Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1923, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG old WEN THEE aE 1 WHITE WHEAT WHISKEY, Our prohibition friends may be shocked to read an editorial on be- half"of white wheat whiskey, but the apology for its appearance is because this particular kind of whiskey has wrought great good in the cure of disease. The Ontario government has dispensaries where liquor is sup- rosed to be vended only for medi- cinal purposes, and yet the whiskey of the greatest medicinal power is not fo be hed In the government's stores. It is up to the Drury govern- ment and its license board to explain this omission. JVhite wheat whiskey is declared by specialists to be a cure for bronchitis--not by imbibing it but through rubbing it into the neck and chest. There are known cures of bad oases in Kingeton from this treatment. Why does the govera- ment not have this liquor on sale when the people with doctor's pre- scriptions ask for it? If it is not be ing made in Ontario just now, the license board should arrange for its manufacture and Shave it placed where those entitled to it can get the regulation supply. ------ COFFEE GOOD FOR US. A year ago, medical scientists ex- ploded the old theory that it was in the interests of health not to eat 'imeat. It was shown that the human body, in northern countries at least, required a mixed diet, including beef, bacon and vegetables and fruit, and that people who used a diet of this kind were healtiest and strongest. Now, the New York Medical Journal has come to the succor of that much- abused but greatly enjoyed drink-- coffee. It declares that coffee drunk in moderation does not produce nerv- cus ailments and the removal of cof- TAXING DOCTORS' FEES. The suggestion by Kingston's member in the legisiature that an official might be appointel to tax doctors' fees, as has loag been done in the case of lawyers, has aroused unfavorable press comment. The surgeon is-the man who would gen- erally be called to account, for the feos of the physician are not so high. However, the scale of the Kingston Medical Society shows very modest fees. When a man has' been saved from death by a skilful operation performed by a epecialist, there is never any complaint about the sur- geon's fee, which is paid willingly, even if in instalments. One hundred dollars is the usual fee in Kingston for an appendicitis operation, and if the surgeon secures for the patient a quick recovery, when death was Perhaps just a few hours off befor the knife was used, one hundred dol- lars will be found for the surgeon instead of an appeal being made to 2 government taxing officer. There are doctors who get great fees, just as there are lawyers who charge enormous sums on their mame and reputation rather than for their work. Of coumse, the big medical fees could never be collected legally, but they are never disputed by those rolling in wealth. On behalf of the doctor it must be sald that the most eminent members of the profession will attend a poor man without chance of recompense more readily than will the eminent lawyer offer his services gratis to a down-and-out. ' Even the member for Kingston might admit that a man cal profession than of the legal pro- fession. The general public will hardly applaud the suggestion that is safer in the clutches of the medi- | MONTE CARLO. | Keports from Monte Carlo. say! that wae new ruler of the uny litte eigat-mile-square principality on tue €uge of the Mediterranean 18 going to abolish gambling and close tu. palace of chance wherein thousands have tempted fortune, Prince Louis be is said, is paruy Scotch, his fa- ther having in 1896 married Laay Mary Dougias Hamilton, daughter of the 11th vuke of Hamion. So Presbyterian blood mixed with Latin in his veins. His father, Prince Albert, however, was not so scrupu- lous, and when he, having divorced | himself from Prince Louis' Scotch | mother (who took an Austrian count! for her second husband) married Se French Duchesse de Richelieu, oia Queen Victoria threatened to refuse | ito receive him at Court, so goes ine | story, unless he promised to forego his gambling resort, which was dae- bauching so many British subjects, So Albert promised not to renew the gambling comsession when it expired. But in 1898 Albert had no compunction about renewing the privilege to play. and though in July, 1920, he announced that he would abolish gambling "on twenty- four hours' notice, ana forever,"' ne died two years later without having carried. out his threat. Huge Income From Gamblng Privilege. | The gambling consessions at Monte Carlo were in the hanes oF a Jeint stock company, whose charter was in 1898 extended to 1947. In return the Prince received $2,000,- 000 in 1899 and $3,000,000 in 1913, together with an increase of the an- nual tribute of $250,000 to $350,000 in 1907, $400,000, in 1917, $450.- 000 In 1927 and $500,00 in 1937. Albert, absolute dictator in his little paramentless kingdom, forbade any of his subjects to play at the ess --95¢.-- 1», and $1.75. --95¢.