Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jul 1923, p. 1

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TO-NAY "Girl of the Golden West' r Baily British Whi MON. TUES. WED. THOS. H. INCR SUPER-DRAMA YEAR 90; No. 158, GREECE WILL PAY CANADA 1 The 'Interest on Loan Re- gularly After 1 This Year. APTAL T0 BE PHD OF With First External Loan To Be Concluded By Greek Government. Ottawa, July 7. -- Canada has * 'still a good chance of recovering the war loan made to Greece. A cable has heen received by the prime minister from Hon. P. C. Larkin, Canadian high commissijner in London, to the effect that the Greek minister there had informed him that the Greek ernment was unable to pay the interest due to date on the loan, but that it requested that the interest be capitaMzed up to the end "of 1932. The Greek minister informed Mr. Larkin that he Was authorized by the Greek finance minister to say that his government was unwilling to bur- den this year's budget with provision for payment on this debt, but that in the future the interest will be paid "with every regularity," and the capi will be paid off with the pro- ceeds of the first external loan to be concluded by the Greek government. % GREEKS AND TURKS FIGHT ON DARDANELLES Many Casualties on Land-- ~--@reek Ship S8unk and - Many Drowned. . . . . . Sofia, July 7.--A report, receiv- * ed last night from Constantinople, says that the Greeks attempted to land a regiment at Kara Burun, near the Dardanelles, and that the Turks repulsed them after severe fighting, There were many casual- "ties on both »ids, the report says. the ing the Turkish Ik a great ship, ot 't0°the Constantinople report, Jvere drowped. MAY ABANDON DIVORCE: -- Irene Castle and Her Husband Leave Together Paris hy Paris, July 7.--Both Irene Castle and her husband, R. E. Tremaine. have left Paris, and it 1s believed to- gether. After all the | fuss of legal proceedings there is still hope that a reconciliation will be effected, the divorce proceedings abandoned, and | - Mr. Tremaine will have his wife re- . turn to him as his reward for hav- |ITALY IS RECEIVING KINGSTON, ONTARIO. SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1928, LAST EDITION. REPARATIONS IN KIND Sugar and Chemicals Coming From Germany In Large Quantities. S---- Rome, July 7.--Despite Xerman difficuities in the Ruhr, Italy has heen getting more reparations in kind during the last six months than ever before. Only coal is scarce, but the Germans promise a big incréase soon. Sugar has been coming in in large quantities and also chemicals, medicines and other articles. All this is reported by Signor Da- fello, Italian member of the Repara- tions Commission, who adds: "Today only Italy is getting repar- ations in kind. Neither France nor Belgium are receiving any, while England is merely applying the Re- covery Act. Our satisfactory results are due to our objectivity in apply- ing the peace treaties, for we strive to keep the strictly economic char- acter of the same while recovering reparations." WOMEN OF AMERICA WORRY CHARM AWAY The Lack of Repose Ruinous To Beauty, Osteopaths Are Informed. New York, July 7.--The American woman, the best-dressed, the hand- somest and the most sensible woman in the world, rains her charms and her attraction by a tensity which is always apparent in her face, Dr. Roberta Wimer-Ford of Seattle said yesterday at "he annual convention of the American Osteopathic associa- tion. "Our highly-trained society wo- men," she said, "have the repose of manner which is essential to true beauty, but the great ma jority of American: wemen spoil their natural good looks by their strained expres- sions." = Ch -------------- CANNOT BE PUT IN FORCE Until the Mater Can Be Taken Into Court. NEW RACING LEGISLATION Atrsey pea Rey, Is ioog Coes of Pala ment Amendments. Toronto, July 7. -- So far as the provincial authorities are concerned, no steps will be taken to enforce the amendment to the criminal code pro- Libiting the importation of "racing form' news until the attorney-gener- al's department secures and examines a copy of the amendment which be- came law on Saturday, June 30th. Pronouncement by the attorney- general of opinion on the possible nullification of the Ontario anti-hand' book bil by the action of the domin- fon parMament in legislating in the same fleld, has also been postponed until official copies of the federal amendment are received from Ot- tawa. Hon. W. E. Raney makes this quite clear. Commenting on an Ottawa des- patch to the effect that enforcement of the federad amemdment was in the hands of the provincial authori- ties, the attorney-general stated that he could not enforce the law un- til he was in a position to take jt into court, and that ample warning would be given interested parties bhe- fore legal proceedings would be in- stituted. Ho had sent to Ottawa for copies of the amendment and ex- pected that action would be taken within the. next few days. Woman Slain in Revolver Duel with Sister-in-Law Shreveport, La., July 7.