Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 May 1923, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1929. : : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG GASOLINE PUNP OWNERS DELIGHTFUL VAUDEVILLE | rom wig 0c ROAD MAPS T0 PAY TAK OF $15 AT GRAND OPERA HOUSE] => zee wmsns . Board of Works So Decides-- Japanese Mental Marvel and May 3rd, 1913. 3 of the Street Name Changed to | Some High-Class Mus~ | Cadets J. W. Logie aad A. L. William Street West. ical Acts. Smith' reported missing at the R. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO am Cama i tard ad hey ar | M. C., and it is feared that they are At the Wednesday afternoon ses-| The patronage accorded the Cul- and sion of the Board of Works, a re- [tural Vaudeville Circle at the Grand Mhroughout the district. INTERNATIONAL MAIN solution, advanced by AK. Richard- Opera House increases daily. At| Bandmaster Alfred Lisht of the ° ; iE 20n, Was Saseed placing a 1ax of 313 | Wednesday's performances the larg-) =~ =, 5. to 5s Tot 83 I0NINeH TRAVELLED ROUTES per year on every local owner of a |est audiences of the week Were in [COMmmission 3 the perm: : > > A new library for Queen's uniyer- gasoline pump where gasoline is re- |atiendance and the high quality of P bli hed 1923 tailed a oD public, The motion | the acts delighted all vaudeville en- |Sity advocated among students and Wis brought about considerable discus- |thusiasts. The whole programme 1s members of the alumni. select. Tamed Kajiyama, the Jap-| Steamer Wolfe Islander doing a . * 3 bri By Touring Department, Ontario Mo- . sion, and the new tax will hg a anese intellectual marvel, who is the (heavy business on ferry route. ® y large revenue to the city. . . : headliner, creates intense interest by tor League. P rovincial Highways of kin Hen by the Tojomts his demonstrations of concentration. May 8rd, 1003, Ss F 1 upon three or. more subjects simul-| Village of Vennacher almost marked mn Red. Price ...... .. 50c. sented to the committee, in which the totally destroyed, and many larm- taneously His theory is that 3 yo kes Bat Iho ame of this average man wastes four-fifths of his (ers burned out in forest fires to the brain power, which is capable of |nonth, . R.U glow & CO. [imi mm mare fs hs BE SE Hey rt mt car ® 1 ners and e : problema. are considering the erection of a st y . great Seal 3 Souisicn Ja mail --- In the musical line there is some- new church butiding at Johnston Visit our Baggage Department and : various deliveries een exper |thing for everybody. Dan Castler, [ang Sydenham- streets es enced owing to the name of UBDeT |coighrateq pianist and the Beasley |" myopientam streete- fi == we can prove to you that we carry a © . Wiliam. The petition was granted Sisters, violinists, g.ve a wonuerful \prophesy that Kingston will be good variety of everything in Bag- : A and the necessary steps to have the |; erformance and made a decided hit fcentre of railroad shops. : y! all name changed will be taken imme- | with the audience last night. Clin- Several citizens have been infur- | gage. LISH diately. ton and Cappell in "The Little Wop" 1 | - 3° ? ENG Mr. Raynor, representing the E. |are most pleasing. Angie Cappell 2 ue 1s broken Planks In side- | . a i f on ! SILVER-MOUNTED L. Ruddy Company, appeared before |is small, but she has a wonderful | ' | We have just received a shipment bi aski ission for th ice. Maurice Brierre and 3 . : . the board ng permission for the |goprano voice urice re | WORK WORN Wo of English Suit Cases. Drop in and are bd changing of certain post-boards from | Grace King appear in catchy songs oo a, YeOule of Butterfly Wing sections of the city that were being |and dances and Bobby Ballinger and them. its effects upon those who have it tuilt up this summer and to again | Elma Reynolds in a novely wire act. see to any extent. But one who is erect these boards at other points in | Kluting's animal show is the best Care of Home and Children Often y al aryons the city. The request was granted, | ever produced on a stage here. Causes a Breakdown. n Optometry | J ] x even a little informed on Op Ty ewe el } subject to the supervision of the| The Cultural Vaudeville Circle The woman at home, deep in house- | knows that eyestrain is very preval- ill appear at the Grand Thursday | city engineer. Wis app + | hold duti d th t mother- 9 ent and that its effects are so detri- iday evenings and Saturday | utiles an e cares of mother. mental as to result in a great lower- | ie newest Jewellery Novel- = nel Ross Dik reborted o oii Thy i pho ps On Friday | hood, needs occasional help to keep Ine S oe tore eo situation w r 0 the > - 10g of efficiency among people gen-| ty and very fashionable. fhe Sime a A gun Bartlett | Tameo Kajiyama will conduct a mem- her in good health. The demands up ropert desire to] ©°n a mother's health are many and erally. o The real Butterfly Wings street, Mr. Bateman having asked | OT, contest for all "who severs. Her own health trials and Have your eyes examined and know ||| mounted into artistic pleces, |[{{, =~ = 0 CCC quarter. The | e0ter. her