a ------------ a et-- om ---- TTT ------ er ee -- MONDAY, JULY 9, 1938, o THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 11 er -- | Take Time to Save Time--Classified Ads Tell You Where to Get Things OWNS UP TO RECORD . The British Whig | : Business Service __ Merchandise Real Estate For Sale. OF LURING GIRLS AWAY KINGSTON, ONT. Legal 28¢. Articles for Sale. 51 arms and Land 9 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers FARM--150 acres, mostly cull ted, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street,| BICYCLES-- Big clean-out sale, from| pear Glenvale; good Dalldinge, Se K.C.; 36 Tires $1.75 up. Muller's| and hardwood bush; thirty acres Italian Sentenced to Three Indexed, standardized and popular- Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.;| $36 up. u Cyril M. Smith. Bicycle Works, 373 King Street.| ture: our wells; handy to sch fi ized according to Years In Prison. May Be oi H T : ! Phones 1961w or 1216J. e factory. Apply to Mrs. D, J. THE BASIL L. SMITH § EM Usteopathy 28g. | BRICK--Hard and soft, any quantity.| Bell, © sa. se E. E. Walthem, corner Birch| 3) ACKE n the middle De= Deported. . Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS 0 steo- A LEE Streets. Phone 618 or | tween Kingoron hoa ale. toad 4 4 - : ue, Windsor, July 9.--Convicted of | All ads are restricted to their You don't invest your money with one eye shut. (No- Dt Susesen ad es all. Mel. 1591) ply G. L. Eaton, R. R, No. 1 eget proper classification, and . to.) body does, except the first time). ears' suc n Kingston. Telephone | FURNITURE Den sett; Kitchen Gabi- | = tons luring Bertha Carigan, eighteen lar Daily 'Whig style of type. . Y does, P m ' ¥ cess | & Pp sum 4 ' réxular y & You don't cross streets with one eye shut. (Or you 447 for appointment. Drs. Robert and| Det, buffet and bookcases, stovesand Houses For Sale 84 years old, from her home at Lachine, CLASSIFIED RATES WOOL av oa 8 Feat loots . Edna Ashcroft, 204 King Street, near Sesks PPL 3. Thompson, 333 Prin- | GUNG ATS TALOWS--We have Zor sale ue., Vincent Dorega, forty years . i oe g : arl. eas Street, 2 od serriTiaea| eral new bungalows from $2,000 t ou as sentenced to three years in | J'1¥ Tite per line or consecutive You don't count change with one eye shut. (You've MOWERS_A few good second-hand! 000; on easy terms: Apply H. BO oid, was nsertions: 1 it's b be caretul than short.) 29 | Renfrew Truck Seales, Renfrew Cream son, Uptown Post Ofiice, Barrie St penitentiary. ' , Mint sharge. 25 cents. earned it's better to be c u . FURNITURE FINT TKinds,| Seperators, Pumps, Extension Lad-| Phone 109%. roe lofega . was arrested two weeks |, jFieum Sher@e 2s emt But--do you spend your money with just one eye Coll had a IG Tol Kinds, dors Trost & Wood Agency, 236 Ono ----oe 00 Tw 6go after the girl had been taken Jails ates p . . 4 3 open'? > ad street. Phone 296F. PIANC -- Helntzman & Co Upright Real E E. W. MULLIN & SON, into custody by the police on a c' 4 rge : People who watch the A-B-C Classified Section don't. SHo® EE and Work. Sood CondiGes pan Al Say tea Fate, dud, Insurance Brokers, of vagrancy. She told the poli/: she nsertion, charged They buy with both eyes open wide--to opportunities of vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner: Mont.