Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jul 1923, p. 9

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WADNESDAY, JULY 18, 1038. LOCAL THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SPORTING GENERAL . REVIEWS EWS TIMELY COMMEN1S a FPO LIKES WILLS Mo AS NEXT OPPONENT Willard's Conqueror Now Ex- "presses Desire to Fight a i, New Orleans Negro. ps Angel F'irpo, of the Argentine, hy added aged Jess Willard to his victims before a record crowd at Boyle's Thirty Acres is looking for more publistic worlds to conquer. A series of conferences, however, failed to bring any nearer his pros- pestive title match with Jack Demp- sey, and indications pointed to the bility that Firpo, admittedly still lacking in the finer points of ring sclance, would have one or two more testing matches before he gots a shot at the title, As a matter of fact, Firpo, in the cogrse of a long talk with Tex Rick- ard at Madison Square Gardens, ex- pressed a desire to fight Harry Wiils, New Orleans negro, who hes stood out as a title challenger for more than a year, before meeting Demp- sey. Rickard also conferred at soma length with Jack Kearns, Dempeey's pilot, but said that he had no definite magch in sight right now. Ickard bas Firpo under a con- tract for a title match with Dempsey, but under its terms a bout with th champion may be arranged apy time before March, 1924, or later, if the agreement is extended. Paid admission to the Willard- Fimpo fight totalled 75,712, official check by revenue men at Jersey City revealed late today, but Rickard stuck to his Test night's statement phat the entire crowd numbered at least 100,000, cleiming that about 25,000 '"'gate-crashers," policemen, _ firemen, ushers and ot®er ofMclals at tended. 'Total receipts amounted to $429,- 920.70. Willard's share of the net receipts, thirty per cent., amounted to $117,000, while Firpo's share, twenty-two per cent., was $85,000. YACHTING COSTS GETTING LOWER Yachting is building up on a hot- ter and Ammer foundation than it Bad before the war, Those who are leaders in the coun- ells of the yachtsmen are progressive now dcing will make the sport very, popular and reduce the cost of owu- ing and maintaining a yacht. Yachting has in the past been a costly sport hecause those who have patronized it have always wanted something different from every one else, They bave had special plans drawn and paid much attemtion to novel and oll features, with the re sult that the cost of building the yachts has often put taem beyond the reach of men of moderate meaus, Todsy things are changed. Tho standardized yacht has reduced tae initial cost very materially. These yachts built in quantities are uatu:- ally cheaper than vessels built singly. One set of plans and molds can be used for 100 or 1,000 vessels ang each part turned out by quantity production saves time and money, THE GIANTS' PATH 13 FULL OF ROCKS McQGraw's Men Must Finish { on Road Against Steadily Improving Clubs. Jake Daubert, veteran first sacker, but who, in spite of his many years ol service is now fielding his fupor- tant position in the Cancinneti ic- field as well as ever, gave his opin- 'ion of the National league race and | views of other bascball maticr in a | recent fanning bee. According to Jake, the Giants are the class of the league, but in spite of their advantage over other clubs they are not going to walk off with their third consecutive pennant. Jako RUNNING BASES | STILL ACTIVE ART Base running may be a lost art in baseball, but = there are plenty of teams that still think speed "on the || paths helps to win ball games. In the American association, St. Paul 1s the leading exponent of tae art. The Saints lead in stolen bases with Louisville and Kansas City right behind. 1t is remarkable to note that these three are the first three in A. A. standing as well. Both the Colonels and Saints pull many ganres out of the fire by smart | | base running. They stretch singles into doubles ard doublés to three- base hits, and with a maa on fir: they use every trick of the game to advance him to a position where a single will score him. In the major leagues, the Chicago teams have the lead in both leagues. The Cubs particularly use every ad- vantage they can get on the paths to win games, and their recent run of victories show that the art is not entirely unprofitable. Ralbirds. "Oh, dotor,'" cried a wild-eyed man, "I am dreadfully afflicted! The ghosts of my departed relatives come and perch on the top of the fence posts all around my yard when dusk is falling. I can look out into the gloaming any evening and see a couple of dozen spooks sitting on top of the posts; waiting, waiting. What shall I do?" "Sharpen thé tops of the posts," sald the physician. ------------------ Athletics and Hussars at crickdt field tomorrow night. and in future the work that they are jdoes not say the Giants will not win ithe flag once more, but in his mid [the champions must improve in thelr road work in order to emerge on the top. / ""The-schedule does not favor the Giants," says Daubert. "They slump- ed in their first western trip and their next two trips through the west may not be any casier. When tae clubs are going down the