children's welfare exact heavy their condition. engineer stated that the proposition oF 18 tolls, while hurried \| b! ; p NDOLENCE THE CAUSE. h ie hurried 'meals, broken was not practical, and that the only I rest and much indoor living tend to prolution would be in a sewer that |, Ninety Per Cent. of Men Going to | Weaken her. No wonder the woman would run from the mentioned pro- Penitentiary. at home is often indisposed through perty to Victoria street. It was loft | © ederick C. Griffith in Toronto Star| Weakness, headaches, backaches and to the city engineer, Mr. Batemai | Weekly. N\ . ith nervousness. Too many women ac- and Chairmen Sargent to consider | I Was sitting In his office Sw cept these visitations as a part of the | i Very reasonable in price. the entire proposition. Warden Ponsford when he said: "In- lot of motherhood. But many and roArint Permission was granted to Att- |dolence puts 90 per cent. of the men | yurieq ag her health troubles are, the Stowe Ester po test Onica. | wood and Dine, Bagot street, and |il the penitentiary. Indolence pure | cause is simple and relief at hand. . . » W. H. Cockburn and Company, Prin- |2#nd simple. Not drink or drugs. A When well, it is the woman's good r CITe |||cess ana Wellington streets, to erect |an would not be looking for drink | blood that keeps her well; when ill gasoline pumps. Thomas Andre, | OF dope or any of the forty other she must make her blood rich to re- FOR SALE JEWELLERS William strost, was given a permit |things blamed for crime if it Were | now her health. The nursing mo- dolence. ther more than any other woman to build a structure that would en- not for indolence . 3 roomed. Cement block P ST. \ N Eroucl Shghtly on oIiV. pro a "Prohibition has not kept men (needs rich blood and plenty of it. bause, 5 A eet . 8 concrete walk on the north side of |0ut of the penitentiary because drink | There is one way to get this good ean be arranged. Price $8,760. || Anne street, between Main and Vine, | Was never responsible for the great Bing SO Ioeesusty 18 health, snd arrange ice $8,760. : » ' | majority of them coming here. that is through the use of Dr. Wil-| ecem will be constructed fiams' Pink Pills. These enrich the house with all improvements. It was decided to call for tenders| 'You can go through the whole coyele of crime, consider it from every | blood, and through their use many Very easy terms. $5,500, eo for a : pproximately 100 barrels of Several Houses To Rent ntal P @ "Kold patching material" to be used |ahgle, and you come back to indol- weak, ailing wives and mothers have for road repairs, and prices will ba |€lice every time." been benefitted. If you are ailing, epairs, P 4 easily tired or depressed, it is a duty Kingston Jement Products : C ¢ The warden pointed to his feet. LFPICE. 04 Paiviex Street DR. C. NASH also ascertained on 100 tons of soft "Be you seo Hos 2" he agked | YOU OWe yourself and your family to coal. y : : - . ; 1 | 8ive Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair J abruptly, He was wearing a pair trial, , ' " { Announces that George Bawden appeared before gg that might h: come from the best : a wight have sume You can get Dr. Willlams' Pink the board with plans of a service sta- t Y ' RHR 2 i» by his own arms is best DR. 'T. H. RENT O. tion, gasoline pump, ete., to be run 8 ho Duke strobt in' our. shoe Pills through any dealer in medicine E FOR THE PRICE OF ONH ns : 1- and Matt: is now his partner at in connection with his garage, and & | gp on # he 'went 'on. "Aren't they'a " Nan a $05.2 Dux fom The A Simmons Steel Bed and All-Steel Spring $32.78 . ip rock- . I. 153 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON (Permit was given for this purpose. [credit to the maker? Yet of the fAfty vill The following members of the |, on in our shoe shop today not ona 0m, board were in attendamce: Alds. Sar- of them is a shoemaker. Not one { gent, Milne, Holder, Nash, John-|,¢ them ever drove a peg until he ston and Richardson. came into the penitentiary. ! GANANOQUE { LEADING UNDERTAKER. Phone 147 for Service. | "Why don't your shoemakers come | to the penitentiary? Because they | ° To Move to California were trained to work. May 3.--Harvey Stewart, St, Cath- Mrs. David Wilson, who recently| «In the other shops the same |arines, is in town. ; This time it is sold her property on Brook street,(giory. The blacksmith's, the car-| Garnet Baker, who is at present Gananoque, is leaving for St. Gabriel |p. ners ves I believe there is 'ome |i Ottawa, has acepted a position in| New Wholesale and Retail Cal, to take up residence there. Her man in the carpenter shop who was | Detroit, and will leave for that city sister, Mrs, Hall resides there. She in a few days. : a a carpenter before he came here. ob Sl will be accompanied by her son. Tarps . tore . 5 mo here. The Badminton Club held a | FR 1 R Had Bad Pains In |°% to the penitentiary. The man [i th Canoe Club last night which I 1 : was a big success. Garrett's orches- ------ Who has no trade, no occupation, is. tra furnished the music. Several . SY » Hor Heart I have no right to say that any man Many different decorations and new o-- here Is'a born criminal. The trouble | wore oF. from Kingston for it, as | OPENS FRIDAY, MAY 4th ; . 