---------- SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1928, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC M-------------------- : Take Fai to Save Time--Classified Ads Tell You W + Index to Classifications The British Whig | Employment | Rerchan 2. { . Real ing classification headings CINGSTON 3 { 5 rem 2 ) { ) I ey goges: oe Sexapiper in the wimats a BOT RRRE ER Ean Expl | SPINE DBRS Mahogany sid Row | fase Por Sele " iven, close NG | OKKEEPER-- Experienced. Pp PINE' > ahogany an ose-| . rE be ng grouped together. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. in writing te Cunningham & Smith, 79] weeds sets of walnut and mahogany SEE--Bateman's Jarge Real Estate ade The individual advertisements are| Indexed, standardized and popular- Clarence Street. { hairs win beds, walnut tables, ete.| Yertisement, page §, column LL arranged under these headings ia ized according to ORGAN For a small ol ohurek pop tique Shop, BOT Princes ot | bs Slpdabetical order for quick reference. BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM : ONE E Y E Br ing qualifications to Box| Phone 1045w. I [ny jhrame. § Tooms. new. Upped ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BAS | & Office. BTOVES Lawreusons Tor Good Ghesr Sik, 8 pleas bath, electric light, geod Engegementa. Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. | SMACK-- The ideal soft drink Aavor; Square Quebes Nieves and Heater one Ivers. APPIY 31 York Brreet . i ¥ t r= -------- Marriages, All ads. are restricted to their You don't invest your money with one eye shut. (No- cul, refreshing, Satisfying heaithtui| Beouomy Keady Mixed Paints an var . 3--in Memoriam. proper classification. and "to the body does, except the first time). a Seugnthully tasty} home NI ohn Orange Hall. | BROCK STREET--Brick house, 3 & 3--Card of Thanks. rexular Dally Whig style of type. You don't cross streets with one eye shut. (Or you Inise to solicit orders with ten cents! WOOD Mixed, $3.35 quarter oord; new Iqurtedh roms, She bedrooms, 4--Fuueral Directors. CLASSIFIED RATES ; = will bring selling sample enough for| and second hand lumber. matoney 1a doupL Sats. Kan, 3 piece bath, Turnavey 5 eral owers. 4 abe wouldn't have lasted this ong.) twenty-five glasses. Secure this busi- ber, cedar pos soft slabs, $2.50 quar- ou LaF H vrs, dialing roem, kite! ee 2t8. Monuments, Daily rate per line or comsevutive You don't count change with one eye shut. (You've Dess In your territory and make| ter cord; mixed siabs 85.25 Wii Caggen, on ground leer, barn, tine lee eo Ces. . sertions: : money hand over fist this summer | Talbot. Yard: Concession street, near $--Coming Events. learned it's better to be careful than short.) Selling experience or capital'yaneces-| Divison. Phone. baer & 2 TRUrro 9-- Per: Minimum charge, 25 cents. But--do you spend your money with just one eye sary. Dradley-Garretson, 'Branitord, _----= : BR 3 10--Lost and Found. Daily rates per line. Charge Cash open? Ont, Wanted---To Buy 06 347 Bagot Street. A 6 da 5 + People who watch the A-B-C Classified Section don't. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 Tr wants a Phones 704 or 15425. a 1 on eharged They buy wih both es Spel wide--to Spvortuiities of AN Sea a ProRHABIE all year| at J. Marshall, 101 Queen Street. . # ks For Sale. . 