Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 May 1923, p. 11

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SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1928, ». Beaver Board Artistic--Sanitary--Durable--Economical The exclusive "SEALTITE"" treagggent gives Beaver Board | an ideal surface for decoration, making a priming coat unneces- sary and insuring a perfect band with any good paint. Ask for free samples and illustrations at office. ALLAN LUMBER (0. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. We Have Several Houses thé cheaper grade, which we are sacrificing in order to clear . our lists. FRAME ON BAGQT FRAME ON PINE STREET, GOOD BARN The J. K. Carroll Agency Phone 68. Res. 2240m--1128w, Tn tt AND INSURANCE BROKERS COUNTER CHECK BOOKS ALL STANDARD STYLES AND SIZES, OR SPECIALS TO SUIT ANY REQUIREMENT, LOW- EST PRICES AND GOOD SERVICE. PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH-- ' BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPARTMENT 306-8-19 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. PHONE 243. EHE DALY BRITISH WHIG 1 \VERY FEW ARE PUNISHED | IN THE PENTENNIARY The Lash Is Only Used When! LITTLE TALKS ON THRIFT by S. W.STRAUS, President American Society for Thrift. Does It Corie W Within" The Ken of Banking? It is unfertunate that many persons look on thrift merely as a miserly attitude toward life. It is deplorable that this false and harmful conception of thrift is often given encouragement by those who mean well but who are unaware of the ill effects - of such teachings. It is well to bear these thoughts in mind, particularly at this time when one hears occasion- al references to a "buyers' strike." Ruskin's famous analysis of econ- omy is "appropos. "Economy no more means saving mon- he wrote, "than it means spending money ; it means administration of a house; its stewardship; spending or saving, whether money or time, or anything else, to the best possible advantage." This is advice thit°can well be taken at this time. Economy is always advisable, but only harm- ful effects can result from a sys- tem of economy that merges in- to miserliness. The question of correct spend- ng as well as corrett saving is ua! far-reaching importance ing Sentence. | Frederick C. Griffin in = Toronto Star | Weekly. Of the 700 men in the Portsmouth more than 650 will against them, ac- {cording to the officials. They wil go through (heir daily routine, settle down to the discipline, mind their business, and never give any trouble. It is among the remaining fifty that the '"'culls" will be found. It is they who will frequently have to be pun- | ished' tor offences of .one kipd or an- other, insubordination, fighting, at- {tempting to escape, breaking rules | lor general bad behavior, The num- | ber of these men, outlaws really, has | of' recent years been gradually re- | duced to a minimum. One reason is | the passing of brutal punishment which tended to brutalize a man re- ceiving them. The lash is never given at Ports- ey," mouth nowadays unless ordered uy | the judge as part of the sentence on | conviction. Hosing has been entire- | 1y done away with, although this had. | its upholders among the officials of | former days as being the most eflica- cious of all punishments for reduc- ing a refractory or incorrigible in- mate to a proper frame of mind. Less than a minute in a cell rounded | so that the convict could not escape | ithe stream of water playing on hls | chest and stomach was often suffic- | jent to make him cry out his submis- | sion. | The qnly form of physical pun'sh- | ment mow administered is "paddl- | ling," which is only given after the { penitentiary, {have no reports Ordered by a Judge in Glv=- I Then any branch of this bank can serve you. You will get courteous and prompt attention, too. "STANDARD BANK Kingston Branch, . because, while the elimination of 5 waste and extravagance are al- ways desirable, the general cut. ting down. of legitimate expendi- tures to the point where the gen- | eral business of the country | would be adversely affected, the | wheels of industry | stopped and unem- | ployment. precipi- tated, would most assuredly be a false ~examp'e of thrift. Ruskin's analysis correctly places as much importance - on correct spend- ing as on correct saving. Success' and progress are not the results of penurious prac- tices. . True thrift is progress. Hence those who are truly thrifty keep business on the go because they spend wisely as well as save arefully. | The money which comes into their hands does not lie dormant; neither does it go for purposes that are not up- building. Through the careful adminise tration_of the thousands of our thrifty People money is kept flows ing through channels that mean J. F. Rowland, Manager- --.