Your Furs Are Valuable Protect them against loss or damage from fire and the ravages of moths. Our storage vaults are the only safe place for your FURS. You want to wear your Furs another season, don't you? Then place them in our care and make absolutely certain that they will be fit to wear. : Each article is carefully cleaned and hung on individual hangers. Let us take the risk at a small cost. charges are only three per cent. on own FAIR VALUATION & MnsAL Far Our your Manufacturers Importers Joba McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA BIG C.N.R. LOCOMOTIVE It Drew One Car With Various Railway Representatives Aboard. The biggest locomotive in Canada {left the. shops of the Canadian Lo- comotive Company at 5 a.m. Friday on her maiden trip to Montreal. She drew but a single passenger coach, carrying representatives of the Ca- nadian National Railways and the Canadian Lotomotive Company. In the party was C. E. Brooks, Cana- dian National superintendent of mo- tive power. 'The great locomotive was a beau- tiful picture as she glided over the C. N. R. line from the city to the great steel highway to Montreal: While of enormous . proportions, |there is nothing ungainly about the {design. The lines are graceful and the mammoth botler sits low on the {driving wheels, giving the impression {of compactness. Locomotive men de- |ciare she is'a delight to the eye. | The locomotive 'will be 'placed on {exhibition at Bonaventure station, Montreal, over the weck-end, and il then will proceed to Toronto for ex- Silver Chocolate What could be better for your picnic 'than one of our de- -licious cakes ? 80 nice and clean, wrapped in wax paper and packed in the handy box. Just ask for "MEADOW CREAM" CAKES CROTHERS Cherry Gold Betty Brown KINGSTON {hibition for a day or so before going - into commission in the Canadian Na- | tional passenger service. A VERY FINE RECITAL By Miss Pearl Nesbitt's Pupils on i Thursday Evening On Thursday evening, bafore a {large and appreciative audienca in | Queen straet Methndist hali, a num- {Ler of the pupils of Miss Pear! Nes- bitt, LT. C. M., 1endered a recital piano and vocal, which speaks very {nighly of the musical talent posses- ised by the younger generation of |Kingstonians and {if ghes> pupils {ure representative of the city in gen- {eral, then Kingston is fortunate in- deed. { .In the plano numbers, it would he | hard to pick out any one individual {for special praiee, whilst in the vo- {cal numbers, regret was oxpressed that Miss Isobel Hughes rendered | ¢cne number only. | The programme was as follows: | Piano -- Le Bouffon (The Jester) cp. 26, No. 3 (Martinez) . Katie Al- (len; Pink op. 111, No. ' (Lichner) {Dorothy Murphy; Valso Mignonne, op. 73, No. 4 (Schafer) Hilda Friend- ship; -(a) Valse (Grieg) (b) Cari- The Most Powerful Flame in all the world is probably that crea- ted by oxygen and acetylene gas. The oxy-acetylene torch melts like butter all hard metal with which it comes in contact. Used with skill as we use it, it is a valuable aid to every in- dustry, 'Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS {ous Story, on. 138, No. 9 (Heller) | Helen Christmas; Coer Brise, Gillet | Master Me'bourne Gibson; At Tha Fountain, op. 18 (Ducelle) Muriel Pierce; Second Valse, op. 66 (God- ard) Florence Newman. Waltz--op. 64, No. 1 Jean Graves. 4 Songs (a) "There Little Girl Don't Cry" (Ward Stephens) (b) "Memory's Rose" (Huerter) Archi. bald Middleton; Spring Song, op. 61, No. 8 (Merkel) Mabel Waddell. Piano -- Liebestraume, No. 3% tLisat) Jean Simmons; Angel's Se- renade (Braga) John Alexander. (Chopin) WEEK-END CHOCOLATES 88c. a Ib Box MARASHINO CHERRIES 40c. a Ib, box NUT CENTRES WITH MILK CHOCOLATE 49¢. a 1b, box WALNUT ROLLS 49¢. a Ib. box HUMBUGS , « 25c. Ib, Jar. New York Fruit Store 314 Princess Street v Thrifty Housewives WEEK-END BARGAINS | Granulated Sugar 10 Ibs. $1.10 Belleville Creamery 8 Ibs. $1.00 Fresh Soda Biscuits, 1b. 14c. 