MAKE (CANADA PROSPEROUS DOUGLAS & PHONES 2267F--928W. BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING CONTRACTORS JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. McILQUHAM 400 ALBERT STREET 227 ONTARIO ST. [SHOE SHINE PARLOR i Shoes On RR Specialists on Panama Bleaching WM. BISBIKOS '90 Princess Street. Phone 1333. -- ines sold on easy monthly Po achine Every machine guaran- teed. Mail us a card or phone for catalogue. 225 PRINCESS STREET Phone 631. i ---------------------------- Full line of Kitchenware Carried C. N. VEALE Plumbing and Heating STORE-374 Princess St; Phone 308F \ Electric and Acetylene Welding, Brass amd A Castings, Patterns, General Machinery Repairs THOS. Q. BISHOP XING AND QUEEN STREETS COR. KING AONE 55. = hy \ ODERATE. SAVOY DAIRY LUNCH VICE. N 210 Princess Street. Phone 1078. 7 3) Electric Home Needs Moffatt Ranges, protected or Grates, Public Utilities Hydro Shop j TELGMANN SCHOOL OF MUSIC 484 Brock St. Phone '2217J FRESH SEEDS FOR BEST RESULTS USE OUR SEEDS--LOWEST MARKET PRICES FOR HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS. McFARLANE & WOOD. 5 £ SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. | iM RES.--154 York Street. Fhone 585. 4 PHONE 444. "~ NEW YCRK HAT CLEANING CO. SHOE SHINE PARLOR 208 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 395. PETER LAMPROS. \. BAGGAGE TRANSFER AND GENERAL CARTING Theatrical Transfer Co. Stanley & Buckley, Prop. York amd Cherry Streets. Phones 201 and 2214J. | ee-------------------------- General Aute Repairing, Carbon ) Burning, Acetyleme Welding Cars washed. R. C. CLARKE COR. KING and PRINCESS STREET PH 285 N. \ Nh ------------------------------ STRAW HAT SEASON FOR LADIES NOW OPEN We clean and remodel all kinds of Straws. KINGSTON HAT CLEANERS 163 Princess Street, Upstairs. Phone 1488. Cor, 8. V. HORNE AMERICAN BOTTLING WORKS GINGER ALE, PLAIN SODA, BIRCH BEER, LEMON SOUR AND WHISTLE. PHONE 217. 148 ONTARIO STREET 7 >, CP. PAINT AUTO PAINT HOUSE PAINT FLOOR PAINT YARNISHES AND VARNISH MARSHALL'S HARDWARE 193 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 100. > N - Our Motto: "Service and Quality" BELMONT DINING ROOM Phone 2373m. 68 Brock St. candles, are forced to 7 BLUE GARAGE, LTD. MSLADG IN 0! 1] Phone 567. \. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW 1923 McLAUGHLIN- BUICK ? N J . TOYE & COMPANY ) | ESALE FRUIT D COM- SION MERCH Ss. Distributors R'S CHOCOLATES and RISTIE'S BISCUITS PHONE 467. RUBBER BOOTS REPAIRED ) ATWOOD AND DINE VULCANIZING SPECIALISTS Phone 902m. 277 Bagot Street. . y H. L. BRYANT For E OF FREIGHT eo Everything. e 17634 4 J Cream andi Fresh ATON'S UTS 12. ¢ Garages. REETS 3 For Pure Milk and Cream i Place Your Order With 'Us. § | TRY THE NEW. ENGLAND Loar) NEW ENGLAND BAKERY 297 COLLINGWOOD STREET PHONE 618. 7 J. Y. Parkhill & Co. DISTRIBUTORS DAIRY SCHOOL BUTTER PHONES 96 and 112. ? 3) OUR AIM IS SERVICE Kir.gston, Portsmouth and | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SUCCEED WHAT DOES SPRING CNN TO Te? Joyous Hours Out of Doors or House Cleaning Drudgery Within. One can endure being a 'shut in" when winter winds are blowing and | the. thermometer hovers around the {zero mark, but when the first robin puts in an appearance and arbutus {tints the mountain side, the great |out-doore has an insistent and irresis- tible appeal:, Some of us -- if we have kept abreast of the times--can heed this call and spend joyous hours in the | warm spring sunshine without shirk- {ing household tasks while others, {whose house fteeping methods are as | obsolete as hop skirts and tallow sunstrtute | } h work for recreation. In the electrified home spring is | thrice welcome. | As soon as women realize how | much comforts, convenience and lel-| !sure it brings, household electriciey | {becomes a necessity. Practically ! | every household task has been sim-| plified and expediated by its magic | and it has served to dispense with | bug-a-boo of spring| | | the old-time cleaning. { And again--new fashioned meth- | ods of sweeping and dusting have shown the folly of raismg dust clouds with a broom and scattering the! dirt and grit from rugs and carpets | upon pictures, furniture and hang. | ings, only to put it