. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 10283, ssn: Fil Fishing § BETTER RESULTS QUICKER SERVICE LOWER PRICES We do our own finishing. We have our own and know how to mse it. For your satisfaction leave your mext Film with L. T. Best PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Many so-called Ma- hogany Candle Sticks are shown at times, but very rarely are they-- Genuine Solid Mahogany We are showing at the pres. ent time an assortment made The DAIL gs deg 1 ™ By AN IAL Chapter 23--The* Beginning of En- lit wasn't worth while to take pains graving. Painting was not the only art in- vented during the latter part of the Stone Age. Sculpture and engrav- ing were also begun at about the same time. What is engraving? It is cutting a figure or design into some surface. If you cut your initials into a piece of wood, you are engraving in a rud» way. Possibly it was just that idea which led to the first engravings. A n may have said: "I'll eut a mark that means Me." With his stone knife he slowly cut into the wall of his cave. Other men Or woman. Several faces of men were engrav- ed on the walls of the cave of Mar- soulas, in France. You see two of these today. : : from the genuine wood with- 4d tne same hing, Of course. they Engraving of bear on walls of * dn't pat down initials. Such things A ' out any veneer, at-- were unknown. Instead they may [°2Ve Pear Les Eyzies, France. Ey : have cut the images of animals. i § $3 50 - $5 00 Imagining the men exclaiming: 2 . . "Mine will be a horse!" i G ' PER PAIR "I'll be a fox!" in €0. eman "The bear is good enough for me!" $ These are most attractive If this was really the idea behind . id have {the first engravings they might be ; Is Mo 3 to in design add h ue beta (called "names," for they meant the \ . g of grain and finis y person who made them. . r | Whether or not such was the case, | Duck engraved in Horn. % TRUE hundreds of engravings have been 136 on A MAHOGANY found on the walls of caves. - Some ¥ of these were excellent, others were | : Opposite the Post Office, : where he hopes to see all | his eld friends as well as new ones. = : Some bargains in REAL ESTATE possesses. SMITH BROS. Jewelers, Limited Established 1840. King Street, Kingston very crude. The bear picture printed today is a copy of a fairly good engraving on the wall of a cave near Les Eyzies, France. In this cave are more than a hundred other engravings, includ- ing images of the bison, horse, wolf, reindeer and mammoth. Engravings of birds are found enly here and there. An engraving of a crane was discovered in ons French cave. In another a swan and two ducks were carved in stone and horn. A duck carved in a horn is shown in the illustration. Stone Age engravers did poor work Engravings of man and woman found in French cave. These are a few of the interest- ing engravings left on cave walls by men of the Stone Age. Hotel Frontenac Kingston's Leading Hotel Every room has running hot and cold Water. One-half block from Railway | Spring Is Here! Housecleaning begins. desirous to dispose of your cast- away's do not forget to ring 2060), where immediate attention will be Next--Fine Reindeer Engravings. (Copyright John -F. Dilie Co.) {when they tried to show the human face or figure. Perhaps they thought mm, When James Lackie has received notifi- cation that he has been awarded tha contract to supply bread, rolls, etc.. Sometimes even wisdom surieng- ers to desire of gain. One half 'the world laughs at the ee and Steamboat Landings. given you. to the John Robinson circus, which | other half. 2 J. A. HUGHES, is scheduled to perform in Kingston The wise learn many things from | ~ Standard Metal & in June. their foes, : { "Clarence Kittmer died of injuries Waste Company -------- Teceived when struck by a truck at | . Tilbury. : 4 The Turkish bluff Syria has been called. against France ! | Phone 2000J. in 1 serivcrine | | REQUIREMENTS A Can of Paint will cover up the ' worn places on the. Verandah Steps. : Lawn Rakes .»