Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jun 1923, p. 5

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FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1028. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ---- | DRY SLABS | For! 'Summer burning $3.75 LOAD DRY HARD MAPLE Cut 12" long. $4.25 per load. Ord our winter supply of Conl ---- Don't wait till you want to burn it, and can't get it. We deliver when you want it-- NOW. W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. TO LET MAITLAND STREET---Furnished flat to October 1st. 6 rooms. All conveniences. Price on application. | JH; LEATHER Toughest Leather Ever Tanned a_i MOKERS SEE OUR SPECIALS THIS WEEK Rubber Pouch, filled with To- bacco--33c. Briar Pipe with mount--385c. | General Insurance. Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell Phomes Zi6-806 58 Breck Nt. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS JACK ELDER'S Streets "0 and 269 Princess Street EMMONS' 24 HOUR A ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It wwe "™ | PHONE 32 Tr ---- ------ KINGSTON anp VICINITY Don't Miss This. Oddfellows' moonlight ton on Str. Waubiec. 7.30 city time. {One hour in Clayton.» Fare 50c. {Street car meets steamer. | | i | | Warburton is Aged Seventy | W. H. Warburton, proprietor of {the Thousand Islands house at Al- {éxandria Bay, N. Y., was congratu- {lated upon Monday being his seven- |tieth birthday. Mr. Copland Comes to Kingston { 'ieorge' Steacy, Warburton, |Furchased the Copland house Lans- | |downe, and purposes moving his fam- { {ily to the village. Mr. Copland pur- | {Poses moving to Kingston. ---------- To Attend Church The members of the Ancient St. {John's Lodge No. 3, A. F. and A. M., |{G.R.C., are to pttend divine ser- {vice in Christ church, Cataraqui, at 14 p.m. next Sunday. Say of Men's Shirts, We have just received three cases {of men's colored shirts, sizes 13 1.2 tc 16 1-2, guararnteed fast colors, {beautiful patterns. cach. Prevost, Brock street. | ----" -------------------- | Campers. Moving In | Rhoddy's Bay, the popular sam- ner resort, 1s fast filling up with | campers from Arnprior and Renfrew, [Several new cottages have been erec- [ted and everything points to a busy summer at the bay. ------------ Engagement Announced Mrs. Margaret Telford, Peterboro, For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF Kingston Transfer Co. 155 WELLINGTON STREET, | oy Hardwood ABSOLUTELY DRY --Also-- SOFT WOOD AND SLABS KENNY & FALLON . PHONE 637. 137-141 CLERGY STREET Wellington asd Brock announces the engagement of her |daughtar Elizabeth to Hewe Fran- cois, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank |2dam, Ameliasburg. The wedding to {take place in the near future. | ---- Manager of Clayton,N. Y., Office Miss Lois Dewey, who has been ion telegraph office, Lake Placid, N. Y., for the past two months, has left {for Clayton where she will be in charge of the office in that village for the summer. Eatrance, 159 Welllngt -- | To Be Special Preacher EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts. Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, J People's * Florist | 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plaits daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence, 1187. Dean Starr, St. George's cathedral, {is to be the special preacher at 'the evening service at St. Mary Magda- {lene church, Napenee, on July 1st, | when the congregation will celebrate |the 50th anniversary of the laying |of the corner stone of that church. | ------ ! Moonlight Excursion. Kingston Merchant an Officer W. Y. Mills, Kingston, has been re-elected second vice-presidet of {ihe Fastern Ontario and Ottawa Dis- {trict Retail Merchants" Association {of Cengda which has just concluded | convention in. Brockville. ------ Attended Golden Wedding Event Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Arnold were CREAM CENTRE CHOCOLATES Our home-made Cream Centre Chocolates are made of fondant, ' heavily coated with high grade Chocolate, hand dip- | ped, ensuring a lasting flavor and a soft, creamy centre. A choice selection Fresh Fruits The Star Fruit & Candy Store 66 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 273. % B. C, Red Salmon .... .