{ 4 A WEDNESDAY, JUSX 6, 1923. ; = Always Uniform in Quality Delicious "SALADA" EA HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF HI --SEBE-- ~ ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON 378 BROCK STREET PHONE 1039. © "ABOUT SECOND-HAND CARS AND REPAIRING. ve a few good Used Cars which we are offering at as we need the floor space for our new cars. © Studebaker Garage Limited We Reduced Chevrolet The Central CAMPERS, ATTENTION 'We would be pleased to have your application for delivery of BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY, etc., to CARTWRIGHT'S POINT. First clags service promised. LACKIE'S BAKERY 302 KING ST. - - - PHONE 141. K EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 94. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. OF GUTTA PERCHA TIRES AND TUBES AT 15% off List Price FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, COMMENCING JUNE 9th, ENDING JUNE 16 All sizes from 30 x 33 to 85 x 5 Non-Skids. While they last. The Biggest Tire and Tube Value Ever Offered.' SUDDABY BROS, Phone 19088. Cor, Queen and Wellington Streets ". rr a eo A I Foe ¥ A CHAS NEG. BY eh Man co NEW YORE Gf - A ve you famous Freshman Vari © Ha able Grid Leak and Condensers. Real good. "MICON" d "MICON MIDGETS" fit inte any circuit. © Ht Wwe stock them all. Only th 1 EB. hd jes. Au thes I the purp Indie pas CONDENSERS are but one Mem in our complete stock of radio 3a pment. the only exclusively radio house Re ad Montreal we give you values and service aot na k male Bu Bie ; for. real Y¥ely mall service. We ship C.O.D. if requested. WE'LL SAY 80 ! ANY PACKET TEA IN NORTH AMERICA. THE DAILY BRITISH Chester Concession Will Give Americans Control - Of Turkish Development REAR. ADMIRAL COLBY M. CHESTER AND j PHOTO OF MOSUL, WHICH PROMISES TQ BE CEN OF INTERNATIONAL COMPLICATIONS, -. WASHINGTON--Amrrica will virtually 'control the. Fehabilit) tion of Turkey if the "Chesten Plan" is carried out. The Turkish Nationalists have given a 2400 mile concession for developing oil ficlds and railroads in Asia Minor to Rear Admiral Colby M. Chester, retired American naval officer, but France has already warned Secretary Hughes that she will not recognize the concession, while Eugland is expected to be fgm in ber opposition. Al siges indicate shat these Mosul oil fields will gob much, international troubles New York To Chicago By : Air For $2.50: French "Flying Fliver" Does It GEORGES BARBOT, FRENCH ACE. AND HIS "AiR FLIVVER™ ; ; NEW YORK---The busy New York business man can now run ouh to Chicago and back by air for the simple sum of $51 The "air fliveer" has made it possible. Georges Barbot, French ace, myentor of the new spall plano called the Derwoitine Motor- avietie, which he is pow demonstrating in this country, has been able to make 125 miles on a gallon of gas. rate, the gf of a "flying flivwer" could fly to San from New ¥ k for 3 total expenditure of less than $50. -- TERA a =r WHI ' a of the British Isles. J of Queen's University, where he stu- LORD BIRKENHEAD Recently made some startling state- ments concerning the French air] forces, which he said, were large en-! ough to seriously menace the safety Yd / UBITUARY ' Zw 7 A y A Late W. B. Thibaudeau, Chicago. William Baldwin Thibaudeau, bar- rister-at-law, died in Chicago recently. The late Mr. Thibaudeau, who was in his seventy-ninth year, was born at Woodbine Lodge, Kingston, and was the youngest son of Augustus Thibau! deau--one time an inspector of the Department of Inland Revenue, Can- ada--and of Frances Hope, sister of the late Dr. Hope, sheriff of Belleville. His grandfather, Paul Thibaudeau, was a shipbuilder, a member of the old Acadian family of Port Royal, who had settled there prior to the founding of Quebec. Deceased was a graduate died,law before passing through Os- goode Hall, afterwards engaging in practice in Winnipeg as a partner of the late Judge DM. Walker, subse- quently removing to Kenora on the Lake of the Woods. While resident at Kingston he was a captain in the 1st Prince of Wales Rifles, having as brother officems the late Lieutenant-Governor Sir Gorge Kirkpatrick and Hayter Reed, former- ly superintendent of Indian Affairs. He was op active service during the: Trent trouble and the Fenian raids on the Vermont berder under the late Lieut- Col. Osborn Smith in 1866 and 1870, for which campaigns he received the imperial medal and two clasps. Sub- sequently in the second -Riet rebellion of 1885, he served in the Saskatche- wan country as a major in the Winni- peg Light Infantry, again under Col. Osborn Smith, when he participated in the fight at Frenchman's Butte, under General Strange. For this campaigff he also beld the service medal and clasp. As a young mp, Major Thibeaudeau was prominent wa the athletic field and a famous cricketer. He married Miss Margaret Moston, daughter of the late' James Morton, one time M.P.P. for Frontenac, She predeceased him in 1914. Of the four periority in healthfulness daughters survive: Miss Mabel F. A, Toronto; Mildred (Mrs. Thomas Phil. lips) and Gwendoline (Mrs. Philip Henrici), both of 'Chicago. ---- Veteran of Ninety-Two Dead On Wednesiax May 30th, the fu- neral of, the lage Mrs. Sarah Fur- long took place from the home of or daughter, Mrs. Daniel Cummins, ivision street. Mrs, Furlong came from Ireland when a young girl and Years ago whem she came to King- ston to reside. predeceased her several years. Mrs Furlong was a woman of sterling character and was highly respected by all who knew her. She had reached the advariced age of nintey- two years and retained hex faoul- ties until the last. The deceased was a devout member of St. Mary's 'Cathedral ard the League of tua Sacred Heart. Mrs. Furlong was the mother of seven children of whom: she leaves three, Mrs. David Cum- mins, Kingston; Mrs. Andrew Ryan and Mrs. M. L. Enright, Mendon. The remains were taken to Wolfe mm, lived on Wolfe Island until thirteen' She was the widow of the kate Micbadl Furlong who [ 1n_ l 0z. orl ton? One ounce of Royal Baking Powder is worth a ton of cheaper baking powders when you consider the su- the quality, and taste of food prepared with it. ROYAL Baking Powder | Made from Cream of Taiter derived from grapes Contains No Alum --Leaves No Bitter Taste MADE IN CANADA 5 Ad "eo Island (and buried in the family plot. New Irviquois Industry Robert Caldwell, long connected: With the Dundas Linen Mills at Iri- «fools, has severed his .donnegtion "ith that concern and with his son. H. H. Caldwell, will erect a now and modern plant in t village. The building, which be a one storey with a basement, will be 85 feet hy 112 fect. in dimensions. Tho new industry will be known as Caldwell Linen MiMs, Limited. A General . She--Dootors claim tha* modern dancing 1s bracing. He--I've always been under the impression that it was only embraos ing.--Houston Post. James G. Duncan, Smith's Falls, has wed Miss 'Mabel Stitt, daughtes of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Arnold. forme erly of Smith's Falls. Fifteen small houses in the village af WEkiworth Temiscr uta, Que., were Lurned by a forest fire. Expression is the dress of thought. nm om, ULLDOG OL Ideal summer shoes for kiddies children of this marriage, Hilda Lillian died in infazcy. The following three FOR AUTOMOBILE REPAIR WORK GO TO CLARK'S GARAGE Acetylene Welding and Carbon J Durning and Mechanical Work of | all kinds. Patronize our Gasoline Sgation. FREE AIR, non-siip traction . with PLAIN-TREAD J