Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1923, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ¥ MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1028, NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS sisting her sister Mrs. J. E. MeMil- | Editor of Women's Page, Tele. phone 248. Private 'phone 837w. . . . . . . | Sunshine after rain, dancing blue | waves inftead of long grey rollers, | the islands in the offing whicu kad } seen the war canoes of Count Fron- | tenac pass two hundred and fifty | years ago, clothed in the vivid green of Juné, made an inspiring setting for the exhibition of the sport taugat at the Royal Military Collaga, given on Saturday, in honor of Sir Arthuy Currie, commander of the fcreces, and the board of visitors. In the after- noon, many Kingston people motor- ed over to see the aquatic sport and sat on the wharf sheltered from the wind by "H. M. S. Stona VFrigate™ { built in 1789 and looked across the ibay at the green hill crowned with {the grey walls of Fort Henry. The [band of the R.C.H.A. played delight- | = nowflake {ON ives Soap S fully as usual. The cruiser "Roamer" { with the Commandant and visitors { on board, and the motorboat "Chris. i tine," carrying Lady Macdonell, | Lady Currie, Major and Mrs. Green. i wood and Miss Alison Macdonell, | followed the canoes, and Queen's Un- | versity was represented by Prin. (0470872 0032207, wonderful, refined, entrancing complexion rendered. back X the appearance of youth. Results are in- stant. Highly antisep- tic. Exerts a soft and soothing action. 80 in use. Wane + Send 10c for Trial Size FERD.T. HOPKINS & SON, Montre | "The Scrapper," whose beautiful | lines and fine wailing qualities were as much admired as the splendid sea- | manship of the principal and his daughters. General Mctrien had flown from Ottawa in a hvdro plane, Gouraud's there was no lack of variety in the crafts in Navy Bay. Criental Cream In the evening the Soireé¢ Fran- ; Simple Application That | calse drew the Kingston friends of -~ Dissolves Blackheads tne r. M. C. across La Salle cause © No more squeezing and pinching to| way again, and they were rewarded | get Ha of tioke Sunsighlly Dlamishes, by a most interesting programme. 8nd sure way to get them out. and The French recitations, Franch. two ounces of peroxine powder 'from | Canadian songs, a playette cleverly ur druggist--sprinkle a little on a put on, and tableaux vivant. showing Bot we "Sloth --rub briskiy 'over tne | Iie landing of Count Frontena: at the parts, and every blackhead will be Kingston, the planting of the tr. heads make nie Three a8, Fut color, the smoking of the pips of eannot get all of the blackheads out| peace, were all excellent and much on of poten, 'his simple applica-| enjoyed. Then the cadets lined the Ives every particle of them and] staircase and the guests grouped ys | the JKin ang pores in thelr yhomselves on the steps, while in the name of the government of France : : the French Consul General present- Ontario Permit Possible ed the heautiful statuette of "Peace" For Earl to Marry | to the R. M. C. Supper was served in the mess room and a dance follow- Toronto, June '11. -- Under On-| ed. q fario marriage law the Earl of North- Among those present were the . ®t and his fiancee, Jessica Brown, | Commandant and Lady Macdonell, "%olld not be married immediately | Sir Arthur and Lady Currie, Gen- "Spon their arrival in the province ex- | eral and Mrs. J. H. Elmsley, General gept by special permit obtained | and Mrs. F. W. Hill, Senator and the registrar general, Dr, | Mrs. Bostock (Ottawa), General lough. The law requires | Embury, General Bell, Col. and Mrs. # fifteen day residence in the district | H, J| Dawson, Col. and Mrs. W. P. Of the marriage, by one of the part- | Anderson (Ottawa), Col. and Mrs. #68. Tho only possible variation from | Victor Anderson, Lt.-Col. and Mrs. thie procedure is to interview Dr. Mc- | J. A. Scroggie, Lt.