Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Apr 1923, p. 7

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SATU: LAT, APRIL 28, 1028, | ROAD MAPS of the PROVINCE OF ONTARIO and INTERNATIONAL MAIN TRAVELLED ROUTES Published 1923 By Touring Department, Ontario Mo- tor League. Provincial Highways marked in Red. Price ........ 50c. R. Uglow & Co. PIANO and LIBRARY LAMPS We are showing a very at- tractive display of Lamps, with dainty shades in Blue, Old Rose, Tan. What Are Your Eyes Worth? Eyes are priceless, yet so many | continue to neglect them long after | nature has warned them through tired eyes, headaches and impaired | vision that something is wrong. | Do not neglect YOUR eyes, but let our optometrist examine them and tell you their exact condition. Lamps complete from $35. to $39.00. Separate Shades from AN} 2.23 up. Thes Rev hese make very accept- able birthday or wedding gifts, Registered Optometrist J 140 Wallinzton St. Opp. Post Office. FOR SALE 8 roomed cement block house, good lot, electric light and three-piece bath. Terms ean be arranged. Price $8,750. Also double cement block Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON ed A AI eee eee MN THE D A YEAR OF PROGRESS WITH THE ROTARY CLUB Directors Were Elected at the Annual Meeting Held on Friday. | That a splendid year of progress has marked the activities of the Kingston Rotary Chub, was manifesi- ed at Friday's luncheon in the Brit- ish-American hotel, when reports were submitted, covering the work of the year. The president, Leman A. Guild, was in the chair, and there was a geod attendance of members. A. E: Weler and I. BE. Ivey, were intro- duced as new members, and were |glven a warm welcome. H. A. Mil- lar, Ottawa, a former member of the {local club was a guest. | Reports were given by Charles Anglin, chairman of the entertain- ment committee; L. T. Best, chair- ;man of the committee on public af- {fairs; Ray Van Laven, chairman of {the transportation committee; Harry |Breathwaite, chairman of the boys' work committee, and A. N. Lyster, ship committee. ! An interesting report was submit ted on the fund for shes and stock- ings. It showed that 153 pairs of t pairs of rubbers and 124 pairs of stockings. These were provided a! a cost of $614.94. There is a bal- ance of $37.60 from this fund, while there are outstanding accounts for a little over $100. The club was able to render a good service in the undertaking. As regards the membership of the ciub A. N. Lyster paid tribute to the work of the president during the year, stating that he had taken wrominent part in the securing of new members. President Guild stated that the ciub at the present time had a mem- bership of forty. The club was growing steadily and it would not {be long before the fifty mark would be reached. Mr. Guild added that his work as head of the club during {the year, to him. He had the co-operation of every member of the club, without {which he wonld not have been ale {to-have "'carried on' successfully: The secretary," Roy Ward, submit- ited a financial statement for the |year, showing the club to be in a house with all improvements. Very easy terms. $5,500. Several Houses To Rent Kingston Cement Products UFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 730w. ~~ -- Announces that r---------- ---------- Let him have the key of your heart who keeps securely the lock cf his own. No man believes his creed who is afraid to hear it attacked. is now his partner at e (the Dental Partnership | DR. C. C. NASH DR.T. H. RENTON 183 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON healthy condition. The report on membership showed that on {April 30th, 1922, the club had 32 members. During the year 11 mem- |bers retired and with 19 new mem- {bers the total membership is now 40. The club has been notified that {Belleville will send twenty-five or |thirty members to Kingston to at- tend the inter-city meet on May 18th. Smith's Falls will also send a dele- {gation and it is also expected that {Watertown, Renfrew and Brockville | and the president, on the member- | boots~had been distributed, also 44 | | a | had been a great pleasure | AIL Y BRITISH WHIG ' {Jaquays, Montreal, was appointed 1 the vacancy on the directorate {caused b ythe death of W. M. Byers. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred McParland and liztle son, Toronto, are in town to-| lay, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson and o- (Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Lott motored ners. Rotary | 10 Napanee yesterday. Rev. Father Byrne, St. Mary's-on- the-Lake, Kingston, is in town to- day. i W. Wallace Jones, Captain N. C: Jones, J. T. Richardson. Toronto, and Kenneth Molson, Montreal, | were in town yesterday attending {the directors' meeting of the Ontar- io Steel Products Limited. Miss Marie Stack, Brockville, was! in town yesterday, the guest of Mrs. R. J. Dier. i Among those who attended the !dance in Mallorytown Thursday ev-! ening were, Misses Marion Watson, iW. Reid, H. Sophie, Lorraine Pel- Friday's luncheon was marked by |ow, Edith Haynes, Ella Phillips, one of the "sing-songs™ ever ;l.uella Sheets and Messrs. John Q'- {hel by the club. "Jack" Elder came | Rorke, Jack O'Brien and V. Wiley. Iback strong again with his favorite, Garrett's orchestra furnished the "The Old Grey Mare," and it again | RUS¥. : Made u Bit. | Miss Agnes Bedard, who has been | visiting her brother, William Bed-! lard, for the past several weeks, left today to spend a short holiday with! her sister, Miss T. Bedard, matron of the Eastern Hospital, Brockville, en route to Boston. "He's The presid {4 neat dress, i ©f the hearty co-o i ng his ling of ad Or 1 given him mplis Operation bad accomj a great deal dur- ing the year, but he felt that much more could. be accomplished in the future, Rotarian Harry Pense referred to {the splendid work of the secrctarv, Roy Ward, who he stated, was at all times hard at wo ti the interests of the ciub. He ved a voie of thanks ary. which was «<econded by Rotarian Lr. C. C. Nash ind carried amidst lou} applause, ! Roy replied in a fealing manner, t3tating that w for the club had been a 1 sure. « »d n to the secr 'K | best 10 FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS Meeting of Citizens in Coun- cil Chamber on Evening vos Oshawa, |town for a few days. | of May 4th. | The euchre in the Anglican parish -- house Thursday evening was a great The wonderful enthusiams and success. The prizewinners were: | sincere offers of help which have Royal, Mrs, K. E. Baker, Mr. A. come from all classes of citizens to ' Lott; second, Mrs. Maxim Bishop, | the appeal now being made on be- A. Roderick; consolation, Mrs. A. half of the neglected sufferers from Lott and Captain Kenney. that dread tubercu.iosis, The Daughters of Rebekah held a leads one to conclude that the city large banquet in their hall last ey- {of Kingston is about to commemor- ening. : late her 250th anniversary by a Mrs. M. Stack, Brockville, is in! | memorial that will live for ever in town for a few days. | the annuals of service to human- ity. On the evening of the 4th of Mar, Lee, is visiting in disease, BOSTON BAGS SOMETHING EVERY WOMAN SHOULD HAVE Handy for travelling -- just the thing for shopping--the best Bag for auto use, Strong and durable. Priced from-- $2.50 to $8.50 Abernethy's Shoe Store { the citizens of Kingston will be given an opportunity of uniting for the {purpose of organizing and officially launching the campaign to obtain such legislation as will make ade- quate provision for the giving of | free sanatorium treatment to all | individuals throughout the province of Ontario who are unable to provide | for same. FROM WHIG FYLES. | OF TEN AND TWENTY YEARS AGO. April 28th, 1913. Rev. Eber Crummy, D.D.,, Winni- It is unfortunatly an indisput- ps 2 prineipal-eleot of Wesley Col able fact that in the province of On- dike Daolatrests | tario there are thousands (King- Magistrate Farrell 1 a ob iston has its share) of sufferers fro na 5 lad sixteen | tuberculosis, active and otherwise, | 2° On the ticket fn poliee court, | i living. us best they can, unable fo 'cluding some for trespassing on { provide any of the requirements nec- Grand Trunk property. {essary for sufferers' from tubereul-| James. Simpson, Toronto, address- {osis, a misery and burden to them--¢d 2 gathering in the Red Mill thea- | {selves and their families, and a |iT® On socialism, which, he stated, menace to the good health of the had given Germany a splendid edu- | | community at large. If it were pos- cational system. {sible for these people to receive A big rush of grain from