Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jun 1923, p. 14

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S-- GRAND TO-NIGHT 5 Pictures at 8 o'clock. Vaudexille at 9.15. Mat. Saturda MUSICAL COMEDY and FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS == "The Passing Revue" FEATURING VERA HASSEN, Singing and Dancing ; Soubrette-- Songs, Dancing and Comedy BABY DOROTHY, the Child Actress in JOE MALL--That funny Whistling and Singing Comedian. PRETTY GIRLS GENE PEARSON--Delineator of Feminine Art. A REAL SINGING AND DANCING CHORUS OF 6 REEL FEATURE PICTURE WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST "THE POWER (F A LIE" | Cast includes Mabel Julienne Scott, June Elvidge, Maude George, j David Torrance, Earl Metcalfe, Phillips Smalley. COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME THURSDAY * PRICES: ... .Lower Floor 85c. 'Balcony 25c. Gallery 135c. Saturday Matinee: Adults 25c. Children, 10c. AMUSEMENTS emcees ee----amsn---- What the Press Agents Say About i Coming Attractions LIBERAL | CONVENTION Friday, June Sth At 8 p.m: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC ]; When Laddie. Cliff was in America, VISIT | prior to the war, he scored a tre. | OF KIWANIANS | mendous hit with American auad- | ilences owing to his likable personal. 10 THE MOWAT HOSPITAL ity and keen sense of humor. His ap- | pearance at the Strand in his first | -- y | picture, "The Card," will bring forth An En AT ZHE GRAXD |a host of his former admirers and | Snloysis Tine Was Spent Action Pictures and Musical Comedy | they will see on the screen the same | ts on All This Week | likable personality that they admir- | Tuesday Evening. "The Power of a Lie," a strong ed on the speaking' stafe. '"The EE photo drama, was shown at tha Card" isa story of a young man who, On Tuesday evening about eighty Grand 'Opera House on Tuesday ev- | through sheer pluck and nerve, |Kiwanians left the market square for ening and proved an awakening tc |Overcame all kinds of obstacles, won [the Mowat Hospital. Following a those who Mttle dream of the ac-| the girl he loved and-Gaally became \zig-zag Toute, with much blowing of cumulated force of falsehood and tha | the Lord Mayor of the t ihorns, the. Kiwaniang reached the tremendous shock that must ever | Manager Abbey has arranged to hospital about 6:30. Dinner was tually take place to overpower the | Present Laddie Cliff in "The Card," served and places set for about thres mischief that is bound to ensue. In | On Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Jhundred were filled with Kiwanis this picture, the great moral prob-: This is the first appearance on the 'members and patients alternately. lem involved is admirably..worked | Screen of Laddie Clift who, although | Hugh Nickle acted as chairman. cut, while the thrilling episodes and [St!ll young, has been before the| During the repast several songs the elaborate setting make the pic- | Pitblic for over twenty years, and were 'sung, while every Kiwanfan ture one of the most entertaining. | When but sixteen years of age, made [tried to keep in touch with his pa- It is a gripping story from beginning | 8 complete tour of the world. There tient guest. The two pieces of cloth to end. The cast includes Mabel Is hardly a branch of entertainment [given by Collie's were raffled off, STARTING screexen | Thursday "MASTERS OF Another. of those sea tales like "ISLE OF LOST SHIPS" that you liked so well--a vivid, stirring drama of the sea with-- Earl Williams, Alice Calhoun, Cullen Landis, Wanda Hawley : LAST TIME TO-DAY NORMA TALMADGE in "WITHIN THE LAW" ~~ S-T-R-A-N-D To-morrow in THE BEST OF ALL THE ENGLISH COMEDIES NOTICE : 'will be pleased to conduct Auction Kingston or the County o ntenac. _ : tes reasonable. Arrangements can be made at my office. \ T. J. MUNRO, . Corner Clarence and Outarle Streets. |' if. TENDERS FOR DREDGING SEALED TENDERS addressed to the dersigned and endorsed 'Tender for n Ont., the case may be, received until 13 welock moon (dnyllEhe edn Saving) eaday, June 20, 1923, for 'dredging required at Port Arthur, On- and at Fort Wildam, Ontario. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms supplied by the De- Brtment ahd Secording to conditions erein. Se Sombined specification and form of tender can be obtained on apalication the undersigned, Also at the offices the District gine 8s, Custom Bullding. Fort iam, Ontarlo, and uity a ng. 