12 ove THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ICED? | | Feeding and Housing Must Both SALADA® -= Give the Birds a Good Run--Dry TEA Mash Hoppers Save Waste--Sug- is so refreshing and it has gested Ration--Forage Crops-- Don'ts for the Layers. that superb flavor. -- Try it today. Contributed by Ontarle Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Following are results of experi- | ments carried on by the writer when connected with the Agricultural Ex- | 1and, Stduey, B.C. | Houses and Yards. | The house in which the birds are | kept is provided with a water-proof | roof and a floor that 1s always dry. [In preparing the house for the new | flock of pullets, everything movable | i linguistic | is taken out, cleaned, and then sat- | urated with a mixture of equal parts of creosite and coal oll. {of the house is well scraped and | swept clean of any foreign material. | A coating of lime-wash is then ap- | plied, and the movable equipment re- | placed after the lime-washing has been done. a 6-inch layer of dry straw is placed | on the floor. The house is now ready | for the five-month-oid pullets, and | care is taken to see that only strong, Vigorous birds are permitted to oec- cupy house space. { The runs provide ten square yards of surface for one bird. They are in duplicate and are used alternately for feed growing and exercise Late-leafing, deciduous trees only are used about poultry yards. The coni- |ferous windbreaks are located far enough away from the poultry yards | and buildings to permit of maximum | sunlight entering all space occupled | by the birds. | Feeding. A dry mash hopper of such econ- struction as will prevent waste is sup- For Infants and Children. EE ---- Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria | of which we have definite knowl HANDLING LAYING HENS | »ars=o mrocn rv mon. i Founding of First Public Library, at | Alexandria, Eygpt. { The first important private library edge | belonged to Aristotle, It was later | | brought home to Rome by Sulla. Such | the | periment Station for Vancouver Is- , The interior | When everything is dry, | | Its history during | Tus discovered a few | countenanced by modern ethics. space. | | bortation of papyrus. private collections indirectly enced public libraries. i The largest library of the ancient | world, that at Alexandria, is said to | have been prompted by Pharereus; actual founder was either | Ptolemy 1I., Soter, or Ptolemy '1I., Philadelphus. Possibly "the father | had gathered a fine private collection | and the son threw it open to scholars | 28 a real library; for it occupied quarters in'the royal palace, near the famous museum. This library marked a new epoch in history. It was the first scientifi- | cally administered institution of the | kind, and upon its existence depended the scholarly labors of the students at the museum. It was Lere that classical philology had its cradle, and study received it first im- influ- petus. From the beginning, there was a second library at Alexandria, though much smaller in extent. It occupied the temple of Serapis, and its rela- tion to the larger library resembled that of a city library to a university library. | Under the direction of distingutehe ed scholars and able organizers the larger institution grew with rapidity, this period has be- hrough a papy- | years ago. | The eagerness of the library awe! thorities to secure new books and | rare books sometimes led them to adopt devices that would not be 80 keen was the rivalry with the library at Pergamon, that the Egyptians tried to hamper the latter's growth by a rather futile embargo on the ex- | Thereupon the people at Pergamon invented the boek material which réceived its name from t. Demetrius oreus reported that in his day there were two hundred volumes in the If | thousand rolls or come better known t | brary at Alexandria. The poet Kaili- | {plied with the following mash mix- | ture: -- Wheat bran Ground oats . Beef scrap. What short Corn meal. Fine salt.... . 4 This mixture is always {for the birds. The whole grain ra- | tion is composed of two parts wheat, {one part cracked corn, and one part oats, by weight. This 1s fed on the [floor of the house morning and even- {ing, in the daily Proportion of five | pounds per fifty birds, during the late {autumn and winter. When a supply |of skimmilk is available, the birds | are given all they will take, and the | beef scrap is reduced one-half. | 8rit, and charcoal are always before {the birds, metal ho | Placed. ° xX * * otpoint Electrical Appliances Pras roe tor Psi, | Small areas of kale, char Se RIC GOODS--HEATEKS, [|| nD to be use | feed for poultry. The chard ished to a greater extent than | other greem feeds. most usful during its season from May to November. For winter green feed, kale and mangles were uged. For little chicks, chickweed was sup- plied during the fi~st ten days, then For Over | . Thirty Years ASTORIA THE cEnNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. 