--. J ---------- a A A A A Sr ~ em ee S Ei i. man, nnn national progress and individual development, | case has been referred to the minis- ter of justice and his permission ob- |used. tained. 'The "paddle" is a broad ito show them to me, and half a dozen | piece of leather on a handle. IT is|keys were tried before the right one really a sort of mother's slipper and | was found to open the barrier under- is appMed to the bending comvict on [ground which led to them--so seldom that part of his anatomy where a [are they even visited. Here was 2a Loy gets it when he is laid across | dismal range of cells lighted only one's Knee. It is not brutal, but it | {by a grating in the pavement above. stings. It is declared to be very effec- | Park, dismal dungeons, damp prob- tive. There are not usually nowa- {ably, and hinting at rats. Another days more than two or three cases of {set of more terrible dungeons runs The 'deputy warden wanted [Onions green, bunch .. L..... 8 ~~ Your Poultry has cost the money a should have tion of a strong, permanent fence Peerless. : : PEERLESS POULTRY FENCE is closely spaced and has the strength to keep out unwelcome intruders. It is a fence worthy to enclose the flock of the poultry fancier as well as that of the every day poultry raiser. 3 Ibs. for 25 se os $1.38 Potatoes, new Fotatoes, 90-lb. bag .. FRrSIOY, sou avec dros Parsnips, 1b. Turnips, Ib. ... ..: Fresh vegetables-- Carrots, bunch Cauliflower, each Cabbage, each. . Tomatoes, Ib. .. ce se ae "paddling" a year. The usual punishment at the peni- tentiary consists of the loss of re- mission marks and the deprival of privileges such as tobacco. More serious offenders are sent to the pri- son of isolation. Here they are con- fined in cells which are really some- what larger than in the prison pro- per. Their confinément, which not. .|strictly speaking, solitary, is close. They are brought out for half an hour's exercise daily; but they are not permitted to work in one of the gangs for the period of their con- finement, possibly ten dgys, two weeks, a month, or longer, as. the case may be. Solitary confinement, as suoh, is 2 thing of the past in Portsmourn. Beneath the old asylum building are the old dungeons now no longer XS ' " A real fence for every need on the farm or lawn. All styles carried in stock. Get our prices. LEMMON & SONS 187 PRINCESS STREET ROQFINGS for every kind of SITY ll - Streep YY 2a VC Barrett Everlastic Giant Shingles Lay Them Right Over the Old Roof . 2 fore.you order shingles fo hat new roof be sure' .. word in shingle roofing. They § Sampary, Lid. Ltd., Canada's oldest and largest manufac- of materials. A roof of these sturdy will stand staunch and tight against storm and ings wil ands the years. Barrett Everlastic Giant Shingles are made and laid 3 to a strip. This means big saving in laying costs Their weather side is mineral-surfaced in beautiful shades of red, green or blue-black. 'Thig fadeless min- eral surface resists fire and never needs painting. Their base is heavy roofing-felt thoroughly waterproofed. | Because of this extra-thick, extra-rigid base, these - shingles can be laid right over the old roof--(use 134" galvanized roofing nails)--a saving on re-roofing jobs. em ie give.you an estimate on e roof. Yi Mckidvey & Birch, €9 Brock Sieet, Kingston TN ayaa Toon Graves Bros., Kingston Messrs, J. H. dunt, pag SE Sine Messrs. James a -- Anim) - GoPro mB. le. Won Yr Ree dn spray. Itis ad ey to on, 3 rr mates x } ; Canada by Canadians SR t {right under the main prison, but is never entered. In fact, the present {higher officers of the penitentiary did not know of their existence unti! a few months ago, when they were stumbled on by chance. Yet Guard McConville, one of the old-timers with: thirty-eight years service, remembers when convicts were put down there in solitary con- finement and kept there for a year at a time without even getting out for exercise. So times have changed. PRINCIPAL GRANT'S POINT OF VIEW fo It our former: teliow-citizen' n- cipal Grant, were still with )s, his judgment on a present religious ques- tion would be