'oronto, ne 4 oI ers must include the tow- is of the plant to and from the work. dredges' and other plant which &re intended to be used on the work : have been duly registered in Can- i the time of the fi _ der with the Department, or shall have hea Sul in Canada after the filing of ender. In what way fis man violat- ing business courtesy ? The answer will be found among today's want ads. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Franch Asselstine, who has left my ome. ALFRED ASSELSTINE. SNAPS h tender must be accompanied b; Ah accepted cheque on a chartered ban to_the order of the Minister Public Works, for 5% of the oon- ce, but no cheque to be for less een hundred dollars. War of the Dominion will also be ac- as security, or War Bonds and cheques it uired to @ up an odd amount. Tey ¢ y By order, X : R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, wa, June 1st, 1923. Pmt. A NA -------------- Men who know themselves are of- ten suspicious of others. -, Peasant Water Trips-Str. Brockville TUESDAY, JCNE Sth--Regular run pm. Daylight Saving Time. THURSDAY, JUNE 7t Y chart : A iy 3B SiioSpscial che er Deaf and Dumb Institute, Bel "FRIDAY, JUNE Sth lar run to p-m. Daylight Saving Time . BATURDAY, JUNE 9th--Regular run to Alexandria Ray, do ston at 2.00 pm. Daylight Saving Time. SUNDAY, JUNE 10th--Regular run to Alexandria Bay, Hon sy 2.00 p.m. Daylight Saving Time. One BOAT LEAVES FERRY DOCK AT FOOT OF BROCK ST Picton, leaving Kingston at 5.00 leaving King- leaving King. hour at Alexan- "The Idol of the London M LADDIE CLIFF ME) JuMenne Scott, June Elvidge, Maude Gearge, David Torrance, Earle Met- calfe and Phillips Smalley. "The Passing Revue" by the Joe [ait Musical Comedy kept the aud:- ence In a continuous state of mer- riment. The splendid programme ¢pened with a screaming hit by Har- ry Cook the Irish comedian, Frank | Davis, Baby Dorothy and the becu- | a humorist and entertainer. "The Power of a Lie" will shown this evening for the last time, but the comedy company will remain be on Thursday. On Thursday evening, ure comedy "All Night," and Joe Mall and his talented company will present "The rollicking comedy. THRILIING SEA DRAMA AT ALLEN"S THURSDAY "Masters of Men," by Morgan No Advance in Prices qk IFF er ------------ Robertson, the world's most noted writer of sea stories, is to be shown in the Allen Theatre starting Thurs- | day. Critics have unanimously ac- ciaimed this picture as the greatest séa story ever screemed. The pic- turization by C. Graham Baker has retained loyally the atmospher: of the novel by America's master teller of sea stories and Vitagraph, who offers it, has provided a favish production, with an all star cast. "Masters-qf Men" télls the story of @ boy who accepted the shame of another's crime that he might pro- tect the girl he loved from humili- ation. Branded in his home town as a thief the lad runs away and joins the Navy. " Whilé on leave He ie shanghaled and suffers the brutal- ity accorded to men before the mast on board a four master sailing the Spanish Main. How he effects his "iad | escape and aids in the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Santiago pro- vides a thrilling drama which holds interest throughout every foot of the screening. Theré are four principal parts, as the story Involves the love affairs of four young people. Earle Williams, one of the most popular stars of the Screen, plays Lieutenant Breen, the officer who assists Dick Halpin | (played by Cullen Landis) to win back homor and manhood. Pretty Alice Calhoun who has been starrsd in many Vitagraph productions and Wanda Hawley, long a popular star, Play the chief women's roles. It is a picture of types and of vivid jIealism, The selection ot types is said to have been perfect, particular- iy of those actors who play the brut. | al, hard-fighting men who comprise the Crew of the "Mary Earle." Dick Sutherland and Jack Curtis, who Tlay the mate and captain of the four | master, afe known to fans ae the Juost brutal looking actors in motion i Pictures. They give realism to Mor- gan. Robertson's ty chorus, and Joe Mall appeared as | 2!! the week giving a new programme | "Rudolph | | Valentino wiM 'appear in a big feat- | Telephone Girl," a| jin which he has not shown, from minstrel troupes to revues, and from "fit-ups" to the latest brilliant mus- ical show, "The Co-optimist8," which has been running in London for | pearly three