MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1923. THE, DAILY BRITISH WHIG 11 a ! Used Car Prices Have Come Down, Too. Read the A A@he British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular~ zed according to THE BASIL L. BMITH SYSTEM Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. are restricted proper classification, and regular Dally Whig style of CLASSIFIED RATES cons Dally rate per line or ecutive fs insert! nmum charge, oJ cents. Charge Ca wiv % 3 4 6 charged. Marriages, rtion, ts, uv. Ks and 3 ¥ Than Large 31.00, casn, Lard of Notices- eacn insertion Adverusing or Memoriam cash, $1.00 red for Irregular insertions takes the one-time juser- tion rate ad. taken for less than "basis of lines. Count six Crago line. Charg telepn ish W the i d no words to the » ill be received by and if paid at The Brit- office within 6 days from day of msertion, cash rate allowed or red for more than one day opped before expiration will ¢ charged for the number of ad. appeared ana adjust- niade, at the rate earned. te per bie for white space is saline as a line of type. Special rate I yearly advertising dest. s reserve tne right to edit all classified advertising 1 ads. v the 243, ask for a want ad. Announcements "Personals CORRESPONDENTS --Hritish Girls de sre Canadian correspondents, sition 10c¢ Ciane, 16 Cambridge St, London, SW . ugland. SKIN BLEMISiiti>--Halr, Moles. Warts Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, | etc, removed permanently, Satisface tory Glasses fitied and furnished after others have failed. Goltre cured with. out operation. Dr. Elmer J. Throat, Skin. Lake, Ear, Nose, Lost, Partridge and tube, of April 13th' between Gananoque and Barriefie Finder lease return to D. Couper phone 76. BUNCH OF KEYS--Found, n Po Office. Owner may have same at the Whig Office. - z DOG--Lost, on Saturday evening, on Montreal Street. White and blac spotted. Finder please retura to James Street : HUB CAP-- lust, nickle-plated betwee Kingston and Collia's jay Finder on evening » return to James Reid and re-| a reward -- PARCEL--Found, in Vi Owner apply at the Cafe. Tuesday Apply SUM, OF MONEY -- Found, night, around five-thirty Toronto St, near Earl. = oo : iM OF ] Found, Saturday 3 8. Ap 08 Brock Street THA CLOTH -- Lost, embroidered, on Saturday afternoon between Arch St. and Grant Hall. Finder please return 0 Whig Office. aE . IATCH--Wrist, lost, gold (Grey Bird), Friday afternoon, Apr. 13th. Finder _kindly return to 222 King Street ~ Automobiles For Sale COUPE--Special "Ames," body on Ford Chassis, white wire wheels; many ex- tras. Box L-14, Whig Office. = 1921 CHEVROLET--Touriug, Ford light truck; both in splendid condition: Owners cannot use either; anxious to sell. Make offer. - HIlil, 14 Maitland Street. Phone 66 1 CARS--GRAY AND GRAY DORT. NEW PRICE LIST. STANDARD TOURING $1365; PHAETON TOURING $1395; SPECIAL TOURING $1485, SIX CY- LINDER TOURING $1760; GRAY TOURING $785; STANDARD SEDAN $2095; SPECIAL SEDAN 50; COACH $1650. F.O.B. KINGSTON. TAXES PAID. CHARLES PESTER, KING STREET GARAGE, PHONE 939. MOTOR TRUC "Reo speed waggon, ! almost new, perfect condition, special- 1 very: trial run on appointment. Ap- ply R. H. Fair, 173 Stuart Street. McLAUGHLIN--§ Touring, hani-! cal condition excellent; new r and | ea Cheap for cash. Box L-14,| hig Office. ET Ta = sm SAuto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13 | EST-O-LITE DISTRIBUTORS Clty ttery Service, 39 Montreal Street. | SArmature winding and magnetos re-| feharged and repaired. Electrical and Jignition Specialists on automobiles | 'and motor boats. New and rental bat- 'Reries always on hand. Special atten- lon to winter storage. Repairs to anything electrical. Bring us your household appliances. We can repair em &t lowest prices. mileage less the tnick. axotire Shop, corner Queen and On- ario Streets. IEEE -- Se ------ a Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 TAXI--The only place which furnishes & proper 24 hours taxi service. 