4 Saving their money and getting more satis action an commission business o your own. | MTRROR--6 ft. x 18 inches, wit out 2 'ocessorics Tires --parta, $1.50; TR ao ey Matritges, economy for every dollar they spend. Every property owner needs some of frame. Appl stating price to Box | Wanted--Keal Kstate 30; . $1. fir Bine hundred varieties of hardy| {a Whig Office. HOUSE--pos anctly unt vod Autos for Hire--Tax!. Card of Thanks and Memoriam 4 rent and Bicycles Sard : . $1.00 This daily thrift service--so convenient to use--will Red Tag Trees and Plants. No capi-| ---o: Whig ( Sv er oT aloha Notlces--Charged, $1.50; cash, § keep you in touch with dozens of ways to make your tal needed. plete eunipnient and OD a IVa OF x, ne Toot. Tor preter all brevets and In gon Advertising ordered for Irregular dollars go farther and bring you bigger returns. Nurseries Stones, Write" Dommion| fas Princess street, Kingston. lars and lowest cash price. No ag BUSINESS SERVICE Jalon takes ore ger Read the A-B-C Classified Ads regularly! AGENTS -- Purity Laundry Tablets, SE For R | ._heed apply, to Box vs, Napanee. Ont 8--Business Services Offered. basis of four. lines. . wash clothes without, rubbing. Agents Roor ms For Rent FARM--Wanted to heat from owner 19--Bulldl tracting. Count six average words to the making 350 weekly handling our pro- = £00d farm for sale. Stage A ow 3 --Renovating. line. THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ducts. Free premium offer. Writs _Rooms With Board 87] Rll parole, 0 Arie B. & E Mfg. Co, London, Ont BOARD --Orders taken for fowl or Aish| apolar : § 1linery. MW ads TH D8 Jestived by ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE _partment 9. dinners, "Wodneadnr ao Sulyor Boh | Ap a iS SA T Chi 3iieating. Plumbing. Roofing. ne and if paid at The Brit- pa 3 uranes. h g Office within 6 days from -- AL YS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY LES AGENT-- Reliable, for unrepre-| 5.30 p.m. Phone Mrs. F. G apman, D a king Storage the firat day of Insertion, cash rate WAYS . sented districts. 300d pay, free equip. Bath. Board by day or week. --_ Classified-Display 35--u . + Y w allowed. ment. are the largest growers o RD x, S--0 class. b s S 5 Dainting, Fapering, Decorating. Ads. coteras for more than one day . : 3 fruit ae 1a ao " Canada. GARD ass RO rat cliss. by | ---- BUSINESS SuBvVICH $f a onal vices. and stopped before expiration will Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber sonable rates. "Apply 298 University 33a--Accountanta. only be Shaiged Jor the amber of You will be successful, Write: Pelham Avenue, near Brock Street. > W. Kent Macnee tim the ad. appeared an - | Nursery Co. Toronto. Fa paw TE ra 28b--Architects. a made at the rate earned. i | frp oranta.__________ | ROOMS--Warm, good bnzra, reAson-{ | Bank of Commerce Building, B 28c--Cpjropractic. 1 nit ce is] $2.000--Per year, easily made selling| able or nitiiose to the down-town|] Sank Of Co §. Brock THT Ny Rate per line lin bid he Fr ce =. 4 our rubber aprons and specialties. | businesi:section. Mrs. Todd, 114 Johh-| | *® Gok rela, Phune 701 6r 36m, Se--Lagal | Beir nat for ranch 'shvertising Automobiles Business Service for priemPle, $ase to workers. Write| gon street | oe Automoniie See, $f--DMedlica! upOR request. = ee re or prices Tticulars , e B. Ree errs kness, Plate G - $5--Onteopathy, Physicians. Publishers reserve the right to edit Automobiles For Architects fg. Co., Dept. 4, London, Ont. 55D Doms Wifiva Seurd 88 | eta Hoprasmm Li caly Teliapis Clary 39--Re ips iest all classified advertisiag | yoy SUARTIR., PA ADDLY 158 Johns. | ARCHITECTS --Power, Son and Drever, | $100 TO $300 A WBBK -- Men with | 000, SOOM near © Queen's University | Ponies 0--Talloring and Pressing. copy. 243 k for a want ad in good condition. Apply 188 John- Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of slight knowledge of motors who can Apply 513 University Avenue. Phone |-- 1--Wanted--Business Service. Delephone #34. ask for © | son Street. Phone 551w. ngton. reach car oWaers: can earn $300 week- | $b . | FoR aE ; ------ 4 FIC CE iia meister