Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jul 1923, p. 7

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OFFICIAL AUTOMOBILE 'BLUE BOOK For 1923 STANDARD ROAD GUIDE PRICE $3.00. Also Ontario Motor [league Road Map for 1923, R. Uglow & Co. WHEN READING IS . DIFFICULT Or impossible and you are middle-aged or more, it means that your eyes have lost some of their focusing power. This 1s a natural condition and noth- ing to be alarmed at. Proper Glasses restore this lost power and prevent the eyes being strained and injured. Try our service, hat. English Leather Hand Bags We are showing a beauti- ful range of fine English Hand Bags in the newest shapes and colors. Priced Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office. Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewelers Car _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NED CHRISTIAN TRUTH IN OUR NATIONAL LIFE [The Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson | Preached on "Some Cana= dian Problems." Trameiet, Under the title of "Some Canadian | Problems," Rev., Dr. R. J. Wilson preached a forceful sermon in Chalm- ers church on Sunday morning. He referred to Dominion Day as our-own natural birthday, and pointed out {that what we bad today, was the pro- | duct of the ingenuity, thought, pati- {ence and sacrifice of those 'who lived it.ere before us. The speaker paid tribute to the men responsible for confederation. These men set the pace for all the world in unity of empire. > Dr. Wilson made a strong appeal for a greater and better (anada, which couid only be realized Ly the | Christian truth being brought to bear on our national life. As a young na- tion, Canada hed a great opportunity for service. '""One great danger in Canada to- day," declared the speaker, "is that the very rich are becoming richer. The very poor cannot get any poorer, but the class between the two are getting a little poorer all 'the time. | Taxes are getting harder to raise each |year, and the. surplus raised during the war has been used up. The {standard of living must be lowered-- {not on essentials, but on' tae extrav- agance, Religious influence must play its part. There must be relig- fon in the home. One of the greatest cangers ts the absence of religious life in the home. The Bible must bs read and taught. The children must {know the scriptures for the sake of the nation." NAPANEE PERSONALS Visitors In and Out of Town--Boyce- Smith Wedding Napanee, July 3. -- A wedding of interest to Napaneeans took place on Monday morning when Rowena Smith, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith, South Napanee, was unrted in magriage to Egerton Boyce, son of Rev. W. S. Boyce. Rev. J. A. Terrill officiated. Only the im- mediate relatives of the contracting Dr. Waugh DENTIST 108 Wellington St. Phone 258, Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS 153 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. PRINCESS ST:., KINGSTON Salvation of UJF.O. July 3.--The' govern- Conestoga, U.F.0., says J. J. Morrison. If de- feat had not come, the government would have been disintegrated. Steamer Advance, from Boston tc 'Halifax, breaks in two while enter- ing Halifax harbor. Passengers and crew saved. Ontario cabinet personnel may be announced before end of this week. Our New Open 'Stock Pattern In English semi-porcelain is con- ceded to be the most wonderful one ever turned out. N "THE IRENE" is its name, made bygohnson Brothers, England's best makers. It is a copy of Minton's best pattern, No. 4807, on mew and attractive shapes. The price of 97 piece set is '38.75 or you can get it a plece at a time and make up your own set, as well as replace breakage. Come and see:this pattern. .., ROBERTSON'S Limited -- eee) ment defeat is the salvation of the panties were present. After the ce- remony a dainty wedding breakfast was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Boyce motored to points east for a short honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Davy have op- ened their cottage at Watercombe, and Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Boyes leave this week for their cottage at Wa- tercombe. Mr. Weatherhead, Toronto, is the guest of Miss Carrie Cowan. Miss Evelyn Bennington is also a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Cow- an. Mr. and Mrs. L. H, Ming, Ottawa, are home for the vacation. Frank BE. Thomes, Montreal, spent the holi- day with his mother, Mrs. F. B. Thomas, Dundas etreet. Mrs. McGill Centreville and Mrs. Lochhead, Newburgh, left Monday for the west where they will spend the summer with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lockwood and son, Smith's Falls, and daughter, Mrs. Webster, Brockville, spent Sun- day in Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. Lock- wood lived in Napanee about twenty- five years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Ballance and two children, Watertown, N. Y., are spending two weeks' vacation with relatives in Napanee. Burton Van DeBogart, Little Britain, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Van DeBogart. Mrs. W. C: Scott leaves today for a three months' visit with her daugh- ters dn the west. Byard Young, Sudbury, speiit a few days in Napanee last week. Ma- bel Mills left last night for a three months' visit on the Continent, and will visit friends in England. L. M. Brooks, Peterboro, and Charles Wensley and son George, Brockville, spent Monday with friends in Napanee. Blanche Hawley leaves today to spend the vacation with her sister, Mre. Riches in Lindaay. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Atkins, Tren- ton, spent Sunday end Monday the guests of Mrs. Atkins' parents, Mr. and Mre S. E. Scott, Thomas street. Mrs. P. Gleeson and daughter Katherine, left Sunday to spend three months with her brother, Hugh Whelan, in Vancouver, B. C. * Miss Hilda Daly left to spend a couple of months with her SPECIAL! Women's Patent Strap Slippers, Co- lonial Tongue with Grey Buck trim- ming and heel quarter--the latest style in combination footwear. Price $5.00 a Pair Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE. sister in Winnipeg. Maurice Wolfe, Oshawa, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. 8. Derry re- newed acquaintances tn Napanee on Monday. Miss Campbell, Doxsee & Co., left Monday for her home in Goderich. Miss Vera Shorey left for Toron- to, where she will take a course in school nursing. Mrs. Mark Trumpour end baby Kingston, are the guests of her per- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davy 'and fam- 'ly have moved to their cottage at Bartlett's Camp for the summer. Mrs. William A. Daly and Mrs. Margery are Spending a few weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sherwood lsave this week for their summer home at Sydenham Lake. 'There was a large crowd in town yesterday on account of the races and the merchants had good busin ess, GANANQQUE Gananoque, July ' 2nd. -- Mrs. James McParland, who came from Toronto a short while ago, is spend- ing a few days in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lloyd motor- ed from Winchester to spend; a few days 'with friends in town. On their return Monday they will take with them Mrs. J. G. Lioyd, who will be thelr guest for a short holiday. The wedding of Miss Mary Gordon NAPANEE HORSE RACES WERE A GREAT SUCCESS | Holiday Contests There on Monday. Napanee, celebration and races, under auspices of the Napanee Driving Park Association; was held at the | Driving Park yesterday. There was | a very large attendance, the largest | crowd seen on the grounds in years at the Dominion day races. The horses were good-and the comtests most interesting. As usual the suc- cess was largely due to the efforts of the energetic secretary J. L. Boyes. The results of the races were: 2.17 Trot or Paco--Purse $350. Liberty Patch ... Bella Watts .. .. Lady Way K. L. Lambert Tena Bell. com ae and Frank Rackham took place Sat- vrday in Toronto, at 3.30 p.m. Rev. church here, officiating. The bride, who was unattended, wore a lovely | travelling suit of navy with gray blouse and hat. Mr. and Mrs. Rack- bam later left for a honeymoon trip to Buffalo and Niagara, N. Y., and/on their return will reside in Toronte. Mr. and Mrs. Roland LaFrance, Sr- racuse, N. Y., are spending a hcli- day guests of the former's parents, street. left today by motor for Toronto ard Mitchell, Ont. Mrs. Lethwaite ava children are remaining for their sum- mer holidays "NN Miss Lenore Jackson returned to- day from Hotel Dieu hospital very much improved in heaith. Miss Myr- [tle Shields, R. N., also returned with Miss Jackson. Nr. and Mrs. Harold McCarney ar- rived in town Monday, and are tak- ing Mr. Tulloch's cottage for a cou- ple of weeks. W. J. Gibson, C. K. Wright, W. G. Rogers and M. Brennan are spoend- ing the day in Napanee at the horse races. Misses Margaret Chapman, Ella Phillips, Luella'*Sheets and Lorraine 'holiday. Fred Nelson, Oshawa, 'was in towa over the holiday. The Citizen's Band played at the Oddfellows' memorial service held in Lansdowne on Sunday. Jack McLelan, Montreal, joined his family here for a short holiday. Jack Willis left yesterday for Brockville, where he will spend a few days the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Stack. Later, Jack is going on to Arnprior where he has accepted a po- sition with the Armprior Cabinet Company. James Shine, New York City. Is in town, the guest of his mother, Mrs. Benoit. Miss Molly Phillips and Miss Jo- sephine Hérald, Brooklyn, N. Y., ar- rived here Sunday to spend a month's bolidays. Wiliam Brennan, Jr., was taken to Hotel Dieu hospital, Kingstor, yesterday, suffering with appendicit- is. Howard Kennedy, Toronto, is in town for a few days. Bruce Hail, Ottawa, spent the week-end in town, Joe McKee, Miss McKee, Kingston, and Miss Eva Glover motored to Picton at the week-end. Misa Martha Nalon and Master Wililam Nalon are visiting relatives in Watertown, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Gratton and fam- {ly motored from Ottawa for the ho- liday, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ward "Valleau: Miss Helen Burke accompanied them. Quite a number from her attended the Oddfellows' pienic at Brophy's Point today. Miss Rose Lee, Ottawa, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. J. Lee over the holi- day. Mac. Brennan -and Mr. and Ma. James Brennan, Alexandria Bay, N. Y., are spending the holiday in Ga- nanoque. The winner of the Charles Living- stoine prise at the golf links yvester- day was Ted. Taylor. About forty were in the contest and as 'Ted' is one of the youngest players here, more lustre is thereby added to his vietory. © i Dr. Royal Lee, Dr. Calhoun and Mr. OReilly, who have been visiting in town for the past ten days, return- ed to New York City yesterday. Through the kindness of Charles Tinney, one of their number, and a native of Gananoque, the Toronto male quartette honored our town with their presence last Sunday. In the morning they sang in Grace Me- Mr. Cox, a former pastor of Christ | Mr. and Mrs. Leon LaFranc, Stons | Robert Lethwaite and Bob Gordon | Pelow motored to Brockville for the | Best time 2. 