3 Lid Al rs 3 Dost 47 5 ER, a a va vn atl) e us for your HOTPOINT ELECT as green IRONS, TOASTERS or anything you may need. DISTRIBUTOR FOR EDISON MAZDA LAMPS BURKE ELECTRIC CO. 72 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 433. the | B.C, it was supposed to con | hua | brary at | city, contained 4 avaliable most of the books, | story of their destruction by Shell, | being supplied in small | ppers which are conveniently | » and al- | was rel- | Green alfalfa was | lettuce and chard. A supply of clean | water is always available for all the poultry; it is given in fountains plac- ed thirty inches above the floor and surrounded by the narrowest possible platform on which the birde may stand to drink. This method has Proved very satisfactory, as it pre- vents the birds from working dirt and foreign matter into the receptacles. The laying houses are kept thor- oughly clean. Dropping boards are scraped and sandea every morning. All litter and dust is removed every three weeks, the house swept out, and fresh litter again placed on the floor. The perches are sprayed with a creo- sote and coal oil mixture in equal parts, every three weeks. During the winter period a dust box four feet Square and ten inches deep is provid- #d.. The birds are always given the freedom of an Outside run, no matter what the weather is. The drawer {type of- trap nest is used, the birds ' readily becoming used to its action. Broody hens are cofifined in slat-bot- | tom crates for the necessary period | required for the change of their opin- | lon on the subject. Doii'ts For the Layers. Don't put puliets into an unclean use. ho Don't waste t formed, or ailing birds; and a block of wood. Don't neglect to clean the dropping the product fo Meet our ideals in boards daily. ; 5 quality and flavor. Don't forget to clean the house and | pravide new, clean litter every three | Ww Then we spared no i 'Pont neglect to keep the dry mash expense to make the package worthy of the contents, bopper filled with a mash made from Sealed Tight -- Kept Right clean, wholesome grain, and meat Products. Don't waste your time with wet Pure chicle and other in- of highest quality obtainable. made modern ime on unthrifty, de get an uixe mashes; feed evesythiag dry. Dou't neglect tae drink; supply abundant water ang milk. Don't neglect the supply of shell, grit, and charcoal. ' Don't waste time and money feed- | ing tonics; well-cared-for poultry do | mot need nor are they benefited by, | such a practice. --L, Stevenson, See. | Dept. of Agriculture, ; { The worthlessness of Poor quality bulls lives after them--in their low- Producing daughters. : Apples are not very subject to blight and if we are careful the apple { orchard can be kept clean. ! "Agriculture, for an honorabie and { high minded man," says Xenophon, , 'is the best of all occupations and arts by which men procure the means of living." oy In the mornin in the Her Right cried the music tea- to his shrieking pu- ber you are singing an 'Invitation to Summer.' You are daring ft" begging 1 to come--not -------- Ne person has do. elated 3 Sheree or coustaney. . is spring \ Misfortunés when they come ars | should ba nurtured by jever found mofe light than expecta- ; tion dreaded. - Every one that repeats it. adds something to the dal. | ovinion to be in- | | | | | | { | machos, under Ptolemy II., reckoned their number at nearly half a millions | When the library was burned in 47 | tain seven | thousand books, while the Ij- | the Serapeion, in the same | 2,000. ! After this fire, which destroyed | which Caesar had | already stored on the wharves for | transportation to Rome, Antony pre- | sented Cleopatra with the library of | Pergamon. In 273 A.D. the museum library was destroyed, and in 381 | A.D. the same fate overtook the li- | brary at the temple of Serapis. The | the Arabs is a myth.