549J. Corkey. es ada Ships Most Autos to Great Britain Washington, April 16.----Accord- ing to a report received from the United States assistant trade com- missioner in London, Canada sup- PHed 1,534 of the 2,025 automo- biles imported by Great Britain dur- ing the month of January, as com- pared with 216 furnished by the United States, 205 by France and 49 by Italy. Can + £. i ---------------- Canadian Fire Losses. Toronto, April 16.--March was ther big month as respocts fire ¢ in Canada. According to Mone- tary Times rocords, the loss was $4,- 429,050, against $4,520,200 in Feb- Ty, and $4,331,750 mm March, 23. The losses for the three mths, however, were $11,105, 0, against $11,991,650 for the quarter of 1922. Propo-! 48 years experience. | 16 10 built body, suitable for retail de-| _ | SBHEA--AmbUrose, BA, Barrister Business Service Business Servic Oa ER--And Appralser-- Book A. Twigg, 192 Bar- 820J. | AUCTION your sales with W. rig Street. Phone A {| AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--ADd finish- ing & specially. A'so Plano and sur-| niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop Queen street, rear of Abertbihy's Shoe Store, or phone 1875w. « : Carpenter > ven on all cls es of work; hardwood flooring. James Jarrell, 271 Bagot Streei. ¥Fnone iRAPHY -- Verbatim 8, Adverdsing. B ice, 14 Market Street. Ph 1 nd plain sewing; 230 Barrie Slreel. o _Phone HEMST ing; work guaranteed. Card, 268 Bairie Sweet. from Frincess Street. Mrs. 1% BE Al blocks | wing and repair- Estimates given for chiidren and women's ciothes. Mrs. J. "23 ance. . Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Phone 1782M. = FIRE--Protect your are dangerous. 5 dent insurar phone KE 2 C bh 2 INSURANCE--O1 the reliable companies represented. Strange & property, delays Sickness and Acci- at low rates. Call or 2 Couper street. mcst Live Stock Who Read The A-B-C Classified Ads. Well--who ride in the street cars? ; Who talk over the telephones? Who use electric qurrent in theif homes? Sensible, ntelligent people who want the utmost in convenience and service at the least possible expense. Peopie--in other words--like yourself. And these are the same people--thousands of them --who watch the A-B-C Classified Ads every day. They cdo thie for exactly the same reasons that they patronize the other public utilities mentioned--{for convenience and service in their everyday living. You Have accepted the street car, the telephone and the electric light as necessities. Have you gone quite that far with the A-B-C Classified Section? There's satisfaction for every economic need of every- day life in consulting this alphabetical catalogue of op- portunity. Ara you getting its full service? : THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY. Horses, TLE , Cat te, Implement "PIGS--Apply Walter Sh Ont Poultry and Suppl 3 Barred Rock from | Phone 2053F orj TT y es --White Wyandottes' Eggs for} or ¢g& production; all| Ottawa rtsmouth, 1g 4. { ngle Comb Ancona Pul-| ¥ stock. $1.50 each. | Apply J. Colclough, 124 Victoria St. | | winner. ! Ontario. | WHITE LEGHORNS--Cheap. Apply Wanted--Live dStock pasture for season of eorge McGowan's farm, 1s- Apply W. E. Caverly, R. dessa. he : ! 