TE CANADIAN POSTAL stood that the matter will be fuftier IN SESSION also be suggested and many addition- fg al behefits are hoped for in the near \ J future. ; / ' \ , if | Will Mix Business With Plea- y . J / ) END M e se - sure 'During Their Con- . Canadian Fine vention In Kingeion. (| IM MARINE oinoL.Es 1 SR eer MERION Lopes -- i : oo t start with poor Tires or take chances The e artom, own y ry : 2 Selected Furs tne Dumtaién Postal Clelky Assode: John E. Russell, Toronto, in tow of without a geod spare. on ope n visio! "|the tug Thompson, collided with A : ut rom of he cou lings non | 10 tm Coren, owned or he [| 0 HE | SUMMER Is HERE | 2 » 1 1 ' Dominion Coal Company, in the i : Fisher's Sables, Mink and Martins, president from an sections of the | SOILCR COL TINE IL, on dhol t je look after your tire needs. We have Stone and Wood Martins, Silver Foxes, [Jf|Tominion, from the Stone to re. Sunday last, considerdble damage ; il e highest grade of Tires at the prices you want . . § % being done to both vessels.' e Silver Cross Foxes; Foxes in Black, Blue, [i sided during the afternoon Sonalon, | on eulorol damage to. he 0 A to pay. « - w was en . 5 . . o White, Platinums, Browns, etc. oH Soe vusiness and mciuded tho ap- | ient of $10,000, aad the Rickeran : We specialize in DOMINION TIRES. ? : I} | pointment of various committees to smashed. good 3 od : ; elt FU I'TES randle the work of the convention. | Of €¥mpathy for Mr. Russell is A ; . R COATS, JACQUE Jarsts Kane, of the local post ofics by local marine men, as it is believ- 2 ; 1 We invite you to bring your visitors to [J]. is chairman of the entertain- | °d that the Toronto ship-awner had JY . ment committee, and a splendid pro- | BO insurance on this vessel. see our beautiful Canadian Furs. i} | eramme has been arranged to prove Capt. John Donnelly, of the Don- " : {that Kingston is replete with every relly Salvage and Wiecung Com- Y s a G i ; 2, Manufacturers variety of amusement, and that the | PANY, purchased 8 barga TIRES--TO S SPOR Importers 1. Imestone City "posties'" are secor.l | Cobourg, from the Canada Steamship 2 I IN 00, T {td none in the matter of hospitadity. | Lines, as an extra lighter in the ---- : The entertainment opened on Mon- | Salvage work of his company. The | day morning when the delegates paid | Cobourg has a capacity of 45,000 ; EE ------ Joba McKay Limited i la visit to the Royal Military College | buches of wheat. end the eal KINGSTON, CANADA {and witnessed the various clooing il be s Splendid addition u the ( 'RISP - NE 5 exercises of diploma day. They were nnelly fleet operating on e St. , fan the various college buildings | Lawrence and lakes. The vessel will A SH and points of interest argund Point be made over considerable for: { Frederick by Capt. F. Vokes, and the | the new work to be undertaken. {convention members expressed pro-| The steamer Canadian Engineer |tound approval of the aplendid ficili- | passed down on Monday night, rrom [ties in the historic military institu- | Detroit to Montreal with freight. {tion ag well as delight with the train- The schooner Mary A. Daryaw ling and deportment shown by the | cleared on Tuesday for Oswego to That Will Stand the Racket of the Wash Tub and C Out | cadets on and off parade. load cosa] for Kingston. Upon returning from the R.M.C, The steamer Mapleboro arrived Brighter Than Ever. | R banquet was held in the British- from the canal on Monday niga: i | American hotel, where a civic wei- {and cleared with freight for Nome 3 ° {come was extended to the visiturs by | treal. FANCY VOILES-- {Mayor Angrove, and a number of ap- | propriate hig ware delivered by CAR GOES OVER BANK. English and American Voiles in light, medium or dark [hartiett, Past President Arthur | Two Former Kingstonisns Had a colors--patterns that appeal to critids, and colors that on a store window tells a hungry world raat, a a Ft) Nuieos uctlous Tuwpe, will