noni ---- -- ee ee F | FOX CHO in GOLDEN RED : You are invited to call and inspect our ge beautiful Furs. 5 Ins#Ak Mosalocturers fl [would be impossible to say which [} was the best act, but judging from if [the applause the Beasley o.:ters made or eight encores. i} | wonder, gave a very clever act. Dan Caslar, who is without doubt, tha | Kingston in a long time, [§ clever "stunt" when he played "The § | Rosary," with his left hand. i} items. on the programme. On Satur- day morning, at 10 o'clock there will | [OH HENRY! DON'T pay any attention to this sign on a store window unless you are hungry for a good Candy ! CROTHERS KINGSTON EST. SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT seum ARNIEL & rit HAMBROO 3 (CATERERS) NO DINNER 100 LARGE--NO LUNCHEON TOO SMALL. ¥ 0. HAMBROOK 118 Brock Street Phote 1028w. EA rn RA iat ire itn -- -------- a LN - - -- % (close of the performance to go on THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG VAUDEVELE AT GRAND | 15.4 BG ATTRACTION . 'A Special Matinee For Child- ren at 10 O'clock on Sat- urday Morning. present at the Grand Opera House § [on Thursday evening, when the "The | § (Cultural Vaudeville Ci.cle," gave an- other splendid entertainment. It the hit of the night. They were loud- ly acclaimed and had to give sevem Tameo Kajiyama, the Japaness best plano artist who has visited gave a The Arai act shows 012 of the best co's lections of trained birds, dogs and cats, in the world. On Frulay evenicg a "memory contest" will be one of the special be a special matinee and the child- ren will have an opportunity at the the stage and visit the trained birds and animals. OLD FRAME DWELLING SUFFERS FROM BLAZE Roof Was Qutted in a Blaze at 232 King Street East, This Morning. The root of the old frame dwell- ing at 232 King street east was bad- iy gutted in a fire which broke out at 6.59 o'clock on Friday morning. The fire started in the attic but the cause is unknown. Neighbors turned in and able to sdve a good deal of the furn- Liture. The building is insured but no insurance was carried on the con- tents. The firemen used three lines of hose. . Ald. John Holder, who is a mem- Ler of the fire and light committee was at the fire and assisted in tak- ing our furniture. Capt. W. Breagh is the owner of the dwelling and a tenant, and Will- fam Metcalfe was also a tenant. 21ST BATTALION CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING Lieut.«Col. H. E. Pense Is Re- Elected President of This ve E At the annual meeting of the 21st Battalion Club, hel in the ser- goants' mess at the armotries on }Thursday evening, the following of- ficers were elected: Honorary president, Brig. Gen. W. 8. Hughes, Ottawa: President, Lieut.-Col. H. B. Pensa; Vice-president, W. G. McCullagh; were GENERAL HOSPITAL NURSES. Whe Will Receive Graduating Di- plomas em 11th May. The following are the graduating nurses of the Kingston Gemeral Hos- pital: : Mrs. T. Hamilton, Mallorytown; Misses Hazel Hauley, Bath; Ethel Sloan, Whitby; Nina Gibson, King- ton; Geneveve Horton, Bellamy; A very appreciative audience was [bet Waker, Napanee, Letetia Macdondld, Mallorytown; Willa Dusty, Kingston; Rhoda Wesley, Ma- berley; Gertrude Fitzsimons, Rus- sell; Bessie Thomas, Shawville; Mary Wills, Smith's Falls; Gladys Willis, Portland; Mary Taft, King- ston, Lillian Fairfull Walkerton; Edith Walker, Perth; Elizabeth Cul- len, Kingston; Ruth Marshall, Stella; Gwendolen Austin, King- ston; Dorothy Howard, Kingston; Gladys Qua#l, Newburgh; Violet Black, Forresters Falls; Mae Red- den, Oshawa; Lena Gray, Kingston; Gladys Rogers, Smithield; Della Steacy, Iroquois; Oora Burnside, Iroquois; Velma Strader, Iroquois; Armorel Beach, Iroquois; Margare. Johncox, Arnprior.. Probation Class. The following probationers enter- ed the Gemeral Hospital training school on April 26th: : Misses Dorothy Wemp, Stella; Glenna Booth, Brockville; Elsa Polk Dorothy Garner, Harrowsmith; Mabel Hollingsworth, Rockport; Helen Woodhouse, Kingston; Estella, Instant, Stella; Alice Anderki, Berwick; Elsie Wright, Ottawa; Frances Kennedy, Kingston; May Frost, Kingston; Margaret Sansome, Jasper; Vera Maundeérs, Perth; Florence Storey, Napanee; Myrtle Francis, Tremton; Bertha Barton, Belleville; Leila Weddén, Belleville. HIRE: Late Mrs, Urquhart. Mrs. Isabel MacKay, widow of the late John Urquhart, 54 Welling- ton street, passed away at her late residence on Friday morning. The deceased was bora in Scotland eighty-eight years ago, and had liv- ed in Canada for about fifty years. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. W. N. Linton, Kingston, and Mrs. William Armitage, Elva, Mani- toba. 2 i . Late Miss A. J. MacMillan. Miss Anne Jeannette MacMillan, a lite-long resident of this city, pass- ed away at her late residence, 28 Wellington street, early Friday morning, The deceased was a for 1 a worker in various church 'and' charitable activ- ties. Sutviving ate two sisters, Miss Jennie and Miss Margaret, at home, and one brother, Donald Mac- millan, Chicago. i i es sistas. Hotel Dieu tag day tomorrow. If you pursue good with labor, the labor pusses away but the good re- mains. If you pursue evil with Secretary, A. Pullen. Treasurer, W. Valentine. Sergeant-at-Arms, W. Nelson. Chairman membership committes W. P. Doolan. Chairmen sick committee, Major (Rev.) W. E. Kiad. Chairman © entertainment eom- mitted, A. McCutcheon, Auditors, G. T. Hussey and W. Cockburn. The repotts of the year showed the club has been actively engaged $n service for the ex-members of the 21st, as well as having enjoyed sev eral social evenings. At the annual #eoting "Padre" Kidd reported on the work which had already been done in connéetion with the eam- paign for the battalion memorial, and outkined plans for the future. St. Andrew's Missionary Society. pleasure, the pleasure passes away aid the evil remains, Tweddell's suit sale $25.50. = EE aa. "The Hat Store" Millinery Sale Trimmed Hats at Big Reductions To- morrow $4.75 to $9.75 | PLAY BALL! | | BOYS' [22% ME Saath a $1.19 | Mews Mitts Kingston; Georgina Acheson, Elgin; ; i FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1928. ---------------- BUY THE BOY A BASEBALL MITT Extra Special 99C|Reguiar $1.30 19¢ $1.39 Regular $3.00 \ day for Half Price. Exclusive Millinery You are known by the hat you wear old Seal Gongoleum A big clearance in odd lines Newest goods. --$2.98-- Georgette, Crepe de Chene and Habutai Silk Blouses -- colors. Priced up to $6.00 each. "Saturday ...........:. $2.98 Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Sam Clarke n. Cobourg, May 4.--There is little pre-election excitement in West Northumberland up to the present time. Sam Clarke, the present riein- ber, has been returned seven times by this riding and his majority in the last election was the largest that he has ever received. He has sat in the Ontario House now for twentyifive years and his election is generally conceded if he enters the arena, as is expected, as the Liberal candidate lf {in the coming provincial election. dorse a Labor candida vincial election Also in stock 'a complete range of "REACH" GI 'B Mitts. Specials every day. Moves alls and M OORE'S TOYS SPORTING GOODS MAY 5th TO 12th INCLUSIVE Congoleum Floor Rugs are easy to clean --Wwaterproof and greaseproof-- beautiful, harmonious patterns--no- fastening requir- ed--economical. These Bargain Prices for 7 Days Only: Size 9x6--regular price $9.00 .. .. Size 9x7 }--regular price $11.25 ............ .... SALE $ 9.95 Size 9x9--regular price $13.50 . ............ .. Size 9x 10} --regular price $15.75... . . Size 9x1 2--regular price $18.00........... .. is .... SALE § 7.95 .... SALE $11.95 ov nvr.. SALE $13.95 ... SALE $15.95 HALF PRICE Ladies' Suits and Coats on Satur- --$1.19-- $2.50 House Dresses--Gingham and Print--dark and light colors. All sizes. $2.50:for. . .... $1.19 pular ------ i ---. Real Estate For Quick Buyers--Must Be Sold At Once PATRICK STREKT--7 roomed frame Bungalow, electric lights, three piece bath, good cellar. CHERRY STREET-- 5 rooms, bath and toilet, electric lights, hardwood floors, back verandah, summer kitchen, good lot. : Immediate possession. Terms can be arranged. Shi peigon. acy' sa MEN'S BROWN CALF OXFORDS--; 1 bee - : French square toe, rubs MEN'S BLACK OXFORDS with the new square toes, rub- ber heel, at $5.00. : MEN'S BROWN CALFSKIN O Ber ho: 25 SCY XFORDS, square toe, rub Y v LACK "rabber he WN vic oy LEATHER OX. "STETSON QUALITY" OXFO lack iy : RDS, Black and Brown, all "COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THESE SHOES" N. Y. HERALD: ite laan ardor runaing it, and an and enthralling will stand re, ling book Rg Shrough of some Rh REESE hr oi 1