'eam of work horses for the season, in return for their ¥ the Cataraqui Golf and Coun-| , Limited. Apply F. A. Smythe, Kingston. . Merchandise _ Articles For Sale 51 | al ~Set of six walnut chairs,| ut short buffet, walnut tables, grandfathers clock Lesses Antique Shop, 56U7 Princess Street. Phone 1045w. | WNINGS--Orders taken for Awnings, | eg. tepair work, | and Tents; best service. satisfaction guaranteed. . F, W. Cooke, | Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence S :{, upposite Fost Office. "Moving, Trucking, Storage 20 ASHES-< leaned out of rs and leaned oul of cellars lean job dune. A. MacGregor, . Phone 2285. iaite guarantees good age, Express and mov- 104 Montreal Phone 3 AGE~- service in Bagg ing; reasonable prices. Street. Next to Armourles. ! 1464. ---- STORAGE SPACH + furniture, clean| and dry. Apply Wathem, 143] Nelson street. rhone 1391J .or 618. STURAGLE~--FoOr lurniture. clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock Frost's City Storage, 299- ne 526. Res. 985w. | | and key. 805 Queen St. FP. "Painting, Paperiug, Vecorating ESTIMATES -- G for painting, | paper-hanging, decurating and hard-| wood floor finishing; workmanship | guaranteed. H. horton, 205 Alfred| Street, Phone 1301W., = | PAINTING--Llapering, Decorating -- first class work and work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 166 Bagot Phone 1966. on | 4 i--Papering, Decorating, first} 1 work; best of material , used. | Sample books on request. H. Ward &| Se Phone 1867J. 132 Victoria St. PAINTING--Papernanging, Decorating | Glazing, Hardwood 1'loor Finishing etc, first class work, reasonable! prices. Wallpaper samples. Estimates! mitted. 208 Alfred | a i { Apply 3 C York and Raglan] gd. Phone 1683F. =~ NTING--House p ting, piano and furniture finishing; all careful attention. Charles Hebert, 25) _Frontenac St. North. Phone 2070w. | PAINTING--Paper Hanging and Deco-| rating; wail paper samples; metallic| gold letters for store and office win-| dows. Estimate submitted J. Flana-| gan, 247 Montreal Street. Phone 1433. | BIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robinson, rear | | 275 Bagot street. | | WALLPAPER--Paper Hanging and| house painting done. Work guaran-| teed satisfactory; prices reasonable. H. Rowley, 135 Bay Strect. Phone 1361w. Professional services SUSE-- J. B. Capell. For pointment phone 214sw. 78 Divi _Btreet. 5 Fh sion Architects | ARCHITECTS --TI'ower, Son and Drever, chants Sank Chambers, corner of Chiropractic A WRB nnd totes MOA tri MARCELIS--Wm., A, DC, PhC., cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, barrie. St. entrance, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free.' Telephone _8i2J. Hours 9 to 13am. 1 to 6 p.u LUCY--Dr. George F. Dr. Jennie A. Lucy, Chiropractic Specialists and Uraduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock. Telephone 943w. Hours 9 to 12 am, 1 to 6, and 7 to 9 pm. Spinal analysis and con- sullaticn free. Residential calis by appointment. Dental 28d. Ee --t-- or -------------- SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock. 6 E, Dentist. Office: 258 s Street. Phone 652w. Open g3_by appoiy Legal M & SMITH -- Barristers 79 Clarence Street, B. Cunningham, K.C.; evenin { | CUNNINGHA. | and icltors, a, Cyril mith. ay and Sollddtor. Law office, corner of Kirg! and Brock, over Royal Bank, Money| Phone 1999. : | RENNETT, C Oftice Phone hourg 10-12 D., 133 Clergy St | Res. 1845m. Office 3-4. 