Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jun 1923, p. 7

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Men's Outing Wear | Cream Flannel Trousers. : Cream Serge Trousers. 4 Striped Flannel Trousers-- extra good VAlUG ais anniv os cos os wisieineres, $7.50. Grey Flannel Trousers .........$4.50 Khaki Trousers .......... :...... $2.75 OUTING SHIRTS In White, Cream and Tan .$1.75 to $3.00 George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. READING IS DIFFICULT Or impossible and you are middle-aged or more, it means that your eyes have lost some of their focusing power, This is a natural condition and noth- ing to be alarmed at. Proper Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office. Dr. Waugh . DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. ------ | Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS 788 PRINCESS 8T., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 pm. Evenings by appointment. GAS--X RAY. English Leather Hand Bags oD -- Hand Bags in the newest shapes and colors. Priced v A from Hon. F, C, Biggs to Galt nounced that the Gaje- Preston highway will become a boulevard with a second pavement. The Problem Is Solved * When you come to us for your Wedding Gifts You find it easy to make a selection from our large and well assorted stock of FINE CHINA, VERWARE, etc., at the lowest pos- sible prices, quality considered. SPECIAL: Minton China, solid colors, Cups and Saucers $1.75 each. Before deciding it would be well to - ""COME IN AND LOOK AROUND" 5 CUT GLASS, SIL- >| C. Woodhouse... covi un... 's Patent Strap Slippers, Co- 5 Letters to the Editor] ---- : Frontenac's Main Issue Harrowsmith, June 16. -- (To the Editor): The drainage of the Na- |panee river seems to be the main is- {sue in the Frontenac election. Mr. {Rankin says the farmers' clubs did inot petition the government to gut | | the grant. He also says the work {was unsatisfactory. ] {' Naw, Mr. Editor, the Verona far- | mers' club sent a resolution to the ho- fporable minister of public works ask-. {ing him to use his influence to get {a grant to remove the rack cut at | Petworth, in the Napanee river. Af- {ter that some of the farmers took the {matter up with the minister and | were able to secure his promise that | ihe 'would do what he could for tha | repie. Then Mr. Rankin jumps in and tries to get the credit for getting it. Now if any one disputes this statement let them write the minist- er of public works for a statement of how the money was secured. Lf Mr. Rankin is as much interested in that work as he says he is, why did he not do something for the people when his government was in power? The same thing existed then. Dur- ling that time someone blew out part loft 'the dam and they allowed a [stronger dam than ever to be built. {Now he fe crying extravagance. Re {have no guarantee that there Ww {aver ibe any more done if the pre- |sent government is turned down, for {they are the only goverfiment that {would undertake the work. | Now as for the work. I was.nam- {ed by the minister of public works {as foreman of the work. An engin- 'eer was sent down and laid out the work for me. I did the work accord- ing to instructions and wlien the work was nearly done he came again and eaid the work was satisfactory. Now Mr. Rankin is blaming me for not doing the work as it should have been done. If Mr. Rankin was so much interested in the work why Bae he not come there when I was at {work and be a man. He came on Sunday to look the work over aad found = fot of fault with dt. It seems to me it would rave been more gentlemanly if he had stayed at home studying his Sunday. echool lesson. Now as for me not being on the works half of the time, the state- nent is absolutely aitrue and I can prove it. I will have to give Mr. Rankin credit for spending nearly $25,000 to build a road into a mine in this county. It would be a good taing if the voters of this county could visit that place and see if they could tell what the road was built for. At the same time there were sent [Cther mines running and the road they had to haul over was almost im- : | passable, but they got no help. Now, Mr. EdYor, we expect on the 25th of June ... elect Mr. Clark, a man that Frontenac should de proud of. JOS. STORMS Harrowsmith. : YARKER TEAM WINS GAME AT TAMWORTH Score Was 7 to 3--S8eventeen Year-Old Boy Pitched a Great Game. On Satarday afternoon, Yarker defeated Tamworth in a very exan- ing game of basebail at Centre- ville