THE Founded 1847 Men's Suits __ The character of the patterns, the clean-cut tailored lines and the care- ful finish are qualifications that com- bine to produce suits of LIVINGSTON'S STANDARD Of particular interest are the assort- ment of Suits at $25. 00, $30.00 and $35.00 New range of Sport models, beau- tifully tailored--snappy Young Men's Suits, all wool materials. $25.00, $27.50, $30.00 and $35.00 - ® 9 Livingston's 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" BASEBALL | International League. Rochester, 9; Syracuse, 4. - Buffalo, 6; Toronto, 2 (first). Toronto, 9; Buffalo, 5 (second). Baltimore, 5; Jersey City, 1. Reading, 8; Newark, 7 National League. Pittsburgh, 11; St. Louis, 4. New York, 8; Philadelphia, 2. (Other teams not scheduled). American League. Chicago, 6; Detroit, 1. Philadelphia, 1; New York, 0. Cleveland, 6; St. Louis, 1. - Washington, 7; Boston, 1. 1 Will Offer Welsh Coal Washington, May 25.--According to a report from London published by the United States Bureau of For- eign and Domestic » Lompmerce, | Welsh; anthracite coal owners ana exporters are making careful and | ccnsiderable preparation to offer an- thracite in the Canadian market in qualities and at prices which will] compete strongly 'with American coal. The plan of the Welsh ex- porters is 'apparently to deliver large tonnage of run-of-mine an- thracite at Montreal during the sum-| is open; to -establish there coal wharves and coal breakers; to treat and grade the coal there; and so to supply the provinces of Ontario and Quebec regularily and promptly, ac- cording to the demand of these markets. ASKS LIBEL DAMAGES. J. J. Maloney Enters Suit Agatmst Church at Waterdown. Hamilton, May 25.--Some ago J. J. Maloney, dent in a Roman Catholic college, weeks Community Hall, Waterdown, the hall. He spoke in the the Waterdown Review. This morning a Supreme Court writ was issued by Hedley Snider, for Mr. Maloney asking unstated damages for alleged libel from the congrega- | tion of the St. Thomas Roman Cath- | olic church, Waterdown, and also John: O'Connor, who is said to have delivered the letter to the news- paper. i -------- i 'Mrs. 'fheresa Cunningham's 'friends surprised her on Wednesday Jast by gathering at her home at West Lake and spending the after- noon with her, it being her seven- | tieth birthday. Si Nn TY DERSON'S Quality--Larger Market--Service Retail Market Phones 458-459. Basineas Office 865. Wholesale Department 1767. Our markets to-morrow will be loaded with the largest and choic- est assortment of Provisions, Fruits and Vegetables ever collect. ed under one roof in Kingston. Every care has been taken in the purchase of these goods, in re- gards to both quality and price, and. we are positive you will be delighted with these values. - APPLES--No. I's, choice Cooking or Eating. Peck . . . ~ ORANGES--600 dozen, medium California, sweets. Dozen - BANANAS--500 doz. large, ripe, (reg. 50c..doz.). Dozen .. ASPARAGUS--A special shipment, direct from Nisgara district Peas stan stis encase sa ets eens STRAWBERRIES --A very choice assortment of ved, ripe Berries. Prices very reasonable Saturday. Radishes,' Parsley, Green Onions, new Carrots and Beets, Rhubarb, Golden Wax Beans; 1 Toma ¢ toes, Cucumbers, Lettuce, new Potatoes, new Southern Cabbage, etc. # .39¢. .39¢c. . Bunch 15c. "se ee In Canadian Market, | temple, a mer , months when the St. Lawrence « formerly a stu-| made arrangements to speak in the and | aftePwards was refused the use of Orange | Hall and a letter was published in| 'HAM AND BACON Anderson quality, all A. B. Brands. FRESH LAKE FISH Choice quality Smoked Hams, (whole or half), Ib. ....... 28c. [A fresh shipment of choice Fish for _ Choice Sweet Pickled Bacon, (sliced), Ib. ......c.oconn.. 32¢. | Saturday's, selling--choice Whitefish Delicious Windsor Bacon, (sliced), 1b. ...... teeeesn...44c, |dressed, choice Salmon Trout, Hali- Choice Smoked Beeakian Bacon, (sliced), Ib. ........... 