-- MEN'S AND BOYS' Special Sale Men's Fine Shirts Sizes 14 to 16%. Neat pat. terns, sold out vange. and sam; value at $1.50 For SATURDAY, MAY § 1988. BIBBY'S WEAR AT PLEASING PRICES S --$1.35-- _ Sizes 14 to 17. Neat, new, clean-cut Shirts. Fast colors, | el ! Regular $2.00, $2.25 value for v --$1.95-- value, for --$1.95-- ""75c. Each Sizes 14 to 17%. Real Shirts, woven fabrics, fast col- ors, some with Collar to match. Regular $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 SILK NECKWEAR Flowing ends, new Regular $1.00, $1.25, + 1 Silks for New weaves, new stripes, new color- ings--something very special. --50c. Each-- SUIT SALE MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Light, medium and dark shades--8old Out, Sample Suits, etc. Regular $30.00, $35.00 and $37.50 values, a Your choice of 200 Suits for For $25.00 a tax officer be appointed to wield Casino, but in return he absolved a club over the family physician. | them from payment of any taxes : N Kingston at any rate is mot in need | whatever, the. vast profits of his RN SouIce 3 oa nd DuSraYi aud in of such an officer. There are "Dr, |8ambling hall giving ample funds One day left for work between week- | NY © any: Mophritic condis | yrCiures" right amongst us--to the | for all local needs. In partai onds. : ' tions there is no better or simpler glory of the medical profession amends for the way in which he won : preparation than well-prepared cof- gate his wealth, the late Prince devoted : fee, much time and money to exploration § Bars: Any dndividual ¥ho Sinks of the sea's depths and kept a vessel 8 proper semtemce must begin with | There you are. No longer will we % the pronoun aL have qualms when we sit at the | PRESS COMMENT and crew and staff of scientists 3 travelling about the world studying h 5 breakfust table sipping our coffe £50 Hons oad THs ae ea ~ -- Fable: Once upon a time there [and cream. It is moderation that That =i! bed. Was a restaurant that served enough [counts in everything, for moderata milk with the cereal. use of things constitute temperance. Chicago's bad luck hoMs out--the | Englishman Won 2,000,000 Francs. 3 3 rolice got a well-known gunman It is reported that on ascendmg ody e -- The prohibition laws work like a ) Just about like a charm. fee from the diet does not cure them. Coffee with cream and sugar is a ------ It might be worse. There is still BIBBY'S 1--A corner grocery business, stock at invoice prices, fix- tures extra. This is a good business stand and has en- joyed a good trade for the last thirty years. 2--General store, dwelling and stock, in thriving village, good business. Will sell at a sacrifice as owner 1s going 'West. 3--Farm of 50 acres in good locality, about 40 acres of MAPLE SUGAR MAPLE SYRup Guaranteed pure -- absolutely new. Jas. REDDEN & Co. Thones 20 and 990, Ohicago's Bad Luck. tre, Over-eating and drinking constituts ol ol 3 : M Suge 'Rouge is eighty per cent, fron." intemperance and cause ill-health, p°/°3F Inside the penitentiary, but he | the throne of Monaco the new sawed out and went back home to | ordered an audit and found that Sir Some Mare Ing and less |The coffee lovers will be greatly work.--Indianapolis News. Basil Zaharoff, the internationai Aroning 1s advisable: pleased to know that their favorite banker, and Gregory Vagliano, the : beverage is wholesome. Sunday Observance. world's greatest gambler, had secur- The honor an office can confer de- See "One day's rest in every seven |ed control of the Casino. Since onds almost. wholly upon the size of RUBBER PRODUCTION. is absolutely necessary if humanity | gambling was establissed there fn ® men who have held it. According to Henry Ford, his [is to preserve its vigor. If, there- | 1861 the Casino has never known a rr ------------------ way to run across somebody now in a strange city is to in- first step on the Way to ruin?" , there's the goose step. You can read a new book in one it you will skip the dull between the naughty parts. -------- Another germ we wish to see iso- 18 the one who is full of words the European situation. That Darwinian theory doesnt Sm 50 unreasonable when you hear fat man's love letters read in court Ee A --------------------. At this rate it won't be 200 years all the people have political living by taxing one and, make a ry contemporary asks what a third will stand for. So far as we 'there doesn't appear to be Timit. i St ------------ an Egyptian curse can last three ind years, there fsn't much reliet from the born leader is a mun who can le a popular prejudice in his 1 until people get the idea that it a - - SR ¥ auch easter to deal with sue: men. They don't think it 't0 be ill-mannered to prove advantage in having a second 18 that experience in rafs- has taught you how to chemists have discovered that milk from ordinary milkweed will produce rubber as good as that from the rub- to the. farmer, but after 'all these years science has made the discovery 'that it is useful in the production of & commodity that the world cannot do without, Half a century ago rubber was a mincr article. It was used for rubber shoes, bands, erasers and a few other things. Then came the invention of the pneumatic tire to make bicycle riding more pleasant. With the advent of the automobile, rubber became just as important as the wheat which makes our bread. The manufacture of tires is one of the world's greatest industries, and when we speak the name of Henry Ford we think of the rubber industry for a "tin Lizzie" is as incomplete with its rubber tires as it would be without its engine. Anyway we will have a little more respect for milk- weed, but we will hope that Henry Ford's chemists will not make the discovery that ragweed is also of ma- terial use in commerce, and have its growth made any more extensive than it is now. If they did, thers would be great lamentation among the hay fover sufferers. "a JOY OF WORK. It would be only the bard-hearted and unimaginative who would read the story of the life of Danny the Kingston fire department horse which was mercifully disposed of last week, without being impressed by two things: That the oM 'fire horse ren- dered the city faithful service and that the animal emjoyed his work. Danny was never happier, it is told, than when performing a service, dashing to a fire to the help of those In danger. The lesson to be learned from the old first horse in "Joy in work." Too many men and women fore, the Lord's Day Law is_ made especially for the good of the soul, it ought not to be foreign to the directs people to observ~ Lance."