Sas m----s ns race. op | Ther ihout making a single sale. If ROOMS --Two or three, furnished, hard- ee 28c. | they can also make sales profits ma Announcement USED CARS-- MARCEL a im vuer----t | reayn $25,000 yearly. Only proposi-| Wood floors, electric light, gas, private {| MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, Ph. C.. cor- lon of its kind ever offered. Bb. P. balcony, housekeeping if desired, use A NUMBER OF FINE : tion o ~ Personals ® efore deciding definitely on pur- | ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd Phillips, West 63rd i Of phone. 'Apply 345 Alfred or phone . Agents, Rotor of a Used Car call in and | floor, Barrie St. entrance. Kingston,| york. 119 ot, 43 Street, N 2292w. B 1 li I - of ed] t irlfe, wealthy, | examine those listed below: Ont. Consultation free. Telephone leer ROOMS--Furnished, modern conven conveni- bp ey Yc %Box §5, Oxford, | 822). Hours9tol2am, 1to6 p.m. Teachers Wanted 85a Suces: Syely room Jas running water, | eee LC 800d locality. PPly 408 Johnson St. FINANCIAL Fla. 'hiropractic 33--Business Opportunities. - oy FArmer. 75 wor I WO BARGAINS: [____ Chiropractic 28¢. | TEACHER-- Qualified, normal, Protes-|_fDhone 397]. on Toronto. and Macdonnell 39--Investments, Stocks, Bonds MATRIMONY--Lady Np "38 fe | LUCY--Dr. George F. Dr. Jennie A.| tant, for S. S No. 10 and 11, Camden, Wanted Re Streets, "'8t a" Fesonable price. oney to Loan. 360.000, will marry. N-Box 35, League, Studebaker SIX ............§350 | Luc Chiropractic Specialists and| for junlor room. Salary §900. Apply an Rooms or Board ad 73 Apply: 41--Waated--To Borrow. Toledo, Ohio. | Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be-| to John Bell, Secretary, Moscow, Ont. | ROOM -- By woman summer student, R. ATKINSON, INSTRUCTION MATRIMONIAL -- Hundreds seeking McLaughlin 45 Special ......$450 | tween Princess and Brock. Telephone TEACHER--Normal trained profes-| large, airy, with outlook on lake, near co. Macnee and Minnes. 3--Cor:! ndence Courses. 4 343w. Hours 9 to 12 am. 1 to 6, and sional, Protestant, public school No. §, University. Apply "Student," Queen's | 4 al Inet uotion Classes. PE Sour Broagwar, Cup ¢ to 9 pm. Spinal analysis and con- Wolfe Island Salary $900. Apply U niversity. Dancing, Dramatic. = A a Privaes: Sage Jumois. MoLaughlin K49, 7 Passenger model. eultation free. Residential calls by William Couper, ife Island. --_-- = BT «b--Private Instruction. 8s Real Estate For Rent MERCHANDISE { ] or, HAI, me | _appointment. 8.8. NO. 6, PITTSBURG--Normal train- 46--Wanted--Instruction. MARRY--Business girl. 27, worth $73.- Overland Willys 6. ed Protestant teacher; salary $1,000; i ---- BE sie Dental 28d. 3 I~ pa | LIVE STOCK 000; widow, 48. $36,000; girl, 19, $40,- =| duties to commence Sept. 4th. Apply| . Apartments and blats 74 47---Dogs, Cats, Pets. 000. Write for descriptions and ph Columbla Light Six, 5 Passenger. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 188] to J. Abrams, Sec., Route 1, Kingston. APARTMENT mor FURNITURE 48--Horsea, Cattle, Implements. tos. Katherine, Box 223, Los Angeles, | Wellington street, corner of Brock TEACHER--For S.8. No. 4, Battersea APA Hardue ig ne newly decorat- Of All Descriptions at 3 roultsy and Supbiies. Cal. Reo 4. { Phone 346. Salary $900. Protestant, second clase. lar od Boorse, alee piste buth, aD 4 at Reason. 