| U1 rich tone." Bargain. Easy terms| Phone siya' See adyt. Page & : an 1 . saving their money and getting more satisfaction and real and Queen Streets. fianged. Apply C. W. Lindsay, -- pe i ox h ------------ was to have been sent to a convent by Engagements, Marriages, ana. ns ote 1.50; cash, $1.00, economy for every dollar they-spend. ¥ ING--Nev ed Turnl- | 5 a ea ro her mother, but Dorega insisted on | & 30° Groh 31.90 mortem y y yr 5p UPHOLSTERING- New or used furnl-| ROW "BOAT--New. 10 700%, two Bllent | HOUSE--10 rooms, solid brick, stone' 8 d, $1.50; cash, $1.00 This daily thrift service--so convenient to use--will : : Pp salesmen, 1 electric fan, 1 Ford road-| foundation, side extrance, hot water her going to Windsor with him. Dore- Neotlogs---Lnarge h $1.08; hd keep you in touch with-dozens of ways to make your card W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. ster, 2 spring waggons, | lumber wag-| heating, 3-plece bath; gi Ea was married to her sister, she i ordered for Irregular doll farth d bri bigger returns UPHOLSTERING -- d b on, 2 cheap horses, first class buggy.| light, hardwood floors do Ri Adveftising ord or ix cmniay ollars go farther and ne you BE Tigh: J r / 3 ; 22 oist r- Avply to John Stansbury, 169 Raglan| fireplaces, laundry tubs, ten fruft A 3 -B- i s regularly! Dg at reasonable prices. , 0d- 0 t 1 4 Y The magistrate ordered an investl- | {ion rate; no ad. taken for less than Read the 4-5-C Classified & ey'arly ridge; 244 University Avenue Phone|-- - lees. BATAS. For particulars phome 2043F. a . gation as to whether Dorega. is a| Count six average words to the : . STANDING HAY. Apply Cooke Bros, PHOLSTERING--A Tr- we, 0 i Cangdlan citizen. It he is not, he Hine sed ads: will be received by THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS LL, Leave ors = Seacral phy eH Setaraqul Vertinement: hagarye Rea: Eatate a g Will be deported to Italy, where he | telephone and if paid at Tne Brit. ALWAYS THE SAMB--IN SERVICE to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. SPINET DESKS--Mahogany and Rose PE aaa 2 wi i . ish hig Office within 6 days from ERENT) ORTUNIT v wood, 6 sets of walnut and mahogany | HOUSE--Framo, § rooms, UPD as born, on expiration of his sent the first day of insertion, cash rate ALWAYS DIFF, IN OPP T. Employment chairs, twin beds, walnut tables, etc.] York, 3 piece bath, electric light, aos. ence, will be allowed, $e Ry Say Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Princess St Gellar, barn. Apply 37 York Stree Bl Ads. ordered for more than one day . Help Wanted--F 1 82! Phone 1045w. Phone 1907J. * and -stopped before expiration will - -- PSTOVEB--LAWFenson's Tor Good Cheer =~ 0 - only be charged for the number of GIRL--For general housework In fam- Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, [BROCK STREET--Brick house, 3 sto times the ad. appeared and adjust ily of twos Preferably Sim the ocoun-| Economy Ready Mixed Pafnts and Var: fourteen rooms, nine bedrooms, el ment made at the Tate sarned is try. Apply Box §-4, Whig Office. hishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone| tric Lignts, gas, 3 piece bath, rurn Rate por Hine for bi: ey o 339w.. opposite Orange Hall. | double parlors, dining room, kitchem = Special rate for yearly advertising Announcement Automobiles HOUSEKEEPER--Apply, stating wages WooL---aixed, $3.25 quarter cord; new ang dex, on ground fluor, barn, fing lo. upon request. tie Hla te alii |= = = = = to Box 70, Mallorytown, Ont. and ns hand "phe lum >u ers reserve the right to 'ersonals ute Accessories--lires--Parts . * ] i sat WwW H or reject 'ail classiied sdveriiaing ; Fear dipmixed situa, $a WL %. 3 TRUMFOUR cop SKIN BLEMISHES -- Halr, Moles, | OILS--The best is the cheapest, if you | NURSE HOUSEMAID -- Apply Mrs. Du Division. Phone 2303W. . 