RRIDAY, MAY 4, 1928. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Men's Summer Underwear Combination Underwear with long or short sleeves. Price $1.50 to $2..00. Athletic Underwear. Price ...... $1.50 Hatchway No Buttons. Price ...$1.50 If you want nice goods, see us. George VanHorne's © 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. I Eyestrain A Rare Condition? BY NO MEANS. Most people are not aware of its prevalence, nor of its effects upon those who have it to any 'extent. But anyone who is even a little informed on Optometry * knows that eyestrain is very preval- ent and that its effects are so detri- mental as to result in a great lower- ing of efficiency among people gen- erally. aes Have your eyes 'examined and know their condition. Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office. AARNet Sut NSN 8 roomed cement block house, good lot, electric light and three-piece bath, Terms ean be arranged. Price $8,780. Also double cement block house with all improvements. Very easy terms. Several Houses To Rent Td The chronmie.backslider is not even adable servant of the devil. @ bankrupt in principle may be Yole % carry a big life si ENGLISH SILVER-MOUNTED Butterfly Wing Jewelery The newest Jewellery Novel- ty and very fashionable, The real Butterfly Wings mounted into artistic pieces, such as:---- _ NECKLETS ... EARRINGS . . . $3.50 up $4.50 and $5.50 . . $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 Very reasonable in price. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON Ee hc. can Announces that DR.T. H. RENTON is mow his partner at 183 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON "MORE NEWA RIVALS! Many different decorations and new in Cups and Sugars and shapes Plates, Priced as low LIMOGES CHINA -- White with This is open stock Din- "Gold Band. nerware. We have many articles suitable for Gifts and Prizes. "COME IN AND'LOOK AROUND" Saucers, Cake Creams. as possible quality Wome 's Maliogay and Brown Os. 1 fordo--Miltry Hece -- latest models -- 1] mrre-- HOMES IN GOLLIN'S BAY 10 USE HYORO-ELECTRIC Workmen Are at Present En- gaged In Stringing the Wires. It is expected that by the end of the month, the homes in Collin's Bay, will be lighted by electricity. At the present time, men employed by the Hy/Zo-Electric Commission are stringing the electric wires to the village of Westbrooke, and the line will be brought from Westbrooks Grass & Clarke, owners of the Wil- low Dale ice cream plant, which i» located between Oollin's Bay, and Westbrooke, operated by hydro-el- octric current. Up until the present time, about five or six places in the village have been wired for electric light, and it is only a matter of time until a large number will be ready to take the power. The two stores in the village will use hydro. When the line is constructed to Oollin's Bay, it will mean that Cat- araqui, Westbrooke and Collin's Bay will be usiag hydro-electric cur- rent which is trapsmitted from the Kingston eleotric plant. POULTRY THIEVES BUSY IN KINGSTON TOWNSHIP Seventeen Valuable Birds Taken From Collin's Bay Resident. During the past wcek poultry thieves have been very active in tho township of Kingston. It is evident that the parties who are stealing the chicken know when they are gett- ing good stock. On Saturday even- ing last, the hen house on the pro- trerty of 8. Anthond Runnick, Col- lin's Bay, was entered and seventeen hens were taken. The owner stated that the thieves carried away the best hens in the house. LIKELY NOMINEES. For Presidency of the Montreal Methodist Conference. The proceadings of the Montreal Methodist Conference will 'be opened in the Methodist church, Wall street. Brookville, on June 18th, under the presidency of Rev. 'Dr. C. D. Bald- win, retiring president, with Rev. J. Pinel, D.D., secretary. 