years. Laddie Cliff, | prior to the great war, was a great {a favorite in America as he was in | England, but up until a few mgnths ago had never apeared on e | screen. Laddie was very particular { about the story for his screen debut, {and after several months of search | decided to produce "The Card," which was written by Arnold Ben- nett, the author of several celebrat- ed plays, including "The Great Ad- venture," and '"Milestones." "The Card" is one of the most popular of Mr. Bennet's stories, and has been published In twenty-three editions. "The Card" is a diverting tale of a pushful young man, who manages by | sheer cheek of a humourous kind to | become one of the gelebrities of his home town. He is resourceful and he makes the most of the ideas that suddenly flash into his mind, and with his easy assurance, he carries everything before him in a humorous | manner. The types, characters and { locations all have the Old Country | atmosphere, and the story breathes | the spirit of London and the British Isles. LOCAL NEWS. | { {Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. | Dr. T. C. D. Bedell has decided to | practise in Bowmanville. Remember Victorian Order Tag | Day, Saturday, June 9th. Elmer Davis addressed the Ro- tary Club, Brockville, on Monday. There was no session of the po- Mice court on Wednesday morning. Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west 'Phone 564w : A. E. 8. Workman, Kingston, is essistant purser on the steamer To- ronto. G. G. Pudlou was In Brockville 6n Monday attending the funeral of {the late H.,L. Shepherd. E. Gus Porter, M. P., Belleville, is confined to his' home with an attack of rheumatism. Mrs. W. T. G. Brown, Ottawa, has been chosen president of the Central W.C.T.U. of the capital. Remember: Victorian Order Tag Day, Saturday, June 9th. F. J. Hoag i$ in Toronto, attend- ing a meeting of the Council of the Ontario College of Pharmacy. Miss Florence Finn, who has been ja patient at the Hotel Dieu, King- Iston, for the past ten days, was able {to return to her sister's on Wolfe Is- land. = The Canadian National Telegraphs are at the present time installing a new copper telephone line between Montreal and Toronto for the use of the C.N.R. . Many people will be glad to hear that Carlyle Potter, a son of Rev. J. G. Potter, Montreal, and a nephew of Mrs. William Jackson, Wildam street weet, has received the degree of M.D.,, C.M., from McGill Univer- sity. While the Kiwanlans. were en route to the Mowat Sanatorium on Tuesday evening, the cars containing the boosters' committee drew up at the Orphans' Home and also at St. Mary's-of-the-Lake, where they left geneous packages of chewing gum for the youngsters. MEETING AT PITTSFERRY Scnator Turriff Again Speaks For {U.F.0. Candidate Senator Turriff and G. A. B. Clarke, U.F.0. candidate in Fronten- the lucky winners being Tommy Shields and Nurse MoKane. Sou- [ventrs to nursing sisters and pa- )ients revealed much fun in the sel- |ection and the generosity of the don- |ors. In his address to the members of the club, Dr. Edward Ryan paid \8reat tribute 'to the Victorian Order tot Nurses, and said he felt assured that the Kiwanis Club which stood behind everything for the good of the country, would make the coming {tag day a success. W. R. Givens iof thanks to Dr. B the very pleasant evening he gave the Kiwanis Club. 'his . jus seconded by H. Ww. Newman and conveyed to Dr. Hopkins by W.Tp. | Nickle. In reply, Dr. Hopkins . as- {sured the Kiwanians that he wag [very grateful to them for their kind- ness, that their visits could only he moved a vote ruce Hopkins for {& source of cheer and happiness for | |everyone. A lawn social, arranged ® the {men of the Mowat ij 1 [Jane hg at is to be held on : In closing, President Nickle told jhe men of the Mowat that jt was {the third enjoyable visit |wanis Club haq with the patients rand he expressed the hope that in a {short time they would all be re- jturned to health. ical programme of the evening were {Clarence Skinner and Prof. Thomas, {| Gananoque; T. 0. W. Fowler, Cap- {tain Lee, and Dr. Broom, Kingston. | The orchestra under the leadership (of Dr. Broom rendered excellent mu- | gic. | ---------- HOSPITAL GOVERNORS HOLD JUNE MEETING ---------- | Improvements Are Noted-- | | Miss Carey to Attend Nurses' Convention. -- There was a good attendance at the meeting of the Board of Govern- ors, Kingston General Hospital, hela Tuesday evening. Tha