337 Bagot Street. y. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers.| try our grade of oils you will want| Moulin, 28 Sydenham Street. ; 1 Phones 704 or 1542F. = | YOUNG LADY--As stenographer. One Want To Buy 8 taker Soars, Pits, etc., removed permanent more. Queen and Ontario Streets. SEE y. 3atistactory Glasses fitted and|------ > -------- ee - . furnished after others have failed Se Who Yadarnt ng . | INCUBATOR--Wanted, two or three Index to Classifications Goitre oured without eration, 38 Business rvices on fae ielanas musie preieryed, Ap bot water, cheap. Call or leave address Wanted--Real Estate ri The following classification headings Eve: Ban Hover Threat, © Skin, 259 ____ Business Services Offered 18 Boraon. Manager, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. | _&t J. Marshall, 101 Queen Tthout | HOUSE--Possesion Sept. 1st Would a ar. his hewopaer In IS nUmsi.| Bagot steer Faons sere. Hobin 30) PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY -- Verbatim I teay Shraet ean ER to box| Prefer all improvements and in fecal order here given, closely a me | "Reporting, Auditing, Advertistey, Bo Help W Mal 23 Bam ni Stating Price to BOX! location, Anis sre AIS partion » " . anted--) e -6, 8 ce. lars and lowest cash N . samen tee 3, price. No agents I classifications being grouped together = Lost and Found 10 | iness Service, 14 Market Street. Phone ek 5 er ~ pt nl a artinements aly 891J. BARBERS--Two, also two shoe shin-| OLD GOLD--sllver, or False Teeth, for d apply, to Box 665, Napanee, Ont, arranged under these headings in ea o cash or exch Gh YW. I ee alphabetica der for quick reference. | BLACK CLUB BAG -- Lost, on June WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary w water| ors. at once. Apply J. A. Ferguson, ,.0r exchange. G. . Lyons, Te pm i vd Bcf Phabetienl order Rou 8th, between Kingston and beyond | wells, the oldest, the largest, tho only | King Edward Barber Shop. 344 Princess street, Kingston. Classified-Display 1 ANNOL CHMENTS Gananoque, valuable, as it contained sanitary well drillers in Frontenac| HOMEWORK --Good wages. We need ES eS Engageme: . B. A..degree. Finder liberally reward-| ana Lennox and Addington. The most fou to make socks on the fast, easily- Rooms For Rent BUSINESS SRMVICEH Marriages. ed by notitying either Whig Office or| modern equipment in America. For| learned Auto Knitter, Experience un- 32 Peiia tow owner. Rev. J. W. Charlesworth, Iro-| full Information, Write to ¥. J. Garri-| necessary. Distance immaterial; posi- Rooms With Board 67 w K --1n A oe 4 tivel yassing. BOTRT - 3--Card 'of Thanks. te 200: Colebrook, Ont. Particulars ic' samp. Dept. 75 Auto| BOARD AND Ran aa wyf| WW, Sent Macnee ; 4--Fuueral Directors. BUNCH OF KEYS--Found, in front of AUCTIONEER--For courtes Knitter Co., Toronto. . / ce 1 nk of Commerce Building, Broo 4 3 L = y and hon-| _Anitter Co, Toronto. Fre oases, | Sonable rates. Apply 298 Universit and Ki tr §--Funeral Flowers. Court House. Owner please apply to| "oir dealing, W. A. Twigg, 37¢ King| MECHANICS --None but frst class need | Avenue, near Brock Street. " EAR 2 -- gas, electyie §--Cemetery 'Lots, Monuments. 45 Clergy Street W. 3 tel -- i--Lodgo Notices. § Clergy e Street. Phone 830J or 1786w. PRI nls Garages, Queen and Wel- ROOMS -- arm, 800d board, Toasons Netting: Agta ooite. ¥ a --Loming Kvents. LCURTAIN--Found, for car, right rear. CARPENTERING -- Carbeiiter ura | BRAT BRA Nf pi m--tie--eimmemencneee | @D16 PateS: € 08e to the down-town| , €8 © Glass urglary 9-- Personals. : : CARPENTERING -- Carpenter and|SALBSMAN -- With experience gelling | business section. Mrs. T =| | vic. Representing caly reliab On King and Brock streets. Owner builder. Estimates given on all class- farmers. Must have horse and vehicle | son street. 