"WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1923. me Le SO ---- | the Hot RITE Moffats Limited, Wes- ¢ ton, Ont., for free booklet, / TE 3 explaining the new patented flat " } = rate and meter combination Elec- : Qa x tric Water Heater.. It gives you / hot water day and night, and a reserve of thirty gallons always on 1 i "a J L\ w '3 hand--at very low cost. | \y [ ar Nels 2 5 V b/ . In Ji IIR NV ° "4. LT r u IN Electric Weic- ie ; » ' = LE BY The Public Utility Hydro Shop 268 Princess St., Kingston, Ont. Phone 844 ee We Have Cars of Chestnut Coal enroute Orders taken now to be delivered on ar- rival of same. SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 155 McGALL'S CIGAR STORE , 811. UP-TOWN OFFICE PHONE 3 Se A A A A IB BS BE Ena. ister recreates serena | DAINTY CAFE The place where dining out is trul;; a delight SRUNCESS ST. OPPOSITE BIBBY'S -- a) r as We make a specialty of WEDDING CAKES, TAKES. We give special attention to make to your order FRUIT \KES. If. you want the BEST, try us. F. A. ATKINS Lieincess and Alfred Streets. Fruit Cakes a Specialty | BIRTHDAY | Cor, Phone 373. vevYYew vewvwy wv vw PA cr so Set bat wn, Sang SHOE ' = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG - SUCCESSORS TO BRITISH PREMIER ALREADY BEING ICKED BY POLITICIANS om Tg pH Po Which do you allow to rule ? Is your Brain master of your thoughts and emotions? Or does Tyrant Stomach dic- tate how you shall eat, harass you with pain and gloom your days and nights? King Brain and ABBEY'S will overcome Tyrant Stomach. ABBEY"S belching, A [cut white cutting wood. Miss Flor- y & ence Lawrence, Bath, has returned & 'home after visiting at' tae Commerc- Lord Curzon (eft) tamed by Bonar Law, and Stanley Baldwin (right) !1al House. popular chancellor of exchequer. ry i i ---------- | London, April 24. --The Hon. Stanley Baldwin, known to Americans LAND IN GOD CONDITION | as the shrewd head of Britain's debt funding delegation which visited the { United States in January, has been picked by keen political prognosticators s as the most likely candidate to succeed Bonar Law, whose days as British Much Clover Visible--Death premier are said to be few. of Two Prominent Wolfe Bonar Law himself is said to favor Lord Curzon, Marquis of Kedles- | Island Residents. ton, and one-time Viceroy of India, as his choice of a successor, but it is! thought that Lord Curzon is not so popular a candidate. He is a Conserva-| Wolfe Island, April 24.--A num- tive, or Tory, and headed the Lausanne commission to make peace with ler of farmers commenced seeding the Turks last fall. {last week. Today seoding is quite Baldwin became very popular as Chancellor of the Exchequer with |Seneral. AN report the soll to be the declaration "I am efther going to break the expenditure or it will 0 excelent = condition for tilling. break me." And he became equally popular with Americans when he ar NOW meadows In mot cases look ranged in Washington for payment in full of England's war obligations. very promising. It is many years Baldwin became still further endeared to the English people by the 200 there was as much clover vis- publication of the budget and the reduction of the tax on beer by a penny ible as i present. fill all . . a pint. It is thought that he Is the man best fitted to withstand the Labor Masse bugring an fart oper: party, which is likely to be the official opposition, and to beat them at their oping their cream to the city. own game, economy being their chief plank. Baldwin stakes his career | The American channel has "been on reduced expenditures. {filled with ice for the past couple of Although Bonar Law has officially denied that he is about to resign, (Gays, and as a result traffic has heen it is thought that [his failing health will not permit him to cope success- [completely tied up from Point Alex- fully with the attacks being made against his ministry. {ander to Cape Vincent. During Bonar Law's absence BaMwin has been acting as prime | One of the island buyers shipped minister, and Tepes! sound business principles in government as well oighty calves to Watertown. N.Y. a8 a more equitable assessment {on Saturday last, the purchase price SPECIALS Men's Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Balmorals .... ......$10.00 Growing Girls' Patent 1 Strap ; Shoes ........ ...... $295 The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. 184 Princess St. There's no humbugging here. Our success in Radio has been mainly due to making every customer a satisfied one. If you are not satisfied with anything you buy from us, return it within a week and get your money back. It makes no differ .emce if it's a complete set or a piece of crystal. You must be satisfied. THE CANADA RADIO STORES mail order service is always on the job. Mail us your next order and find out what real service is. We'll ship C.0.D.