please all. A wide range at popular shades. v cereale sare eee vase eee sien: DOC a yard up, - . | Stewart and P. Merard, Montreal, a | jury was experienced by Miss W. M. where it can buy fine Candy. | vice-president of the association, all | Kirkpatrick and W. S. Kirkpatrick, . . spoke briefly along convention lines, | daughter and son of Dr. 8. F. Kirk- Watch for the sign on the window. [the visitors expressing their hearty | patrick, 263 Clemow avenue, when a RATINES-- {appreciation of the hospitality ehown | large Studebaker automobile, tha - | by the local staff members, and assur- | property of Robert Gill, of this city, Th y i wea Everywhere Sc. {ing their hosts that one and all would | which they were driving, viinded e season s most popular materials for sports I. It {enjoy the convention In every way | over a steep embankment on the | comes in all the pretty shades, including Honeydew, Tan- KINGSTON | possible. Prescott Highway a short distance | EST. 1869. |" Other speaicers included Leman A. | south of Hog's Back, says the OC gerine, Pumpkin, Rose, Coral, Brown, Sand, Orchid, ete. Guild, A. McCullough, Vancouver. | tawa Journal. yard land James Kane. The greetings of At the al where the car went Plain or fancy WEAVES ..:x «iris! Bieta Tinlele 95c. a up the local Letter Carriers' Association | gyer there is a drop of almost mm aN | was extended to the delegates by C. twenty-five feet, and the escape ot GINGHAMS-- | Connor. the two occupants is regarded as > ))| The sessions of the convention will | miraculous, The car was slightly Always very popular, but this season more so than ever » . Pleasant Water Trips--Str. Brockville ibe brought to a close cn Thursday, | damaged. Mr. Kirkpatrick was driv- and it Is intended that the routine uf | ing and was taking the car to King- A large assortment of Checks and Overchecks in all the TUESDAY, JUNE 26th--Regular run to Picton 5.00 p.m. Fast Time. {business will be mixed in enjoyabls | ston for Mr. Gill at the time. ] pregortions with entertzinment. 0%6 bestcolors ......................25¢. to 50c. a yard WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th--Dominion Postal Clerks' Association private excursion to Alexandria Bay, 2.00 p.m. Fast Time. feature of the latter programme will What Wolfe Island Did THURSDAY, JUNE 28th--Private excursion to Belleville to Glen Island. be a trip among the Thousand Islands Wolfe Island gave G. A. B. Clerk FRIDAY, JUNE 290th--Regular run to Picton 5.00 p.m. Fast Time on Wednesday afternoon, the steam- (a good I and Dr. Spankie's PICTORIAL PATTERNS -- SATURDAY, JUNE 30th---Regular run to Alexandria Bay, leaving King- er Brockville having been chartered | t. t 2.00 p.m. fast time. One hour at Alexandria Bay. A riends planned a reception for him AY, JU m for this purpose, during which a stop {as the results. were a tribute to his Make Home Dressmaking a real pleasure, Once used, ab SUNDAY, SLY 1st: ular gn to Alexandria Bay. leaving Kingston p.m. Fast One hour at Alexandria Bay. will be made at Alexandria Bay. |work. He was expected to reach the ways used. § MONDAY. JULY LY 2nd-0ddfellows Plenic to Brophy's Point. "Frequent where a dinner Will be held in the island in the evening, and a commit- servic . A Thousand Island House. tee had a wheelbarrow in which BOAT LEAVES WHARF, FOOT OF BROCK STREET i The list of dolegates attending the | they proposed to cunvey him from the convention is as follows: wharf to the township hall. Dr. E------------ Py R. 8. Bartlett, Toronto, president. |Spankie did not arrive, however, so 1 L. N. Santerre, Quebec, past presi- | James McGlynn was placed in it as Don't Waste Your Money dent a substitute and given the ride in ONLY PER- s P. Menard, Montreal, vice-presi- | honor of the victory for Mr. Clark on : FOR THE Appreciate a Pun Vane v7 § lg, %: Beate ofthe Viciuey fot db clark on THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE : uying Here. B. B. Redditt, Toronto, secretary. (er townships were very disappointing Hundreds of Premium Tear 3! R. E. Hall, Ottawa, treasurer. to the islanders. aS Cal ant lity iui, =~ eh F. C. Wilson, London, vice-presi- ; . a = qual 3 |aent for Ontario. Names Added to Memorial. 