024, 114 John panies. le cons 10--Lost and Found. ha > Sail. Hay Ji¥e same al Dew I ™ Ins, Sail, old work; hardwood flooring. James| or car. Permanent position and exola eee ; AUTOJOBILES . F. Jarrell, 271 Bagot Street. Phone| sive territory, A proposition that wil} Rooms Without Board 68 ee 3 506. Write P, F, FOR ALR, A--Automobile 'Agencies. FOUNTAIN PEN-- Found, on Barrie . make you $50 weekly. BEDROOMS--T.arge urnlshe . 1l1--Automobiles kor Sala, Street. Owner may have same at 199 ====| Hedry, Graphic Arts Bldg., Toront veniences, near 5 Queen's University To -------- 13--Auto DE Paria, Willlam Street. _Dressmaking-->Millinery SHOW CARD WRITING --For us. o| Apply 313 University Avenue. Phone|| wp HEMSTITCHING--Ploot edging, pieat-| money at home, $15 to $60 paid weeke| 35w A NUMBER OF FIN 18--Motorcycies and Bicycles. | | KEY--Pound, at Oddfellows' picnic on | HEMSTITCHING--Pioct edging. Sat®X0 | 1y for your spare time' writing 'show ROOMS--Two or three, Turnished, hard- N Ror 15--Motorcycles an ¥ July 2nd. Owner may have same at Card, 366 Barrie Street. 13 blocks| cards for us. No canvasfing. We in. wood floors, electric light, gas, private B di I 16--Repairing--Service Stations, 308 Johnson Street. Phone 1141w. f > 5 > ; . x rom Princess Street. Struct and supply you with work. balcony, housekeeping i \7--Wanted--Automobiles. Woot Anus iby 3% Service, 17 08 Soak. Evie DIE, if deirsd, use DR. FORBES GODFREY ~ y KEY--Found, corner Wellington and Insurance 23 | Colborne Bid. Toronto. 202w. New Minister of Labor and Health, in 18--B BUSINESS DERYVICE L Brock streets. Owner may have same ee ee - =F Es REE Eire F eee on Toronto and Ma d --Business Services at Whig Office. FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- Help--Male or Female 34 | ROOMS --Furnished, modern conveni- Streets, at a reasonable ogennel] the Ontario Cabinet, announced by 19--Building--Contracting. Snce. 1B. MM. CTumiey, 420 Earl Street, | opm ho OF Fomale 38] ences: avery oar pn! running water, pes Phone 1783M, BOOKKEEPER-- Experienced. Apply| 00d locality. Apply 408 Johnson St. | PPIY: Premier Ferguson. He was elected a y -- o-- 2 -- member fcr York West. Droste Mae ating. | MONEY--Lost, Saturday, between 5.30 K : 1 x ee 1 tnd 6.p.m_ on street. Finder please re- | FIRE--Health. ASCIdeRT and Automo- | (1 writing to Cunningham & Smith, 79| Fhone $97. co, Macnee aon: _----se----ee . ee an nnes. 23--tieating, Plumbing, Roofing. turn to Whig Office. Reward. Clarence Street. = At Pleasant Valley. £3-- Insurance. 5 - 5 - oa Pe uparAnes. DUC TW BS wiley ns ORGANIST--For a small Glty church. - Wanted--Kooms or Board 38 | Pleasant Valley, July 5.---Farmers MH Aunda IE acking. Storage. lien EE Sound, pees Post| Couper Street. __ | §PpIy stating qualifications" to Box | ROOM -- By woman summer student,| ------ - AIT Fave commenced harvesting clover | 32¢--Painting, Papering, Decorating. Whig Office. t the| INSURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and ea UE Office, ~~ large, airy, with outlook on lake, near | MERCHANDISE d alfaifa which DUIant crops 27--Printing--Engraving. Bickness, in reliable companies. J. B.| SMACK-- The ideal soft drink flavor: | University! Apply "Student," Queen's s -- an alfa w are abuntiant crops. 3§--Professional Services. / SUM OF MONEY--Found, Friday. Own.