-Col. and Mrs. Cullough and to lay before him any Schmidlin, Col. and Mrs. Perry, . rounds which the petitioner may; Major and Mra Greenwood, Mrs. G. consider to justify the granting of a | H. Ogilvie, Mrs. Wurtell, Miss Wur- special permit authorizing immedi- | tell, Col. and Mrs. F. 8. Johnson, ®te marriage. Dr. McCullough may | Col. and Mrs. Ernest Sparks, Prof. @rant such a permit at his discretion, | lowe, Mrs. H. P. Lowe, Mrs. Holt, -- Miss Cynthia Holt (Montreal), Mrs. Never had any one so correct an| Lebalt, Mrs. Glasford (Hamilton), estimate of life but thap circum-| Major Horace Lawson, Capt. and Stances, time and experience ever| Mrs. E. J. Harvey, Miss Phyllis Har. bring him something nw, and ever] vey, Capt.~and Mrs. Kelley, Capt. * Instruct him; so that you under-| and Mrs. Vokes, Mrs. P. H. Huyek, | Stand that you are ignorant in mat-| Mrs. A. Mackensie, Mrs. James Qere you thought you knew; and the| Rigney, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fair, things which you thought of the| Mr. and Mrs. Gelley, Mrs. W. A. first importance you reject on mak- fag trial of them. LG. B. Rooney, Prof. and Mrs. Ar- \ 'Concentrated Nourishment t Grape-Nuts supplies iron and phosphates the natural grain; its splendid well- rounded nutriment and easy digestibility are wonderful builders of health and energy, And highly concentrated! The scientific process by which Grape-Nuts is made, en- hances the value of wheat and malted as food. Ready to serve right f package. Order from your grocer to-day. "There's a Reason' : \ = Head Office; Toronto Bh Sed iE 5 ---------------- | elpal Taylor on his new sailing yacht | i an in Victoria, B. C., and Miss Su- | A : Zo) : FD) | ' {therland in Vancouver. t LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE [|*5 tusrameue, ment us| , ! : To | week-end with Mr. and Mrs! W. F. --s |Minnes, HiMcroft. | thur Neish, Miss T. Gallagher, Major | . Mrs Robert Minnes returned to {Ottawa on Saturday. . Trem Mrs. Pow "ny Jad Mrs. T Aine, Ass... Powell, | Miss Andrey Morden end Miss : a ny Hicks, Mis Alisok Stella Ross, Belleville, spent the week Miss Mary Ogilvie, Miss "Doris | <2 wih fHends in Kingston. | McKay Miss Marjorie Har | Mrs. Thomas Muir, who has been vey, Miss Waldron, Miss Nora Mac- | Jun, Dr onl Mes > nee, Miss Caroline Mitchell, Miss |. FI3d60 Barrle street, Frances Murray, Miss Lois Taylor, | um imeoe, . Miss Mary Hooper, Miss Virginla| : Fair, Miss Laura Kilborn, Miss | The marriage of Miss Agnep Mar- Viveen White, Mis Mary and Miss | 537¢t "Hay, daughter of John Hay, Margaret Morrison, Miss Helen | M-L.A., and Mrs. Hay, Lachute, : 3 Dr. Harold 8. Hooper, B.A, Steacy, Miss Mary Macglllivray, Miss| Que t0 Lilian Fair, Miss Grace Mooers, Miss | 3T80¢ Mere, Que. son of Mr. and W. Nobes, Miss Alma Graham, Miss | M's: F. H. Hooper, Brownsburg, Esther Briceland. ~ | Que., has been arranged to take * s | place quietly on Tuesday evening, . . eS 3 . Hooper is & Friday ewening after the |J9lY 3rd, at Lachute. Dr. I choir practice at St. James' church, | ® grandson of Daniel Smith, King Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, was pre- | Street. . ot sented with a beautiful electric read-| Mrs. J. Dwyer, Miss Josephine | | ing lamp by the choir. Refreshments | PWYer and Miss Marjorie Bryan, | were served and many regrets ex | Oshawa, spent the week-end ot pressed by the members of her choir | HOtel Frontenac. | at the resignation of Mrs. Willlam-|_ | Miss Ruby Bell, Toronto, Mrs. R. son, who has been organist of St, |l"ndabury, Toronto, and Miss Kath- James' church for nine years, ana | 2TiRe Sharp, Napanee are the guests hag been responsible for bringing the | °f C+ H. Spar, 3 Queen Street, music up to its present high stand-! Hey j= &h sland' and Mrs. Nell Gow, Montreal . 