of great weight; but '| "though dead he yet speaketh.) This is how he viewed the matter. "The great churches of the Re- formation will, as a preliminary to organic union, rewrite their confes- sions, adapt them to our own time, and find out the extent of the com- mon ground on which Christians now stand. What is required in this work is not the elimination of phrases and ¢hapters, or the addition of supple- mentary articles and understandings, tut the testimony of the church's faith, written from a new pcint of view which we =i occupy. "'The organizing principle of the twentieth century confessist will be, not the sovereignty, brt the father hood of God; tot his secret purpose, but His revealed will, tnat all men should come to the knowledge 5 the truth. This central - revelation of God will dominate the view taken of man's nature, place and duty. It will be recognized that love is might- fer than, because inclusive of, faith; that the note of every true church must be hope, and that every work by which man is benefited is Christian | work." "Firis confessional revision the ne- gojiefing churches have made. Of earlier utterance than the above, the distinguished man said on the eve of a great unton event--1815 ----that "he did not see why all the Presbyterians should not unite with the Methodists, and afterwards all unite with the Anglicans, but on? step at a time, and this must be the first step. The minority should be careful that what they called their conscientious objections were really matters of conscience, as Presbyter- fans were prone. to err on that point. The only reason why 'Presbyterian- | Lamb fsm bad not become the distinctive protestant church of Christendom was that men called that conscience which proved unworthy of the name." Spinach, 1b. Beets, bunch Cod, 1b. lots, 1b. ..v vv vos nse 3310 488 Finnan haddfe, 1b. ... ....15 to 13 fladdock, fresh, 1b. ... : Halibut, 1b. Ferch, Ib. ... Fike, Ib. .. Salmon, Mb. .10 to 124% ev os oe os. 30 s | Fresh: Trout, salmon, 1b, ...... .2 20 to .25 White fish .. .. .. «25 to 30 Kingston Markets Saturday, May 19th. ; Fruit Apples, pk. .......... ..60 to 70 Bananas, doz. ..........40 to 50 |Grape fruit, each .. .. .. .. ..10 Oranges, dos. .......... .60 to .75 RT a | S------ & Beets, Ib.... .. .... .& Pees seen a os sen eu head ... ... ... ..20t0 25 each.. .... ..15t0 20 | Lettuce, head ... ... ..15 to Mv Ava sss vais all see sen ue B Unclamified Sugar, granulated, Ib. Sugar, yellow, Ib. Sugar, icing, 1b. Flour, standard, cwt. es 00 to $4. 25 Rolled oats, 1b. . .. Honey, 5-1b. pail . Lard, 3b. Oleomargarine, Maple Syrup, gal Hay, Straw and Grains Barley bus. Bran, ton ......&. 3 3k | Buckwheat, bus. ...... Corn, feed, car lots,.. $1.00 Ps $1. 0 Corn féed, bus. A..80 08 to 0. 10 Hughie 3 to 8 fou. Styles for every requirement PEERLESS WIRE FENCE CO., Limited HAMILTON, ONTARIO \ Hay, baled, tom ... ... ... .. $13 Hay, loose, ton Oats, local, Shorts, ton, . . $80 to at Straw, baled, tom, ........ $7 to $8 Straw, loose, ton ... 8? Wheat, local, bus. .. $1.05 to $1.10 . Da'ry Boducs Butter, PR nig m. Butter, dairy, 1b. Cheese, new, Ib.. es se nes 38 Cheese, old, Ib. cccvvovvens 36-40 Eggs, fresh, doz .. os oo oo oo 30 Meats an@ Poultry » Beef: Steak, porterhouse, 1b.. .. .. .30 Steak, round, Ib. ... ... 20 to 28 Boiling cuts, 1b. .. .. .. .. .. 10 Stewing cuts, Ib. ........ 8 to 13¢ Beef, Western, cwt.... .. .. .15 Beef, hinds, cwt. ....... 8c Beef, local, 1b.... .. «. +2 ..8 to} sew Veal, ID.vscce vo've ones +8%0 10 Pork: Loin roasts. Ib. .. veesveess 30 Shoulder roasts ... ... 18 to 23 Hog, live weight, owt.. .. .. ..11 Chops, ID. ...iveuvveee 35 to 3c Hogs, dressed, ewt. .. .. 14 to 18% , "ess oe + 83 0 38 1 Ham, 'smoked essesseces 35 t0 300 Carne. hiss ao sates ne as «36 Fronts, 1b. +. cc. ova. 28 to 35 Hinds, Ib. «ou vo ood os +38 to 30 Sausage meat .. .. .i .. .. » Mutton, chops, Ib. ........ 20 to 35 Mutton, caroase.. .. ., ..14 to 16 Poultry: Fowl Ib. ..c nviavos vies 38 Chickens, Ib. .. «.. .....30 to .35 Sernasresndl Horse hides, each,.... .. .. to $3 Hides, 1b. wel stescvsnscesnnnnten Davenports Chesterfields Covered in Tapestry, Lea- _ther, Velours or Mohain-- all the latest Period de- signs. EN JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF THE FAMOUS well as warm, easy to life and easy to lsunder, The U.F.O. enuvention for 1918. #111 be Neld at Delta on May 31

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