| Cooke. District Manager. Phones:| cool, refreghing, satisfying, healthful _ University, A number attended the Sunday school 28a--Accountants. J er phone 2261J. . : Res.: 842w., Omice: 503w. ea and deligatfully tasty; made at home| =m FURNITURE lienle at Long Lake yesterday. Dur- | 33b--Architects, P rENCE-_Only he most veliabia| Lin Ro solicit orders" wath tha' chro: Real Estate For Rent Of Al Deseri ing a recent electric storm D. A. Ag Chiroprag e SERVICE PIN--Found, soldier's, be- Bteahanles tab) Mra ne fiso nse a will bring seiling sample enough for a i ol as at Reason. a "| Ra-Denfa tween Ordnance and Bay Streets, on £8. ea R 1840. iO lce: twenty-five glasses. Secure this busi. Apartments and Flats 74 STOV Bare's house was struck by light Pata Shoal Bagot. Owner may have same at 326| Clarence Street, opposite Past Office, ness in your territory and make APARTMBNTF rooms, newly decorat: ig ning which tore off a chimney and 385 --Osteopathy. Montreal Street. Moving, Trucking, Storage 55 money hand over fist this summer. ed. hardwood floors, three pleas Da Well repaired. at a rging price. ® i ng experienc apita ces- tri hilisa whe dog. | Mee Tuomis J. bath io' Puyaiclans. WRENCH~Founa, for san on West AsHN-C stda eut oF 4 tary and | sary. 14 Hie A Boantiond, brink bill ol Be eater at once 1} » , street. wner may ave same at| yards, cle one. A. MacGregor, Apply to H. B. St" 3¢--Talloring and Pressing Whig Office. 24 Russel] Street. Phone 3285. === Phone 10193. © nriell 338 King st . urk S city. Mrs. Frank Wallace, Brookside, | 31--Wanted Business Service. ha tf 8.94 visited Mrs. Melville Bllerbeck. Mr. EMPLOYMENT « WRIST WATCH For furniture. lean | __ Solicitors, yas rooms, furnished for PHONE 1705. : he] . jn Lost, in acpident 'at| and dry. Ap E. E. Wathem, 143 8 AGENT--Reliable. Tor Griese. ! H and Mrs. H. Larry called on friends | 33--Help' Wanted--Kemale. ath foad. July Sth' Kindly return| Nelson street. Bhone 13919 or 81s, A AEN Real Pay, free cabo sléctrio Hgne Long: Ea tor Sookiag to Bath Road P. O. or John Baker's,| BAGGAGE--R, Taite guarantees good| ment. We are the largest growers ren. ps ch Box V-9, Whig Office. here en route from Westport to their | 34--Help--Male or Female. J : po 48--Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents Cataraqui. service in Baggage, Express and Mov-| fruit and ornamental trees in Canada) home at Trenton. Clarence Watson . = a . ' % ' 36a--Teachers Wanted. Ee Ese | ng; reasonable prices. 104 Montreal| Seli for a Nursery, not for ae jobber. Business FPluces ¥ Ren Flint, Mich., spent a few days with | 36--Bituations Wanted--Femals Automobiles Diteet. Next to Armouries. Phone| You will be successful Weite: elham [ODGE ROG or b dS hig parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. I 31--Situations Wanted--Male. eee | 146, fe Nursery Co., Toro DCE nn Rooms on King strest A I ER Wi D Y - ad FINANCIAL Automobiles For Sale 11 | STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, | =--==--------ooos eT Ormerly Doeupl 1.O.0.F. Watson. A oumans is visiting 33--Business Opportunities. MOLAUGHLIN--5 passenger Touring; Alry rooms and spaces; your own lock Teachers Want bd . friends in this vicinity. F. Curle and 39--Investments, Stocks, Bonds In good condition. Apply 188 John-| 80d key. Frost's City Storage, 299- Houses For Rent yarty, Oshawa, toured through here $-Money Sogn. son Street. Phone 551w. 308 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989w. TEACHER ~ Qualified, normal, Protes- | pra one TS Tr et . p-- ee * tant, h 0. 