60--Wanted--Live = . | KNAPP---Dr. A. E, Dentist. Offiee: 358] Duties to commence Sept. 4th. Apply | 0 2 MERCHANDISE MARRY RICH World's leading Sor. Reo speed wagon, almost new. | Princess Street. = Phone §52w. Open Harold J. Clark, Sec-Treas., R. 1. Bat. APP toi atv Possession 2L Jace] ell 370 © Pespondence Club for lonely people evenings by appointment. tersea. PED ies. > ell, 338 ing St Well repaired. at a rgiht price ~Articles For Sale. | a--Barter and Exchange. Many worth ted ioe nee, Sujck mee BOYD'S GARAGE, Ltd Fy ons Wanted--Male 37 | FLAT Three --Tooms. furnished for J T ' i . Turk's o guaranteed. Sug Office Equipment! | Eusrantes Ralph Hyde, 10, San Fran- J Swrmrra----t - Santed--Male light housekeeping, gas for cooking | and Bullding Materialg| ©isco, Cal 129 BROCK STREET : + Barrister and | ACCOUNTANT--O, 20 years' experience, | electric light, good locality, ng child- | farm and Dairy Products, Solicitor, §9 Clarence Street, Kingston. | wants a few sets of books to keep by| ren. Apply Box V-9, Whig Office. | j----Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers. MARTIMONY--Marry if lonely; for eo = Er oney to loan. Phone 2475. .| the week or month; reasonable rates. _ PHONE 705. od Things to Eat. resulta, rt a. ad _ mow Ses Auto Trucks For Sale --Ambrose, B.A, Barrister ahd Apply Box T-4, Whig Office. Business Places For Re: $--Homemade Things. bo marae n; ' strictly confi] TRUCKS tar | Solicitor. Law Offjce, corner of King CHAUFFEUR--WIII take touring party LODGE ROOMS --Rooms on Kins re | b9--Household Goods. ian Tring Jan} A UCKS--Oldsmobile, good tires, body| and Brock, over Royal Bank. MoneY| or truck. Seven years' experience. Ap- --formerly occupied. by. sp ng Stress ¥ 6 x 11. Fulton rebuilt; will Snish tO} to loan. Phone 1999. ply Box P-30, W Office. Apply to Cunningham 5 Smith. ] t . d $0-Jewelry and Watches. . . 0 perience; descriptions free. "The Suec- suit purchaser. Terms can be a | ENING R ws RPRI at CER | tit ---------- a ee ------------ $i--dschinery and Tools. cessful Club", Mrs. Nash, Box 536, ed ® Sor Johnson Stra 28 Pe arrang-| 5p NINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers | ---- §3--Musical Instruments. Oakland, California. emt ON DER and Solicitors, 2? Clarence Street. Financial Houses For Rent {ingston. A. Cunningham, K.C.; ee HOPS AT mo meee $4 | fM 5 HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms, We have in stock two of the $3a--Radlo Equipment. "AUI0 Accom he : §3--Seeds, Plants and Flowers. -- Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13 Cyril M. Smith. $4--Specials at the Stores. MATRIMONY lau Ing yt Jargest, / 3 Motley to Loan ~~ 40 Wits mares IF Sug SN on North Al|[ €5--Wearing Apparel. dential descriptions ey LoRle. eal. | MAXOTIRES Make all tires trouble. Osteopathy 28g. | FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment| fred. Apply J Db. Boyd, Eastview | latest models Boats and equip- $6--Wantea--To Buy. qd thresh p Phoaaniy proof. Try one in that weak casing, | "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS Gate. | Society, Incorporated 1361. Prosinrett| Park. Phone 1102 Rd. || ment from DISAPPEARING e envelope. is Maxotire Shop, Queen and Ontario 8ts.| "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS --Osteo. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. HR YORK ST--% rooms nsw rick, al! PROPELLER BOAT CO., TO. ROOMS FOR RENT i A A =f eee at x ; members. If sincere, write ------ pathy succeeds when drugs fail. Me- B. Cunningham. Money issued on city modern improvements. Possession Im- | RONTO: very handsome outfit 7--Rooms With Board. h ~ -- ee 7 lished 19 years. Old Reliable Club, | Business Services chano-therapy and Electro-therapy. 14 and farm properties; municipal and mediately. Apply 30 York Street. | and 'éan be seen at Davis I = - ----tl nh 20 201K Street. Rooms Wichout Board. (name copyrighted). - Mrs. Wrubel vr . S--HRoame # Housekeepin J - eee | Years' success in Kingston. Telephone county debentures; mortgages pur- foams. for, Hou ping. Box 26, Oakland, California. Busi Services OF 18 | WT for appointment. Drs. Robert and chased; investment bonds for sale; de- 28 WEST ST.