homestretch the Giants will be in the west, as they £pend the last two weeks of Septem - ber, playing the Cardinals, Cubs, Pirates and our club. McGraw hag a great team, but his pitching staff is Just an ordinary one. Batting and fielding, must offset this weakness in the hurling department. If not the team !s doomed to be beaten out. "They may pick up while playing at home, but what they gain on tke {Polo grounds will not help them if they falter each time they &0 west, Every other team in the league is after their scalp. Their first western {trip proved' to ihe other clubs they {have just as goud a chance to ovel- {haul them as the Pirates." Daubert was asked what he {thought of Zack Wheat's batting ani [is chances of winning the stitchwork | championship this year. | "Wheat," responded Jake, "is one jof the greatest batters in the league. IT do not know of any other player {Who is capahle of hitting as many |line drivers as Zack. He got oft to la flying start this year and J wouth jnot be surprised if he finished on top {A batter ike Wheat may run into & |slump, but while he is not hitting the ball safe he is hitting it hard and fending the drives right at a fielder. Pretty soon these hard hit balle go safely again and the slump 1s a short one. Wheat 1s a wonderful athlete and a fine fellow. If he wishes the championship thers will ba no ques: tion about his supremacy because he hits the ball hard anc gets very few hits that may be called lucky. 'Ronse is a fine chap and is always a dangerous man at the plate. Horns- hy, 1 todnk, is the best righthanded batter in the game and it is too bad he has 1:t been able to play avery day. Fisch is a good hetter and his s.eced viskes him ire dangerous. He 18 cne of the fas:ui: men I have erer 1.8ved against nal I do not ex- pect to pee one wh) has more specd. "Who is the best pitcher? It is "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER" You not only read it, you sing it. Try it on your piano. Watch nightly for this big comic hit. } RENDER THIS ON YOUR ROLLING-PIN. ITE] |hard tc pick one out and put him lat the top of the list. There are a lot of good pitchers in this league and I know it. Vance showed us a lot of stuff when he let us dowa with one hit. He certainly can bust that fast ball of his past pretty good fast ball hitters. He hasnt what I would cali an ideal change of pace, but if he ever starts to mix 'em up more effectively he may be almost unbeatable. OUT THREE TIMES BUT UMPIRE SLOW "I was umpiring a game in Cleve- 'and cne afternoon on the hases. Jack Sheridan beisg behind tho plate" said Jack Mi-Carthy, o'd ume: player now living in San Frencisco. "ifew York was at but and Joe Yager hit a grounder towards Bradley ut Lhird. "Bradley started one of his 1>b- bing throws and from where I sio0d near first, I could see it was going 20 feet over George Stovall's head. "Figuring naturally that Yager would keep on going and try for sec- umd, I turned my back on the play and hustled to that base. I noticad Larry Lajoie, Cleveland second sack- er, toss his glove away, but thought he was bluffing, and I called Yager safe at first. "The crowd hooted and Lajole as«- ed me #£ I hadn't seen the play at first. * "What play?' I asked. "'Why, Yager was out three times," was Larry's reply. "I had, however, ruled Yager was safe, and stuck to it. Cleveland wus ahead, 1 to 0, at the time. Some New Yorker socked a two-bagger, but Yag- er was slow and could only reach third on it. With the count two and three on Willlams he slashed a hot ilne drive which Otto Hess caught with cee Land. * "During all this time the crowd was riding me. When I was undress- ing in our room I asked Jack Sheri- dan what all the trouble was about. "Jack told me I shouldn't have taken my eyes off the play. It's al- ways dangerous, he sud, and espaci- zlly so in this-case as Yager had been put out no less then three times, al- though I bad called him safe. "It seems that when Stovell saw Bradley's throw wae high he ran back a few steps, caught the ball and, darhing in, tagged Yager, who had made a start for second base. Yager bad cut first base, which made him out twice, and as he headed for sec- ond Willie Keeler, who was coach- ing at first, had run on the field and tried to pull him back, which actu- ally made Yager out on three courts. "I had my back on all these plays In my baste to judge the playl looked for at recond buse, and nrissed them al. But I learned my lesson." EAD OF LARGE PURSES Serves as Lesson to Entire Country. Sporting writers, and there are lots of them, who proclaimed Jack Demp- sey to be a superman and the greatest fighter of all time, are having a ni:3 time Row in explaining just why such a wonderful fighter permitted Tom Gibbons to stay 15 rounds with him st Shelby. No one who has followed boxing for any. length of time could be in- duced to believe that such fighters as John L. Sullivan, Jim Corbett, Peter Maher, Bob Fitzsimmons, Tom Shar- keq, Gus Ruhlin, Joe Choyniski; Jack Johnson, Stanley Ketchel, Sandy Ferguson, Kid McCoy, Tommy Ryan. or several other heavyweights and middleweights who could be namel would have permitted a fighter of the caliber of Tom Gibbons to stay In the ring with them for 