7-85.30 p.m. __ Business Service FURNITLU EDI work givenj = COOK--General. COOK---Good COOK GROCERY CLERK---Experienced. None GIRLS --~To split mica. HOUSEKEEPEI} HOUSEKEEPER LAUN MAID--Experienced, MAID--Experienced house parlor maid. NURSE--For boys. Apply at Orphans' PRACTICAL NURSE--For an- invalid Daily Whig ad-taker will write an ap- pealing ad--the kind that brings quick results. Employment ~ Usteopathy » Wanted--Male AL. SUGGESTIONS --On how to answer your child's questions about birth, etc. Send 19c¢. fur copy to Dr, idna Ashcroft, 204 King Street. Repairing SHOE REPAII +--All work neatly done. Rubber heels a speclalty. Skates Ww. Purvis, corner Bagot Streets. . E FINISHING--OTL all kinds, Driscoll, 23 Joan STC PRACT CARPENTE reman. Grant, Frontenac Hotel PIREM AND BRAKEMED ners$§iov-$250 monthly, (which tion?) Office. cards for us. struct and supply you West-Angus S olborne d Call and see W. street. Phone 2 < oe SHOE REPAIRING--AIlL hand works Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real and Queen streets. with SHOES--Repaired, saws sharpened Es- timates given on ail kinas of paper- hanging Satisfaction motto. W, McLennan, 283 Division Street. twisted wire brushes, etc, cate with Stanley Brush Co., Ont, and get our proposition UPHOLSTERING--New or used furnl-| !vilabie nursery nrm i ture, work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 218 Bagot street. ee ~~ | sented terr'tories. ham Nursery C SALESMEN ANI UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons oR0n 10. made same day ag ordered. Upholster- at reasonable prices. E. J. Good- | 244 University Avenue. Phone| every housewife; nothing like eet -------------------------------------------- profits. Church St., Toronto. PHOLSTERING--ARnd goneral repalr- | ~---- ng. l.eave urders at or drop a card » F. W. Harold, 194 Clergy Street. U i and flowers a specialty. _given. Hy «WwW TRU DRIV truck driver ¢ tod : yment TEI TT t-- Young Help Wanted--Female z 82 References required Write Railway, Dept. 2, Whig SHOW CARD WRITING--bor us. Make money at home, $15 to $60 paid week- ly for your spare time writing show No canvassing. We in- rs, Agents 35 AGENTS -- Live wire agents to sell Comm Perth, NURSERY STUCK--An agency for a piontable. You can sell in country, tewn or city. grow and sell the best only, and want reliable, energetic agents tor unrepre- Write now. Pel- vention by Canadian lady; appeals to the market; low price; quick sales; big Sterling Specialties Corp., 110 Situations Wanted--Male 37 GARDENER---And Handy Man, lawns References Smith, 258 Division St. man, Or any other steady posi- Apply 42 Johnson Street. 219 Bagot Stree Phone 436. BICYCLE--C.CM.; used one summe: in good condition. Apply 244 King S BABY CARRIAGE-- Cream wicker, In| good condition. Price $13. Apply #3 PayStreet, ~~ oo. COAlL~--Choice Pea Coal, $15.00 deliver- ed or $14.50 In five ton lots; weighed) on market scales. Place your order! early. Phone 1375, 1962J, . CLOTHING--Men's new Work Shirts, | black, bl khaki, 75c. Overalls, $1.25,| Men's Used Suits, good| $8 and $1). A Shapiro, Street. 2 : CUPBOARD -- One Mahogany China Cupboard, 3 engravings, I brasg beds 2 chests of drawers, 1 military ches eral chairs. Apply at 107 Gore 31. LECTRIC PARLOR LAMP---Complete,| china or buvok cabinet, white wicker] baby carriage in Al condition; parior| rug 12x103% ft. Apply 405 Barrie St. Phone 1674w. Ma FURNITURE---~Somse nice parlor furni-| ture, brass and iron beds, up-to-date| Cook stoves. We also buy. J. Thomp-| Son, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. | HARDWOOD--T7 cars of mixed wood, | $3.26 per quarter cord. One car Slabs| hardwood | per quarter cord; n) $3.70 quarter cord. Also sav 8 St.f | post- work. 17 = We or sale. W Talbot, St. Yard, Concession St. HARD COAL COKE--Reduced to $10.00] ton as 1 have no room to store it. Save| the difference and be sure of your| winter . Cordwood and slabs,| stove le plit, $2.50 1-8 cord; saw- dust, § cart load Cinders $1.00. All delivered. Baggage and gen Phone 1038w.