--Furnished, from Sept Dock. Call and look them over, SKIN BLEMISHES -- Halr, Moles | srmrme bervices Offere erheiin | [dna Ashcroft, 204 King Street, near posits received and interest allowed. ist; garage. Apply to Dr. J. C Copriy : Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers. "Reporting, Aine A mercial PA0m Tan = : inright, Tanager, 37 Clarence : . regu DAVIS RY ad Ptr Ri, ote. Temoved permanent: ness Service, 14 Market Street. "Phone Repairing 29 | ------neston. FRED ST --% rooms. slectric| D DOCK 00. * . fact he = I SE Certo en tn t, ood stabling. ¥ | ~ n furnished after others have failed WELL DRILLING -- Sasi --ars: FURNTIU RE FINISHING oF 3 kinds. | Merchandise month. Sey Stanley Street: 3 rooma| East End of Wellington oured . A "all and see W. Drisco , 28 ohn | eee ood yard, stabling if required. Ap-| ears' e 4 . .} Wells, the oldest. the largest, the only rticl £ & ql i Eve. Ear, Noss: Throat, Skin, 25% Jantery well drillers in Frontenac SHOR REPAIRING: ois a Work. | ASHES FRE Faniles For Sale a Ply H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. | t PI : 1 Ana Lennox and Addington. The most = nd work. | a A eavy clinkers. s 1 == Sid goss, Room. ELI ene el Hoe IH] a and Ase oR caret] Hite Ae Rak dover Monk: | BSP, ed for ond Mork BOARD ees For Rent 80 Lost ull Information, write to F. J. Garri- . - o or rawing. PPly 0. Ny! Wanted 1 He Of Rent. and Found 10{ son Co. Colshacok: os. Ical And Queen Streets, = --ForiT. | Queer STove's Foundry, King and| 'aiuated Sg cottage 1 Tauarally | \ BUNCH OF KEYS8--Found, in fr ~ | UPHOLSTERING--New or used furnl- _Nueen_ Streets. rence; bathing, boating, fishing. Box A NICE PLACE TO sTOP REAL ESTATE voR SALE Court House. Ownny nda in apply to] AUCTIONEER--For Twigs" $73 hon. | ture: work guaranteed. Call of drop a | AWNINGS -- Tents. Automobile Tentn,| 251. Brockville. Also small como | \ R---Brokers in Real Estate. 45 Clergy Street W. est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King card W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street.| Peterborough Canoes, Life Savin ably furnished cottage to rent by $3--Business Property. Street. Phone 8$20J or 1785w. | UPHOLSTERING --. Covered buttons| Cushions. Flags, Tarpaulins. F. | week. 83--Farms and Land For Sale. CURTAIN--Found, for car, right rear. |: ~~ | Made same day as ordered. Upholster.| Cooke, °19 Bagot Street. Phone 436. | SUMMER C AGES --Sydenham Ko ensmere "and/ ARMY TENTS Belle and McKay, camp| one 2 storey, with fireplace; 3 | S4=~Houses For Sale. On King and Brock streets. Owner CARPENTERING -- "Carpenter ing at reasonable prices. E. J Good- { ts For Sale. | may have same at Dew Drop Inn, Sall-| builder. Estimates given on all class-| ridee. 244 University Avenue. 'Phone beds, army blankets/ aluminum hot| bun lows: all wide ouse 7 bi | | 0008 at edot at ated . pan Soerty For Sale. | oT Mission, 47 Princess St. es of work; hardwood flooring. James | _2043F. Yater bottles. Everything necessary| weekly. Harold Boy F. Jarrell, 271 Bagot Street. Phone UPHOLSTERING--And general Tensic. or-camp. A bargain. A. Shapiro, 45| Ont. A he Ste For Exchaage. GLASSES Found, in Fair Grounds, on 506. ing. Leave orders nd ara repair Princess Street. » pt eae paessss a+} v anted--Real Estate. Wednesday. Owner may have same at ete | to I, W, Harole: 104 Clergy Street. BOAT -- Disappearing Propéiler Boat Real Estate For Sale eenortable 'rooms with "sil 281 Montreal Street. \ Dressmaking--Millinery 21 | -- Waterford Deluxe model. Apply 131. or Sale. | SeRvesicages : "ot = -- first-class meals. = ee Sats AN ENJOYABLE PICNIC, KEY--Found, at Oddfellows picnic