10 a 11, Camden, a ' ven rooms, in Ris new Oldsmobile touring car INSTRUCTION Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 | for HR Ty Se a Nth Jaige lot and barn on North Al- en route to Smith's Falls to spend a §2--Correspondence Courses. . PAINTING--Papering, Decorating --| _to John Bell, Secretary, Moscow, Ont. e y J. D. yd, astview by small Motor Boats in a most 43--Local Instruction Classes. USED CARS-- first class work and work guaranteed. | TEACHER--Normai trained profes: | soar Kk. Phone 1102 Rd. aan short holiday. Mrs. E. Hughes spent 4i--Musical, Dancing, Dramatic. Stress' pone A. Anderson. 185 Bagot| sional, Protestant, public school No. §,| 38 YORK ST--% rooms 7ew brici--an| | delightful pastime, Why not in- . & fow days with friends at Mountain [ 45 Private Instruction. Before deciding definitely on pur- Street, Phone 1966. Wolfe Island. Salary $900. Apply| Modern improvements. Possession fm. vest in a disappearing Propeller 4¢--Wanted--Instruction. chase of a Used Car call in and AINTING--Paper Hanging and Deco. | William Couper, Wolfe Island. mediately. Apply 30 York Street. Waterford Scout or Waterford NO. 8. PITTSBURG Nero ET. os; metallic] 8.8. NO. 6, PITTSBURG--Normal (rain- 35 WEST ST--Furnished. from Sept. de Luxe Model? qu \ -- 3 Apply to CT 35a PPly to in Grove. R. J. Barr and T. Mellville " Ine those listed below: Waesiport, LIVE STOCK exam rating: wall paper amp. em» BY; Welq Focont Suess at Geo. 47--Dogs, Cats, Form OMAntS. ; old jetters for atore and office win-| ed Protestant teacher; salary $1,000; 1st; garage. Appl om % 88 ard, Amherst TIs- 48-- Horses, 4 = ap TWO B RGAIN ows. Estimate submiited J, Flana-| duties to commence Sept. 4th. Apply + @arage. Apply to Dr. J, C, Connell with starter, dash 4 land, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. 43--Poultry end § upplies. A S. 840, 347 Montreal Street. Phone 1432. | to J. Abrams, Sec., Route 1, Kingston. Ses : er, dash an very com. * Fllerbeok. : BE ark Fines Hel ITSBURG-- Protestant | 0 ALFRED STF "rooms. ~slectric| | plete. Apply-- * aE ETE -- les F le Studebaker Six ............3280 | SIGN PAINTING-J. S. Robinson, rear| "qualified teacher. Duties or ouant| Yygnt. * g ahloing. = $18.00 per : . aa a---------------- $iAsticles For , EER 276 Bagot street. mence Sept. 4th. Apply with salary . SN he ' Tm fo - oo ro Fatally Gored by Bull. Si--Business and Office Equipment. McLaughlin 45 Special ... Architects 28b. | Pareriad do W. A. Milton, Sec.-Treas., HF 69 Patrick Street. DAVIS DRY DOCK C0. Brantford, July 9.--Arthur Will. | §3--Boats and Accessories. 5 : | TEACHER--F ; itoen. ae vy : a ilding Materia. AR: Power, Bon and Drever,| TEACHER--For 8.5. No. 4, Battersea. ; East E j4--Dulidings eq Bu arialy Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Salary $900. Protestdint, class. mer Places kor Ren 80 nd of Wellington for demonstration and prices. " iams, single, a young man twenty- $6--Farm and Dairy Produots, d . -- McLaughlin K49, 7 Passenger model. 