Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1923, p. 18

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THE DAILY BR ITIS H WHIG SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1938, AUCTION SALE : 20th, at 100 Pine Street, 1.30 p.m. J" nsisting of couches, oak leather Seated diners, extension table, Ford car, 'extension ladders, bed, dressers and 'Stands, gas heater, oilcloth and linde 'leum, glass, chinaware and crockery and host of other articles space will not permit. BEDFORD, Auctioneer. Phone 1721. 3 AUCTION SALE Bedford's Auction Rooms, 347 King St., Wednesday, May 30th, 1.30 p.m. * * Consisting of parior furniture, dining room furniture, hall racks, kitchen fur- aiture of all kinds, tools, etc. BEDFORD, Auctioneer. Phone 1721. AUCTION SALE . 'Thursday, May S8ist, 277 Montreal St. 1.30 p.m. » » Consisting of rlor suites, rugs, fall leaf tables, oxtonston tables, cllcloth and linoleums, beds, dressers and stands, springs and mattresses, glass, china and crockeryware, and host of other articles. 2 5 BEDFORD, Auctioneér. Phone 1721. AUCTION SALE Antique and Modern Furniture at J or Home of the Late Miss MeCam- mon, 52 Willlam St, Friday, June 1st, at 10.30 am. This is very high class and very old furniture. Further details will be pub- lished in a later.issue. BEDFORD, Auctioneer. Phone 1721. AUCTION SALE Saturday, June 2nd, 347 King Street. Household furniture and merchan- dise. A lot of this {s new stock, con- signed from bankruptcy.' BEDFORD, Auctioneer. Phone 1721. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture sad Other Artl- cley at the residence of Mrs. L. Staley, 165 Clergy Street, TUESDAY, MAY 29, At Ome O'clock Sharp. Two bedroom suites, dining-room suite, parlor suite, Happy Thought Jange, kitchon table, twelve chairs, gas range, bed couch, also bedding and cushions, surtains, arch drapes, dishes, and many other articles too numerous to mention. « Terms of Sale, Cash. Munroe, Auctioneer. ta "AUCTION SALE Monday, 1 p.m. (instead of Saturday), ' at 113 Lower Albert Street. 3 Bedroom Suites, Brass Bed, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Dining-room Set, Chi- ha, Crockery, Happy Thought and Gas Ranges, Lawn Mower, Garden Tools ete. and Hose, 3 W. T. Twigg, Auctioneer. Phones 1786W, 820J. NOTICE [lsased to conduct Auction ngston or the County of I will be Sales in K Frontenac. Rates reasonable. Arrangemients can be made at my office. T. J. MUNRO, Auctioneer, Corner Clarence and Ontario Streets. Phone 924¢. T MILL For Saleby Tender "To Close Out an Estate 'Kingston, Ontario . TENDERS will be received up to 'Noon, Friday, June 15th, 1923, for he purchase of a Grist Mill Property at Kingston, Ont., well situated on both Canadian National and Cana- an Pacific Railway tracks, King- 'ston, is on the St. Lawrence River "and has wharfage for all boats run- ning between the Great Lakes and Eastern Ocean Ports. " Mill is electrically drivén-and has capacity of 350 bbls. Flour, 150 bls. : Meal. Solid brick building, 65 X 88 ft.--four stories and ment. Ironclass warehouse 36 x 65 ft. 3 ries. Property may be investigated at to Peter Kingston, any time on'application line, Catherine Street, rio. 'Will sell either en bloc or machin- ory and building separate, Terms: halt cash and balance as arranged, ; Tenders to be addressed to: MESSRS. CRAWLEY & MILNE, . Union Bank Bldg., . . Ottawa, Canada. 10 TAKE DEFINTE STEPS TO AVERT COM. STRIE John Lewis Asked to Place the Miners' Cards on the Table. | Washington, May 26.--A definite step to avert another anthracite coal strike is to be taken to-day or to- morrow bs the United States cos! commission in summoning John L. Lewis, president of thie United Mine | Workers of America, to appear be- | GANANOQUE A golf match has been arranged between Napanee and Gananoque Clubs to take place 'at Gananoque on June 4th. A team of about twelve or fifteen players from Na. panee is expected. Last year Na- panee beat Gananoque at Napanee, and Gananoque beat Napamee at Gananoque. Forrest Grier, Lyndhurst, former teller of Bank of Toronto here, was in town for the holiday. Earl and Fred Willard, Montreal, yare