on| HEMSTITCHING--Picot sdging. peat: Employment Princess Street or phone 692w. arms and Land For Sale 83|| sors 308 Jomaon miner, Max have same at o8y Net Bl tee. Ee Help Wan Female 32) BICYCLES Big clean-out sale, from | FARM--150 acres, mostly cultivaied, | oe in AE a e i - . . --g hy A cu Vv ed, | 72-7 Sy Ss y Held By Princess Street Methodist | 308 Johnson Street. Phone 31510 from Princess Street. Sex| Help Wanted--Female | 435 'up. Tires §T75- up. Muller's| near Glenvale; 'good buildings. pire X-1 Te Bret West Sunday School. KEYS-- Found, on chain, on Victoria -------------- | COOK--General. middleaged person Bicycle ovarks, 3s, King Street.| and hardwood bush: thirty acres pas- | im. Brophy's Point was the scene of | Street. Friday morning. Ownu may Insurance 23 | preferred. family of three: no laundry; | Phones 1961w or 13 3 ture. four wells; handy to school! MRS. E. P. DENISON another very enjoyable picnic on |_"2Y* %4me at Whig Office. FIRE--Aufomobile and Casualty fnsur-| "oman in AP Bas Swe 1 TA Ba Walther. 'corner Bircu| Bell. Odessa'? APP to Mra" D J! -- ~ . » est wages. ox 3 ig Of- Pp . a em, corner re . - rE -------- Friday afternoon, when the members | POST OS waer may haound near post| fice EA Crumley, 420 Earl Street 52% "OF Bpiy uz 9 s and Collingwood Sirens. Phone Si or | me | = 'of Princess street Methodist. oh n| Office. Owner may have same at the Fora : GIRL--For general housework in fam. | 1391 Houses For Sale 84 | cess street odist chure Whig Office. FIRE--Health, A ent and Automo- ily of two; preferably from the coun. FURNITURE--Den sett, kitchen cabl- BUNGATOWS--We have for sale se . bile Insurance. For rate or any in- < Sunday school were given their an. SUM OF MONEY-- Found, Friday. Own:| formation wait or hor E Williams, '2| TY. Apply Box S-4, Whig Otfec Ret ufist Sha, bosicases, B00 Pind] eral new bungalows from $2,000 to $4 - | a eview nual outing by their teachers and | er phone 2361J ' : "| Couper Street. 8. AP - Thompson, rin- Off easy terms. Apply H. B., Wii. | . EE OIE Tt Da Se a ia Gimm-- cess street, one 1 . son, U > p> 3 + Parents. There was a record crowd INSURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and h Sin op ea the aor canilys HARD COAL COKE Redused $1000 Phone Toss. 8 Suge Div, Burr ; in attendance. The Steamer Waubic | SERVICE PIN--Found, soldiers, be.| Sickness i: Fellable companies. J. B| learned Auts Koro Experience un-| "ton as I have no reom co provi BILL RE ouse tween Ordnance and Bay Streets, on Cooke, District Manager. Phones: Necessary: Distance immaterial; posi-| the difference and be sure of your EW. MULLIN & SON, carried the plenickers to the popular Bagot. Dxner may have same at 326 Res.: $i2w., Office: 503w. fioyin| Hvely no canvassing. Yarn supplied. Winter supply. Sawdust, $1.00, cart| Real Estate and Insurance Brokers 2 point, where the usual games, races ontreal Street. PC ANC Bay le mont reflanie Paticyiam 3c. amp. Dept. ¥C, Auto 1s44. Cnders $1.00. Clinkers 50c. All Johnson and Division Sts. : | Corner Queen and Ontario Sta es epresented. range er . Toronto. lelivered. gi e and neral -+ Phon IW. Se > g INDE N. V AD and other sports were engaged in WRENCH--Found, for car; on West Strange, established in 1360. Office: 8 -- age. Phone HT 248 LR e 523 See advt, Page N UNDER = MANAGEMENT. ntil Street. Owner may have same at| Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. " -- Avenue. W. C. Bruto: --_-- ------ si-class rooms and meals. great glee unti e time for Whis om HOUSEK EEPER-- Apply, stating wages C. ton. | refreshments came around--none iS Office. "Moving, Trucking 5 --------===| to Box 70, Mallorytown, Ont. HOUSE--10 rooms, solid brick. stone | Good yards and stables. foundation, side extrance, hot water | Bpecial rates to Marine Men, Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 too soon for the kiddies, at least. WRIST WIATCH---Lost, in accident at ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars YOUNG LADY --As stenographer Ome eating. 