16%. | 2.24 Trot or Pace, Purse $330. | Mildred Harvester | Directum Marphy.s | Billy G. | Slipper F. . Sarai Iola the Great Bobby Hil}. ... .. .... . Acll Maud. Judge. . ie Best time, 2. 24% OTe) 2 | Classified Race, Purse $300. | Maggie Prim. Fred Patch : The Princa., .. ....2 Amdexter.. ..-.. .,. Starlight Dan... .. .. .. Black Joe Joe Tarstt.. ... .. Sunlook.. .. «ous... Best time 2.2914. Named Rds, Purse $150. Sister Sue. . Macdole.... ... Joe Tarritt. . .. Little Goldie.. .. .. .. Billy Murphy... .. .. ..6§ Bess Murphy... .. .. .. Best time, 2.3414 In the baseball games, phustown won from Napanee Selby won from Tamworth. Adol- and Late Mrs. Sarah Deir. ; Gananoque. June 30.--The death cccured at Gananoque on Friday morning, June 15th, of Mrs. Sarah Deir, formerly of Lansdowne: Death was due to heart fallure. She was a kind hearted and affectionate mother and made many friends. There are ieft to monrn her loss seven daagh- ters and two sons, also two sisters and two brothers. Her husband pre- Ceceased her four years and seven months ago. Deceased was seventy- seven years of age and had lived her life in Lansdowne until five years ago when she moved to Gananoque. the funeral which was largely at- tended, took place on Monday morn- ing to St. John's church, where a sclemn requiem mass was sung for the happy repose of her soul ig Rev. Father Ryan, assisted by Rev. Feather Kehoe. The remains were placed in the family plot at Lansdowne. The Ppall-bearers were six of her grand- sons. Floral offerings: Cross of roses from the family. Spiritual offerings: Mr. and Mrs. John Fodey, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Shea; Mrs. E. J. Ennis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Deir, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Milne, Mr. and Angus McAskin, Mr. and Mrs. Willlam A. Deir, Mr. and Mre. Benedict Fodey, Mrs. C. Milne and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Leider, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gordon, Mr.and Mrs. John McDonald: Charles Milne and family, Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Leeder, Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Fodey, Mrs. Wiliam Latimer, James Shea. Thomas and Lorne Ennis, Mark and Mrs. James Deir, -------------------- Lansdowne Oddfellows' Memorial. Lansdowne, July 1.--The Lans- downe lodge No. 270 held its mem- orial day on Sunday at the fair grounds when about one thousand people attended. Oddfellows were present from Mallorytown, Lym and Gananoque lodges, and also from the Rebekah lodge of Lansdowne. The chairman was A. Kemp, NG. Ad- dresses were given by Rev. I. N. Beckstedt, Rev. Cecil Winter, H. F. tin. Mr. Backstedt and Georgee Phil- lips, chaplain, conducted the devo- tional exercises. J. H. Donevan, P.D.D.G.M., gave the faotroductory address. Those who contributed to A Big Crowd Witnessed the | July 3.--The annual the | Fedey, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Deir, Mr. |- Rubber lar $1 all Our stock consists of many styles of Sole S) wt Shoés for all kinds of Outing purposes. Strap Shoes and Oxfords for the Young Ladies-- $2. The Running Shoe is popu- 00 to $3.00. with the Boys -- i .35 to $2.50. 'Big Boys and Young Men "THE SUC- want TION SOLE" SHOE-- it's extra strong and just what they want--$3.50. LEADING UNDERTAKER. THIS THREE PIECE. Chesterfield Set and Parlor Lamp to match, as shown in our window, only $225.00 JAMES REID Phone 147 for Service. 200 CORDS HARD JUST ARRIVED SLABS--CUT TO SUIT YOUR STOVE. SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 156. UP-TOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORN PHONE AND SOFT WOOD 811. It makes a place for itself Doyle's Milk Maid Bread 'in your home. Phone 1369. the musical programme were A. E. Mooney, F. Mitchell, N. Salthouse, A 'W. Latimer, E. R. Bradley, J. H! Warren, W. R. Graham, Misses Gra- ham, Mise Gladys Mooney, Mcsers. Meredith, Case, Lawson, Order and Ward, D.DG.M., and Rev. G. W, Dus- |[Mrs. Patrick. Two selections were given by the band. The names of deceased members were read by 8. B. Plunkett, P.D.D.G.M, and afterwards the graves were decorated with flow- ers. Ask for His Release, A Toronto despatch eays that an forte Judge Bmith in tie. Supreme Court on behalf of William Lloyd, Guashing the conviction made by the police magistrate at Kingston on the 6th of June. The claim is based upen |' the ground that at the time of th conviction William Lloyd was insane. The case will be taken up soon. CONTROLLED & OPERATED BY LA PREFERENGIA VALIr, CIGAR GENERAL CISAR £0, og Mg TOBACCO CO. - Fd

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