--Mrs. Min- rard, Terry was shot and killed in a pistol battle with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Norman Terry, at Good Ex- change Settlement, Cass county, Tex. XILLIAM G. McA He is the Democratic favorite for nan a dispute ove: sd he Both women met at the well Tuesday and Mrs. Minnard Terry was sald to have apen- ed fire. Mrs. Norman Terry returned the fire, killing the other woman in- | [stantly. TO SECURE HELP. In Gathering In The Crops In West. ern Canada. Winnipeg, July 7.~--Anticipating a record harvest plans for bringing forty thousand harvest hands from Eastern Canada to assist the farm- News of f the Wires In Condensed Form Leonid Krassin has been removed as head of the Russian soviet deie- gation to Britain. in Henry Stahmann was hanged at Regina on Friday for the murder of Fred Barnsley at Hodgeville, Sask. , last November. or . E. K. Wood, head of the Mormons at Cardston, Alta., tells the Grain Commission that the Mormone are rleased with settlement in the west. Reuters have acquired a great modern office building on the Em- bankment, London, and will soon transfer there the main network of their world-wide news activities. Pacificatios of the ™§cican re- public will make it possible for the department of war to reduce its budget about 20,000,000 pesos for the coming fiscal wear." In order to remove all vestiges of Greek domination of Constantinople, the Turks intend changing the name of the historic mosque of St. Sophia to Mehmedie Mosque, that is, the Mosque of Mahomet. The ontrance Into the United States of a labor supply from Can- armed themselves and ada, Mexico and Burope will soon abolish the twelve-hour day in the steel industry, says Elbert Gary, of the United States Steel Company. Vincent Doriga was sentenced at Windsor to three years in peniten- tlary for bringing his 17-year-old sister-in-law to Windsor from La- chine, Que., for immoral purposes. Doriga has been convicted of similar offences. After ten months of death-like stillness which followed the devastst- ing fire, Smyrna has taken on a new lease of life. Quay street, which skirts the waterfront, has been clear- ed of debris and the familiar one- horse tramears again are running. ARE PLACED UNDER ARREST Heads of United Mine ¥/ork- ers Taken in. Custody. CHARGED WITH PUBLISHING Injury to the Public Interest. Sydney, N.8., July 6.--Dan Living- stone, president, and James B. Mc- Lachlan, secretary of the United Mine Workers of America, district 26, were arrested at strike heada- quarters, Glace Bay, last night fol- lowing receipt of the following tele. gram from Hon. W. J. Oharn, at- torney-general of Nova Scotia: "J.B. McCormick, chief of po- lice, Sydney. Warrants have been is- sued by M. B. Archibald, magistrate for the city of Halifax, charging ingstone, with unlawfully publishing false tales whereby injury or mis- chief was likely to be occasioned to the public interest, namely the gov. ernment and provincial police of Nova Scotia, contrary to section 136 of the code. Please arrest immediate- ly it possible and wire. Chief In- spector Kennedy will arrive in the morning with warrants. Seek co-op- eration of provincial police if nec- essary." Secretary McLachlan told the Can- WRITTEN FOR THE WHIG SIR ROBERT BORDEN BY ARTHUR HUNT CHUTE. : ior ro he was returning as the first Plaza, where that day the Canadian "What's that for 7" I enquired. there," was the reply. "Going some for the Grand Pre A few months later, in New York City, I happened to pass "Sir Robert Borden, the Prime Minister Still later, I saw a British warship, lying in Halifax harbor. ing to it a friend remarked, 'She just came in to take Sir Robert over to his place in the Imperial War Cabinet." On Sept. 22nd, 1911, the day after Mr. Borden was elected premier, I rode with him from Wolfville to Grand Pre, Nova Scotia. We passed the little country school, and the children rushed out to cheer; no mock hurrah; they were cheering for their own. The car rolled on past, the general store, then up a shady avenue, the Hotel Ensign was flying. of