3-plece bath; gas, electric) : ; light, hardwood floors do P. M. DRISCO] Miss BE. Wilder school superint-| Bath Road, July Sth. Kindly return yards, clean Job done. A. MacG ,| Who understands music referred. Ap- wastairs, two | ' pe to Bath Road P. O. or John Baker's,| 34 Russel] Street. Phone 2255. ply in writing, with Tetorertas Mr bh.p. moter; fireplaces, laundry tubs, ten "trun | = Pr Ww. rag " endent, was in charge of the young | Cataraqul. STORAGE BP ACE or --| Gordon, Mana : , : : E--F are, cles 3 9 £er, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd., t house. - Apply trees. garage. F particula, h | People, and she had a busy time |----=--=-- a Any RG 943] 121 Princess Street. ¥ Wilson, 119 Willlam Street. S63W. > Suisra Phone; -- | Mooking after her throng of pleas- v BAGO rarest. Fhone 13314 or 613. Help Wanted--Male 3 WERE Te oe ure-seeking youngsters. General re- To-Day Ss Blunder RAC vi Pen _-- Suits ee FIREMEN AND BRL ri) MOWERS _A io og a hana -- grel was expressed that Rew. J. K. Ing; reasonable prices. 104 Montreal] ners $150-3350 mo which nh grERIPOW Truc os henfrew Cream Corrected oltrea tian) Wri Rallw, ds D3 Whe Seperators, Pumps, Extension Lad. ce. Datla was Muabie to be present. The Tee Next to Armouries Phone on tar Srost & Wood Agency, 136 On- resu the w oll 3 BTORAGE--For farnloms---- ree NICS None Boi fro ar reet, Kingston. races were as follows (Soe ii on on Page 14.) | STORAGE For furaiture MECHANTCS Nouns but first class mesa PTANG -- Heintzman & Coo Upright. - or Girls' events--3 to 4 years, Jean airy rooms and spaces; apply. Blue Garages, Queen and Wel- ) : dition, full scale, Graves and Jean Marshall; 8 to 9 When bread is being passed aod key" st PL Sy Storage, ington Sirecta oo AUR and i I adition Bare Ba oasing ueen hone 526. Res. SALESMAN -- With experienced selling arranged. Apply C. Ww. ndsay, years, Dorothy Rutherford and [around at a table, the persons to = 55 Moat BY Geraldine Isbel: 10 to 11, Dorothy [Whom it is being passed should first Decorating 36| or car." Permanent passion td, Tehicle ROW BOAT New Tote --siians] 2 road . la sl A - sive territory. pro ition that will 1 Joe and Edith Culcheth; 12 |take the plate before tang a slice first class work and work paaning ekly. Write Po 1 Salesmen, 1 electric fan, 1 e years, 'Mabel Woodruff, Jennie |Of bread, even though she be a lady Sau or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bagot| Heary, Graphic Arts Bldg, Toronto. n, 3 cheap Berry a Kathleen Brown; free. |recelving the plate from a gentle- reet. Phone 1966. SHOW CARD WRITING --For us. Make pply to John . 5 : forall, Dorothy Taters sed. Mery |r. | rte SER BIE i Abe a ld wk | 2 J imi ting; Daper samples: metaille| !¥ for your spare time w show ames WI1 t O : : 5 Ni - i) Pomfret; 15 to 17 years, Florence Advertisers who do not wish thors Id Setters for store and office cards for ue "Xo can aseing. work. EACH ADVERTISER on the Sims. 9 1 te » and Lois Baker: youn, , Sows. Estimate submitted J. Fiana. t th laast dio: Marion Assitos sna wh | SE Se TR he gr eee se ame BR hua | BHANGRA A ST o SSE Bn mses feral enn Foot of Johnson Street | red Knight! married ladies, Mrs. A ongusinforma ap ue | sIGN PAINTING--. 8 Robinson, rear| = i a yet? : : Arshitald and Ms. Rutherford, Sm --.FaEet sireet ad section ars cortesty Clann Sag oun rar ar et 0d 0 re SoitE Speed ad vo ren that spare 4 and James Peters " BAD. tH HH i: = BY GEORGE McMANUS