1 [ Apple and Ras. Jam 4-1bs. 48c. Chase & Sanborn's Coffee 80c, 1 large pkg. Matches ...10c. Fancy Lemon Cakes, per 1b 15¢c. 1 Peas, 1 Corn, 1 Tomatoes 30c. Shop early and save the difference. Cullen's CASH AND CARRY | 4 4 " 4 1 4 4 } 4 4 Songs--(a) Golden Stars That fhone (Lohr) (b)The Wind Song (Rogers)) Eric Lennon. Piano--(a) Barcarolle, op. 18, No. 1. (b) Humoresquse, op. 18, No. = (Maodowell) lois Baker. Song -- April Morn (Batten) Iso- bel Hughes. Piano-- (Rigoletto, Fantasia, Ver- di-Ldsst) Ruth Curry. Song--The Invictus (Bruno Huhn) A\ /Middleton. Plano--Cantique d'Armour (Liszt)- Korrinne Madden. EXEMPLIFIED THE WORK Performed so Well Order was Asked To Demonstrate Elsewhere On May 31st Mrs. E. E. Rockwood, worthy grand matron of the Grand Chapter of Ontario Order, Eastern Star, and Mrs. Barlow, D.D.G.M., paid their official visit to Frontenas Chapter No. 90., O.E.8., Mts. BE. Jor- dan, worthy matron in the chair. The officers were complimented on their work and requested by W. G. guatron to visit other chapters in the district and exemplify the work as a pattern, it was so well done. Af- ter her kind remarks sha was pre- |sentea with a beautiful beaded purse by O. W. M., Mrs. G. Rothwell; Sis- ter Barlow was sleo presented with THE DAILY BRITI LEAVES FOR MONTREAL r 1 o KIWANIS ACTIVITIES. { » The regular monthly meeting of the Kiwanis Club will be held at the Mowat Hospital on Tuesday év- ening, June 5th, and the members will meet at the market square at 6 o'clock and proceed in motors to the institution in Portsmouth where the club will entertain about eighty- soldier pdtients. The entertain - j/ment committee is making a spec- {ial effort in order that the occasion .may be one of real enjoyment to all. The club announces thatthe first band concert will be given by the |R.C.H.A. band in Macdonald on Fri- {aay evening under its auspices. As {the club is largely responsible for the band concerts this year, the mem- bers feel that they should all turn cut and see the programme got a good start. The second concert will be given at tho same place on the evening of June 7th. The Kiwanis Chib is putting punch into the campaign on behalf of the Victorian Order of Nurses whioh is Lolding a tag day on Saturday, June Sth, and Ernie Smithies, the re - doubtable booster, fs putting on a great picture, 'Nursing Our Nelgh- bors" at Allen's - theatre all next 'week. The members are urged to give their _support to this great cause, niembers of the club is a trip on the steamer Brockville when all will bz the guests of J. M. Campbell, who kas placed his steamer at their dis- rosal. Band in Macdonald Park. | By kind permission of Sir Archi- {bald Macdonell, K.C.B., C.M.G., D. {S.0., Col, C. F.' Constantine, D. {8.0., and officers of the R.C.H.A. {the band of the Royal Canadian | Horse Artillery will give a concert {in Macdonald Park this evening at 8 |o'clock.. The programme is as fol- lows: March Overture .French Comedy . ...Alford Keler- Bela. Cornet Solo, .A Perfect Day. .Carrie «+ ++ .. Jacobs-Bond. Selection. .Chu Chin Chow.. Norton Humoresque. Three Blind Mice.Lot- ter. Valse .. Eton 'Boating Song. .Kaps Selection. . Remininiscences of Spot- land ....C. Godfrey A Musical Switch God Save the King. A. Light, Capt. Director of Music, R.C.H.A. Monday at the Fair Grounds, The places of business will all be closed on Monday for the observance of the King's Birthday. The Kingston Gentlemen's Driv- ing and Matinee Clnb has a most ene tertaining programme of horse rac es that will 2a ot on at groudds in afternpon, baseball game between the 4th Hussars. There will be four classes in the races, and the secre- tary. Geonge Veale, reports that en. tries are rapidly filling up. New Potatoes From Virginia Home grown spinach, asparagus, radishes, etc., at Carnovsky's. Come and enjoy a delightful sail to Cape Vincent, N.Y., on Mcnday, June 4th, on 88. Waubic, leaving Kingston 7.00 a.m. and 1.15 p.m. standard