THE DAILY BRITISH WH Founded 1847 Our Tailorin In considering the Spring Tailoring pro- position please remember that we'd like to tailor your Spring Suit. If we do it once we'll do it again, and that's what makes us so anxious to get your first order. We do not worry about our old trade-- the men we've tailored all come back again and again. Our Spring Suitings are all in and just now is a splendid time to make selection. Suit to-your Measure "45. ® @ 4 Livingston's 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" | STOCK MARKETS | | (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street. Members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex-| { ehanges). Montreal. | April 16th 2 p.m. | Abitibi Power.... «4 +. .. 69 {Asbestos.... .. .. .. ... 68 { Boll Telephone.... .. .. .. 120 (Bresil:... .... ., «s ... 87 { Brompton. ... ess + 434 British Empire 1st Pfd 68 British Enipire 2nd Pfd.. .. 227 {Can. Cement Com..., «we .. 8332 Can. Cement Pfd.... . 103% Can. Car Com...... ss +0 30 Can. Car PM... .. «i es «+ 74 Can. Steamship Com.. .. . 18% Can. Steamship Pfd.. .. ... 054% Dom. Steel Pid...s ou «cs. B81 Dom. Textile... «+ y+... « 70 Dom, Bri@oe...e so om vss 74 Detroit" United. .co sve. » 77% Gen. Electric 'ee 92 Laurentide FLL 92% Howard Smith Pfd.a +. .. . 104% Montreal Cotton..wese +. . 110 Montreal Power.. ..'.. .. 115 Mackay.... .. .. «vs (ao 112% National Breweries.. .. .. 511 yenmans.... .. oe sve. 137 Price Bros ce 2s ,. Hh Queboe Rails.... .. .. .. 2% Spanish River Com... .. .. 941 Spanish River Pfd .. .. 104 asked [Stine Siew a4 es on Shawinigan... . Steel of Canada Toronto Ralls Twin City... Wayagamack ee [Cuban Can. Sugar Com.. . fSavan Canadian Sugar Pfd . | New York. April *6th 2 p.m. Amer. Loto. ...".. 134 Baldwin Loco.... . 1381, (B. £0.... .. +: v00s 44s 50% {Cosden Oil o ov ov. DOW lc. Pe Rout vd ve an 00a 15156 Crucible Steel.... « 823 California Pete... .. .. ... 02 Cuban Cane Sugar Pfd.. .. 60% Gen. Asphalt. ... .... ..*, 48% Cen. Motors se +4 0 1804 G8. T.uoio tev vires 98% Marine Pd... .. .. .. .. $74 NY. C.....uv vv ciavh iW New Haven.... .... ..: 19 Pan. Amer. Pete..... .. .. 704 Pan. Amer Pete "B" .... . 67 Standard Oil of California .. 52% Standard Oil of New Jersey . 3914} Sinclair OH. ... .. .. .. .. HW ve 90 5% se. wees a 34 Texas Oil.. .. RO Udon Paeifie.... .... . . 138% 1.8 Steel. .... .. . 108% ANDERSON'S Quality--Larger Market--Service Retail Market Phones 408.459. Business Office 865. Wholesale Jepartment 1767. DOWN-TOWN BRANCH: 282 PRINCESS STREET What About Pancakes and | Maple Syrup? + There is nothing the whole family will appreciate more right now than a steam- ing dish of Hot Pancakes and Maple Nw Our supply of new season's Maple Syrup has just come in. It has the real, true flavor of the Maple tree, and we guarantee it to be absolutely PURE. | AUNT JEMIMA'S PANCAKE FLOUR | Directions on the package. . . .2 pkgs. 39¢. MARROWFAT GREEN PEAS A fresh shipment of clean stock. Better than Canned Pee .. ... . . .3 Ibe, for 35. As good as six tins of peas, CALIFORNIA LIMA BEANS A choice stock, large, White Beans ..13.3% 1.15 asked .48.10 3.40 asked Melntyre. ..... . .19:50 asked Newray.... . 37 asked ABO. ... «1 vv oo vv... M1 Hollinger LP Teck Hughes. . .. .. . GRAIN MARKET. Chicago. Wheat-- JY... .. May Corn-- .. 1243 . 123% 51% TORONTO WOMAN SLAIN BY MEANS OF HAMMER Toronto, April 16.