| 248 Univ W. C. Bruton. | MATTR -In stock and made to] order; all prices from $4.50. Cot Mat-| tresses $300 and up. Mattress reno- vating a ft on 2s as Frontenac Apply 87 King Street average monthly Anglo-American Apply Hotel. ---Apply Mrs. R. E. Kent, 85 King Street tion to M. M. Wolf, New York City. , for small fi ; ref- erences required. Good, pay. Apply to Mrs. C. Livingston, 162 Barrie St. ing propositions. Ask now offering stock and bonds. have nothing to sell. It costs nothing for valuable which we will send you. other need apply. A. Glover. substantial income. guide you free. venue, New York Cit -- Money to Loan FRONTENAC--Loan and Society, incor, W. F. Nickle, Apply Kent Bros. Mica Works, 114 Gore Street. --Or capable maid, for a family of thre Refercnces requir- ed. Apply to Box A-10, Whig Office. Widower wants middle aged woman as housékeeper. Would not object to one child. Com- fortable. home, farmer. Apply G. H. Dustin, Box 402, Clarendon Station. DRESS Experienced, wants laundry to do at home. Apply Box E-12, Whig Office and farm properties; county debentures; mortgages -- posits r R. C. logston. eneral. Apply em ------ vasa diilBudugron William Street. 000--Wanted at 8% county property. Apply Box Whig Office. ~ Instruction Mrs. James Lesiie, 47 Apply 107 Bagot Street, evenings be- twe 1 work. Apply Business Opportunities 4 income $5.82 paid monthly, on each $100, de- posited with privilege of withdrawing your money upon tairty days' notice, appeals to you, write for full informa- 72 Wall Street, INVEST SAFELY--In income produc- us for inside facis secured through our close per- sonal contact with large corporations information, This infor- mation may lead you to a steady and Write and let us Thompson, 671 Lenox Investment porated 1861. President, K.C.; vice-president, A B. Cunningham. Money issued on city municipal and 'chased; investment bonds for sale; de- ecelved and interest allowed. twright, mauager, 37 Clareace on first class Musical, IMncang, Dramatic 44 specialty. Mat- | tress Co, 877 King Phone] Street. are, in good condition. | be Id Snap for a quick sale. ¥ W. Grimwood, 66 Upper Charies| Street, City. ! PIANO----Square, polished walnut, $23. cash, Can be seen after BIX, any even- _ing at 216 Rideau Street. PHONOGR APH --Columb type A, with 10 selections of your own choice, . Terms: $5 cash and §5 monthly. W. Lindsay, Ltd. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone d39w,, opposite Orange Hall. i STOVE WOOD---Choice, hard and soft, two 6 foot silent salesmen, new §" electric fan, a.c. Apply Bert Stans- bury, 8 Chestnut street Phone 1730w. SHADES r, for electric or oil lamps iteed. Prices reasonable. ) 5 King Street-- _Where shades are in the window, WOOL--All is of fancy goods, kni ting needles, crochet needles, house dresses, everything in the fancy line. Mrs. Lavin 51 Princesg Street. nd baby walk-| Also lady's bicycle, new, 20 inch frame. 27 Nelson Street. ~ Wanted--To Buy OLD GOLD---Silver, or False Téeth, for cash or exchange. G. W. Lyons, _244 Princess street, Kingston 7 Rooms For Rent of C. We aC you pur- 41 M-18, F S 20 Alwington Avenue, corner Union street, or phone 1476. liesli. of bhone (0%... Orchestra. King street. get Treneer's Treneer, 261 _1164F or 979w. Home. an lady. Apply to Box No. K-14, Whig Kitchen mont Dining Room, work. Ap B there is to be said in ple they want to reach. Phone your wa to 243 and a Advertisers who do not wi Gee. ORCHESTRA--The best costs no more-- Phones | People advertising