time. Return fare to Cape Vincent 75¢. Passengers taking 7.00 a.m. boat and returning: on evening boa" will have an opportunity to spe_d4 three hours in Watertown. At the Holiness Movement church, Brockville, the marriage was solemn- ized on Wednesday, of Miss Sarah E. Burgess to Edgar Brooks, both of Westmeath. "The Hat Store™ HOLIDAY HATS Hats for Men. Hats for Ladies. Hats for Children, Among the outings in store for the : usual cenonical requirements chancellor's approval, to certain land in the parish of SH_WHIG -------- OPEN EVENINGS ---------------- Get Ready for the Holiday "30x33 ; NON-SKID $8.75 4,000 miles CORDS $15.50 6,000 miles Don't have your holiday spoiled with poor Tires -- nothing will make you as sore--no need to look anywhere else. We have the Tires you want at the prices you want to | pay. No waiting, we have the size. TIRES--TOYS--SPORTING GOODS MOORE'S === $4.95 and White. Specially priced at . $1.00. Beautiful sh BEACH CLOTH DRESSES These are artistically' made with combination volors -- Narrow Belts, Pockets, Roll Collars, Short Sleeves. We show them in Yellow ana White, Pink and White, Green and White, Mauve 3 FOR $1.00 Women's Summer Vests--short sleeves and slecveless--extra value at 33c. A Real Snappy, Style Gin- ~ gham Dress for only $2.98 - We have a magnificent range of stylish Gingham Dresses in small Checks, made with Panels, Organdie Trimming, Tuxedo Collars, Vest effect, short sleeves. ades of Blue, Red, Pink, Green, Black and White. ..... cvrenee.. Saturday cesses $2.98 FOR BOYS Good quality Balbriggan Drawers -- short SATURDAY ....9495 36INCH each or 3 for Dl 4 length--sizes 22 to 32. B50c. Sarments on sale sressecssses BOC, BUNGALOW NET, 29¢ ; 500 yards of Bungalow Net--36 inches wide ~--a nice range of attractive patterns to select from. We place this line on the Bargain counter, : Saturday at Big showing of Oilcloth, Linoleum, Carpets, Window Shades _. . Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE ALL MILLINERY AT REDUCED : PRICES Parisian Shop 322 BROCK STREET a SYNOD EXECUTIVE CONSIDERS REQUESTS Also Arranges for Memorial to the Late Bishop Lennox Mills. A meeting of the executive of the Synod of Ontario was held on Thurs- day, when two auditors were ap- pointed for the current year and permission was granted under the and mor:gage St. beautiful condition. FLAT FOR RENT Corner Mack and Alfred, overlooking Vie- : toria Park; ground floor, five large rooms, fire- place, heated, every modern convenience, in E. W. MULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Corner Johnson and Division Streets. Lo nap ------ Your Shoes For The Holiday BUY THEM HERE TO-MORROW-LOOK OVER THES LIST OF PECIALS Luke's church, Kingston, -for---the purpose of remodelling the Sunday school building, and also the parish of Marmora, for the purpose of er- ecting a rectory. a sliver tray by W. M. Mrs. E. Jor day. Visitors from Toronto. Belle- ville, Brockville, Smith's Falle, Ool- borne and Winnipeg chapters were present. A banquet was served by AT $2.95 calerer, William Arniel. i Kid Lace Twe Wishbone One Stra Leather One Strap and Buckle, Oxfords, flexible MAKES HIS LAST RUM. Stratford Engineer Completes Fifty Years on the G. T. R. Stratford, June 1.--Dan Ross ot this city, made his jast run as an engineer last night after fifty years service with the Grand Trunk ana C. N. R. He started in as a messenger boy for the late Sir William White, former vice-president of the G. T. R. and at that time Stratford agent, and ran every type of engine. After kis promotion to engineer in 1883 from the old wood burners to thé & modern type. During all these of continuous service, Mr. Ross er had an accident on any of hig trains. g John W. Pask, aged sixty. years, died in Ottawa on W He was a former resident of ville. The Liberal convention for dA riding will be held at Deita, on Ju 6th. ' tomorrow for special sale of ironing boards. ' 3 it Humility is the avenue to glory.