15 rounds. It.1s all well enough to elatm for the. greatest fighter of all Umes that when Gibhons was not holding him for demr life he was running away to keep out of the reach of Dempsey's vicious punches, but there was noth- ing to. prevent Dempsey breaking Gibbons' hold if he know how or to catch Gibbons when he was on Lae run. Dempsey should have been able to keep after Tom and if he would not fight, make him jump over the ropes G 'Was there to stay and he stayed 'the lishit, and the closest reading of the boxing rules will not | discover any regulation which re- quires one fighter to stand still and let the other man punch him, The truth is that this fight proved Dem»- Sey pot to be a great fighter at all | fuvt a big trong fellow with » punch terrifi¢ in its power, lacking in the kill Swinger and swing- ers are rarely wonderful fighters, for sll other things being equal a siraight wlll 'a swin TEER ing commission of Pennsylvania be a leader in the movement. It could foilow New York in mak- ing the fighters of the main bout tale 50 per cent. of the receipts but their share should be divided on a win- ner"s and loser's basis, say, 75 per cent. to the winner and 25 per ceat. to the loser. Should this seem an unfair division, it could be made 62 per cent to the winner and 40 per cent. to the loser. In ary event, the winner would get the big end. Old-time fighters used to fight win- ner take all, snd that would be right, as far as the sporting end would be concerned, but it would leave the loser nothing to meet the legitimate expenses for training and living white getting in shape, The cry will go up that the presen: champions and near<hampions would not box urder those terms, but if that was the rule of the commis- sions they weuld have to either fig: or go to work. This evening, unless some other arrangements are made in the time after writing, Cobourg will meet Kingston at the Fair Grounds in a regular C.O.B.L. fixture, Cobourg has had the hardest lot of the 'four teams in the eastern group this year. Financial returns have been very poor and there have been other troubles. However, after a few days of confusion the club has once more started out on the "Big Four" trail and it will be tnteresting to see what any possible changes have effected. The whale circuit is hoping that Co- bourg will stay in. No changes have been announced by the Kingston squad for this even- ng's game. ---------- Will Athletics trounce Hussars also? See the game tomorrow night. TO-NIGHT Stns A. DAVIS VICTORS. Defeated Battling Printers Last Night. In a scheduled Mercantile League game at the cricket fied last night the A. Davis & Sons outfit defeated Printers 15 to 10. The type-siingers started off with a rush and had the Skinnery blanked 7-0 at one stage of the match. 'Then injuries and the large crowd got on their nerves and the four rookies and five senior city Players who made up the Tanners lineup had their own sweet way. Printers made one or two desperats efforts to come back but thei* pitchar was not badked vp and they were dis- organized. With the Civil Service and Print. ers playing all rookies and the Plumbers dnd Tanners using a team composed of senjor city gnd C O.B.L. players it makes an tiphill grade for the first two mentioned but all con- cerned have a lot of fun and that's the present aim of the Mercantile, The teams: Printere--aGivens, eo; McIntyre, p and rf; Booth, 1b; Devlin, 2b; Ar- nelll, es; England, $b and of; 'W Reynolds, 8b, ¢ and P; C. Reynolds, If; Coyle, cf; McCulha, rf and ¢. A. Davis--McCabey; ¢; Barrette, 1; J. Quinn, 1b; Tetro, 2b; A. Quinn, ss; K. Quinn, 8b; Killeen, cf; Smith, rt; McQuillan, if. Umpire--Ear] Gourdier. --------------eenie Steady Job, Treeson Roberts -- "you look down in the mouth, oM man, I Suppose you are not playing in any- thing now?" Irvington Booth--"Yes, my boy, 1 am playing in 'Hard Luck,' and it's breaking the record for a long run." 15-10 ---------- Hussars and Athletics play at cricket field tomorrow night. A wife provides for the inner man and a husband provides for the outer woman. Simplicity of character is no hind- ranca to sabtlety of inteMect. ell ------ ----paa------ ursday Night \ CITY LEAGUE CRICKET FIELD 4th Hussars vs Athletics | 6.15 pum, = Kil your with 9 Rill pipe "-~ cur PLUG per packet 80% 2 bitin Regular 75¢. and $1.00 each: OVERSTOCK at the factory enabled us to get 300 more good Columbia Graphophone Records to sell at this low price. Positively THE LAST we will have and only 100 persons can be supplied at this price. * Come to-day! Treadgold Sporting Goods Co 88 PRINCESS ST, PHONE 529, Made to Your Exact Order What are your wants in metal ware or iron or any kind of material? Tell! use the nature of your needs and we'll tell you the way we can es eeds at rprist bi price plus he setiataction of ing A the exuct thing you have on Bishop Machine $ KING AND QUEEN STREETS HAVE YOUR MEALS AT OUR CAFE DURING THE SUM- MER -- GOOD THINGS SERVED AS YOU LIKE THEM -- PRICES RIGHT. " DAIN1Y CAFE ICE CREAM "FOR PICNICS For Picnic or Social Events order MASOUD'S ICECREAM Wé will make it to your order and de- Our Ice Cream will please you,

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