WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1028. THE D B TISH WHIG ; THI DAILY BRITISH wn a - (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street, Members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- iehanges). BASEBAL SCORES International League, Reading, 3; Rochester, 1. Midnteeal, St Boe onal, Tag %. May 16th, 1.30 p.m. . ho : | 9 Ablitii Power .; 2 $2 i 3 American League. : : & Asbesion Sugar dg New York, 3; Detroit, 5. . X ; Bell Teleyhone Cleveland, 10; Washington, 9. i ' 170 4 nrcas (lel. Brasy ... ... es KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Brompton rem, Custom Let us make your Summer Suit as you want it. We will carry out your ideas to the letter--give you a Suit that will fit per- fectly and be a real pleasure to wear. The new Suitings are ready--they're handsome. PRICES MODERATE. Ne ie : 4 - Livingston's ~~ 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" British Ames O11 ... ,.. .. British Empire Steel, com. . . British Empire Steel, -st ptd. British Empire Steel, 2nd pfd. Cuban Can. Sugar, com. "aes Can. Car, com. ... Can. Car, pfd. .. *e ses ene Gen. Electric Laurentide Quebec Radls ... ... .. .. 25 | Prico Bros. ... 431% Riordan ...%. 0. 0.0. 3 Spanish River, com. 91% Spanish River, pfd. .. . 100% Smelters 26% Steel of Cam, ... ... .. 74% Toronto Rails ... ian 821% Twin City, . C00. gs . 94% 136% . 128% 48% a Ves vey 4684 Crucible Steel ... 6734 GRR. ... ...7.%. 152% Gen. Asphalt ... 40 GBT ler Le chiA 82% NYC"... ... 0 94 New Haven ... ... ... .. 17 NOR Pac. ... ov ove viv: 199 Pere Marquette 42% Pan. Amer. "B" 663% Pan. Amer. "A"... 0H Sou. Pae..... ... ... ... 74 Son. Ry. ... ... vain. 38 Studebaker .. 111% Sinclair ON... ... ... ... 30% Standard Oil of California. , 53% Standard Ofl of New Jersey, , 363% Union Pac. .... ... ... 5, 135 3S Steal... ... Cuban Cane Sugar Cuban Cane Sugar, pfd. Mines. Hollinger... ...:.. 0.4 Melntyre . .. Teck Hughes a Young Lamb, legs, Ib... .88¢. Young Pork, butt roast, 1b. 20c. «| Young Pork, Shoulders, 1b. 18c, Young Pork Loin Roast, Ib. 20c. Choice Veat Shoulders, Ib 15c¢. Choice Veal Rack, Ib. ....10c. Choice Veal Fillet, Ib, . ..32c. + | Choice Veal Loins, Ib. ....2%¢. Fresh Veal Shanks, Ib. ...10c. " . 111% 49% 49% Fipe Exhibit of Matches. The BE. B: Eddy Company, Hull, Que., has on exhibition in the win- dow of Crawford's grocery store, a moat interesting display of matches made In their factories. There are twenty one different types of matoh- es, and the evolution of the match from the old style sulphur type that was made from 1857 and on up to 1886, when improvements began to appear, may be studied. The sulphur malch was still made but slightly improved between 1886 and 1898, and since that time progress has been; very rapid. Match stems are SENT IN FALSE ALARM "DURING RAIN STORM Some Person or Persons Play- ed a Mean Trick on Fire Department. Who sent in the false alarm to the Kingston firemen at 12.58 a.m. Wednesday? This is a question that both the police and the firemen would like to have solved. It so happened that it was pouring rain when the call was sent in to the firv-fighters and the firemen got "soaked" in more ways than one. » The call was given by telephone by {2 man who stated that there was a !firdbat 207 Montreal street and he jasked the firemen to hurry. The firenien at the Ontario street hall got the message first and they lost no time in getting to 207 Montreal street, only to find that there was no fire and that they had been made the victims of a cruel joke. Just be- fore the firemen at the Brock street station left for thé supposed fire at 207 Montreal street, a second call came from an unknown party, who stated that there was a fire in the rooms of the G.A.U.V., Princess street. The Brock street firemen re- sponded to this call, only to find that they too had been sent out on a wild chase. - Sending in false alarms to the fire- men