Canada, is staying Point- schoolboy," I muttered to myself. A great chapter, in the history of Canada, is the chapter on Robert | Borden, because his career synchronises with the peroid of Canada's com- False Tales That Might Cause James B. McLachlan and Daniel Liv- | adian Press last evening that letter attacking the provincial po- lice and published over his signat- "ure had been sent to all locals with- in his jurisdiction. The commifioner police stated that he was ndt pre- | pared to ensure protection in the | event of the company deciding to re- of provincial ing the pumps and fans. that the company hasf&s yet made no attempt to relieve tHose men, In face of statements by workers tha they would only permit company of- ficials to enter the mines, is taken to mean that the company is endeavor- ing, to guard against precipitation of | rable pending anticipated action { on the part of John L. Lewis, inter. national president of the United Mine Workers of America. CHURCH OBSERVES 125TH BIRTHDAY The Baptists at Wicklow Cele- brate Anniversary of First Service. Cobourg, July 7.--One of the most lunique events in the history of the {Church life of Canada took place jat Wicklow, ten miles east of here, {when the congegation of the Baptist |Church celebrated the 125th anni- lversary of its existence. | The history of the first Baptist congregation in that locality dates back to 1785, when « Reuben Cran- dall, a youth of eighteen years, came to Canada as a licensed Bap- tist preccher from a place called the Nine Partners, New York State. Ile came on foot, and crossed the St. Lawrence river near I'res-ott. Travelling westward. he found settlers in Prince Edward county, in whose homes he held services. Com- ing on farther west, he reached {Cramabe and Haldimand townships, where he made a stand, and or- canized a congregation. In 1789 the Haldimand Baptist Church was crganized. As early as 1800 the small house would not ac- commodate the congregation. and later a larger building was erected, waich for several years wis the only church building in the township of Haldimand. In 1817 it was able to claim the entire time and services of a regular pastor. -- CANADIAN SALMON BEING DRIVEN OUT 1. Under Same Thbolablen. "eriminati In Hh London, July 7.--Japanese can- ners, alleged to have the backing of the Soviet government, are driving Canadian salmon from the British market by selling a cheaper article under the same label. At today's an- rual meeting of the Canadian Cham- ber of Commerce the British govern- ment was urged to require Siberian salmon to be stamped as such so that ithe British buyer would have an op- The fact the | | | | | { lleve the officials at ppésent operat-| 'May Not Be Officially An- CABINET NOT YET KNOWN nounced Until Monday. MAL ND ENPRES LST Has the Member For King- ston As the Likely At- torney-General. Toronto, July 7.--Although the personnel of the Ferguson Conser- vative cabinet for the province of Ontario will not be officially an- nounced for a day or two, owing to the absence of Lieut.-Governor Cocks shutt from the city, the Mail and Empire, which is presumed to have "inside information" on the subject, this morning gives the following 'sure selections": Prime Minister -- Hon. Howard Ferguson. : Attorney-general--William ger Nickle, Kingston. Provincial-treasurer--Lt. Col. W. H. Price, Parkdale. Minister of public works and high- ways--Hon. G. S. Henry, Bast York. Minister of Mines--Charles Mec- Crea, Sudbury. : Minister of lands and forests-- James Lyons, Sault Nt:. Marie, Minister of labor and health--Dr. Forbes Godfrey, West York. Minister of agriculture--John 8. Martin, South Norfolk. Minister without portfolio--Hon. Thomas Crawford, Northwest To- ronto. Most of the above have been an- nounced before as probabilities. One new comer in the list is James Lyons of the Soo. The Mail and Empire does not place any one for the portfolios of provincial secretary or minister of education. It is stated that John R. Cooke, North Hastings, as well as Sir Adam Beck will be the govern- ment's representatives on the pro- vincial hydro-electric commission. @ George Fol- Business Interfere. ---- New York, July 7.