--all charges prepaid, Low rices, high quality guaranteed. Pp CANADA RADIO STORES 20014 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 1207J. RADIO SAAY. The Only Exclusively Radio House Between Toronto and : Montreal, \ R-A-D 'Treat Your Liver Fairly | _ A disordered liver throws the whole system wrong and affects the health generally. Beecham's Pills act di- rectly on the liver, cieanse and strengthen the stomach, regulate the bowels, remove all impurities from the system, and make you fitand well, You can have a healthy body, strong nervous system, bright eyes and clear A Take complexion if you Beecham's i Pills so Help your liver an 50c--90 pills -~ - Sia. | > being eight cents a pound. = a birthday party in honor of their | Oue of the oldest and most respect- 0 » second anniversary. Clifford Aiton led islanders, -- had the misfortune to have his knee | Cattansh, The Erection Begun of a New Residence and Store at Yarker. died last Friday. Yarker, April 24. --The rain on Sunday 'night was greatly appreciat- ed. House cleaning and making gardens are the order of the day. A large number from here attend- ed the sale of the late Clark 'Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson spent Sunday at their son's, Mr. and 'Mrs. Uuban Wilson, Moscow. Mr. Badg- ley, Marlbank, called on his daugh- ter, Mrs. Tuepah, recently. W. J. Warner is putting some repair on his residence and verandah. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davey-spent Sunday in Napanee. All were_sorry to learn of, the misfortune that | Charles Holden met with by being | kicked in the jaw, breaking it and { knocking out his teeth. Miss Filor- ence Hamilton spent Sunday at Lake View. J. T. Main has started the construction of his new residence and store. The carpenter work is being done by his brother-in-law, William Brown, Brockville. Alex. Obleman, Lens, called on his daughter, Mrs. Charles Davey, re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hol- land spent the week-end at the par- sonage. Aiicy Sylver is laid up with 2n injured eye caused by a piece of a knot hitting him while operating bis sawing machine. The C.N.R. has been unloading steel rails along {the track for repair work. | Fred Storms received word that his son, Otto, had been badly burm- |ed by the explosion of a boiler. Ver- non Cambridge has returned to To- routo after visiting his mother for the past month or more. Mrs. R. J. {Tuepah and son spent an evening re- {cently at George Lee's. Damon Car- irell is putting some repairs on his' residence. Mr. and Mrs. George Les spent an evening recently at J. Free- nan's. | Edgar and Martin attend- el the' baseball meeting at Napanee. The boys are out practising ball for the coming season in the Lennox and Addington League. Samuel Cowdy, { Moscow, spent Saturday st! Korah Lee's. Mr. Hall, Maribank, was a recent caller inthe village. Mrs. Clinton Richardson and" Bruce have returned from Actinolite after visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim- mons, for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Erwell Boulton spent Satur aay in Kingston, The Rebekahe heid | \ distress and fullness after heart "fluttering" due to the stomach upon the heart. and prevents Bilious Attacks bbe HEALTH in the person of Daniel neutralizes acidity pressure of It also S { funeral was held on Sunday atter- | he Placed on the market. The late noon to the Presbyterian church. Kev. Mr. jancaster preached the ser- | mon ' 'The funeral ef Mrs Thomas Dig- rem, who died suddenly, took place from her late residence yesterday to the Sacred Heart church, where re- jquiem mass was sung by Rev. Father { McKernan, assisted by ner nephew, | Rev. Father Corle, Kingston. A very large number attended the obzegquies {E> pay their last tribute of respect {to one who in life was held in high |estecem by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Her husband, four sons and two daughters sur- vive. Archibald Staley, who has spent the past two months in Chicago. ar- rived home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Regers, the bride and groom of last week, have returned home, anc have taken up residence fcrmer's father, Thomas Rogers. William Laughlin is disposing by rublic auction of all his chattels, a> he intends to reside in Watertcwn N.Y At the time of writing Malcolm McDonald and Michael O'Brien are very ill, About forty years ago, in a smal! way, the late Father Spratt laid the | foundation for-an apiary that grow | to be cne that wes known all over! Tha Canada, for the brand of honey that = of the stomach--relieves eating--and stops gas in the correets Constipation and Sick Headaches, YS EFFERVESCENT A A ttl | Father Spratt's apiary, which was so | widely known, and purchased by his | successor, has again changed hands. | This time it goes to Messrs. McLaren (and Spoor. They have moved the | bees to a new grounds. sn etl. That is the bappiest conversation | where there is no competition, na | vanity, but only a calm, quiet im- {terchange of ideas and sentiment. Too much confidence in success is | the likeliest to prevent it because 'lit hinders us from making the best |of the advantages which we enjoy. 'A speculative despair is unpardon- able, where it is our duty to act. #rith the | | eumatism ELL persistent | Ww, i ! to Sloan, nges viel Made in Carada Sloan Liniment-kilis pain! a ----------