--Annie Fields, aged 56 years, was killed in her kome at 16 Hagerman street Sat- urcday night. AHred J. Dann, mar- ried, aged 38 years, charged with having beaten the woman to death with a bammer and with afterward getting fire to the body, was ar rested as he was leaving the vicinity of the house, and is charged wita murder. Patrick O'- Brien, who lives with Annie Fields, was also arrested by Detectives Greenlee and Dawn, and is being held in custody as material witness. Bad liquor procured at dives in the Ward, together with the ment- al strain of experiences overseas, Is given as the cause for the crime. St. Vincent's Academy Event. The Home and School Club of St. Vincent's Academy, held a successful tea and sale on Friday, April 13th. The guests were received by the president, Mrs. A. Sharpe, assisted by Mrs. I. Burke. The tea table, beautiful with spring flowers, was presided over by Mrs. Fergus O'Con- Lor, assisted by Mrs. Kathleen Mur- ray. The home. made table, laden with all good things so dear to the hearts of fastidious buyers, was in charge of Mrs. A. Carey, who had for her assistants, Mesdames O'Nelll, J.. McGrath and J. Donoghue. The candy table was in charge of Mes- dames O. Prevost, W. McNedl. Mrs. W. James as convenor with Mrs. M. Burke, ably disposed of candies for . (Sunday. Deceased was fifty-one years LOCAL NEWS. | | Brief Items of Interest Picked | | Up by the Whig Re- | porters. | American stamps for sale at the] | Whig office. | Golfing has resumed on the Cat- | araqui links. Quite a number were | {over the courses in the past few days. An excellent picture of Miss Ro- berta Vince, Queen's high jumper, appears in the Toronto Star week- 1y. Mr. Swaine, plano *uner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west. 'Phone 564w. There was no session of the po- lice court on Monday morning. The police report a very quiet time over the week-end. Rev. Gladstone E. Wood, late o Queen's, is to occupy the pulpit of Bethany Presbyterian Church, Ot- tawa, for the summer, The snow bluster of Sunday morn- ing was the tail-ender of a storm which left three to six inches of snow in the middle Atlantic states The flower basket taken from the lawn in front of the home of the fire chief has been located and returned. Ht was evidently taken by some young boys as a "joke." The remains of the late Richard Dean, who passed away in the Gen- eral Hospital on Saturday, were sent to his late home in Belleville on of age. T. Clayton, night watchman at the Portsmouth penitentiary, has been transferred to Stoney Moutain and promoted to the position of chief keeper. Mr. Clayton came to King- ston two years ago from Edmonton as a guard. THE. GOVERNMENT WOULD BEAR THE WHOLE COST Of the Building of Highways Throughout the Province of Ontario. Toronto, April 16.--By an amend- ment introduced into the Ontario legislature the Drury Government proposes to take over the whole of the cost of future provincial high- way construction. In the past the Government has assumed but 80 per cent. of the cost, and the county the balance. Hon. F. C. Biggs' decision that the Government should pay the whole cost of these highways is of some considerable . nolitical significance at this date, inasmuch as highways expenditures, and the local liabilt ties incurred by their construction, have been among the strongest items of criticism emanating from rural communities. If the House concurs in a move to pay 100 per cent. of the cust out of consolidated funds, it means that a big source of political dissatisfaction among the farmers of the provinca wiil have been removed. : Though flatly refused co-opera- tion between the Dominion and Pro- vincial governments on the matter of French River developments, the | cause will not be abandoned. Members of the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club, had their first game of the season on Saturday. DAILY MEMORANDUM L.O.B.A. euchre and dance, Tuesday, April 17th, at 8.15. Euchre in House of