°. and Cannel Coal. Kipper Snacks... . Mixed Wood cut in dally. rich { ll | Club. ll lof the Boneless Windsor Bacon, sliced 44. Ib. Choice Breakfast Bacon, sliced 34e. Ib. +++. 3 tims 25e. + 25e. plat Choice supply fresh Vegetables on hand Call 1317 and let us deliver your goods at a larger saving te you. . |in Montreal attending the 'golden ll wedding of Rev. W. and Mrs. Ril- ] jence. The latter is a sister of Mr. || ~Tnold and Mr. Arnold was best man jiand Mrs. Arnold bridesmaid at the | | wedding fifty years ago. ------ To Be At Islands In July { Charles G. Emery, Jr, California, ,at present in New York, will pass July j/2t the Thousand Islands Country Mr. Emery is the grandson iate Charles G. Emery, who {built the attractive vilia on Calumat (Island, near Clayton, N. Y.. which: Mr. Emery, Jr., has inherited. | 'On Wednesday at 3 p.m. reports were sent to the Meteorological Ob- servatory, Toronto, giving the tem- peratures. In Toronto it was 93; Oc- tawa 94; Montreal 90: Quebec 92; and Kingston 76. Kingston certainly deserves the name of the aoolest icity in Eastern Canada. -------- Ask for An Island The executive of the U.E.L. Cele bration committee, meeting in BeMe- ville; passed a resolution requesting the Belleville council to dedicate 7wick's Island as a U.EL. Park with mooring conveniences and a Wharf at which boats could land with picnic parties from all along the bay and lake. -------- Gave a Contribution , J. H. Joynt, an old North Augusta boy, now of Omaha, Neb., was a cal Jer last woek among his old friends. {Mr. Joynt, who has become an en. thusiastic Mason, was delighted tc See the mew Masonic temple erected on the property of his old home, =o much so that he gave the trustees nice contribution towards the bul'd- ing fund. f38s Tuesday 26th, Dancing on board. Regular price | | $2.50 to $3.50; qur sale price $1.75 {acting manager of the Western Un- 1 |sidences has been done, and prepar- 'to Clay- ations are being made for the recep- {tion of the owners of those cottages {that have not already become estab- {lished in their villas Goes to St. Mary's v Prof. Thomas Singleton, organist in the Methodist church, Port Hope, | has resigned, and wil] accept a simi- |lar position with the Knox Presby- tterian church at St. Mary's, his du- ties to commence at the end of next |rionth. He was at one time organ- jist in St. Andrew's Presbyterian has (church of this city. ---------- Sheppard-Waterman Wedding On the 9th June, at Walkerville, in the First Presbyterian Church. the marriage was solemnized of Helen | Margery. Ellis, danghter of E. J. Waterman, Kingston, and Frederick Norman Sehppanrd, ycungest son of Mrs. Annie Sheppard, of Peterboro. {Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard leit later on [a water trip to Cleveland, Ohio. They will reside in Detroit, Mich. ------------ Had A Pleasant Outing | Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Ketcheson, 12 |Merris street, Belleville, and her sis- [ter, Mrs. F. P, Johnson, Millbrook. enjoyed a pleasant motor trip and | visited relatives and friends at Wau- {baushene, Midland and Toronto. Mrs. {Johnson and her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) W. R. Reynolds and little son |Clifford, Toronto, accompanied then are spending a pleasant holiday in | Eelleville. | ---- | TaitsDetlor Wedding On Tuesday at 1 p.m. in Chalmers church, the marriage took place of Mabel Ivy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | William Detlor, Amherst Island, and {Clifton Robert Tait, Toronto. Only [the immediate relatives of both the {bride and groom were present. The | nappy couple left for Toronto by |Loat. Mrs. Tait is a graduate nurse {of Kingston General hospital. ------ | Soon Time for a Dip The Richardson bathing house is now open until 9 o'clock each night. 