into circulation | again by means of dust cloth or | brush. | With an electric cleaner, dirt and dust are absorbed and permanently | disposed of and the room thus clean- | ed remains in order, , The H. W. Newman Electric Com- pany makes a specialty of electric appliances and not only stocks the finest and most upito-date models but maintains a repair department which can look after everything el- ectric. The Eureka Electric Clean- er and Blue/Bird Washers are among the high-class appliances carried and this firm claims the largest and most varied line of electrical fixtures be- tween Toronto and Montreal. Let electrical appliances give you more leisure to really enjoy the beautiful month ot May. CENTRAL GARAGE ADDS EQUPHET Service Station--Looks For Big Year. WEEKLY WITH REVIEW KINGSTON THE WAY OF THE WORLD If you would be labelled as a Work hard and put by real lucky man, all the money you can; Don't dodge the long hours or jobs that are hard, Don't dress up and go Don't have any fun if it for a "time" with a costs you much "dough," ard, But slave like the dickens wherever you 89; And then when you're rich from the wealth you've put by, " Men will point vou out as a Don't do any loafin Jou must not be ve Bil S real lucky guy. or slack on the job, that to the mob; end nigh! hours in study, enlighten your mind, ore up in your brain all the knowled Then make it earn dollars--in turn m you find; e them work, Don't let it be said that a task you would shirk; Take care of the Then watch peop It's the way of And pile up a ennies, put them safely by, e call you a real lucky guy. the world: If you'meet success, million or so, more or less, They don't give you credit for efforts you've made, Or € hours you've worked, the few you have played, Or the joys you have missed while struggling to gain The coin for your start on the hard nA nn They envy "He surely you all, as they say was always a real lucky guy." with a sigh: CPTI STIPIPFISTTPIYOIOPDS . + GOLD IN YOUR GARDEN. + There was once a man who * had a lange garden but the # soil was not fertile and the + crops were scarce. So the man + became poor, for he had few + worldly goods to trade with + passing caravans. But ome day he found gold # In his garden and for the man- ® ute he was overjoyed. But as # traders came his way they said, * "We wish not for gold, for it 4 will neither clothe nor feed us, % nor quench our thirst. Hie # you unto traders in gold with <+ your find." + But he was without beasts of #+ burden so he could not get to ,& #+ the gold traders. So he stopped ® each wayfarer that passed his & & gate and said: "If you be not a # trader in gold, tell each one you % 4 meet that I have gold to bar + ter." +> And shortly him name came # to the gold tradefs and they @ came his way he waxed + exceedingly riok" : -- % There are many merchants ® who have "gold in tleir gar- ® dens" but they do not spread # the news to those who trade in < that commodity. # This man with his gold saw % the only way to improve his ® worldly position -- advertise, # and his action should be a les- 4 son to the many who forget the % value of steady and persistent + advertising. + If you have "gold In your & garden" tell it to those who + "trade in gold" by advertising. Since the large building on the corner of Montreal and Brock streets was acquired by the Central Garage that firm has been busy making im- provements of every sort and In a very short time these will be com- pleted and the sum total of the efforts of the management will bs one of the finest complete sérvice stations to be found anywhere. As soon as this firm took over the building the large brick tower was removed and in its place a new gaso- line and oll service building will be erected with a diagonal runway eut- ting the corner in front of it to fac ilitate the speedy handling of any number of cars, . The lower floor of the building, comprising the workshops and a large storage space, has recently been relaid with concrete and the repair shops themselves, under the supervision of expert mechanics with years of experience, have been equip- ped with the most modern labor- saving and efficlency-giving machin< ery and tools to be obtained. This equipment includes and