'With regard to the presidency, bal- lots for which will be cast early in the session, names forward will be Rev. W, T. G. Brown, Ottawa; Rev. A. E. Runnells, Mont- real; Rev. Dr, E. I. Har, Montreal, and Rev. B. B. Brown, Sherbrooke. The agenda provides for the usual routine reports of church depart- ments, and beyond these does not suggest thot any controversial issues will come up, unless they should arise out of reports. Church union is a matter that is in the hands of the General Conforence which is a quadrennial fixture, and in any chse that body has defined its position clearly .in favor of the legislative proposals npw before the three churches concerned. Among special speakers who will address the conference at one timo or another are the Hon. C, E. Drury, premier of Ontario, Wwho'ls. scheduled 1a speak at the laymen's banquet on May 31st, also Rev. Prof. Edmund D. }Soper, professor in history of Relig- fon, at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., who wilt give several fevolional addresses. Rev, Dr. 8. P. Rose, of Wesleyan College, Montreal, will give the jubilee address on "The 'Things that Romain--a Confession of Feith," and the annual lecture of the Theological Union will be given |by Rev. Roy M. Pdunder, West- 'mount. ' The stationing committee will, as usual, assomble at the conference in advance of the sessions, starting its work on May 29th. Brockville Cheese Board. At the initial meeting of the Brockville Dairymens' Board of Trade for the season, held Thurs- [day afternoon, 1,646 bqxes of cheese all but 200 boxes of which were col- ored were sold at 17¢. to Collin's Bay. It is the intention of |. likely to come | GANANOQUE May 4.--Mrs. James Stewart, Brock siureet was taken to King- ston General hospital yesterday to be operated on for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs, A. Bennett ang Mr. and Mrs. T. Fields motored to King- ston yesterday. Harold Valleau returned yester- day from a business trip to Oshawa. H. L. Petrie, Toronto, was in town yesterday. Mrs. G. N. Asselstine and Miss E. Hayward spent yesterday in King- ston, Mrs. David Drohan, Toronto, wao spent the past two weeks the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Corboy, left for her home yes- terday. ; Mr. and Mrs, "Bob" Gordon, Tor- cnto, are visiting Mrs. D. J. Gordon, Princess street. Mr, McGuire, public school inspec- tor, is in town, : Miss Margaret Taylor, an art's student Queen's University, is In town, having completed her stuilies for this term. Rev. Dean Kehoe is in Kingston for a few days: Sterling Reid, New York City, is spending a few weeks with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. W, Reid, Stone atreet, The public library board held its monthly meeting last evening. The library is now in a flourishing con- dition and continues to grow in pop- ularity, A large number of new books will be issued shortly, Miss Car- penter, who has been absent fru. the library for about a month through illness, is now conmvalescing nicely, and her many friends will be glaa to hear that she soon will be back at her old post. In her absence, Mrs. George Whaley, ene assistant Ubrarian, has been doing excellent service. Just recently the Ubrary rooms have been in the hands of the painters and now presents a very attractive appearance. The town now has a new source of revenue in the '"dog pound," and many paths lead there these days, Yesterday, one of the fair sex, missing her Afrdale, was amr- lected to the spot, and calling a James, and make it snappy!' she found her "treasure" in rather motley company and we understand that the pound keeper stood not up- on the order of his releasing, but Jeleased at once and breathed a prayer that this canine should never again fall into the toils of the dog catcher. IN MARINE OIRCLES } As a result of grounding on a shoal at the head of Simcoe Island last fall, the er Mary Daryaw will need considerable repejrs at the Davis drydock. A good deal of the planking on the sower pai. Of the bow will be replaced and. a thorough overhauling given. : The vessel of the ¢. 