0 far the temperature of the lake water has not been warmed up to {the point where it is comfortable |enough for bathing, but the hot \weather will very quickly affect the |water. Along the St. Lawrence the water is sufficiently warm to make | bathing a pleasure. In Cataraqui Bay, too, the water is enjoyable for swim- ming. ------------ Death of Chief's Son The death occurred at the Gen- eral hospital, Toronto, on June 19th, of Allen Wawanosli Johnson, young- er son of the late G. H. M. Johnson, head chief of the Mohawks of the Six Nations Indians, Grand River Pe. serve, and of his late wife, Emily S. Howells, Bristol, England, and bro- ther of the late E. Pauline Johnson, band husband of Floretta K. Maracle, Mohawk of the Bay of Quinte Six Nations Indians. ---- Fine Foundations Laid Splendid foundations are being Wn [2 their return to their home and | |iaid for the large vaults in the new | Bank of Montreal Building on King | street. Two vault foundations are | being laid of re-inforced concrete, | So that the intensest fire would not | dislodge the vaults from their un- | derpinnings. Everthing in the new | building will be up-to-date. Not Pleased with Holidays There is considerable feeling | among school trustees over the va- | {cation, which the department of edu- {cation has. forced on the Collegiate | Institute, fourteen days ahead the regular vacation granted to the | public schools. The loss in sulagies | reaches well over $1,500. The board is likely tq make Tepresenta- | tions to the department to prevent | the recurrence-of this waste of time and public money. He Taught at Napanee Cortez Fessenden, M.A, a former principal of Peterboro Collegiate In- stitute, is deed. His remains were taken to Toronto for byrial. In 1585 he was principal of the Napanee Collegiate Institute, remaining there for five years. Deceased was Seventy-one years of age. Several of his sons went through the Roval | Military College. | | | CANADIAN PACIFIO | Kingston-Ottawa Train Service, GOING LEAVE ARRIVE Kingston 711.45 am. Ottawa Kingston i 4.15 pm. Ottawa Kingston 410.30 p.m. Ottawa RETURNING Ottawa $10.15 a.m. Kingston Ottawa $12.30 p.m. Kingston Ottawa *10.15 p.m. Kingston +Daily except Sunday. *Daily except Saturday. Ticket Office: 8.45 p.m. 7.15 am. $3.00 p.m. $5.05 p.m. 7.45 am 180 Wellington St. Mrs. Stephen King Dead Death visited Athens and calied away a respected resident in Mis. Stephen King. Deceased had always been robust in health, when last De- cemaber she was stricken with infla- enza from which she never recover- ed. This left the heart in a very weakened cordition and Bright's di- sease also developed with the result that she passed peacefully away June 16th. Deceased was sixty - two years of age. She is survived by her husband and daughter, and also one sister, Mrs. Mark Chant, Harlem: three brothers, George Pattemore, Athens: Oltver I'lum Hollow, and Charles, Swmita's FaMs. PLEASED CUSTOMERS COME BACK. "WE'LL PLEASE YOU" McGeein's Meat Market 338 PRINCESS STREET CORNED / SPECIALS BEEF ...........8¢.-10c. Ib. PORK HOCKS............. ... 8c, Pickled Pork SAUSAGES ....... 18¢ + «+. .2]bs. for 25¢. ¢ * NM Hamburg . 3 Ibs for 25¢ CHOICE STEAK -- ROASTS. VEAL, LAMB, PORK, BEEF "Anglin's Book 'of Homes" containing one hundred pages of Houses, Bungalows, Summer Cottages, Garages, etc. Full of suggestions and bright ideas. Free to prospective builders. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office, Phone 66. of | N= Oxford Bargains Men's Black Calf Oxfords, medium width toe, Goodyear welt, oak-tanned soles, rubber heels, solid throughout. Worth $6.50. Special Price for One Week $4.95 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. 4 SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 : TWEDDELL'S Clothing House COOL UNDERWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Draw- ersfor............69. a garment. Men's Athletic Combinations--all sizeslor..c........... $1.25 a Suit. Women's Vests -- no sleeves and operastylesat . . . . 25¢. and 35c¢. each. Bloomers in White and Pink--lars sizesat ........35c and 50c. a pair. Combinations for Women -- fine Lisle and Cotton--all styles at 79¢. a Suit. Children's Vests and Bloomers -- all sizes--at .25c., 30c. and 35c. each. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. |

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