32¢. | but, Bull Heads, Eels, Perch, etc. aaeePIO0O POF BB hans ih aS rarer 80c. |G. M. Salmon (fancy), tin ... BSc. Canadian Young Roasting PORK Shoulder Chops, 1b. Loin Chops (trimmed), Ib. .33¢ Shoulder Roasts, Ib, ..... Fresh Spare Ribs, Ib. ....15¢. Pork Livers, Ib. ........ 8c, SPECIAL ! DAILY BRITISH "SPICE OF 1922" PLEASED | A Large Audience Witnessed It at The Grand "Spice of 1922) .swappy Broad- | fway vaudeville, drew a capacity au- | | dience of the Grand Opera House) { Thursday evening. While two or | three of the many scenes are some- | what suggestive, the production as la whole is meritorious. The prinei- |rals are decidedly clever vaudeville artists, and include EN Brendel, Sam Hearn, Arman Kaliz, Georgie Price and Flo Bert. The first nam- cd, in a Scandinavian comedy role, presented something out of the or- dinary with Flo Bert and. made a great hit. Sam Hearn created great laughter as the burlesque cen- gor. Arman Kaliz is a lcve scens specialist, Georgie Price a good imi- tator and Flo Bert a fine singing comedienne, Arthur Corey gives | several thrilling dance members. | [The Garden of Bden, a Japanese popular Dutch scene, "Spice of Montmare" and 'Spice of Scarlet" are the main scenes. Flor- ience Browne, who appears equally | | well in various parts, makes a hit | [in the Paris side street song which {is pantomined with great effect. In most of these "episodes" ther2 is a notable display of nakedness, but no vulgarity. 'A couple of the | kissing scenes could be eliminated without detracting from the effect- {iveness of the parts, but the '"cen- sor" permitted these to pass, so he {ruust have bsen satisfied. The pro- duction is gorgeous throughout and ¢very member pleased the audience 'Spice of 1922" js ail that advance {reports said it was. The Kingston | audience that witnessed it was well i pleased and highly entertained. i | Used a Shovel on Horse; | Complaint Made About Driver Complaint has been made to the Kingston Humane Society about a young driver, using a dump carl, beating his horse with a shovel on {| Thursday and the matter is under investigation. It is <tated that the 'horse was pulling a heavy load and that the driver, scated on-the cart, used a heavy shovel several times on the horse. To Attend Medieal Convention { Amongst the Kingsion coctors to Ibe present at the Ontario Medical Association meeting in Windsor, May 29th to June 18th, are Dr. L. J. Austin, who will deliver an opening address on surgery; Dr. W. T. Con- nell, who will read a papér on "The Medical Phase of the Thyroid Dis eases," and _Dr. James Miller, who is contributing a paper on '"The Path- clogy of the Thyroid." ---- ---- Had an Easy Day As a result of ths ns of fire crackers and fireworks, May '4% is generally a very busy day with ths fire department, but the Kingston firefighters did net receive one call during the day, showing tha: *"'safe- ty first' methods must: have been given some attention: The annual! W.C.T.U. convention for the counties of Hastings, Len- nox and Addington and Prince Fd- ward will be held in the Methodist church, Picton, May 31, and Jure 1st. B. Kemp, Lakeside, who purchased the grocery and bakery of H. Alyea, Consecon, has moved tothe village and taken over the business. Consecon Piiblic school celebrated the 24th by entertaining Hillier school and the Point school. E. J. Sexsmith, M.P., for Lennox, did not vote on the budget motion, as he was absent from the house. James O. Mandeville, Wehington, has completed his course at the School of Pharmacy, Toronto. June 6th has been chosen as de- coration day for Hillior cemetery. Strawberries 30c big box, 20¢ small box at Carnovsky's. DAILY MEMORANDUM. British mail will close at the King- ston post office tosmight (Friday) at 9 o'clock. Hear Jubllee Singers at Street Methodist - Church Tickets, 50c. OFFICE SUPPLIES and PRINTERS HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE - KINGATON, * BORN, GILLESPIE--In Kingston, on Tuesday, May 22nd, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gillesple, 123 Montreal Street, a daughter, KING--At the Kingston General Hospi- tal, on May 23rd, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. William King, 64 Victoria St. a son. Kiell--On May 23. Mrs. -H. L. Kiel a son. ---- 'Princess to-night. 