Providence at 8 o'clock to-night. Christian 'Endeavour Unfon Concert, Tuesday, 8 pm. Cooke's S. 8S. 25c. British mail will close at the King- ston post office on April 18th, at 9 p.m, and on April 19th at 9 p.m. OFFICE SUPPLIES and PRINTERS HANSCN, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE - KINGSTON A A A AA A ii MARRIED. GILLRIE--MATTHEWS--On April 14th, 1923, In Cooke's church, Toronto, by the Rev. William Patterson, D.D,, | Jean Johnson, widow of the late! Lieutenant Henry Edward Mat-| thews, to Dr. Robert Bruce Gillirie,; son of Mr. and Mrs. David Sussex Gillrie, Hamilton, Ont. me nn DIED. DERMADY--At Lombardy, April 11th, 1923, Ellen O'Mara, beloved wife of} Stephen Dermady. | Funeral took place Friday morning to Blessed Sacrament church, thence to Catholic Cemetery at Lombardy. GAVINE--In Kingston, on April 14th, | 1923, William Gavine, aged 73 years. Funeral will take place from his late residence, 25 Frontenac Street, on Tuesday, April 17th, at 2 p.m. to Cataraqui Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. TISDALE--In Kingston, on April 16th, 1923, James Mathew Tisdale, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Tisdale, aged 2 years 10 months. Funeral will take place from his fath- erls residence, 367 King Street, Wed- nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock to Cataraqui Cematery. Toronto papers p! copy. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker Phone 377 230 Princess Street M. P. KEYES . Undertuk< sad Embalmer 'ndertaking Patin = 228 Prince » St. Ambulance Phone 183v, IG -------- 1720 unease of Gig KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phones 754-755. Store Hours: 9 to 5.30 -- Surely You Are Planning New Draperies for Some Room It is really an excellent idea, for nothing imparts so much crispness and freshness to a room these bright sun- shiny days as cheery Draperies--the kind you can take down and launder without a bit of trouble when they be- come soiled from having the windows constantly open. Patterns this season are very attractive and colorful, in- troducing many new ideas. CURTAIN NETS 35¢ And Up To $2.50 Curtain Nets are proving very popular this season for all Cur- tains. Exceptional good qualities shown in many attractivepatterns and most wanted shades. CURTAIN SCRIM 12%¢ And Up To 50c. Fine quality Curtain Scrim with plain tape or hemstitched edge. They are good, wide widths and are shown in Cream, Ecru and White. CHINTZ - IN MANY ATTRACTIVE PATTERNS AND COLORS, SUITABLE FOR DRAPERIES, CUSHIONS AND COVERINGS OF ALL KINDS 3 0.4 up In the Spring of the year there are many uses to which Chintz may be put. For Curtains, Coverings, Cushions, etc., all require dainty patterns and colorings, and a ser- viceable quality. Our stock of this material was never more complete than it is at the present time, offering all that is new and desired at a very reasonable price range. Window Shades 90c Good quality Window Shades in Green, White and Cream, They are the usual sizes, 86 inches wide and 2 yards long, and have strong rollers with a good spring. COLORED MADRAS $1.25 up Perhaps nothing is more richer looking than a Madras Curtain. They come in such pretty, all-over patterns and in shades that will harmonize with this or that room. AT $1.95 YARD there is a beautiful quality, nicely patterned, has a lustrous, Silk finish and comes in shades of Brown, Gold, Rose and Blue. SCRIM CURTAINS $2.75 up They are all All measure fully ; are beautiful, LACE CURTAINS $1.35 up If a reasonable priced Curtain 8 wanted it would de advisable to see fine these. They are good quality; come in with attractive patterns and measure from 23% to 8 yards, J -------------- a