8. L, Com- pany are being overhauled and in- spected by a gang or men rrom the Davis drydock. It is not expected that very many of these boats will be able to clear before the middle of next week. Traffic from Cape Vincent to King- ston is beginning to increase slightly but not enough to warrant more than one regular trip of the steamer Wauble. The steamer Brockville is in Belle- ville unloading freight andl will be down here again on Saturday, She week. Steamer Britannic Starts. "Our steamer, the Britannic, of the Montreal and Cornwall Naviga- tion Co., had the honor of opening the canal and lake navigation season for Montreal, as well as for Corn- mal," said Purser Russell Snetsing- er, of the Britannic, Wednesday, after tho vessel had tied up at the foot of Dalhousie street, Montreal. "We left Cornwall at 5 o'clock In 'the morning," said Purser Snet- singer, "in coarge of Capt. £. Hart, ot Cornwall. "We had little difE- culty with ice on the way down until we got out of Soulanges Canal, when ye were delayed for three hours get- ting through heavy flelds of ice in taxi, she gave the order, "Dog pound | Here TO-DAY'S RADIO PROGRAMME FRIDAY, MAY 4. WGY ( nectady, N.Y.) General Electric Company Eastern Standard Time. 11:30 a.m.--Stock market quo- totions. . 11:45 a.m.--Weather forecast. 11:56 a.m.--Time signals. 1:00 p.m.--Music and Needle- work talk, '"The Demure Dotted Muséins"' (Courtesy of Modern Pris- cilia). 5:00 p.m.--Produce and stock market quctations; news bulletins; baseball results. . 5:30 p.m.--Talk for the children. 7:40 p.m.--Heelth Talk. 7:45 p.am.--Concent programme. (Late Programme) (10.30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) Programme by the Union Oollega Musical Clubs of Schenectady, N.Y. Male Chorus, "Song of Steel" .. . wale aint ian . Spross-Church " Union College Glee Club Violin solo, "Serenade"... ..' ir ew shee . Schubert-Schirmer John Bursham H. H. Hall, accompanist Mate Chorus, . "Kashmiri Song". . os . va Woodforde-Finden-Boosey b Lougine, Dear, for You" .. .: - « ++ +. Densmore-Schirmer Glee Club Instrumental selection, a. Fox Trot, "Sweet Melody" .... ..Sayder > Waltz af Loves a Little Cottage" .. .O'Hara-Fox Union College Instrumental Club {Male Qhorus, 'Route Marchin'" ... Stock-Somne Glee Club Some New Saws, W. V. Fretts, The Bishop Brothers, B. A. Stilson Male Quartette, A Vocal Melange Civil Engineering Quartette. G. M. Campbell, 1st tenor; F. M. Bis- hop, 2nd tenor; W. L. Howlett, baritone; H. A. Schauffer, bass. Instrumental selections, a. Fox Trot, "Sunkist Rose" . .DeVoll-Snyder b. Fox. Trot, ""Yotir Kisses' " Tostrumental Club Male Chorus, . "The Road to the Isles" . + Dr.-C. A. Richmond b. Schirmer Glee Club Tenor selor, e a. "The Kerry Dance"... b. "The Spring Has Come" Molloy David McK. Brockway will start her regular schedule nest |' W. L. Howlett, accompanist Male Chorus, a. "Mah Lindy Lou". ®, "Bxhortation". ¢. "Alma Mater" Glee Club Cook-Schirmer gage. S Travelling Bags Suit Cases Visit our Baggage Department and we can prove to you that we carry a good variety of everything in Bag- » We have just received a shipment of English Suit Cases. see them. Abernethy' Shoe Store Drop in and Strickland-Schirmer A From Whig Fyles 'OF TEN AND TWENTY YEARS AGO. May 4th. 1918. Ten nurses graduate at the 25th. anual commencement excercises of the General Hospital. The authorities at the Royal Mili- tary Logie and Smith as drowned, Considerable. agitation among the citizens concerning the predicted cost of mew pavements. ' Portsmouth may be annexed to Kingston owing to need for fire pro- tection, May 4th, 1903 Several members of the R.C.H.A. College have given up Cadets): a few left at . LEADING UNDERTAKER. Established 1854. THREE FOR THE PRICx OF ONE A Simmons Steel St Bagnd All:Steel Spring and Phone 147 for Service. ament. A new city park between St. George's cathedral and the custom house to be built. The mineral wealth of the county of Frontenac is to bo exploited. The R.C.F.A. are under orders to entrain for Montreal at any time owing to strike conditions In tnat city. © The unsightly posts marking a footpath across the cricket-fiela are to be removed. . Tweddell's sujt sale $25.60. win prizes at Toronto military tour-| Death of Ross Trenton of the deat: of J. Ross Cun- ringham, at his howe in Pittsburg, t Ounningham. Treaton, May 4~--News reached: where he had been residing for the past two years. He was born in Trenton about forty-thres years ago. and for many years was engaged ia the hus and undertaking business. His many Trenton friends wil regret 10 learn of his death. He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Sauvia of Trenton. Vain is the World--~but only » the vain. Your fine Garments' which - = are unwilling to " chipped 'soaps--wash silk things in or prize, and which you ® in the pure Lux suds. re a Ee '