Lord Birkenhead is appealing , \ is fi i i i if h tly adopt- Marshal Joffre made his first public appearance in the horizon blue uniform he recen y adop to' the 'nation for funds to ed at the unveiling of a memorial to the dead at Fontainebleau. enable the country to play a worthy part in the Olympic games of 1924 at Paris. A cross has just been erected at Ballinsblath to mark the spot where Michael Collins was shot dead. Photo shows J. Burgnon the brilliant French tennis player, who Miss Olive Jones, a New beat B. E. Henty in the opening match at Wimbledon. York City school principal, has been elected president of . the National Education Asso- Miss Annette Baird, daughter of Lady Ethel Baird, and a mem- These two fair Eskimos are half breeds, the daughters of a ciation of the United States. ber of London's younger set was recently presented at court. = Gapper on thie roadito Wainwright. The girls are showing a day's catch. . Hedy Pfundmeyer, the "Salome" of the To this little grotto at Garfin, Scotland, come hundreds of peo- opera house in Vienna, has been offered ple from all parts of the country to pray on engagement in New York. for restoration of health. The fashion world says this is the latest in hats for fall wear. Streamers threaten to pre- dominate in all models. This father has solved the dark and poorly ventilated flat prob- i a cage outside his third-storey ow for his baby.