the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. | fore the commission to lay the min. | ers' cards on the table. { Lewis was in Washingion to-day | but without any appointment with | the commission. At the offices or that body, however, it was said that j& weeting with him would be ar | ranged. | With the anthracite | 'greement expiring September 1m : edt commission officials aro pre- | paring to draft recommendations for | submission to President Harding on | July 1st, concerning the policy it be' | lieves the federal government shoald field wage D. O'Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hubbard, King- ston, are visiting relatives in town. Miss Inez Hurburt, Oshawa, is the guest of her parents for the week end. | A. Smith motored to Kingston yes- terday and brought back his daught- er, who has been a patient at the General Hospital in that city. There was considerable damage done to the verandah of the resi- dence of Mrs. Lucy, on Main streat west caused through fireworks on the 24th. | adopt toward the anthracite indus- | try. } The commission has held lragthy | | meetings with anthracite speratoss | | and has at the same time pushed its own private investigation into c-m- | ditions of the industry. Lewis' tos 1- mony will complete the data on which the commission will have ity recommendations. On May 19th, at the home of the {bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest | |Hodgens, near Plainfield, Roscoe (Robson, North Thurlow, was united Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinclair, Misses Alma apd Freda, and Mr. Ernest Kennedy, Kingston, were tlre guests of Mrs. Verrel DeWolfe, Fl- gin, over the holiday. Miss Gussie Dempster, who has been convaleseing with friends in Kingston, returned yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Willis and family motored to Kingeton yester- day where they spent the day witk friends. They were accompanied by Miss B. Webster and Miss M. Jeroy. W. Garrigan and Miss Evelyn Je- toy made a flying trip to Gananoque in marriage to Miss Eva, the eldest of the family. ! " { Gas will be off Sunday. See large ad. | { Public Library Bulletin NEW FICTION FOR MAY The Dinner Club--""Sapper." Mystery at Geneva--Macaulay, R. Year After--Ayers, R. Change Partners--Vachell, H. A, Four Stragglers--Packard; ¥. L. Tenth Woman--Comstock, H. Nobody's Island--Grimshaw, B. Geese Fly South-----Bourn, M. Alias Red Ryan--Buck, C. N. Queen of the World--Weston, G. Communicating Door--Camp, W. Black Buttes--Mulford, C. E. Fascinating Stranger--Tarkington,, B. PA cn s\n - UEEN'S HOTEL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BROCK ST. - - - PHONE 750 Special Attention to Travellers and Farmers, Sunday Dinner Special Price 50e. Rooms and Board by the day or week. Meals and Service guaran- teed. J. ROSE, Proprietor . ) Petawawa Thursday evening. Mrs. M. Stack, Brockville, is in town. Miss Rebecca Calow and Misses Margaret and Mayne Brennan are motoring to Kingston today. Mrs. Stanley Shells, Miss Ann Tu! loch, Mrs. F. H. Lutz, Misses Kaie McCarney and Jean Lutz motored to Brockville vesterday. They are bringing back Mrs. Cole, Brockville, who is to pay an extended visit to Mrs. Lutz and Mrs, Sheiis. THE BRITISH FLAC IS NOT 0 BE CARRIED The Anti-British Agitators of New York Threatened a Riot. New York, May 26.--Anti-British agitators, who intimated that they participated in the demonstration some months ago that broke the windows in the Union League Club have notified the British World War Veterans' societies that they will ---- { Leave your order to have any Newspapers or Magazines--including Old Country Periodicals--sent on to you by mail. Morrison's News Stand Clarence Street. Phone 2347w. Next British-American Hotel. riot if the Union Jack is carried into St. Patrick's Cathedral on Sunday afternoon, to the memorial service for the war dead. However, an old ruling, which pro- hibits the carrying any but the Un- ited States flag into a cathedral, has been uncovered and no attempt wil be made by the Britishers to carry their national emblem. VESSELS IN COLLISION, LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re= porters. "Close your gas taps." Auction sale, L. Albert, Monday. Mr. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west. 'Phone 564w. Mrs. Edna E. Ashcroft, Kingston, was a speaker on Friday at a meét- ing in Toronto of the Ontario Os- teopaths Association. When ordering Javel Water, be sure and ask for the new brand, "Superior," chemically tested. convicted of reckless driving on the highway near Cataraqui, and was tned $5 and costs by Magistrate Al- lison. Three lads, residents of Kingston, appeared before County Magistrate Bradshaw on Friday on charges of breaking into a cottage at Battersea and were dismissed with a warning. Frances Catherine Plunkett, in- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Flunkeit, 410 Barrie street, passed away on Friday after a very short filness. The funeral was held on {Suturday afiernoon to St. Mary's cemetery. "Close your gas taps." The Ladies Aid of Cataraqui Me- thodist Church held a most success- ful sale of homa cooking at the city |market place Saturday morning. Many people were glad of this op bortunity to buy delicious cakes and pies for Sunday fare. "Shut off your gas burners." Take the steamer Waubic for an outing, Saturday and. Sunday, May {26th and 27th to Cape Vincent on | Saturday. Trip through the Islands ing Kingston 7:00 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. Fare for day only 75c¢ return. = ---- SATURDAY'S MARKET Of Fair Size With Little Price Variation Saturday morning's market was not so large as last week's turnout but there was a sufficient gathering to supply the needs of the buyers, and trading was goed. Pork was going at 17¢ and 19¢ per pound, veal at {9c and 14c¢, mutton at 14c and 17¢ jand spring lamb at $1.50 for fronts | «2nd $2.25 for hinds. i Eggs, of course, were thirty cents a dozen, a seemingly permanent |rrice, and butter went at forty cen's a pound. Great loads of potatoes were offered at $1.25 a bag and some a little dearer. Chickens were $1.50 to $2.00 per pair and fowls could be bought for $1.10 each in soma rlaces. Lettuce, green onions, rad- ishes, beets, new carrots, celery and all varietics of greens were offered at prices ranging from 5c to 15¢ and 26c per bunch. . 10 USE FAR GROUNDS It was announced this morning that the Kingston C.0.B.L. team will in future use the fair grounds for its games and work has been start- el on the diamond and the grounds about it, It is hoped to have it ready in time. for Monday's "'game with Belleville. It was learned on later advice A resident of Harrowsmith was | and Cape Vincent on Sunday, leav-| | | ] | What disrespect to the flag is be- ing practiced here? : The answer will be foynd among today's want ads. - ° X ---- DEATH AT PERTH ROAD Mrs. Edward Dunford Passes Aftcr A Brief Illness Perth Road, May 26, -- The An- gel of Death visited the home of Kd- ward Dunford on Sunday morning and called away his beloved wife, after a three days' illness. Her pas- sing is greatly regretted as she was a fond wife, kind friend and neigh- bor. "Mrs. Dunford was a devout Anglican in religion. The funeral service 'was conducted at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the Perth Road Unlon Church by Rev. Mr: Leach, of Syden- ham English Church, after which the remains were taken by Mr. Knight to Perth for interment. The pall - bearers were William Broadhurst, George Green, H. McCadden, William {Raymond, Wilmur Campbell and William Amey. Mr. Dunford has no other relatives in Canada and the community extend thcir deepest sympathy in his graat loss. The Helping Hand wili meet in two weeks time at Mrs. H. Amey's. Miss Blanche Raymond spent the- Zi#th at home. Charles Ennis, of Lake Opinicon, also James Teeples, made a trip to Perth Road on Wed- resday. Rev. R. R. McMath has pur- chased a new auto which will aid Im greatly in his work an the Perth Koad field An extra group of work- men are busy extending the Perti Road siding near the Lead Mines. MUCH MAIL FOR IRELAND SANK WITH THE WARVALE (But It Will Be Salvaged at Once and Sent'Across the Ocean. Montreal, May 26.--More than 3. 