by 7 to 3. G. Dunp, sun of Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Dunn, aged seven- teen, pitched a wonderful game for Yarker, holding the Tamworth team to nine hits as against Yarker's twenty. The runs made by Tam- worth were accounted for by errors, two runs in the first and one in the third inning. Tamworth showed up strong in the error columa. Yarker: es 80 4 00 00 00 00 00 0 to JT ve | oococoewocl Smith, ee eeeve oo sone 0 G Dulles covar tose a 0 HOUMG. «ox vvss iv sua asl TT Wamer.. .... vo.un 1 DIY. eco st mu. sever 3 DUBR. cs so so assore on.2 O'NSAPA Leon vore sas onsal WATBOF. vcs ay sere vue.d CANIS. os «+ oo ass o.n Tamworth: » = ol NUuooonmooM Galbrafth.. soos avons os. 1olh.... 00 coves pres a. Bradheaw.... coevi ses oe Harrison... ...\ a... .. Woodhouse. ... no vou o.. Whalen.... .. cocoons oe .. CODD pu Ehret.... «egw cess so o.0' Hopking..eo cose aves «:0 ol DOOD W re g Hi 5 R* If ' or 4! § 2 Eye The duty of the liver is to prepare and secrete bile and serve as a filter | to the blood, cleansing it of all im- purities 2xd poisons. Therefore when the liver is inac- tive and failing to secrete bile in suf- fcient * quantity constipation and other liver troubles soon follow. Mrs. H. D. Hutchinson, Peterbor- ough, Ont., writes: --*I Lave been us- tng your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills and they have done me a lot of good. My liver bothered me a great deal; [ was drowsy and tired all the time and didn't feel like doing anything, let alone my housework. I tried everything, but your Pills seemed to do the work far better than anything [ had ever taken." ' Price 26c. a vial at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. en ct et ont arrangements have been made for {tke special train to leave Kingston at 7 a.m. (Standard time) stopping |at the following places for passen- |gers: g |. Glenvale, Murvale, Harrowsmith, {HTartington, Verona, Godfrey, Hinch- |inbrooke, Tichborne, Crow Lake, Ferth. The from Kingston has been fixed $5.25. { PRODUCE MARKETS. Napanee Retail Napanee, June 16. Lettuce, leaf, bunch, , Green Onions, bunch. Onions domestic, pk,. 0 Potatoes, bag « «-31.00-81.10¢ Rhubarb, 3 bunches . Butter creamery, Ib. .... ..35-37 Butter, dairy, Ib.... .... ..30-13 Cheese, new, ID. .ooce cu.de 0.83 Cheese, old, Ib.... .. 30 Eggs, Iresh, doz. ......... «es. 38 BAPE JAB secvne siveanesines «20 Oleomargarine, 1b., .... ... .23 Shorts, OWt....+ +a +s «+ ++ 1.60 Straw, baled, cwt., .. .. ... .50 Straw, loose, ton .. .. $6.00-§7.00 Whedt. local, bus ....... "as Bran, ton.. Buckwheat, bus +. .... .. Corn, feed cwt. ous eennn "es Corn, car lots, cwt.... .. Hay, baled, cwt.... .. Hay, loose, toD.... «a +4 ou 10.00 Oats, westerg, dus. ........ seesT0 Oats, local, bus. Young pigs, pair.... .. Beef: Steak, porterhouse Ib.. ...., ..2% Steak, round, I. ecev oo os a 20 Bolling cuts, Ib 'woosneeaes.. 9-13 Stewing cuts, 1b.... .. «0 ..8-123% Beef, western, cwt.. ..... ..10-14 Beef, hinds, cwt, ..........10-15 eDef, local, Ib, +..ve0eevves.. 8-12 Veal, euns-esng se oo sesll-12 Pork: loin roasts, Ib «cocivvvenin ou 28 Shoulder, roasts, 1b. Hogs, live weight, cwt. .$8.75-$9.2% Chops, Ib.... .. Hogs, dressed, cwt. Bacon, breakfast, 1b. . Ham, smoked, 1b. .. Picnic Ham, Ib.... .... ,. ..20-25 Rinds, I. +..eosstecsces 'wel18-20 Sausage meat ...... «.......13% Lamb: 3 : Carcass, yearing 1b. ........20-22 Carcass, spring, 1. «+. 30-35 Fronts, yearning, . ........16-18 Hinds, yearink, Ib... .. ... .30 Quarter, epring, 1b.............35 Mutton chops, 1b. ... .. .. ..20-25 Mutton, carcass, Ib. ...2&..... 14 Poultry; - Fowl, Ib caaevnerneds Ssaneses 28 Chickens, 1b.... Hides, ete.: Deacon Skins, each .... Horse hides. . +. $2.50-83.00 se wee GANANOQUE June. 18.--The banns were pub-| lished in St. John's church yesterday | for the marriage of Harold McCar-| ney to Helen Feeney, Tweed, the! wedding to take place on Saturday, the 30th instant, W,. E. Austin, Toronto, town on Saturday. The death occurred on Friday morning of Mrs. Thomas Deir, Stone street, north. The previous even- ing, Mrs. Deir, was apparently in g00dl health, and worked in her garden until dusk. Death was due! to heart failure, Surviving her are two sons, W. A. on fara in Lansdowne, and Thomas, Seeley's Bay; also the following daughters, Charlotte, at home; Agnes, Lans- downe; Mrs, Patrick Innes, Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. P. Milne, Brewer's Mills, Mrs. Patrick Shea, Sheatown, and Mrs, Angus