is a very serious offence. From time to time the local (spartment has been called out in this way and it is hoped that the guilty party or parties- will be brought to time. The result would be very serious if a big- fire should happen to break out while the firemen are . answering false alarms. ! Rotary Club Activities. Friday night will be a gala night for the members of the Kifigston Ro- tary Club. The occasion will be- awn inter-city meet and a dinner will be held at the British-American hotel at 6:30. Large delegations are ex- pected from the Rotary clubs at Belleville, Brockville, Renfrew, Smith's Falls and' Watertown, N.Y. The special speaker for the occas- fon will be Arthur Hunt Chute, author, journalist, soldier, lecturer and graduate of Acadia University, Woltville, N.C., Harvard and Edin- burgh, 3 provided a most interesting pro- gramme. An orchestra wil supply music, while the Rotary sextette will sing and songs will be given by. Ro- tarians "Jack" Elder and Harold Singleton, -------------- Lorne R. Cumming, M.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Cumming, Lyn, has become a member of the law firm of McTague, Clark & Cum- ming, Windsor. Mr. Cumming i¢ an hongr graduate in arts of Queen's Un y. = Patriarchal Degree Staff of Moira Encampmeunt, No. 59, 1.0.0. F., of Belleville, willl exemplify that degree at the Limestone City En- campment in Kingston. : The Liberal convention for Brock- ville will be held on May 26th. DAILY MEMORANDUM British mail will close at the King- ston post office on May 18th, at § p.m. OFFICE SUPPLIES and PRINTERS , CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUAME . KINGSTON DOUGHERTY ~~ At Kingston General 3 pital, on May Toth, 192s John herty, Dougherty, eldest son of the late Phones 754.755, Store Hours: 9 to 5.30 . | THURSDAY | HOME FURNISHING OPPORTUNITIES During house-cleaning period every housewife finds it necessary to replace a drapery here and there through- out the home, Take note of the offerings listed here be- low and take advantage of the many savings, NEW.-. The entertainment committee has |, NEW CURTAINS, MARQUISETTE, SCRIM, 'BUNGALOW NETS, CHINTZ, SCOTCH MA.- DRAS, CASEMENT CLOTH, CRETONNES, CURTAIN REPPS, CURTAIN RODS, TERRY CLOTH. : : 450 YARDS COLORED CHINTZ All the newest designs and shades ----weights suitable for Draperies of all kinds--weights suitable for covering ' furniture -- a Chints for every color scheme. 36 to 50 inches wide. Price begins at-- $ 30c. YARD 500 YARDS WHITE CURTAIN SCRIM 36 inches wide. 124c. YARD OPEN MESH Curtain NETS Lace edge finish, tape in a wide variety of new > 8 chen" paths, 36] 35, 45c., 69c. yd. 36 inch * SCOTCH MADRAS border and scallop ede, at 300 YARDS SILK FINISHED MADRAS A wonderful showing of two-tone silk finished Drapery Madras in tones of Brown, Green, Gold, Delf Blue, Old Rose. . Widths 44 ins. to 50 ins. Priced $1.25, $1.95 to $2.95 200 YARDS CASE- MENT CLOTH A sunfast cloth of an excellent qual- ity--in shades of Rose, Copen, Green, Brown, Navy, Purple. 50 ins. wide. $1.00 YARD FLAT CURTAIN RODS All sizes in Flat Brass-finished Rods, that will not tarnish. Priced. . 15¢., 25c., 35¢. EACH 650 YARDS CURTAIN MARQUISETTE Ecru, Ivory, White. es wide. A mercerized finished cloth, : 45¢c., 50c., 60c., Fige from dressing -- new |with ribbon' border, hem. ' stitched border and plain 73c. up to $1.50 basterns tn » broad range. itched border ana' yard io 45 ns: » 25c¢., 35c¢., 40c. yd. \ \ - ~~ CURTAINS READY To. HANG NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS-- Ais In many new patterns. Values. ....... $1.25/and up. _ MARQUISETTE CURTAINS tion, figures and nicely finished. Prige $3.50 pair up. Orange Poke se [EES ran, ng tinoess foveet JI, Are here in many new and attractive designs and pcr - -- 1d : rl: 'qualities. Price ............... $5.50 pair and up - 'USE BUTTERICK PATTERNS ILTOR SYSTEM WILL SAVE YOU TIME 4ND MONEY. D + %.