--~ American men, though they are naturally of good physique, neglect prego too much, is the opinion of Dr. : P. Millard, Toronto, who advocats ed golf and corsets as the great cor rectives| for '"stoutness and creaky joints," in a speech yesterday at the convention of the American Osteo= pathy Association. "If golf interferes with business,* he said, "drop business. I notice with pleasure that a good many the doctors who came to this com~ ference are absent this J having left for the links. applied osteopathy, The & club limbers the spine and the We've had hosts of books since the wei; lke Col. Repington's, and lunly tn favor of British, but sven ud poring soot way om Margot Asquith's, "Gossips," like Philip Gibbs' "Now It Can Be Told." lof foreign hops. busiiiess grow." Sir Robert's work will not be listed with those of lighter vein. But | Speaking of ts, thie. = doet the deeper student will find him a permanent contributor, whose history | OLD SOCIAL LEADER. said men were much more suscepti~ will remain upon the bookshelf, whem "gossips" and "sob sisters" are | ---- ble to rupture and abdominal sag- forgotten. | Widow of Cyrus McCormick Died at| Eng than women, and that absol- Apart from the old world records, there will be a distinctive interest Advanced Age. utely the oaly cure for the fat mau in his story, because it will reveal against the background of old world! Chicago, July 7.-- Mrs. Nettie] Was a good strong set of stays. hate, the splendid picture of new world devotion ,the picture of one of Fovier McCormick, widow of Uyrue| Dr. M. F. Church, of Calfary, the younger daughters, through imperial sacrifice, attaining to the J MeCormick, sr., the Inventor Mu. Spoakivg o. he Sybjest of dignity of nationhood. | ® grain reaper and founder off foot treatment, ea osteopls [the International Harvest -{thic manipulation of the foot coms What vast, far-reaching changes in imperial control were precipitated Tvester com Pp 'bapy, died at her home in Lake bined with the use of proper shoes, by the war! | Fokest of acute bronchitis. She was will usually give the patient Ris Sir Robert, during his tenure of office, saw what had once been a |cighty-elght years old She was| health back again, : brood of cubs becoming a group of full-grown lions. one of the last of the old generation He saw that long, long growth, attaining to completion, until in the |°f social leaders In Chicago, and was wealth @ Britain is merely primus Inter pares. | uows Bot only for her participa- Commo to-day Great 1 ition in ety events, but for her Replying 2» those who plead against the fullgrown status, Bir} args contributions to philanthro- Robert skys: "I am ome of those that, believe that the essential unity of phy, Her contributions to foreign the commonwealth has in no sense been diminished by its development equ cation and missions had made into an organization which is virtually a Britannic League of Nations. her known internationarly. TO PROSECUTE SAILORS. It Is Alleged Hundreds Deserted From British London, July 7.--Upon arrival of the Leviathan, British shipping in- terests, it was reported last night, in- tend to prosecute hundreds of the . crew for alleged desertion from Bri- tish ships. To Purchase Wheat From. ing of age. {portunity to exercise his preference It was most fitting that he, Canada's war premier, the one British !'for Empire goods. Any other resolu- premier there in 1914, still there in 1918, should declard: "As at | ar STerIment oD seuss beginning Canada did not hestiate, so in the end she will not falter. |hops. Although the government Recently, 1 visited Sir Robert in his quiet study, at Ottawa, where | oo raed that Canadian hops were to the pictures of Lloyd George and Sir Wilfrid Laurier look down upon {pe given preference over foreign high shelves of books, in an atmosphere of scholastic calm. Here, aloof jhops, the control, which is said to ba from turmoil, and party strife, he is gathering together his historic influenced by English hop growers, memories. Around Mm a confusion of state papers and official docu-|!'a8 managed in the administration {of the agreement to defeat fits pur. ments, Jobeios maze, - hopeless for all, except for him, the pilot rose, and !s alleged to have discrimi- through tr ous years. nated against Canadian hops. not residential candidate in the United ates, receiving 708 votes, his nearest rival in ten nominees being Henry Ford with 231 votes. He is a prohibi- iE crossed the Atlantic in an effort P10 win back her love. At the Palace . of Justice the French lawyers engag- @d in staging the case for their Am- ~~ erican colleagues confess that they ~ fail utterly to understand these Am- | ®rican divorces which every month . are becoming more and more numier- 'ous and more and more complicated. Reconciliations before a judge are not unusual, but reconciliations with- a judge after big fees have been nt on legal help, are things