000 letters Jor Ireland, mailed fn Montreal around May 17th and May 18th, and twelve bags of newspapers lie at the bottom of the sea on the sunken Canadian Pacific liner Mar- vale. Anxibug Inquiries have reach. | ed the head office concerning the | lost mail, including some from the j Moutreal banks, To these, the post- { a1 authorities have sent the reasur- | ring reply that the work of saivag. | ing the mail will be commenced in | a few days and as the position of ihe ship is fairly easy for salvaging, it is confidently anticipated that the mall S-- A Scottish Freighter Was Seriously FOR AUTOMOBILE REPAIR Damaged. WORK Go TO Glasgow, May 26.--The steamer Metagama, bound from Glasgow for that this action has been necessary Will be raised and be once more on on mit of a special ruling | its way to its destination within a introduced by the O.B.A.A. ordering | Feasonable space of time. The Mar- CLARK'S GARAGE Acetylene Welding and Carbon Buraing and, Mechanical Work of all kinds. Patronise our Gasoline Station. FREE AIR. Cor. King and Princess Sts. Phone 2857F. Quebec and Mcntreal, with 1,100 passengers, was in collision to-day with the British freighter Baron Veronia Clyde, The freighter was seriously damaged 'and the liner only slightly. Some of the freighters' crew had remarkable escapes. Gas will be off Sunday. See large ad. McCarthy's movie in Belleville is to be called "Belle" theatre. Kingston to play on enclosed grounds. A gang of fifty men has been at the work all day and they will keep going until Monday. Two steam rollers are on the job, son ticket holders will have their tickets honored at the mew ground: end the admission prices: have been set at 50c general, and 25¢ for ladies and children. The new ven- ture should go well. The J. A. McNabb Co. Ltd. COMMENCING MONDAY THE J. A. Mc Gingham NABB "LADIES' MONDAY, MAY 28 UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd. STORE WILL FEATURE Dresses and Frocks FOR WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SUMMER WEAR READY - TO - WEAR" vale carried mail for 'Ireland only. Why Attend Church? Why go to church today? will be {the question asked in tem thousand households this morning: Won't we {get more good by resting; by | to the country, by Going lots of things we rather do? That 1's a natural feeling. But is it a wise fedling? We are busy through the week with our cwn affairs. Most us keep our 'nose pretty close to the grindstons. Cur horizon is Hmited. At church on Sunday we have the chance to get 'away from ourselves, to consider our broader relations with our fellows and with God. i We are social animals. We need tesoclation with others. Meeting with them for worship, we help create the religions mood which' we nee and which society needs as a solvent for the perplexing problems that be- set us. The minister may have a message for us. But he cannot al- ways strike 12. Even if the sermon is- disappointing, the rest of the ser- vice remains to bring us inte that frame of mind In which we recognize our obligations and sean the far ho + Work, play, love and worship, Dr. Cabot, T BASEBALL Belleville vs. Kingston . MONDAY, MAY 28th 6 p.m. sharp. CRICKET FIELD Bring your contributions. Provincial Election, 1923 I ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF FRONTENAC NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICER Take notice that sittings of the Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lists to be used at the election of a member of the Assembly pending for the Electoral Dia trict of Frontenac will be held at the following times and places, viz: -- TOWNSHIP OF PITTSBURGH At the Town Hall, Barriefield, on Monday, May 28th, at 2.80 p.m. TOWNSHIP OF KINGSTON At the Town Hall, Cataraqui, on Friday, June 1st, at 1.80 p.m. TOWNSHIP OF BEDFORD At the Town Hall, Fermoy, on Saturday, June 2nd, at 2.80 pm. TOWNSHIP OF LOUGHBOROUGH « At the Town Hall, Sydenham, on Monday, June 4th, at 9.30 am. nships will be JUDGE LAVELL, follows, viz.:-- - The Revising Officer for all of said Tow: and his Clerk for each Township will be as For the Township of Pittsburgh, William Murray, Barriefield. For th Township of Kingston, C. F. Adair, Cataraqui. For the Township of Bedford, Stanley Brezee, Burridge. For