up-to-date wash-rack, a battery charging station and an oxyacetylene outfit with which the shop does its welding anu cutting work. ¢ The second floor is used mainly as a show and display roof though it may aleo be used for storage or over-night parking purposes. Two roomy subdivisions have been: made in the front, ome for the business » (#2080200 2%2%2 000 'Want Import: Restricted. Due to a crop surplus, the hop growers of Great Britain are pres- sing the government for the adop- tion of rome protection additional to that which they are now receiving under what is known as the Ministry af Food (Continuance) Act, 1920, which through tke requirement of import licenses, restricts the im- portance of hops into Great Britain. Dutch Quinine and Dye Experts. Shipments of quinine from the Netherlands amounted to 17 tons during the month of December, in- creasing in January to 43 tons, of which the United States took 30 tons. Exports of aniline dyes in- creased by 62 per cent. in January over December, the United States taking 11 per cent. of the whole. Canada's Production of Gold. Canada's production of gold last year was 304,656 ounces, or 33 per cent, in excess of that for 1921. The report of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics gives the output as 1,230,- $85 fine ounces (value $25,446,717) for 1922, against 926,329 fine ounces (value $19,148,930) In the preced- ing year. Rushing Coffee to Market. Some economic benefits may ac- offices of the firm and the other for a very complete stock room with every necessary automobile acces- sory. The Central Garage is the local dis- tributor for Chevrolet and Studebak- er motor cars and for Gotrreason crue to Southern Mexico from the efforts of practically all the coffee planters to take advantage of. the prevailing higher prices occasioned by the existing demand according to a despatch. Shipments are being rushed in so es to dispose of stocks before the market feels the effect $2490 2449020540900 0040 GOL 4424089944040 0540044 purpose of HERE'S A HOTEL TO RIVAL HOMES |Albion, Under New Manage- ment, Earning Enviable on. The Albion Hotel, corner of Queen and Montreal streets, is pre-eminent- ly equipped to satisfy your every need. Under the present manage- ment it has advanced to the position of being aM that is best in a moder- ately priced hotel. Centrally locat- ed, it is within a few minutes' walk of the leading theatres, stores, rail- way stations, and docks, while motor-bus stages leave for ail points in the district daily. Large airy rooms, immaculate in their cleanli- ness, ensure a good night's rest. The dining room service is unex- celled with good wholesome food in abundance and a variety to suit all, cooked and served under the most exacting sanitary conditions. It lakes a pleasure of dining. All in all, you cannot find a mors delightful home. Whether your stay is for a day or a month the same courteous treatment, the same desire to please, that characterizes this hostelry under its present manage- nent, is given you. Take Vanilla Crop. The closing of the vanilla rcason in Guadeloupe indicates a probabla barvest of about 20,000 pounds. Some 15,000 pounds have already been shipped, and apparently little remains. The prices there have been very high, different buyers bidding up very fast from the opening of the market. The flowering for next year's crop has commenced and a good 1924 yield is seen. All the vanilla will probably go to America, with the possible fon of a small shipment to France. Prices in America are more remunerative than those of France. Punjab Wheat Crop Forecast. The first official forecast of the Punjab wheat crop has just been re- ceived. Estimated wheat acreage in the British districts of the Punjab up to the end of December, 1922, totals 9,900,000 and compares with the area estimated last year at 9,- 500,000 acres, when the total acre- age of last year was 8,788,992. The wheat acreage in the Native States of the Punjab is estimated at 1,084, C00 acres, compared with last year's forecast of 1,002,000 acres and 1,- 191,700 acres the final area of last year. The condition of the standing crop in the Native States is generally good. -------- Inspection of Formosa Tea. . The