--Quebec Le Soleil. Why Dictate? Mr. Morrison has denied that he ever attempted to dictate to Mr. Drury or the government, and we must accept his statement, especial Iy as the statement has been backed up by Mr. Drury himself. But the fact remains that Mr. Morzison sess to be fairly. successful in having his Lown way. And why dictate; when it is possible to get results by easier and less objectionable methods?--- Woodstock Sentinel-Roview. Smoking in Utah, The war is over. It is permissible to smoke a cigarette in public in Utah, but it is against the law for the makers of these perilous tools to advertise them on billboards or ctherwise affront the eye. One may smoke, but the tobacconist may not Publicly gloat over his trade. The reformers will not have their nerves shocked by the glaring bublicity of the torch-burners. Cut plug may be bad, but not lustily advertised. Utah may not be safe, but it wishes to be sane.--Los Angeles Times. Air Transit Are thoy marvels that are really coming or is it imagination only? The British Air Ministry hes succeed- ed, it Is said, in perfecting an engine each cylinder of which will develop [over two hundred horsepower. Ona such engine is credited with sixteen cylinders, which' will give . three thousand horsepower, and will cross the Atlantic in twelve hours--Firee- wan's Journal, Dublin, : rhysical good. Every sine reason period of loses. Once there wus no limit to the play a man could make, But since Major lshman over a certain sum each day. : In the gorgbous rooms of the Casina twenty doubly end rvwete tables are in constant operation and four tables for trente et guarante, which is played with six packs of ¢hrds of 62 cards each. The table will accommodate 1,600 players sit- ting and standing and private rooms will house 400 more. The minimum stake Is only 5 francs or about 30 cents in Canadian money at the present rate of exchange. table is opened each morning $12,00 and the bank replenished whenever necessary up to its limit. Suicids of Ruined Players, An ugly feature of this beautiful pleasure ground of Monte Carlo to which the majority of visitors repair merely for the air and sunshine in {the spring season, is itt sulckie te spring season, is its suicide record, Scores: of gamblers, men and women, ruined et the game, which no one can possibly beat in the end, have taken thefr own lives. The management does its utmost to guard against such occurrences and will furnish free railway tickets home to fools who have lost their last franc at the tables. Careful watch is held to try and prevent sui- cides, especially in the gilded halls of chance, but even there they have 'happend and how many the bodies that have been picked up among the shrubbery or where the salt waves wash the shores--victims with eelf- inflicted bullet holes in their bodies Af Fail By J Ww. Berion, M.D, Do You Have to Clear Your Throat Often ? . 'Many people, much to their em-. barrasement, find it wecessary to clear their throat very frequently. What is the cause of this? Well, perhaps you did not know that at the back of the nose there are two openings into the throat just like the two opemings--the nostrils ~in front. You know how a slight irritation of the nose makes the moisture come from the two front openings. Similarly any irritation at the back of the nose causes an excess of secretions at the two back openings. For instance, the septum--that is the wall between your nostrils--gets bent over to one side. It grows that way naturally or may be knocked over by a blow. Often the fining of the nose gets irritated .further up and the normal secretion of the nose is altered. Sometimes the secretion is very profuse and you have to expectorate very frequently. At other times it seams to dry up into hard deposits and you have considerable difficulty in getting rid of it. These conditions are called oa- tarrh in the text books and are the bane of the existence of many peo- ple. Can this condition be cured ? I am unable to answer that ques- tion, but I do know that you can se. cure great relief in a very simple way. ' 5 Erg i 3 ix i f gopd land under cultivation, Will sell cheap as the own- er is unable to work it. 4~--Money to loan on Mortgages. T. J. L Real Estate and Insurance 58 Brock St, Kingston, Ont. Phones 322J or 1797J. "The House of Satisfaction" them to give me an expensive pres- ent." ' Huh! "This suit is worn out," the indignant customer. "Well, you bought it to wear out, didn't you?" inquired the smart cloth- fer, declared You Know It. The man who always wanty To please his wife # Is surely gonna lead A busy life Fool Questions. F.T.E. asks: "Does a wife have to be clothed with authority to mive her husband a good dressing?" Another indication that the silly season has arrived. = he -- Why Shouldw's They Bet Blake--"They say the Eskimos are the happiest and most contented peo- ple in the world." Jinks--"Why shouldn't they be, with no income tex or motor cars to dodge?" is cheap. 10 pellets, $1.00. Blackleg Injectors, Cattle In- Set Just a Gentie Reminder. Wilborg Cor. McCreary County Record. This is a good time to return those borrowed tools, neighbors. Traffic Is Sater. Now that the girls' skirts are long~ er it should prevent a lot of automo bils accidents along the streets. -- Sam Hill, In Cy Enq A fellow can pay more attention to his driving now.--"Dusty" Miller. i i Hi 1forits lit Hil : Fisk | FE8EIE 2 f

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