° Make your selection Every can has a guarantee on it. Window Screens Gas Water Heaters Electric Water Heaters to-day. Wi 3 it~ Ca HOUSE WITH THE ADDITION OF A FURNIS (a Fn TAMEO KAJIYAMA. Appearing all this week at the Grand Opera House with a demonstration of multiplication of the oh aN Is Kajiyama an Early Product of the Mental Evolution Foretoldby W. S. Jevons. "A little reflection will show that knowledge in the highest perfection would consist in the SIMULTANEOUS possession of 8 multitude of facts. To comprehend a science perfectly, WE must write a book and we must read it successively word for word, BUT HOW INFINITELY HIGHER WOULD BE OUR POWERS OF THOUGHT IF WE COULD GRASP THE WHOLE IN ONE COLLECTIVE ACT OF CONSCIOUSNESS! Comparéd with the brutes, we do possess some slight approximation to such power, and if is conceivable that, in the indefinite FUTURE, MIND MAY ACQUIRE AN INCREASED CAPACITY, AND BE LESS RESTRICTED TO THE PIECEMEAL EXAMINATION oF A SUBJECT, But I wish here to make it plain that there is no logical foundation for the successive character of thought and reasoning unavoidable under our PRESENT MENTAL CONDI- TIONS. We are logically weak and imperfect, in respect of the fact that we are obliged to think of one thing AFTER another." KAJIYAMA about such a common thing as man Y BRITISH WHIG aay 3 | FRIDAY { | \ | i i | 1 | 1 ' ! | | | | | ! | | | 1 TL PROBS: --Friday, fair and moderately warm. I THRIFT SPECIALS This great weekly bargain day is looked forward to by scores of thrifty shoppers, who recognize its exceptional worth as a day of real bargain opportunities. CURTAIN SCRIM, 12ic. YARD-- 600 yards White, Ivory and Ecru, fancy bordered Curtain Scrim--full 36 inches wide. Regular |8c. quality. FRIDAY 12%c. Yard SCRIM 'AND LACE CURTAINS, $1.39 PAIR-- 60 pairs of Nottingham Lace and Finished Edge: Scrim Curtains, 2} yards long. Regular $1.75 pair. FRIDAY LINOLEUMS, 79. SQ. YD.-- . 150 yards only, heavy Linoleum, in a broad range of at- tractive patterns and colorings--regular $1.10 sq. yd. FRIDAY ...... ... . .. 79¢c. NEW SPRING. MILLINERY--HALF PRICE = 46 beautiful New York Model Hats for Dress and Street wear--all of the season's most attractive shapes and trim- mings. Priced from $10.00 up to $30.00. FRIDAY NEW PORCH WASH DRESSES, $1.49 60 new Gingham and Chambray Combination Dresses, in * colors Almond Green, Mauve, Rose and Blue -- in sizes 16 to 38. Regular $2.25. FRIDAY NOVELTY SILK DRESSES, $15.95 36 of the season's newest Flat Crepe, feta and Alltyme Crepe Dresses, new styles, colorings and trimmings.. Regular $19.50 to $27.75. FRIDAY ........... $15.95 MONARCH FLOSS AND DOWN, 18c. BALL 1200 balls, Full One Ounce Monarch Floss and Down--- in a complete range of new shades -- sold elsewhere at 25c. a ball. FRIDAY . .18c. ea., 2 for 35¢. SILK GLOVES, 55¢. PAIR-- 180 pairs of Queen Quality Silk Gloves in White Sand--regular 85c. and $1.00 a pair. FRIDAY ...... ie. 55¢, Pair RADIUM SILK HOSE, 75¢c. PAIR-- © Cla 72 pairs of fine quality Radium Silk Hose; the shades are Helio, Beaver, Grey and Smoke. Regular $1.25 values to ® ess ewe Canton Crepe, Taf- in a wonderful variety of - and clear 75c¢. Pair xen vn sed PILLOW SLIPS, 4 for $1.00-- 2 25 doz. Hemstitched Cotton Pillow Slips in 40, 42 and 44 inch widths--good value at 35c¢. each. FRIDAY 4 for $1.00 "eves. 300 fine, Bleached Cotton Huck Towels--size 18x36 -- splendi values at 30c. each.-- : ceviaes Siva. 33s, ~ ENGLISH GINGHAMS, 23¢c. YARD 500 yards of imported English Dress Gi , in a broad range of colors, in small checks and plaids. Regular 30c. a yard; full 27 inches wide. BROCADE BRASSIERES, 49¢.-- wi : : 300 new Flesh Colored Mercerized Cotton Brocade Bras. 40--an excellent value at 75c¢. each, sieres, in size 32 to ; FRIDAY ............. 49. ne A | od aed dg rego oi. gi