McCaskin, Prescott. The funeral took place this morning at 9.30 to St. John's church where a | high requiem mass, was chanted for the repose of her soul, after walch burial took place' at Lansdowne | cemetery. After an illness of several months Mrs. Joheph Meggs passed away on | Saturday morning. Surviving ser are her husband, one daughter, Min- erva and son Joseph. The funeral took place today from the family residence, Charles street, and inter- ment made at Mallorytown, Among the many Gananoqueans in Kingston on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Johnston, Misses Rachel Gordon, Eva Glover, ama Sinclair, W. &. Martin, Wyman Mul- lin, A. Nuttall, E. Davis, Mrs. Hen- was in} Frank Lutz returned home yes- terday from the west. He reports the weather out there as extremely hot and everything looking excep- tionally promising for big crops. Miss Ann Lee Bulloch returned home on Saturday from Bishop Strachan school for the holidays. Rev. Mr. Hollingsworth preached his farewell sermon yesterday at Maple Grove church. The Ummgw Lodge on South Lake attended in a body, augumented by several mem- bers of Gananoque Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Valleau and Mrs, W. 8. Loyd spent Sunday with | friends in Kingston. : Misses Alma Sinclair, Rachel Gor: don, Janet MacKeller, Mary Gor- don and Uretta Sinclair, motored to Elgin yesterday to spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Verrill DeWolte. Gus n, Wellington street, has disposed of his residence to aris Adelaide Bell, Detroit, who will make Gananoque her summer home. The ladies of St. John's ohurch, under the supervision of Miss May- nie Brennan, will hold a dance in the Lyceum on Wednesday evening next, the 20th. Special effort is be- KIDDIES' GOLF OXFORDS are made just like Dad's -- made of Grey Smoked Elk, trimmed with Brown Calfskin with ° tough Elk BSoles--the right play shoe for Kiddies, and very roasonable in price. BIBEB TO 10M cosuincrinians sisssanvaniraessves S000 SIZE 11 TO 2 ...... drenncs ASs eae sastsansscassss. 90.88 : Abernethy's Shoe Store Established 1854. ing made to have this a most enjoy- able affair for all, and besides the modern dances, there will be some of the "Old Fashioned" order. Tick- 0 lets 75¢c per couple, extra lady 35c. Roy Tudhope, Toronto, is in town for a visit with friends, . The game played at Sydenham yesterday between the Sydenham high school and Orphan's resulted in a victory for the latter team by a score of 8-6. The Orphans have yet to lose a game this season. D. A. Cowan, General Motors, Oshawa, was in town for the week- end, and the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sampson. . Court action may be taken against the. manufacturers of East London annex to compel them to pay the ex. tra tax levy imposed by last year's Council. Raspberries and cherries will be light crop through province. Canadian cattle up to $173 on British market. tissues. right Phosphorous and iron, so lackin : Carbohydrates to su a reason" for Grape-Nuts, It in a concentrated and easily d grape sugar by scientific processes. Grape-Nuts is easily digested and the concentrated nourishment is Ready to serve--with cream or milk-- Frallily at your grocer's, assimilated by the Body. rom the package. . Get it THIS THREE PIECE Chesterfield Set and Parlor Lamp to match, as shown in our window, only ; $225.00 JAMES REID LEADING UNDERTAKER. . Phone 147 for Service. igested Pleasant Water Trips-Str. Brockville TUBSDAY, JUNE 19th--Regular run to Picton 5.00 p.m. Fast Time. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20th--Excursion to Picton and Glen Island. Leave Kingston at 10.00 a.m. Fast Time; 1% hours in Pleton, 3 hours #t Glen Island. Fare, round trip, Adults $1.00; Children, 50c. THURSDAY, JUNE 2ist--Evening excursion to Clayton. Leave Kinge ston at 7.30 p.m. Fast Time. ' FRIDAY, JUNE 22ad---Regular run to Picton 5.00 paw. Fast Time. SATURDAY, JUNE 28rd--Regular run to Alexandria Bay, leaving King- Sten at 2.00 p.m; Fast Time. One hour at the Bay. A SUNDAY, JUNE 24th~Regular run to Alexandria Bay, leaving Kingston : at 3.00 pan. Fast Time. One hour at the Bay. : BOAT LEAVES WHARF, FOOT OF BROCK STREET There's a Reason pply heat and energy to the body. "There's represents all the value of wheat and barley form--with the starches changed to CANADIAN POSTUM CEREAL C€O.. LIMITED Head Office : Toronto | Factory: Windsor "There's a Reason' :

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