rene f ee -------- 10rnan's § FOR THE GUM * Move than a tooth it checks 4 -- rr a a 108 Wettngton 80. | CANADIAN NATIONAL RL'YS tinh Phone 256. A change will be made in passenger train schedules on Sunday, May 18th, 1028. - . Standard time, not so-called day- saving time, will continue to be ffsed for schedules of all trains on the dian Natienal Railways. For particulars apply to: J. P, HANLEY, C.P, and T.A., C.N. Rly. Cor. Johnson and Ontario Streets, sa Kingston, Ont. ITED 'An English Houseof Distinctive Design | ' | | | | a RAC. HonTeR & Bro: Archriects re os 8. = This house avoids the commonplace in design; in every detail it shows unusual character; it is a house that would stand out in distinction from its neighbors. Yet there is nothing freakish about the design, it is throughout, in the best of taste and, at the same time, it is unusual and distinctive. It follows the old English type. The architects have so handled the roofs that a pleasing variety in form aad outline is obtained. The entrance gable has tha roof eaves brought down to the tops of the first story windows, and the plain stucco walls of this gable form a fitting setting for the heavy oak doorway. The half-timbered gable gives an Interesting variety. The walls of the house are finished in stucco, preferably white; the roof is slate of various' colors and sizes; the chimney is hard burned red "rick, and the timberwork, window frames, etc., should be stained a weathered gray, preferably quite dark. This wou'l give a pleasing color scheme that would be quite in keeping with the design. All windows are of the casemant type. . The plans of this house present a livable arrangement of good size rooms, the result of thorough study on the part of the architects. x ' The necessary-coat closet and the very desirable toilet room are both provided nefr the entrance door, where they are most convenient. me;no other can. | =----Cowper.-- the stairway. Steps A small stair hall gives entrance to the living room, the dining room, and provides from the main stair platform to the kitchen (with'a door) eliminate the service stairway. On the second floor three bed rooms are well laid out. A large bath is provided. There are plenty bf | closets. <a 1 cellar 1s provided under the Satire housé, and here is the heating plant, the faundry, and such, This house should have a lot with seventy-five feet frontage, to give it proper setting. Cost about $10,500, 4 Complete working plans and specificatfons of this house may be obtained for a nominal sum from the Building Editor. Refer t6 House A-86. °° - REPORT . ON HIGHWAYS Conditions as Reported by the Department of Public Highways . Toronto to Kingston--To Rougo Hill, fair. Rouge Hill to Port Hope, good. Port Hope to Belleville, gravel road good for touring cars and light loads, avoid heavy loading. Belle- ville to Kingston, good, five miles of old road in Ernesttown: rather rough. No detours. Kingston to Quebec Boundary--- emmy HOME REMEDIES OF OUR ANCESTORS Almost every man and woman in America can remmber the botanic recipes of our mothers and grand- mothers for the treatment of disease, and they were wonderfully depend able too. Every fall there were stor- ed away in the attic thoroughwort, pennyroyal, catnip, sage, wormwood, Lue, ete, for treating ills of the fam- ily during the winter monshs that followed. In 1873, Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound was first prepared from one of the 'best bo- tanic recipes, and the demand for it has increased to such an extent that hundreds of tons of roots and herbs are now used annually in its prepara- tion, It has recently been proved that 98 out of every 100 women who try it have been benefitted by its use, Kingston to Ganamogue, good. No detours, Gananoque to Prescott, road in very good shape except five miles east of Gananoque. Detour north following road signs through village of Lansdowne coming out on the highway about one-half mile east of Lansdowne. Detour south here and then follow highway remainder of way. Johnstown to four miles east of. Morrisburg good. Four miles east of Morrisburg to Farran's Point, rought but passable. Farran's Point te Maple Grove, fair. Maple Grove to Glen Water, good. Glen Water to Lancaster, fair, Lancaster to Quebec Boundary, persons using this road are requested to load lightly until after the frost is out. ! Whithy to Lindeay---Fair. Road closed on the eighth concession of Brock. Detour on the sixth conces- sion from Sunderland to the County Line. Port Hope to Peterboro--Gravel road to Fraserville in good condition for touring, avoid heavy loads. Fraserville to Peterboro macadam, medicine to' hold. ton, surface good. Brampton to Chatsworth fair gravel road through- out. Grading between Brampton and Orangeville after May 15th. Culvert construction Melaticthon north to Chatsworth after May 15th. which is a marvelous record for any er MAMMOTH HALF PRICE BLOUSE SA THE GREATEST SALE OF BLOUSES EVER WITNESSED IN KINGSTON Georgette, Crepe de Chene and Canton : Crepe--regularly priced from $5.95 i 1 to $12.95, for ! 