---Prof. William v, Wyss in the Neue Zurcher Zeitung. | (Zurich, Switzerland). For the Summerdays GREAT WES Wonderful result. colm Young, Picton, Light, wholesome, wheat cooked by digestible--topped fruits and served dinner and not with satisfying--all the meat of a process that makes it 1 with cream. You might ea get as much rea Shredded Wheat Biscuits with berries. enough bran to keep the digestive tract clean the whole 00 per cent red-ripe strawberries, or other t a full course et from two ontains just and healthy, 1 food as you Shredded Wheat is ready-cooked and ready-to-eat--a wife. 20 Pay Life Policy, 41 Brock or 458 Princess Street. saver in the Summer days, TRISCUIT is the Shredded Wheat cracker --a real whole wheat toast-- eaten with butter, soft cheese or marmalades. T LIFE'S $10,000 on the life of Mal- Ontario. Profits Paid policy up in the 14th year. Phone 1483w, -- Films Explain Tick Eradicati From 1,500 to 2,000 persons living in rural districts in the United States, often remote from railroads and cities, are each week seeing govern- | ment motion pictures dealing with] the eradication of cattle ticks and i related subjects. The bureau of an- imal husbandry, has a portable mo- ton-picture outfit which is constantly on circuits In" parts' of the south where preliminary tick eradjcation is being conducted. Preliminary work consists in the explanation of the pur- Pose and benefits of eradicating cat- tle-fever ticks which in the past have | taken an enormous toll from the live { stock industry. Depending on weath- | er conditions and density of popula- tion, attendance ranges from 75 to 360. Showings are made during the day and evening. To many persons | the government motion pictures are the first ones they have seen. --r------r------------ Record Gold Nuggets. The largest gold nugret ever found | came from Chile, weighed more than 400 pounds troy, and was worth near- | Iy $100,000. The second largest, | weighed 224 pounds, Was mined in Ballarat, Australia, in 1859. The third largest was picked up at Car- son Hill, Calaveras county, Calif, in | 1854: 3it was a lump about 15 inches | long, § wide and 4 thick, weighed 196 pounds troy, and brought more than $43,000. French Ravine, Sierra county, Calif., was a perfect nest of big nug- ®ots. A $5,000 one was found there in 1850, an $3,000 one in 18 & $10,000 one in 1865--thus proving that in mining lightning sometimes does strike more than once in the same place. ---- Safety at Sea. It is announced that Professor Langevin of the College de France, who did valuable work during the war as director of physics in the ar- tillery department at the ministry of war, has invented an apparatus which will enable vessels at sea to discover the presence of obstacles beneath the surface and to ascertalan at any mo- ment without sounding the precise depth of the water. It will be neces- sary only for the wireless operator on board to press a button controlling this device in order to have the in- formation before him. : er t------ Irreverent Bolsheviki. s Restful Stylish Shoes Ss ons i en SNOW WHITE CANVAS SHOES--One vas Shoes WHITE CANV Cuban "heels WHITE BU A R CHILDREN'S GREY The Sawyer Sh CK 1 STRAP SHOES--Low LL STYLES OF WHITE CANVAS Black trimmed. UNNING SHOES. ELK OXFORDS. Rear imaean $2.50, $3.00 and $3.30 AS OXFORDS with Rubber heels, oe Store 184 Princess St. To be 100% efficient in your work, i good sight is vitally essential. Wear Glasses if your eyes tire cas ily, or become watery. { | | or Two Strap Can- low or Heels. SHOES--White or Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce A with your n old has no ed long Phone 159 Needs wien Out is man, other except his age. thé wood s safe. Carry one er you go. Almost every see the many Eveready one which best suits more unpleasant thas | ' The most heavy with years, wo videncs of having liv-_ {things. N Eveready Flashlight makes night walking in you wherev: night it will prove a friend indeed in dozens of ways. x Goto the Dearest drug, hardware or sport. ing goods store i Choose ) needs and keep it handy always. without variety. Politeness is benevolence in small { | that he has resumed his practice, cor. Wel: lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. from R. J. ROGER _ WATOHES and REPAIRED at shortest notice 149 Sydenham St. Phone 20564. 'HardWood Best quality hard body wood. We have a large stock of soft Maple and Rirch, at a very reascnable - price. Dry Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Fhone 1746J. insist upon Eversedy Batteries. The sow A et ee at St stn FROST'S CITY STORAGE private rooms. (Your own lock And key.) PHONE 520. 200-505 QUEEN STREET. | | Now has vacant two clean, dry, | | | { { A Nt Aine A good law without execution is like an wnperformed promise Error alone nzeds Artificial sup- siand by itself. a ~~ } delightfa! pleasures Hoy) | pore, truth can wid 3