THE DAILY BRITISH WH 1G i WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1033. isk. 2 "z.] SPORTING EE ------------ GENERAL REVIEWS | TIMELY COMMEN1S "NEWS CIRCLE-SIX TOOK ~~" BEST GAME $0 FAR Defeated Hill Crests 6-0 But Runs and Hits Well Scattered. The best junior game so far this Season was played at tho cricket ~ fleld last night when Circle-Six de- foatod Hillcrests 6-0 and took their | Second game of the scason. The Weather was clear enough for base- ball but cold enough to keep tho spectators shivering and the Players around to keep warm. Just as the game was about to ~ start Ut was discovered that some - pArty or partiés with a mighty smal spirit had taken the home plata which was brought out and left on the Junior diamond by the league of- A substitute = was secured and the match was on, with Clarke ~~ vloing the hurling for Circle-Six and , Hall for the Hilcrests. Both these _ youngsters have the staff with them and although eight hits as Compared with Clarke's three, he had a heavier batting team ' « ®Eainst him and men with much more experience than his own team- mates. Circle-Six gathered in a run in the arst, one in the second, two in the third, one in the fourth and one in the fifth but quick infield work pre- vented the Hillcrests from crossing the plate though they staged several dangérous rallies and almost sent Clarke "up" in the last inning, Clarke was the best batter of the Cirele-8ix with two hits of three times ot bat and Amadeo of the Hili- HiMerests--Gallivon, ©; Arnlell #5: Dunn, 1b; Boyd, 2b; Mouldy, ss: Kehoe, 3b; Boreland, ef; Bal, pn: Amodec, rf; Gheoglron, If; Cirele-Six--MeCullongh, ¢; Purvis 1b; McPherson, 88; McKelvey, 3h: Reid, of; Clarke, p; Hartley, 23: Buek, If; Day, rr. Score by innings R. HE +0++..0000000--p 3 3 se00..112110x--8 3 0 Umpires--Vanluven and Givens, Se -------------- ~ Al Jolson to Buy Share . In 8 Louis Nationals ---- Jolson, the blackface famous musical . Broadway, New Y. confirmed reports current that sealing tp make iis debut as -Magnaté by purchasing in the St. Louis National fe! 'W days ago had a con- Branch Rickey, presi- of the Cardinals, for the pur- Ball was touched for ' while several budding mitt chase of a yarge block of stock in the St. Louis Club. Rickey, at his hotel admitted Jol- son had sought an interest in the Cardinals, but said the deal had not 1eached the stage where he could Aiscuse it. Jolson has long been {keenly Interested in baseball, boxing and the tart. HUGHES 15. VL . Tournament Tomorrow Even ing Will See Many Closely Contested Battles. According to reliable boxing au- thorities there are several Canad- 'fans prominent in the ring game who would like to match Billie Hughes, former bantam and featherweight champion of Canada; and trainer at Queen's University with Pancha Vil- lam, the Phillipine sensation who held the fiyweight title of the world recently and intends strong bid for its recovery. Hughes is meeting Young Littner, one of the shiftiest boys in the game | Kingston, on June 4th. and when {this bout is over, if his showing {against the visitor has been good, 'negotiations will probably be start- ed for a match with Villa in Mon- treal. It is interesting to note that, in 'spite of the fact that he has mot {been taking very active part in box- |ing since he lost the batam title on | points to Bobby Bber in 1920, Bn- lle Hughes etl ranks among tne [top-notchers in the opinion of the boxing men and when he worked out for a few minutes in Montrea: recently promoters became enthus- jlastic over his knowledge of the game and his wonderful condition, artists who happened to be present then and there made a resolution to glve the {former Sault Ste, Marie boy a wiae (berth in so far as the ring was con- cerned. i Two or three promoters especrally interested began casting about for an opponent for Billle, but found, to their dismay, Canadian fighters were very keen jon the matter. Then they decided jon Villa and if Bille comes through {with his stuff in the Littner »out 1t {is probable that the other will 'be arranged. | The little fellow with the Queen's sweater and the* million-dollar smile { When the Phililes won the pen- | nant In 1915 the infield was com- pceed of Luderus, Nichoft, Bancroft {and Stock. Captain Alcock won the Suburban handicap last year. .and in every official game the Spalding Of- 'ficial Ball are liable to protest. No. | must be used or the games to make a' {around Montreal or New York, in DIES OF ENTRES | FOR AMATEDR BOUTS 'Local Favorite May Have a Chance at Former Fly- | weight Champion. Fistic fans and all those in search | of a good evening's entertainment | {Will have a great offering tomorrow | evening at the Armories, when the | local amateur boxers will compete {in the Jifferent classes for the dis- | {trict championship, { | There are dozens of entries in and; the only difficulty . found | all has been In_ securing men for .the heavyweight class. One man has been entered and there is an-| other several pounds lighter who is] 'anxious to meet the big fellow but | it remains with the committee in| charge to decide whether or nor tne bout will go on. | .In the lighter classes entries flock- ed in and some of the boys have had | 'considerable experience before. Most | of them have Jbeen working hard in| preparation for these bonse. | | Those in charge have not yet an-| nounced the different classifications | jbut those who know the contenders | can readily place them, Here are | some of the names entered #hd |! |there are several others who are | {not certain of being in the city and | 'Tomorrow evening we have the ! amateur boxing bouts and they, should be snappy. i Kingston meceives its baptism of | fire In the C.0.B.L. tomorrow when Joe Daley journeys to Bellevilie with | his squad They have nothing to fear and will have many supporters along. Good luck. Tanncrs make their first appear- ' ance tomorrow evening when they | meet Hussars in a city league senior exhibition. Hussars are also to play | a game fn Gananoque, earlier in id day. The usual jurnior game should be | found some place on the iot this cvening. The fans are taking a lot of interest in the juniors. Circle-Six lcad in the junior sec- tior with Park Nine second, Midgets third® aud Hillerests last. Moore, of the senior C.0.B.L. icam is one steady pitcher and will Prove his worth before the season have asked to have 'thdir (names © withheld until the eveaing of the | bout: . H. Austin, A. O'Shane, A. Buck, | 'F. Amodeo, R. Scott, M. Jonson, | M. Rogers, S. Watson, V. Inman, C.| Smith, A. Smith, S. King, G. Bil- | ings, R. Thompson, 'R. Hewgill, 0. | McKendrick, J. Amodeo, Jones, A. | Abernethy, N. Holtsover, J. An-| drews, J. Doyle, i All these men have quite a few! followers and supporters and they | will be out in force to watch the| work of their favorites. The am: | ateur bouts will 'be carried on at| regular intervals, according to the 'intentions of those in charge, and | tomorrow evening's card will de-| cide what men will be most fitted | { Man that none of the '© Win the cups and medals offered | and to represent the city in domin- (lon tounreys, | TT ------ CANADIAN HORSES TO ENTER RACES AT OTTAWA. | | That the big Canadian stables will be represented in the spring race! ting of the Connaught | © and twenty-three munutes Commander 'J. "K. L. Ross hae {written the Connaught Park man agement that he will send his entire Istring of about fifteen horses, to ta. Park, and Edward Seagram has asked that 25 stall 'be placed at hiz ydisposal, Edward Whitney, of New 'York, has asked for twelve. Over! a hundred reservations have been ordered from Montreal, as the Con-! naught Park Jockey club meeting jwill attract the cream of the thor. oughbrads racing there at the meei- ings of the Quebec Racing Assoc. ation. RINGING UP FATHER _ troduces the day. of the air Young Benny Littner's manager reports that his man fis Putting in some hard work in preparation for liis bout here on June 4th with Billie Hughes. | -- | Tomorrow may not be a gencral holiday here but it is a big day in sport. ------------------ Walking Races Again ; Craze in Oid Country Walking matches, which years ago became almost a London are again - becoming popu- | lar. some | the past week-end and it em-| braced the whole island petitors were requirea to toucu a! church door in each of seventeen ' o parishes and the course led over the mountains in the south of the island which were covered wit snow. One of the compe:itors lost his way. | The winner of the walking, match ! covered the distance in twenty hours clerks in the Ministry of Pensienst are going to compete m a wazxmy | match with "their male colleagues | in the famous * Westminster to Brighton road: The 'men wii give | the girls two amd 'a halt hours' start. ------ If the pitcher holds the ball so long that, in the opinion cf the umpire he is delaying the game, a balk should' be called. . Every. advantaga brings its dis advantage with it. Great Britain won the Bathurst cup in the international court tenuis event at Paris on Tuesday. Auctioneer! Fen Sondact salen E.W. Jackson & Son 108 Clergy Street. She--Papa Craze in |pjoney than brains. Reggie--Ha! 'Shows what an ass is. ! She--Yes, Papa added The com-| ere -- London Mail, a One was held in the Isle of 'pe 1 Rais ViD CONGRESS size 10¢ Adaanins aad RR TILLY Frere yee wes HIGH CLASS CUSTOM TAILORIGH ENGLISH TWEEDS, DONEGALS, HOMESPUNS, FANCY | WORSTEDS : WE AJSO'MAKE AND TRIM, SUITS $30. EXTRA TRS. $5.00. CRAWFORD é& CO. 173 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2450w, - Auctioneer! SERVICE AND SATISFACTION in Kingston ang Phone 2073J || 400 FRONTENAC TAXI SERVICE \ 279 KING STREET Giving It Emphasis. Says you have more ! ? ? ] ! Oe ee eee. on eee Revenge converts a little right inte) great wrong. I'm broke. : A eee The bosoms of the wise sre the that you | tombs of secrets. "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER?" You not only read it, you sing it. Try it on your plano. Watch nightiv for this big comie hit, Girl | Sete TRILL THIS IN A TENOR.