192.98 4%6.48 | » On Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, the : Women of Kingston will have the op- portunity to choose from our entire Blouse stock and only pay us } the pres- nt materials, correctly styled, and backed by J. A. McNabb reputation of high grade merchandise at a less price. See them in our windows to-night. None reserved. Entire stockat ........ .. ... «++ HALF PRICE "0 8 8" 8 ess sete aes A FINAL CLEAN-UP OF CLOTH DRESSES -- TRICOTINE AND POIRET TWILL . Three Groups--Three Prices. *10.95 - 14.95 - 21.95 Regular $19.95 Dresses Are 7 Only, Tricotine and Poiret Priced at $10.95 Twill Dresses--Regular There are only 4 Dresses in this lot--that $29.50 for $14.50 means that four ladies in Kingston are going to buy thése Dresses at very nearly Half Price. Are you going to be one of the lucky ones? They embrace fashion's most fancies. Braid and Embroidery trimmed. Sizes 16, 18 and 20, Navy only. x : cial reduction on Saturday. Smart' styles, core every line. Braid y trim med. Sis 16 10 40. Colors Nene mag Tress 12 TRICOTINE AND POIRET TWILL FROCKS--Regular $35 to $45, for When it comes to clever adaptations of fashion's favorite get it at such remarkably low price. The J. . There is still wear a Suit--in fact Po Wearing me. the biggest part of the scason, accords _-- ng weather prophet. Just take particul in ph ha Pi ular notice 1 only, Navy Tricotine Suit, reg. $47.50. SAT. $25.00 1 only, Navy Tricotine Suit, reg. $385.00. ... SAT. $28.95 1 only, Navy Tricotine Suit, reg. $85.00. . .. SAT, $28.95 1 only, Navy Tricotine Suit, reg. $20.50. ... .SAT. $23.95 1 only, Fawn Tricotine Suit, reg. $39.50. . ..SAT. $27.08 1 only, Navy Tricotine Suit, reg. $30.50. . BAT. $384.95 1 only, Navy Tricotine Suit, reg. $80.50. ..SAT. $37.05 Eight Box Model Suits Beautifully Tailored From Best Tricotines at Special Saturday Reductions ' 'Chic Summer! Frocks $3.98 In style, workmanship and quality of material, these Summer Frocks are worthy of a high price. They 3 ave Dresses you may clip on, in the and feel well dressed. They display. the Bromiley Collar, /} Short Sleeves and Girdle of self, which ties in a bow , the back. Colors: Pink, Mauve, Yellow, Red or Blai™ Checks. Sizes 16 (040. Make your choice : assortment of sizes is complete. Toad good. Piston to Foxboro--Picton to Belleville, good. Old road rather rough. Belleville-Foxboro, good. Old road fairly rough. No detours. Kingston to Ottawa (via Smith's Falls)--Kingston to Smith's Falls, road well dragged and in good shape for motor traffic. Smith's Falls to Port Elmsley good. Port Elmsley to Perth, good. Contractors will be starting 'soon to comstruct culverts and macadam base course. Traffic is warned to watch for slow order signs. Perth to Carleton Place, good. Construction of culverts and maca- dam' base course will be commenced in near future. Carleton Place to jAshton Station, good. Construttion will commence shortly. Ashton Sta-. tion to Stanley's Corners, excellent. Stanley's Corners to Stittsville, good. vill be under construction shortly. Stittsville to Bell's Corners, good. Bell's Corners to Ottawa, fair. Cul- vert construction under way, traf- fic is advised to take the Richmond Toronte to Hamilton (via Dundas street)--- Toronto to = Cooksville, good. From end of pavement three- quarters mile west of Cooksville newly graded to Sixteén Mile Creok, rough. Sixteen Mile Creek to Clap- pisons, good. A ---- News From Elgin. Elgin, May 9.--J. F. Earl motor- ed to Kingston on Sunday, F. J. Grey and family motored to King- ston on Sunday. Little Mollie Tes- key, Oxford Mills, is the guest of her grandfather, J. R. Darjavel. The bodies were removed from the vault last. week. The number was the largest in: years. Arbor. Day was observed 'by .the various 'schoois. Gingham . ©. Pennock has redecorated a new 4 Fen parlor. Mrs. J* F. Earl was taken to Kingston General hos- pital last week and underwent a successful operation for appendicitis. C. Blair, Metcalfe, spent the week- end with friends. W, H. Pearson has purchased a hew five passenger sedan car. Samuel Grey has pur- chased a car to. deliver his mail. on Route No. 1. Miss Elsie Kerr spent a few days in Kingston last week. N. B. Merriman ralsed of Mrs. Wesley Creek, an address J. B. Miller, the new road mear Cloyne. Miss Gértie Watson has gone to the States for the summer, GET ' Arthur Curle an Address and Presentation. electric lamp pOar look like new. At the regular monthly meeting of os & WoL the Maple Leaf Institute, at the home 4 : © Plevna, May 8.--Fred Hill and family baye .the sympathy of o whole meighborhood