1 t to any 75¢, Tea on the market. Try a A. Beauchamp, Quebec, vice-presi- W. A. Jones, Picton, monumental pound is . dent for Quebec. sculptor, has added to the memor- * "1: Strip - Shingles per Ib. 25c. Charfes O'Neil, Mongton, N.B.| ja) that was erected by his firm for Exclusive Millinery vice-president for Maritime Prov-| pe goldiers who died as a result of ||. three piece bath, electric lights, gas, furnace, right 49c. 2 |inces. ded war service, Th Finest Seedless Raisins, Ib 15¢c. E.- H. Martin, Winnipeg, vice-pre- EYINS, ha samen ad ale P. arisian Shop of way. SPECIAL ! Cha Santa . H. , Alexander Johns, Bloomfleld; Calvin . sident for West. Weldmark, Fred Haylock, C. Todd, 822 BROCK STREET William Street' -- b. 80c. WALLBOARD A. B. Crate, M. Crosbie, M. H.| pioton; W. J. Beatty, Hallowell; G. ' downtown section, 7 pie eB oe Ng rn For All Purposes. 33c Dumphy, P.-E. Rogers, J. Knowlton, | 0 Brown, Sophiasburgh; Percy V. ¢ ") lights, hot water heating. = 28c. § |G. S. Sel, all of Toronto. Brooks, Bouts Mersbored. VIOLATED PEN RULES 1 by Louis Pouliot, J. E. Seguin, J. ha J Brock Street~--roughcast dwelling, 8 rooms, good } Gold Dust Corn Meal 6 Ibs Bc. J [rire unr rose: and C. H. 1a- | Make up your picnic parties now FINED POLICE COURT yard, right of way. , § Corn Flakes (Kellogg's) Vigne, al Lu Muativa); 7.0 for the Oddfellows' Dominion Day ; Lo Easy terms if desired. . e K D 8 packages 280. . W. Powers, Sherbrooke, P.Q. | pionie at Brophy's Point. FIRE INSURANCE. MONEY TO-LOAN, » J Stipe, a Er Ty. amin, at Commins 15¢ & box Wednesday |yyar Record Was Help to ©. Mfg. Co. Mr. Rogers & C. Lavens and J. 1. y, AI ie our advantage that he roi: | Re Mart In Time, of 680 MONTREAL STREET Logan, Ottawe. + He {killer 1s so far with his work. . ble. PHONE 1681J. : re Sala. 51, Dudusine, =f In the police court on Tuesday > {WINGSTO morning, C. R. Hart, charged with C. P. May, Windsor. W. H. Mogk, Guelph. carrying an-article trom the Ports- G. C. Cosmah, St. John, N.B. | mouth penitentiary for a convict, was F. L. Goodwin, Halifax, N.S. ------ | tined $25 and costs or one month in Ladies' Gre Elk rt Oxfords B. ATHING C APS L. D. Graham, London, Ont. jail. He pleaded guilty to the charge. y D. McCulloch, Vancouver, B.C. A. B. Cunningham appeared on his : Searge B, Scott and James Kans, behalf, and informed the magistrate GREY ALLIGATOR TRIM Just received a supply of Bathing Caps. y come in all styles and sizes and the prices \B. ; : : . % right. convention, two of the most import- . @ "X ant measures that will be discussed SARGENT'S DRUG STORE: : : os wa ) : y ¢ E Suitable for Sports wear, oh the street o- for office wear-- here's the shoe that will take your eye. Made of soft, pliable, Elkskin leather, with trimmings and apron of Grey Alligator skin. They are the "nth" degree of comfort. - " The welted extension soles are of leather, with rubber heels, thereby insuring the wearer not only of long wear, but foot comfort as well. The coloring and combination of these Shoes represent to-day the latest achievement. in Sport Shees. '| press their appreciation of the kind- ness of the Imperial Tobacco Com- Canyon. Denver, Calo., June 26.--Summer Curtis of Washington, representative of the Republican national commits tee, accompanying President Hard- ing's party on his western trip, wag . {killed and three other men were ine jured seriously when the automobile in which they weré making a moun- in tour plunged off the road into r creek canyon, 23 miles from Denver. George Henry Mooreeroft and ets of cherries now coming !Mary Devolin. botn of Madoe, were , Carsovsky's. a warried in Belleville on Mogaay.