that French lawyer understands. ------ IL. C. McNamee, Kelvin, was elect- 'ed president of the Farmers' Union of Canada at the annual convention at Saskatoon. | THE COST OF LIVING were you paying Madam for : SUGAR ? ~The Department of Labor at Ot- Rawa says these Were the average Prices for Mow. ers of Western Canada in reaping and threshing their crops, will be discussed at a meeting of the rail- way and employment service. offi- cials here on July 17th. Members of the United Farmers organizations in the prairie provinces will also at- tend. be. E- tionist and a su pporter of the League of Nations. T Church Poorly Organized From Business Viewpoint ---- Peterboro, July 7--Rev. G. I Campbell, of Toroato, speaking on "The Church's Unfinished Task," a' the regular session of the Bay of Quinte conference summer school, stated that from his observation his church was under-organized and Poorly organized from a business point of view. He aloo stressed the reed of missionary work in Canad: as wel as the efforts that are being Tut forth in foreign countries. He touched briefly on the question of churéh union as another step to- wards making Canada a complete unit in the Kingdom of Christianity. Died at Brockville. : Brockville, July 7.--George Cecil, New York, formerly general mana- New Altitude Record By Woman. Sit » St. Louis, Mo., July 7.--Mrs. Bertha Horchem, professional avi- atrix of Ransom, Kas., established a new altitude record for women by ascending 16,300 feet at St. Louis Aviation Field. The previous record was 15,700 feet and was made by Andree Peyre, French woman flier, in California last May. Officials at the field announced that the flight was official. Mrs. Horchem was tn the air two hours and eight min- utes. When she descended she haa to be lifted from the cockpit of her plane, her hand and feet being frost- bi'ten, despite her winter clothes. Bien Decrease in Orime. Ottawa, July 7.--A very marked decrease in criminal offenses in 1922, a3 compared with the previous year, i: recorded by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. A general decrease in drunkenness fs also shown, most not- ably in British Columbia. pany, and later s prominent figure in American hotel life, passed away at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital on Thursday afternoon efter a brief ili- mess. The deceased and his wife came here ten day ago, intending to epend the summer in Brockville. Refiners Ready This Fall. Calgary, July 7.--It was officially reported that the new 3,500-barrel refinery of the Imperial Oil Co., cost- ing over $2,000,000, would be in operation by September. The refin- ery will run on Montana and Sal: Creek crudes, and be ready to take care of any production which might come from Alberta. A -------------------- Burned Aged Man's Whiskers. + Winnipeg, July 7.--While Wililasn | Instructor Haltman, of Hythe. . Hornich, 72 years old, stood talking : m-------------- On a street here yesterday, Paul Bric- [#0 ¢ 004000000000 00 ko. a "friend," walked up to him, |® said hello, then lit a match and ap- plied it to the aged man's whiskers. Auto Driver Exonerated. . Belleville, July 7.--The coroner's Jury in the case of Mrs. J. Loyst, who died as the result of injuries sus- tained when struck by en auto om the provincial highway, returned a verdict of accidental death and state ed that while on the evidence sub= mitted, both the driver of the cal and the deceased might have beel negligent to a certain extent, no dir- ect blame can be attached to Harold Yateman, the driver of the car. Peterboro has sold a block of $50, 000 five and one-half per cent, twenty-year straight term debent. ures to Wood, Gundy & Co., Toronto. at 103.28. At this price the money 13 costing the city approximately 5.24 per cent. ' A leading Unionist daclares op- position to Church Union is on the lies behind the realm of action. Having an eye to future eventualities, Sir Robert says: "The failure of the Dominions to accept and support a policy of vital concern would seriously affect the Commonweaith's influence and prestige. It is essen- Tishting around of the Scotjish uch for Great Britain as for her sister nations that the voice of ee Frees." : HE The British army rifle cham- i pionship has been won by Sergeant- oltotbotialeal td t= fo loo Bo toit al Man Painfully Brukyd. Clayton, N.Y., July 7.--Joe Done= b | Balen! bob} HHH 1 So od vd vq hm b | 0 Ly! IT] okt [#E during war, of which $84,302,231 was in Russia by the naturalization

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