Short of the committee of lnanagement 'mention. ed that Dr. Pilkey had recently tak- en them on a tour of inspection of | the whole building and in many de- partments they had noticed great improvements in the appearance of | the halls, bath rooms and pantries. The colorings were very well select- ed and the work will be continued { until the whole building has been gone over wherever required. Fly | screens have been added to the new service building. Several applications for admission to the nurses' training school have motion | | Those who contributed te the muy- | G.W.V.A. HALL, 67 PRINCESS ST. For the purpose of nominating a candi- date to contest this seat in the Liberal inter- ests, and for other business. The electors are cordially invited to at- LEMAN A. GUILD, tend. President. AMBROSE. SHEA, Secretary. _-- J ee been accepted, two of these being | from Kingston. It was decided to send Miss Carey, superintendent of nurses, to a meet- ing of Canadian Nurses Association, to be held in 'Toronto from the 6th to 9th of this month. Miss Hamilton, | the dietitian, will take a special course in dietetics in New which will cover from four to weeks. Considerable conversation took place in regard to making the heat- ing system in Empire wing entirely silent. Mr. Thomas, a special six { | York | The Late Mrs. | | -- James MacDonald. The death of 'Mrs. Mary Pauling MacDonald, aged twenty-five years, wife of James MacDonald, Water town, N.Y., occurred at the Jefferson Sanatorium on Thursday, May 31st. en. | She was the second daughter of Mre, gineer from Toronto, has the matter [nd the late Edward McConnell, Na- in hand. The medical superintendent, Dr. Pilkey, presented his report which covered the month's work very thor. oughly and gave a great deal of use- ful information to the governors as | | Panee, and moved to Watertown three years ago. ' During the past year and a half she had been in fail: ing health and had been confined to bed since January. She was a trains ed nurse, graduating frgm Rock. to what is going on in all depart-| Wood Hospital, Kingston, and nursed ments. The board thanked him and expressed their appreciation. The visiting governors were re-ap- pointed, R. J Carson and Capt. John Donnelly, ? No further meeting of the board will be held until the first Tuesday in September. The management will, however, meet as usual, A ---------- Piano Recital. Miss Grace Clough announces a pianoforte recital by her advanced pupils on Monday, June 11th, at 8.15 o'clock, in the Memorial Hall. Rev. Arthur Strother, rector of the parish of Augusta, who, with Mrs. Strother, will be sailing for England on Friday on a visit to his parents, was presented with a purse by the members of the St. James' church, Maitland. The members of the Sunday school presemted Mrs. Strother with a handsome prayer and hymn book combined. Ernest Bedford was a guest at the Kiwanis luncheon at Belleville on Monday: at the Jefferson Sanatorium a yeal previous to her marriage, on Nov. 22nd, 1920. The funeral was held from S. J. Payne's uhdertaking pare lor, on Saturday, at 9 a.m. and aft St. Patrick's church at 9.30 a.m, Rev. Father Cole celebrating a re- quiem high mass. The bearers were members of Camp Vimy, Great War Veterans No. 21, of which Mr. Mae Donald was a member, and dele. gates from Ladies' Auxiliary No. 21 attended in a body. There. were many mass cards and beautiful floral tributes, including set pieces from nurses of the sanatorium, Camp | Vimy "No. 21, and Ladies' Auxiliary, } Surviving; besides her husband, are her mother, Mrs. Margaret Me. Connell, Watertown, N.Y. and two sisters, Miss Anna, Watertown, and Mrs. Clifford Horne, Rome, N.Y, Interment was made In Glenwood cemetery, Watertown, N.Y. --p-------- Thursday's Strawberries Are goming from Missouri; a little higher"§ price but better quality than we have had for some time, at Carnovsky's. v shoes look like 1 / When the even then 'Bon Ami. they should looking if you always clean Bon Ami doesn't paint over the dirt on white shoes seams -- it removes the grime and the the original whiteness so that the the original whiteness finally regular white dressing will Made in Canada -- makes old white shoes look like new shoes will stay new- them with Bon Ami. does wear off, improve always be cleaned first with Have you tried Bon Ami for cleaning and polishing "Han't Scratched Yer'

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