! THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1028. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG UNDER TWO MOONS "% Consider all the different things--differin ifferent customs--on which the moon looks down. Chang- ing as it does in its own luminous globe, the moon may seem ' to some to be not one but two, and the piquing thought is lent we |; NEIL-THOMPSON WEDDING, | : --eereng {fit South Sherbrooke, Near West. port, on April 25th. The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson, South Sherbrooke, was .the scene of an interesting and \@retty event, when at four o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, April 25th their only daughter, Inez Mary, was united in marriage to Herbert W. Nell, South Sherbrooke. The service was conducted by Rev. L. G. Os- borne Walker, rector of Westport, in the presence of the immediate re- we -- = peoples and latives of the bride and bridegroom. The bride, who was handsomely gowned in white satin, trimmed with pearl beads and radium lace and wearing a vell with wreath of or- ange blossoms, entered the room on the arm of her father,, who gave her in marriage, to the strains of Lo- hengrin's Wedding March, played by Mrs. Walker. She was preceded by her little nlece, Vera Thompson, dressed in pale blue silk, who act- ed as ring bearer, carrying the ring in a little white basket, and also by her bridesmaid, Miss Alberta Neil, mmmm-- oy gl a N[ UE NAN ECHERT & C2. "Keeps the skin feeling fit--lots of lather -- quickly." family use it rye 2 ¥ oo om GL LTE A high grade blend -- nothing added -- nothing taken away. Sold only in Air- tight tins. " GORMAN, ECKERT & CO. Limited London and Winalpeg some measure of proof by the varying ways it looks upon this 4those present. The table was attend- TT TE -- In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features By Juanita Hamel | gh? Is quantity the only test? Edison says, "Four hours of sleep are en for me." Napoleon was likewise satisfied with four. Yet most people need eight. Science now explains the difference by sug- gesting that quality of sleep is important. One person sleeps lightly, nerves tense and muscles taut. Another sleeps deeply and soundly, with the repose of complete relax. ation that good sleeping equipment insures. Simmons "Banner" Spring' Take ten minutes tonight to inspect the spring and mattress sleep on. Then 80 to your furniture dealer's and com you are using with the Simmons "Banner" Spri urious Ostermoor Mattress. Judge for yonredr wats health, vigor and personal success are not worth more to you than the very Modes ost go! Simons sleep comfort. A The © " i 2 economical because hey lu. They aon ---- bre Eo They keep their life and resiliency for many years. Like Simmons beds and mattresses, they are priced to fit any pocketbook. Look for the Simmons Label. Beware of imitations SIMMON: 'Bed Springs MATTRESSES AND BEDS at the lux. % r Feature Sorvion Ind. Croat Reiinia sights remrved. side of the world and upon the other side. How different are the ways of one girl from those of another! Yet both, at heart at least, are the same in love! pleasant evening, spent in games and dancing. Dainty refreshments were served about midnight. The bride wore a sand crepe de chine dress for the reception. Many useful and beautiful presents were receiv- ed which showed the esteem in which both wre held. 'The following day Mr. and Mrs. Nell motored to Perth where they took the train for Toronto, Niagara Falls and points west. The bride's travelling suit was of navy blue with hat to matoh. On their return they will reside in Sherbrooke. only sister of the groom, dressed in pale pink crepe de chine over pink silk and wearing large white hat. As the party entered the room they were met by the bridegroom and test man, Joseph Thompson, only brother of the bride. All took their places under an arch of evergreens in front of the officiating minister. The groom's gifts were both use- ful and pretty; to the bride a hand- some gold knot broach set with pearls; to the bridesmaid, a gold broach; to the best than gold cuff links, and to the ring bearer, peerl beads, After the ceremony a sumptuous five course dinner was served to \ TO-DAY'S FASHION By Vera Winston. ed by cousins and girl friends of the bride. Another Interesting event follow- ed the marriage--the baptism of the little niece of the mewly marr- led pair, Inez Marie, infant daugh- der of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomp- son. Later in the evening a reception was held, when about one hundred and fifty guests enjoyed a very SIMMONS GOODS ON SALE ROBT. ]. REID 230 PRINCESS STREET the z= Ba " We Handle Only Simmons Beds, Springs and Mattresses. JAMES REID PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE. "(OVALTINE" is the ideal beverage for child Ona ee It Comprises il the vita childhood's Tupsed health t. half the ive effort needed for children its delicious flavour. "Ovaltine" contains more nourishment than 3 eggs, 7 cups of cocoa or 12 cups of beef extract. At all druggists » 50c. + 85¢, + $1.50 . Canadian Office: A. WANDER, LIMITED, 455 King Street, West, Toronto. - perfectly straight box-coated suit never fails to be youthful and smart, : : The one here is of a soft woo: ) hodist church for the fourth .{ Sarah Allen, widow of the late the of her daughter, Mrs. Har-