0. | street, announce the engagement of Mrs. Henry Joseph, Montreal, en- their eldest daughter, Grace Kath- | tertained 'at a smal dinner on leen, to Arthur Gordon, youngest Thursday night in homor of Sir | SO" of Mr. and Mrs. F. Shultz, Os- : ,. | hawa, Ont, formerly of Kingston. Henry Thornton. Mrs Joseph is leav- y . | ing with her family at the end ot | The marriage to take place In Cal- June to occupy "Bide-a-wee Cot-| V&TY Congregational Church, Wed- TO-MORROW'S hOROSCOPE BY GENEVIEVE KEMBLE 4 TUESDAY, JUNE 13. i An active and progressive day | may be read from this day's siderea? operations. This stimulus may be! felt in the realm of domestic, social. and romantic association as well as | in ordinary commercial pursuits. The | mind may be found particularly | keen and sagacious, with the wit | quick ang sharp. It will be well not! to permit a quick tongue to give or- fence, as 'he tendency may be to-| ward sarcasm and invective. The astrological sages presage courtship and marriage for the young. Those whose birthday it is may | look for an active 'and progressive | year. 'The mind and the tongue may | be found sagacious and keen, with | the wit ready. A child born on this day will be lively and of ready wit. | It will be popular and fond of so-| ciety. 3 FREE LOVE DOCTRINE } > AMONG UKRAINIANS | It Is Said To Be Taught In| The Port Arthur Region. Port Arthur, June 11. --Teachings | of 'free love" and the state care | of children borne of such, were al-| leged to have beea.carried on by | Ukrainian agitators from Winnipeg | among the Ukrainians of the two | kead of the lakes cities, by wit-| For the June Bride we have a won- derful display -- everything {rom the Satin Shoes to the Wardrobe Trunk. Patents or Black Satin for afternoons. White Buck Street Shoes, Brown Kid Oxfords for morning wear, Satin Boudoir Slippers from England in the delicate colors. AND SPORT SHOES IN GREY, SMOKE, ELK OR WHITE. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 1! HOSIERY, SHOES AND TRAVELLING GOODS which was movured at the wharf, so | Sawyer, Mrs. T. C. D. Bedell, Mrs, | tage," St. Andrew' by the Sea, N.B., | Resday, June 20th. | for the summer. . * . . Lady Macdonell, ant's Quarters, Royal Military Col- lege, gave a small dinner party on Saturday evening for Lady Currie. | - » ° Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cook have re- {turned home from Toronto, where i they attended the proceedings of con- {vocation at the Toronto University {at which their two eons, Harry M.. and Allan R. received their degree from the Royal College of Dental Sugeons, Mrs. T. M. Asselstine, Mrs. J. T. for Quebec on Sunday to attend the meeting of the National I. O. D..E. has been the guest of Mrs. G. M, | for Montreal to-day with Mrs. Grant Cadenhead, to visit Mrs. Bertram Stirling. Miss Frances Cartwright, To- ronto, who has been in Ottawa with rived to-day to visit her aunts, the Misses Cartwright, "The Maples." Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Locke, | whose marriage took place at Tweed on Saturday, spent the week- end in town, and left by motor to. day for Brockville, to visit Locke's mother. Mrs. Arthur Locke was formerly Miss Mather, a daugh. ter of Dr. Mather, Tweed. Z . » - Mrs. Hojt and Miss Cynthia Holt, Montreal, were in town for the sports at the Royal Military College. Mrs. W. D. Carmichael, Smith's Falls, is the guest of Mrs. D. A. Rae, Albert street... General Embury, Regina, was at the "Chateau Belvidere" during his stay in town. : » ® - Mrs. H. A, .Lavell, Bio street, turned on-Sunday from an extend- t¢d trp through the Canadian west, hon the Command- | Tu | College in their | Sutherland and Miss W. Gordon, left | % Mrs. W. L. Gordon, Toronto, Wha Order is glad to help it along. Macdonnell, University avenue, left | Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cartwright, ar- | nesday evening, will be' glad to hear ome. Dr. jsammer resort will be the home of Factory; Windsor ) ,_ (nesses in the Supreme Court at the | Garden Party in aid of St. George Sitrial of an action brought by one | church Woman's Ald to be held at|caction of Ukrainians against an-! the residence of Mrs. Francis Hill other set, who are alleged to be Macnee, St. Lawrence Cottage, King|yorking in conjunction with the | street, Friday, Jupe 20th at 3 0%-|qyig Internationale of Moscow. clock. Witnesses in the action stated they bad been told they could practice | {free love if they joined up with the . o revolutionary section and that "pub- W hat Editor Hears {lic cradles would be provided and | {the children cared for by the state, That the boar of visitors were [leaving the women free to work." delighted with the exhibition put on| Some years ago a settlement of | by the cadets of the Royal Military Ukrainians built halls in many sec- | honor. tions of the country and, formed a | society for the teaching of Canadian | ideals and Canadian citizenship and the English language. Then fo'- lowed the agitators. | By various means they secured | control of the loyalists' society and | arc alleged to have Rewers of the former and to have | transferred the buildings and pro. | lary to the revolutionists. ! he case bes been ac Postpened until That the taggers for the V. O, N. {met with a good reception. Every- one who hLwnows of the work of tae That the farmers say we have had | {enough rain, so we can wish for fine | weather with a clear conscience. That the public, even the people wha encountered Boo-hoo ;last Wed- er ---- AT NOTRE DAME CONVENT. {he may Have a long life and a merry Ey | Fine Exhibition of Art and 'Sewing That the cottages at McDomnazi's i Cove are being put in shape by their By On Sunday and Monday, the Pp wents owners, and soon this charming 4 and friends of the pupils of Notre Dame convent had an opportunity to visit the convent and v ow the really excellent result of the sisters' training of the art and sewing classes. Nine classes have work on exhibition, be- ginning with the clay modeling-of the many Kingston families. - That not even the provincial elec- tion will be allowed to interfere with the annual June ball at the Royal Aiilitary College and all reports to the contrary, it will be held on June 25th. , sew neatly. Dainty garments of many. kinds have been made by the pupils of every grade, and they are not only taught to sew beautifully, but to love pretty and neatly made under things. The art classes have made great pro- ess since last year, the drawing rom models with which the pupils start their course, being remarkably good. Some studies in water colors "Fool-proot" carriages with doors 'which open and close automatically, the motorman being unable to sur: the train til all the doors -are céos- ed, have beenn tested successtully on the tube railway of London, Eng. The speaking of perpetual hyper- "bole is comely in nothing but love. are very attractive and show that may be among the of the future. Several classes are from St. Vincent Academy. Some lovely china painting is shown, fired in the convent kiln, 4 TIPS TO HOUSEWIVES. ~ The first step' in mahogany furn-| iture is to keep It clean. Never | try to polish it when arty, Surroundings to the kitchen should not be untidy. Clean If the honey should become sugar- ed, it will be smooth and clear again if the jar Is placed in hot |wat- | er for several hours, being careful | that none of the water gets into the! honey. : ley the LOCKETT'S usurped the |. |FOR THE JUNE BRIDE Beautiful Boudoir and Table Lamps, Hotpoint Irons, Toasters, Grills, Curl- ing Irons. Come in and see our display. The H.W. Newman Electric Co. 167 Princess Street. Telephone 441. tiniest pupils who are -also taught to =. and oils by the more advanced pupils | ~~ Kingston has some girls and boys who | SPair tells us that difficulty is insur- ian artists| mountable. © 'GALLAGHER'S SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT a 0-2; WILSON'S 3 LY o]. DI) Red Cross in Peace-Time, : 4 i The Red Cross Soclety is writing Ww h MORE f REIL a new page in the public health his- 5 k tory of the world. Within a few " W o + | years we will all point with pride to what has been accomplished, ana to a properly supported, skilled staff _ IR aid of municipil and provisional heéalta Clean to handle. Sold by all officials; and the inevitable result, Gent 1S a rapidly declining sick rate ana death rate. Possibilities of the Red Hope thinks nothing dificult--de- | Cross in peace-time are infinitely greater than its admirable work in war-time. THE VALUE OF VALUE Is demonstrated most emphatically in the appearance, con- > SAY ne of the . STYLE "A"

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