the head | proper sanitorium treatment, espec- of the lakes expected at the local {ally at the early stages of their gelevators during the week. { disease, there is every possibility of their being restored to health and | useful citizenship, added to which | City SoMcitor McIntyre instruct- | is the necessity of protecting the|ed to arrange a compromise between ! general public from the chances of icity and Light, Heat and Power com- | Infection. many in suit that has been appealed | This movement must not be tak-!srom judgement of Canadian courts. Sn ein April 28th, 1903. match--as shown in our window--only {will be represented. More particu- | llars regarding this event will be an- [en as the slightest reflection on the Prof. B. E. Fernow, Cornell Uni- } Established 1854, This solid Walnut Bedroom set of 6 pieces--Dresser, Bed- stead, Bow End, Vanity Dresser with Bench, 1 Rocker. 1 Chair to $195.00 WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS ! {nounced later. medical profession or public health! versity, to be honored with degree of MORE NEW ARRIVALS! This time it is MINTON CHINA Many different decorations and new shapes in Cups and Saucers, Cake Plates, Sugars and Creams. Priced as low as considered. LIMOGES CHINA -- Gold Band. This is open nerware. We have many articles suitable for Gifts and Prizes. "COME IN AND LOOK AROUND" ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. possible quality White with stock Din- SMART STYLES FOR SPRING OXFORDS FOR MEN Fashionable and practical, with perforations and fancy | stitching. A large variety of attractive styles, featuring the Popular French model with its broadened toe and vamp, FOR WOMEN Strap Slippers and Oxfords in Patent and Grey Buck com. binations will dominate much of the Spring footwear trade. We Invite Your Inspection Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE operetta, "In a Persian Garden," {would be given at the House of Pre- ividence, on May 2nd, under the aus- | pices of the Rotary Club. | It was alsc announced that John Nelson, late proprietor of the Van- |couver World, who has been making {study of the Oriental problem, will be the speaker at next week's lunch- eon. i The election of directors created {much interest. The seven directors {elected are Leman A. Guild, Charles | Anglin, R. H. Ward, A. N. Lyster, | Bert Abernethy, H. Breathwaite and Dr. H. E. Day. 7 Rotarian T. D. Minnes following the election of directors, moved a vote of thanks to President Guild In appreciation of the service he had rendered during the year. In moving the vote of thanks, Ro- tarfan Minnes states that Mr. Guild had taken hold of the reins of office at a time when the club needed some 'person to boost it along, and in this he had suoceeded in a wonderful way. Roy Ward seconded the mo- tion, stating that the club had cer- tainly prospered under the presi- [dent's leadership, and that it had been a pleasur® to work with the president. ' The members of the club mani- fested their approval with the sing- They Are The Real Remedy Quebec Man Found Relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Placide Fortin Says He Cannot Praise Dodd's Kidney Pills En Laurierville, Que., Apr. 27.--(Spe- cial).--*"For a long time I have suffered with bad kidneys. I have taken all kinds of remedies and none {of them have relieved me. My f{ll- ness continued day after day. I al- | ways had pains in my kidneys. I started taking Dodd's Kidney Pills, and after the first box, I felt that they were the real remedy that I was wanting. I am employed in a flour mill and my work is heavy and tiring for the kidneys. Now that I take your remedy I do not feel any fatigue after my"day's work. I can- not praise your pills enough." This testimonial is sent by Mr. Pla- ride Fortin, who is well-known and | highly respected here. | It is statements like the above | that have made Dodd's Kidney Pills a household remedy throughout Can- ada. No ordinary remedy could produce {Such results as these, because only Dodd's Kidney Pills contain the peculiar tonic and restorative ele- ments needed by weakened and in- Announcement was made that the | authorities. They are doing all miyrp bp [their power with the facilities at rd | hand, which they themselves will be | the first to admit are grossly inade- quate when dealing with