a room for rent, o article for sale, would save them- | selves a lot of time and get better and | more satisfactory results by telling all! ROOM the ad. This will get them in direct touch with the peo-| | Nalle to appear, may have replies come to @ box number at the Daily Whig Of- This information Is kept absolute- Rooms With Board BOARD AND ROOMS --First class, by day or week. All conveniences. Rea- 8 Apply 298 Universit) | Brock Street. : NIVERSITY AVENUE, 243 -- First class rooms and beard; all improve. ments; centrally located Varm, good board, reason- able rates; close to the down-town| business section. Mrs. Todd, 114 John- Ted | y | Ait--Use for Results, PROF, AMOE'S -- Indigestion remedy and rheumatic remedy; can be nt any place when ordered, or call at 50] Ordnance Street, Kingston, Ont. | To-Day's Blunder | Corrected | (See Illustration on Page 10.) | When you receive a check made | out to "Cash" or 'Bearer," do not | carelessly leave it where it can be blown away or picked up. Treat | it as you would actual currency, | for if you lose it the finder is the keeper and would be able to cash -- Women Called Upon. Richmond, Va.,, April 18.--Be-| cause of the fact that the congroga- | tion was made up almost entirely of i women, young women were called | upon yesterday to act as ushers, take up the collection, and read the an- nouncements at a service in the fashionable St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Richmond. . 7 Keep To Right My Friend! Halifax, N.S, April 18.--Hence- forth, highway traffic in Nova Scotia of wheeled vehicles, motor, electrically, beast or man propelled, and traffic of animals, led, driven, or ridden, will, when meeting and passing on public highways, keep to the right-hand side of the centre of the road. ! ------i---- Onlquboun, the Ford city bank- who disappeared last week, is at the McHugh home, Wind- ffering from a nervous break- James IL. Acker, Montreal, until! recently manager of the National {Steel company, has been nominated as Dominfon organizer of the Con- | servative marty, | SILLY-ETTES. Why The Fight Became A Waltz By L. C. Phifer 7", MN "2 pA ' x Cllr \\N | | | Offers in Classification I | 2211M. i. Phone 1451m. } TT $20.00--301 Collingwood, 7 rooms, bath- { 0 ACRES--Choice land, in Township Storrington, Ist Con. at Latimer, being Rooms For Rent ~~ HRooms Without Board ROOMS--Furnished bedrooms. 82 Queen Street. Rooms For Housekeeping ROOMS---Unfurnisned, fof light house-| keeping, gas for cooking, electric _lights. _Apply 354 Brock Street. ROOMS-- Two, furnished; also one single room for housekeeping, with all ounveniences, between Luiversity and* Division Streets. Apply 475 Princess] Street, or phone 1311J. = 5 ~ Wanted--HRooms or Board ROOMS -- Three, furnished, west of Princess street, by the latter part of| May, tor light housekeeping. State terms. Box 634, Whig Office. ROO) Man desires furnished room) with privilege of cooking breakfast] and laght meal occasionally. State terms. Apply Box J-13, Whig Oftice. _Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENTS--By May ist, heated| and lighted, with all conveniences. 13x-| cellent location. Apply 450 Princess] Teeth aaa APARTMENT --Seven rooms, all mod- | ern conveniences, hardwood floors, gas | grate, gas range and large balcuny.! Phone 65 | | Apartments and Fats --May 1st, four rooms and tiled bath room, fireplaces, gas range, refrigerator, hardwood floors, electric lights, well heated. Apply 69 Brock] _Street. | APARTME) 1st, five rooms, in-| cluding tiled bath room, fireplaces, | 84s range, refrigerator, hardwood | floors, electric lights, well heated. Ap- ply 6% