THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG In the Realm of Women----Some Interesting Features rR TheDoctor WasRight When -the good old family doctor = was asked about baking powders, he said: "Use Royal. It is made from Cream of Tartar and is absolutely pure. You could dissolve a couple of tea- spoons of Royal in water and drink it with benefit. That's a health test mighty few baking powders can meet." The doctor was right. ROYAL | Baking Powder Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Contains No Alum--Leaves No Bitter Taste MADE IN CANADA, MRS. CARUSO'S FATHER CARRIES LONG ANGER AT MARRIAGE TO GRAVE Good Luck is thought to go a long way, but Good Judgment goes farther, TO USE an A" ; HMS PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street 1 PHONE 1819%w. RO -- Hardwood IS GOOD JUDGMENT. a "The Tea that is always Reliable." En nt mal PHONE 637. | ACTUAL RESULT OF s } > "aat-ser cLERGY STREET - ){ | ACTA REstir er ME GREAT WEST LIF ||i ON ARTHUR POWELL, 414 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON Policy Issued Jume 1st, 1903, for $1 ,000--20 Year Endowment. ; \ --Al30-- SOFT WOOD AND SLABS KENNY & FALLON | _~ Premium $47.70. $1,000 Ge Actual Gala ¥306.00 Total $1400¢ for 20 years awd $506.00 besides. Mr. Powell had Free Iasuranc J. F. LEATHERLAND. "He declares himself guilty who justifies himself before accusation. , We make our own fortunes and say fate did it. rgel those little TH worries- ~- remembering ENO A glass of water sparkling with a "dash" of ENO's " Fruit Salt "--taken first thing every morning on rising--dispels all those minor ailments which undermine - the anderen of Health. Digestive and liver troybles-- disorders of the blood--rheumatic conditions--will no longer rob 'you of optimism and vitality if you drink. ENO regularly. Don't worry about your health f~let the morning glass of ENO assist you to make your peace with Nature in Nature's own way. "FRUIT SALT For over half-a-century the surest road to HEALTH-- Your druggist sells ENO Prepared my a Sains Mgmnr pw N. Mbeorncar HAROLD F. RITCHIE & Co. 3G mo = LONDOA, 3.8. TOR Lhd, ENGLAN "ENG's Foe both are equally goed. 7 the po . epond on the cloth like ordinary soap." )Q you know chere are two >= , = s of Bon Ami--cake- Ean nd powder? Both are made from the same ingredients-- 3 1t's a matter of taste which you use. Man women prefer powder in its kan , sprinkler-top tine it's so easy to : Others prefer the slid, MISS ANNA BOLCHI BENJAMIN, ADOPTED DAUGHTER OF PARK BENJAMIN, WHO SAILED TO SCATTER AT SEA THR ASHES OF THE LATE MILLIONAIRE. MRS. ENRICO CARUSO, DISINHERITED DAUGHTER OF BEN. JAMIN, WHO HAD NO PART IN THE BURIAL RITE. NEW YORK~The anger and disapproval felt by the late Park jamin at the marriage of his daughter to Barico Caruso extended the grave. For according to his wishes it is by the hand of his fosters daughter, Anna Bolchi Benjamin, that his ashes have been scattéred at sea, finding their last resting place on the waves of the AAPG CCAD, while his owa daughter bad no part in the burial Tite Zea. witadut knowvieage 8 viv sis STOOD THE OPERATION WELL, Norbert McNally, Westport, Suffered From Appendickis, Westport, May 21 --The many friends of A. A. Taggart, for many years a resident here, will be sorry to here that he is seriously ill at his home in Chatham. Miss Sarah Young, who has recently received er degree of bachelor of arts ana Harold Taggart, who has been suc- cessful in passing his final examin- ations as an electrical engineer, are receiving the congratulations of their many friends. They are both graduates of Queen's Univer- sity. Norbert McNally, son of Mrs. H. W McNally, underwent an operation fo: appendicitis at the St. Vincemt de Paul hospital, Brockville; --on slonday and his wide circle of friencs will be pleased to learn that he stood the operation well and is gett- ing along nicely. H. W. Lawson, Athens, a former well-known resi- dent, is renewing acquaintances ix town. ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Bird, Syracuse, N, Y., are the guests of Mr .and Mrs, William Kilpatrick. The wooden bridge spanning the mill rage, near the former Fredenburgh propprty, collapsed on Thyreday, resulting in a considerable detour being neces sary to persons bound by road to Perth. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Mye:s returned on Friday night from their honey-moon trip to Toronto aml other points. Miss Ivy Comerford, nurse-in-training at Brockville Gen- eral hospital, spent the week-end at her home here. In a dilema not a few people in- sist in reaching for the wrong end of . i words is always welcome. It is strenuous work in both cases to keep temper and money. Argument, many times, is the fore- if you are busy the man with a runner of a fistic encounter. TO-DAY'S FASHION| r ¢«. folly. By Vera Winston. Ef ----m---------- A> {r- ip (pti Oe el Ereateg Gorm Soft satin in the loveliest apricot shade is developéd into an evening gown which relies upon its bi¢nd mr, 8 Pra4""% <p (pu yj) baked dishes and desserts taken book. The firebox and the grates are great saver of time and patience. And oven--Armco iron, white nickeled inside! ® derful ee to -- in saves time and fuel. young wife I J 8. ise bride who begine heusaksepiag with « Kootenay. . The Kootenay oven makes it far easier to succeed with TT CER CH TTL LR TRE ERE LL LILA AL AE AR from the new cook to operate what a won- displaying the new t, and learn how it The Enamel-Clad Flues -- No Rust most liable to rust in a steel range are the The Eoateasy tele itll pares are Armco rust-resisting iron * * No other flues and smoke box. In the i