tubercul- \ Osis. The average tubercular pa- | tient is totally different to the suffer. &!terded the annual club banquet at [er from almost any other form or loronmto. | disease. The ordinary remedies at New Teas have arrived. the disposal of the doctor are Of | finest tea procurable. | little avail. Goad food, rest, not! DALY'S GOOD TEA i {only of body, but of mind, unlimited | | sunshine, etc, are the main rem-| in all its pristine freshness. Order from | MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE y Queen's University. i Frontenac cheese board members | ask city council for permission to meet in city buildings weekly. i Several local ex-cadets of RM.C. | ~ Enjoy the | |edies in tuberculosis and 'these the doctor can recommend but not pro- | vide. There i$ but one way to rem- | eds this appalling state of things-- the provision of sanatoriums, in which the patients who are unable to afford the expense can have free treatment. JAMES REID LEADING UNDERTAKER. Phone 147 for Service. MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 04. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. It has been quite impossible un- fortunately for members of the in- itial committee to interview person- ally all the citizens who would like to have put the matter before, but | those not approached must consider |. themselves more than welcome at! the meeting in the city council chambers on May 4th. a | The committee are hoping to have | every class of citizen represented. | This is a movement which is confined to no particular class sect or jporey. | Already thers ar» prowises of re-| resentation and support from the churches of every denomination, the | It aches and throbs with pain. The tonsils are so swollen that it hurts to swallow. And the chest feels "'as tight as a drum", We Have Cars of Chestnut Coal enroute Orders taken now to be delivered on ar- rival of same. SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 156. UP-TOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. madical and other professions, labor, | fraternal and benevolent and other societies. If ever Kingston had the oppor- tunity of performing an act which will make the name of the old Lime-| stone City live in the grateful mem-| ory of thousands of sufferers throughout the province it is now; so let all citizens who have the health and prosperity of not only Kingston, but Canada at large, sincerely at heart, attend and do their part. GANANOQUE Dizzy Spells Are Usually Due to ~~ HIGH CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING ENGLISH TWEEDS, DONEGALS, HOMESPUNS, FANCY WORSTEDS WE ALSO MAKE AND TRIM, SUITS $30. EXTRA TRS. $5.00. CRAWFORD & CO. 173 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2450w. Sa i ] som, | When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's ly- bricating liquid is produced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and . Doc- tor's prescribe Nujol because it acts like this natural lubri- cant and thus secuiesregular bowel movements byNature's own method--lubrication Nujol is a lubricant--not a laxative--so medicine or gripe. Try it today. April 28.-- Mrs. Haig and Dr. Worth Haig, are the first gr mer visitors to arrive, and are oec-! cupying their cottage on the south | side of Tremont Park. . Mrs. Ken Mullin and Mrs. Louis Pecor were in Kingston yesterday. Aubrey Lott, D.D.G.M., of Fron-| tenac No. 14 Masonic District, and! R. B. Gilbert, George Gilbert, C. C.! Skinner, Robt. Tulloch, J. H. Val- leau, R.'G. Webster, W. V. Battams, Arthur Knight, W. J. Wilson, Morri-| son Acton, motored to Napanee last| evening and were banqgueted by Un- fon Lodge No. 9, of that town. At a meeting of the .directors of Ontario Steel Products Company active kidneys. | Limited, held here yesterday, H. M. * Seoul, Korea, April 28 --The Kor- the consular body jstonaries in Korea that Christian | 1st 1911, For Best Quality Cakes and Pas Order From LACKIE'S BAKERY FOR GOOD ICE CREAM, TRY OURS. Tea Room Open Evenings by Appointment. 302 KING ST. - PHONE 141, uy. | enurches in Korea row are | nixad as legal instits governor gemeral has notified | domestic laws of J Win Japanese Recognition. recog- 'fons under the apan, and » and foreign mis- | this pecognition dates from Aprfs Bg pat aR

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