0 % BOARD--{18 a week, In bi rm or Wo ou dorking on the | tt --Euty feta, Feslujsers Se ubytaxn. Brisk any Weilingtoa Haroia J. Clark, Bee-Troas, B. 17BorY | 'Situated Taree Sottage hy Vewirully rm 0 + H. Littlefield, manager ss--Homemade Things. Chiropractic 28¢c. | tersea.' Yolumbi ight Six, A ---- 1 261, Brockvil Also all - of the Kerby house, Brantford, was | 63--Household Goods. Columbia Light Six, 3 Passenger. | NA REEEIE Win, 4 PCT PET: ___ Situations Wanted--Male 37| Ably furnished cottage to 'venior --Machinery and Tools. Reo 4. floor, Barrie St. entrance. CHAU y MM ! - Kingston, | CHAUFFBUR--WIII take (ouring part (ER COTTAGES --Bydenham Laks mopning. He was going to a field 63a--Radlo nstrumen Reo speed wagon, almost new, Ont. Consultation frees. Telephone| or truck. Seven Lire experience, Ap. Boo 2 diy hy Broome, Lake, Advertisers who do not wish heir for some cattle When he was sudden- Sja_iadio Equimnent, eis : $33). Hours § to 12 am. 1to§ pm. ply Box P-30, Whig Office. bungalows; all wide verandahs; $10 Pare 4 Appear, TAY phase replies Suing . ' >. n " the y ly attacked by a pure bred Holstein | --e4--Specials at the Stores. BOYD S GARAGE, Ltd Er ere we. Financial ee ly. Harold Boyce, Sydenham, se >. This information kept absolutes 129 BROCK STRE ; ng DF J : =| Would you like to get rid ROOMS FOR RENT BT Sus une etl Specla sis | M to Loan 40 oS Jt send original testimonials in| this fall? There are' ore, oat 1 Board as FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment ust ag well © PUsition. "A copy will do| watching the used car opportynitiey tl herr §8--Rooms Without Board. 943 Society, incorporated 1861. President, | J as : every day in the Dally Whig wan Finest variety eating cherries, at $9--Rooms for Housekeeping. T D , = Bl d » 149 bay Spinal amsly and con W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, o-Days under free. - y im. Mo 67--Good Things to Eat. rence; bathing, boating, fishing. Box fatally gored by a bull early Sunday $jeweley and Watches. ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd week, --_-- struments. bull, $4 Wantear--18 Buy. LUCY D7 Bootes Ss area Black Tartarian, §7--Rooms With Board. tween I'vincess g thelr best this week and at pre-war| 70--Vacation Places. sultation free. ' Residential calls by| B- Cunningham.. Money issued on tity ' : ¥1--Where To Eat. and farm properties; municipal and prices. Carnovsky's. 73--Where To Shop in Town. Corrected Appointment. county debentures; mort ages pur- \ -------- © ; A special - arbitrati it I AL LNEATE PO Aaa - y roe aa ands for 'sslel de. [ ; Special arbitration committee 1 posits received and interest allowed. "r +Will probably be appointed to handle | Ji--Apartments and Viste = (See Illustration on Page 10.) Sireet, Kingaton: ose ¥1 Clarence oO A | : t. ee the wage and other demands of an- Such an array of fancy Suest tow. vA. Merchandise 16--Farms For thracite coal miners, it was indicat. | 77--Housss OE Oh els. all of Streot. sS3w. | Open . ed Saturday when the joint union-op. Igbo Ror Reni': eon itterant proses BR 1g TR TH gd Atlas For Baie 51 j Seater conference was resumed at At- Vi--Wanted--To Rent. {ing intended more for display than Tn Legal City. . Wik for or SALE service, A guest might feel re-| REVELLE --Kdrian 1 Barter ang alms at Reka tonigne. "|B Htokare esi Tebee " [lnctant about determi ire cor Acney is Jaan." Phone $470. 0" | Cook. His Bags % Bele amy J mes Swift & C Limi ¥ SS ------------ 3--Farma aad Land For Sale. towel conveniently placed is more Wbrose, s BArTater and | hone army bilan pot pos ames 1 t o., 1 ited j-- Ho! appreciated by a guest. If there is| Solicitor. Law Office, oorner of King | water bottles. Everything necessary ea . Lots For tor. thelr use nomi tes iS owela| io oun Prong thes To Noner| for ams &varedin A. Snape it) | ~ Foot of Johnson Street }--Resort Property For Sale. Bubriban For Sale. for their use should be unrform m. Yo "Ge ) Rea] mutate Exthange. design and decoration. USE AS aanited aM to rent that spare 2 AB pe a Cod a BY GEORGE McMANUS IT SOUNDED LIKE AUTO