1923, to Mr. and Joyceville, Ont., wHIG KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phones 754-755. Store Hours 9--9. 30. HOSIER SATURDAY You will find this store fully pre- pared to supply the needs of the thrifty shopper who is seeking first class seasonable merchan- dise, such as Hosiery and Under- wear for every member of the family--New Tub Frocks, Wash Fabrics, Newest Silks, etc. --all moderately priced. For the Whole Family * 50 Dozen LADIES' Cr STOCKINGS SATURDAY 25c. pr., 35c. pr.|= 50 dozen Ladies' fine Cot-! ton Hose, made from a combed Egyptian yarn-- fast dyes, reinforced toes| and heels, seamless feet. Sizes 815 to 10. Colors: Black, Brown, White. widened to 10 inches. 75 Dozen : LADIES' COTTON (LISLE THREAD | STOCKINGS 50c. pr., 75¢. pr. 75 dozen Ladies' fine Silk Finished Lisle Thread Hose, garter-proof | tops, spliced heels and toes. Will not crock when washed. White, Black, Brown, Navy, Beaver. 125 Dozen LADIES' SILK | STOCKINGS 75¢., $1, $1.50 pair Shades: Brown, Black, White, Suede. 8% to 10. These Stockings are all first quality, well made, full fash- ioned, garter-proof tops and all good colors. 81% GIRLS' PRINCESS RIB STOCKINGS Size 5 in. to 10 ins. Black, White, Brown. A fine ribbed Cotton Stocking for Girls. This quality assures satis- faction. Priced 39c. pr. to 50c. pr. LADIES' LISLE THREAD COMBINATIONS $1.00, $1.25 A Union Knitted Suit for Ladies -- well made in all the wanted styles -- tight knee, lace trimmed knee--in all the new neck formation. LADIES' JERSEY KNIT BLOOMERS Pink or White. Nicely made. 50c. to 75c. Pair ; CHILDREN'S «"NITTED VESTS No sléeves, short sleeves--all sizes in plain and ribbed weaves. 20c., 25c¢., 35c. BOYS' LEATHER- KNIT 'STOCKINGS Sizes 5 ins. to 103 ins, A Stock- ing for a real buy--reinforced where the hardest wear comes; made of a good, strong Cotton yarn. Fast dyes. Black only. CHILDREN'S THREE QUARTER LISLE SOCKS Something new, Pongee with Colored Cuft Tops-----some striped; others solid colors; also clocked. 64 to 9%. 59c¢. pair to 69c. pair CHILDREN'S SUMMER SOCKS White Lisle thread -with pretty col. ored cuff tops, in a wide variety. Sizes 43; to 8%. Priced 40c. to 50c. Pair Neck. 75 DOZEN LADIES' Summer Vests 25¢- 35¢- 50c Made in a nice grade of no sleeves, long sleeves, short sleeves, V-neck, round neck, Duteh LADIES' LISLE THREAD COMBINATIONS With reinforced parts--made expressly for large women. Ask to see them. $1.50 GARMENT AND UP. PRICED MENS AND BOYS UNDERWEAR FOR MEN-_Penman' 3 Balbriggan Combinations, short sleeves, knee length; lo e, ankle | TV 81.79 Each Double Thread; sep- ATES -- At Toronto, on May 23. 1 son of Mr. an formerly of ears. « his late resi- Street, Toronto, Legs of Pork (trimmed), 1b. Pork bg gg very 2c "eve eese sae. J81c.. 5 | TH ' for \ "| Victoria Carbonated Butter ....88¢. ; £1 FOR MEN-_Penman's Balbri a AMS tse co senacing, 8 I 30 SE RE Shite ad Drawers: Bll styles 00c. cor rocr. ious for boiling--a pound {° Cheese, Ib. . FOR MEN-- Athletic Dimity Combinations, Color: 20c. White. 34t038 .................. 95¢c. garment FOR BOYS--Penman's Shirts and Drawers. 22 to 32. "Bal earns rss ahs beara DOc. garment FOR BOYS--Penman' s Balbriggan Combinations, short "sleeve, knee length; long sleeve, ankle . 26 to 32 iii ven 8 5 garment FOR BOYS --Athletic Union Suits -- made from fine, strong Dimity. HwM......... $1.00grment fee sralsaxa aes tine 42¢. essen BR ANE bases sx BOO