Governor-General of Formosa contemplates establishing an {in- fpection office in Daitotel for ths standardizing and im- proving the grades of tea intended [for export trade. The inspection, for which no fee is to be charged, will govern grades, quality, weights, containers, tea lead linings, etc., and will be conducted at the time of packing. Inspectors' stamps will be eflixed to the containers. -------------- Japanese Use of Pony Hair. Pony hair is imported from China into Japan, where it is 'washed and bleached and afterward used in the manufacture of brashes. This trade, which was developed during the war, continues to be active. To-night at Jarvis's Nellson's assorted bricks, 3c. Ice Cream in bulk reduced to 0p. quart. Eskimo Pie, $5c. dosen. 'We don't make Cho* goiaten We represent thos A SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1938. BUY CANADIAN PRODUCTS You've heard the story of Little Bo-Peep, Of Jack and Jill and the hill so steep, Of Old Mother Hubbard and Red Riding Hood And the little shoe children who wouldn't be good. But something better you hear instead Ask your mother to buy the Milk Maid Bread. DOYLE'S QUALITY BREAD PHONE 1369. POWER AND LIGHTING PLANTS INSTALLED H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRICAL CO. ELECTRICAL JOBBERS AND CONTRACTORS BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC FIXTURES PHONE 441. PRINCESS STREET. 7 \. WONDER MEDICINE CO. 110 Clarence Street. Phones Sid384 | # JOBBING WORK A SPACIALTY HURD & SON GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE 1458J. 88 STEPHEN ST. Perfumery, Toilet Preparations Dr. Bell yr GEO. A. BATEMAN] \ Phone 396w, {| \ R. ARTHEY REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 143 Princens St. REAL ESTATE 139 Wellington, J | ' . | | Phone 2108. \ v ' " r~ Phone 1430w. 238 Pri ncess Street. 7 PHONE 229. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Na EY Jobblag Werk Specialty F. H. HAMILTON Plumbing and Steam Fitting, Hot Water Heating 131 Alfred st. J KINGSTON ARTIFICIAL ICE 00. Delivers To All Parts of Oty, PHOND 003. 433 MONTREAL 92. \ \ ASK FOR . BRITISH AMERICAN MASOUD'S HOTEL ICE CREAM ALWAYS THE SAME Phone 280. Special Suadey Din Served from 1 te 3.30. Price Too x AN va oNT. a -------------------------------------- ESTIMATES SUBMITED | THOS. ANDRE CONTRACTOR 2° Sixth Street. Phone. 1400. J \ FOR E. L. MARTIN 111% BROCK STREET This year's crop is exceptionally ~ -- Soward Keeps Coal Coal K Le ------ Branch Office: MoQall's Cigar Store PHONE 811. ICE high grade Phone 1307 Our Motto: PROMPT SERVICE KINGSTON ICE CO., LTD. \, "~ { \ The Leading Commercial House Specially adapted to Tourists Commercial Travellers, ay Running water in every room. The Wilson, Lytle, Badgerow Ceo. | ALBION HOTEL) Corner Montreal and Queen Sts. \. J HOTEL RANDOLPH )|{ Cleaning Things and Dring vases) Saves a Lot of Buying Things COLLIER'S Dyer "My Valet" Cleaner (4 Princess Street. Phone 950. / L. T. WELCH, Manager. pn Nz ~----WE NEVER CLOSE THE CENTRAL GARAGE, LIMITED Brock and Montreal Streets. Phone 600. STUDEBAKER AND CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS TIRES GASOLINE REPAIRS ACCESSORIES TUBES OILS >) " \ \ McGinnis & O'Connor Highway Engineers and Contractors Na. XX Pure Table Vinegar. XXX Pure Table Vinegar. Distilled Extra Pickling Vinegar. strengths---quality guaranteed. Limited. 7 Bagot Street. » ¥ \ ESTIMATES SUBMITTED H. PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phone 1801w, 205 ALFRED STREET E. K. JOHNSON, PROP. Kingston. Phone 314. 7 225 Wellington St. 0. AYKROYD & SON BUILDING CONTRACTORS Estimates Given om New and Repair Work. [ 21 pas STREET. PHONE 1070 HONESTY OF WORKMANSHIP CYLINDERS on a Heald R. ¥. CAMPBELL Phone 1212J. Phone 948w. SN | TO HAVE A PERFECT MEAL ) " Q. K. KRAUSE BAKER USE A PERFECT BREAD FRONT ST. PHONE 1153, ] QEORGE HUNTER CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Plans and estimates of all kinds submitted. "FOR BUILDING HOMES" 75 Pemb ~ 402 MONTREAL STRERY Jobbing Work a Speciality William Holder Carpenter and Builder, BAKER'S DAIRY Pasteurized Milk and Cream 53 VICTORIA PHONE 2083w. Dominion Textile Company (Limited) MANUFACTURERS "PRUE COTTON" -MONTREAL--TORONTO--WINNIPEG '