11:8 Erol IMURY: cars lo Loop well as many from the surrounding ' * in Cups and Saucers, Cake . |{Nerves Were Very Bad|® = & x y e home. | country, 2% PL h ys loo good to work--t00| Mm. C. 8. Lee, Oshawa, who was|]] | Carrying a Large Stock of All Kinds : tes, Sugars and Creams. Mrs. John Case, R. R. No. 4, St.[800d to learn a trade.' So, instead |in town in attendance at the funeral : P . 1 ib 5 Oatharines, Ont., Welton} * I wish [of Hnes of young fellows in Toronto of the late WwW, Phillips, senior, Of F ruits riced ow poss ual to say that I have been bothered very and oth it] day 1 yesterd * Byorything Joni oreign . as as s ible q ty much with my heart and nerves. I Hater ner . vor a, Ne ig Rebec stocked by us. fa sehen =n atic Wha 1 THEN . oh Jottorsd With Swe diferent doctors. trade properly. They become drift- |ca Calow and Margaret Brennon mot- | SEE US ON OPENING DAY. 4 but did not find h relief. uld ] LIMOGES CHINA -- White with have such bad pains in my heart, at |°™* But they have got to have |tored to Kingston last evening. ; SS i times: I would be almost afrald to|Mmoney. So they come to crime-- | Claude Kenniston left today for Gold Band. This 18 open stock Din- move or breathe, and at night I could |and the penitentiary, Pontiac, Michigan. | nerware. | mR on vt in en | a, Above © amt PRINCESS 87. | %, Corner of spent Bret . bad I could not lie still and would rand Mrs, We have many articles suitable for only get a little sleep by being tired | 0eS 73% 8 qualified journeyman cap- | randmother Mrs. T. P. Richardson, 5 d Pri out. My stomach was also very bad |2Ple of being honest, if he wants to, | home. Gif ts and Prizes. : and I could eat but very little, and [and earning good wages. To every | 'George Whaley has acceptel & Florida ung Lady Married Student Liquor Smuggler. then only Serial things x I would [newcomer who stands before me I Josten in Oshawa, and [left for 8 xodncetay, May ud, 4 Sul Brockville, May 3.--Two pupils of o have so much distress which always ch the dootri a & couple of days ago. w took ~ Ithe Coll 1 h : . COME IN AND LOOK AROUND" made my heart worse. sre oe . i : i os Mrse. J. H. Valleau was in King- | gle Peters, second daughter of Mr. a onesiute Insite, Whe i ® a uflering for Dearly two q.y oq; What trade would you iike to |*l0R Vesterday, acto a orlda, 80d fo rrogtod by ratiway police' while years until one day 1 was talking to | --'%, -- William Shillington, Cole Lake, were [ [72% TW baggage of a Cane- : 1 our druggist about the way I felt. He PLANS FOR FERR 1 t th fl ws ROBERTSON'S : e sqvised me hie sive 3 Miibatn'a Heart ar of the greatest monuments to 5 Y SERVICE Sule] In marie: he Pa Tun Nios] express train near | mited and Nerve Pills a fair trial. ' I have [the industry of the inmates stands | peween Amherst Princess Street Methodist church, nsvile. ee bottles of liquor | 4 = now taken five hoses snd am feeling | just finished in the south yard--ithe Shore at Liana and Wala hirer Tog bride a dttirea in| Dearing Quebec Liquor Commission to much bust he hls to Jo ny boller house chimney . of solid con-| The residents of Amherst Island |& dress of blue satin-de-chene witn|5€als Were also found on that portion wish. 1 cannot praise anys grete lined with fire brick, 120 fest expect in the very near futdre to|bat to match. They were attended Of the train where they were riding. > high. The mason gang in the peni- [have a ferry service between the |Dy Miss I Peters and W. Shillington | They were brought here by leense 8 tentlary, men who had had no prev-|island and the main shore at Mur. |After the ceremony they took the officials for trial. One of them plead- Heart and Nerve Pills lous experience, built it last summer | haven. The couneil of the town-|train for Ottawa. Upon their re-|ed gulity to having liquor in too highly." under the instruction of one of the ship of Amherst Island has been ad-|turn they will reside on the groom's' gal place and went to Jail Price 50¢. a box at all dealers or |Industrial guards. They did it in |vised by the highway department, a: |farm at Cole Lake. months in. Jeu of a $200 mailed direct on receipt of price by |the record time of six weeks. Toronto, that the The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto,| Comparisons are said to be odious. ' Valor delights in the test. Ont. ' But at Queen's University, also in in Kingston, they wanted a smokes | i stack built twenty feet higher. Ex- pert chimney builders were brough - h he ' hb v from St. Loufs, Mo. ¢ . 3% Pouttentiary Mrs. L. Whiting, 202 King St. West, Brockville, were not driven. There were only ? writes the number on the job for which the : "1 took very sick with my serves and stomach, and A man in charge asked." But th i a the Te ey. ute ; be all ten down. § ants 1 Jeart would B In: Erk 4 j if ih: ; i ¥ i HIT i § i 9 f I if Be I fe i i i I g i Bt H o i

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