the Township of Loughborough, R. G. Guess, Sydenhan,. The sittings in each Townshi and will continue until the appeal p will commence at the hour above stated s have been disposed of. And further take notice that any voter who desires to complain that his or her name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on said lists has been omitted from the same, or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered threon, may on or before the THIRD DAY (exclusive of Sunday), before the date fixed for the sittings as above set out, apply, complain or appeal to have his or her name or any other person entered on, or removed from the said list. ¢ And furthes take notice that suc prescribed form, signed by the compl Clerk of the Revising Officer for the at his address as given above. h appeals must be in writing in the ainant in duplicate and given to the said Townships or left for such Clerk i H. A. LAVELL, . Chairman of the Election Board for the County of Frontenac," Dated at Kingston, this 10th day of May, 1923. Provincial Election, 1923 ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF KINGSTON Notice of Sittings of Revising Officers TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Officers for the urpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the voters' lists to fa used at this election of a member of the Assembly pending for the Electoral Dis- trict of Kingston will be held at the following times and places, viz.:' CITY OF KINGSTON Polling sub-divisions 1 to 12 (Sydenham, Ontario, St. Lawrence and Cate raqui Wards) at the CITY HALL and Polling Sub-divisions 13 to 23 (Fron- tenac, Rideau and Victoria Wards) at the COURT HOUSE at the following times (Local Time): Tuesday and Wednesday, On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 7th, Sth and 9th, Pm. and from 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 pam, . VILLAGE OF PORTSMOUTH . ' At the Town Hall on Monday, June 11th, from 1.00 pm. to 3.00 pom, and 6.30 p.m. to 8.00 pam, (S ard Time), hear complaints as to Hots of Voters for all polling sub-divisions in the Kingston and Village of Portsmouth, respectively, That J. B. WALKEM, K.C.. will be the Revising Officer for Polling Sub- divisions 1 to 12 of the City of Kingston, ana his Clerk wil] be W. W. Sands, Esq, M.D, who®o address is City Hall, Kingston, Ontario, That JUDGE LA vo be the Revising Officer for Polling Sub-divi- sions 13 to 23 for t ol ingston and his Clerk will be T. M. Asselstine, Esq, whose add ig UrFt House, Kingston, Ontarfo. : That JUDGE LAVELL will be the Revising Officer for the Village of Portsmouth, and his Clerk for sald Village of ate will be James Scal- ly, Esq., whose address is Portsmouth, Ontarto, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE shat his name or the name as been omitted from the same, or that the names of an sons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may on oF before the FIRST day of JUNE, 1923, apply, complain or appeal to have his or her name OF any other person entered on, or removed from the list for the City of King- Sion and hay on ." befora the SEVENTH day of JUNE, 1923, apply, complain 0 e his or her nam. t 3 rom et ror ire his oF mak o or Any other person entered on, or removed AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE June Sth and 6th, from 2 p.m. t6 5.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 3.39 To City of Who desires to complain that any voter be entered on said list Of any person entitled to that such appeals must be by notice in by the complainant in duplicate and vising Officer for the sald City of as the case may be, or left for such Clerk Chairman of the Election Bera Tor ors County of Frontenac. ction OAT 0 eo unty rom Dated at Kingston, this 10th day of May. 1833 ------ 3 IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR AND EXACTING WITH YOUR SHOE REPAIRS WE GIVE YOU A SPECIAL WELCOME, FOR WE KNOW THAT YOU WILL THEN FULLY APPRECIATE THE SUPER-EXC LENCE OF OUR WORKMANSHIP AND MA ke - (RINGLAND'S OLD STAND) PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE,

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