpo fight, on Thursday, was listened to. The cheers of the crowd and the sound number in this vicinity went to Smith's Falls on Thursday last. and Mrs. D. Young are visiting friends at Black River, N.Y. On Wednesday afternoon Miss Monica Hudson entertained a number of her little friends in honor of her little cousins, Carl and Helen | McKenny, Frankville, who were visit- ing her. The little folk spent a merry afternoon and In the evening enjoyed a car ride. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Montgomery 'and Mr. Falkner have returned to Lambertville, N.J. Mrs. J. McKen- [ney and niece, Miss Angie Hudson, | Frankville, were visitors here over Sunday at Mrs. McKinney's old home. Miss Maggie Findley spent a couple jof days last week in Brockville with her mother, who is a patient in the | Genera Hospital. Mis. C. Curtis and daughter, Athens, are at Camp Rest- a-Lotte. The Misses Muriel and Marjory Slack, Brockville, are visiting rela- tives here. A party from Youngs- town, Ohio, are camping at War- ren's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. O. Glenn and Jittle daughter, Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Collingwood, Westpost, were at T. Heffernan"s on Sunday, unveil for the Prince. - of the gong were distinctly heard. A | Mr. | ttle R--- Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Eliza« Beth Porter, Late of the Township of Portland, in the County of Froateasac, Married Woman, Deceased. NOTICE {is hereby given pursuant to Section 56 of the Trustees Act, RS.0., 1914, Chap. 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Eliza- beth Porter, who died on or about the; Fifteenth day of August, 1922, at the Township of Portland, are required, on or before the Sixteenth day of August, 1923, to send by post, prepaid, or de« liver to the undersigned, Solicitors for the Administrator of the estate of the said deceased, thelr Christian names and surnames ,addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars in writing of thelr claims, a statement of their ace counts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date, the said Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which®hey shall then have notice, and that the sal d- ministrator will not be Mable for the sald assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim no- tice shall not have been received at the time L:f such distribution. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, . 79 Clarence Street, L Kingston, Ont Solicitors for the said Administrator, DATED at Kingston, Ont., this 16th day of July, A. D. 1923. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur Joseph Kirkpatrick, Late of the Vii lage of Sydenham, in the Cou ty of Frontenac, Blacksmith, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Sectfon 56 of the Trustees Act, R.8.0., 1914, Chap. 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Arthur Joseph Kirkpatrick, who died on or about the Twenty-second day of Des cember, 1921, at the Village of Syden- ham, are required, on or before the Sixteenth day of August, 1923, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the une- dersigned, Solicitors for the Adminis- trator of the estate of the sald deceas- ed, their Christian names and sur names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars in writing of thelg claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date, the sald Adminise trator will proceed to distribute the as« sets of the sald deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the sald Ad« ministrator will not be liable for the sald assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim noe tice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. / Solicitors for the said Administrator, DATED at Kingston, Ont., this 16th day of July, A. D. 1928. Not Considered Yet. Toronto, July 18.---Premier Fer. guson stated, this morning, that no date had been set, as yet, for by- election of the cabinet ministers. He intimated that the question would be given consideration within the next fow days. ------ A large number of Kingston mem-' bers are attending the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Cane ada in Toronto. a Newcastle War Memorial the school children

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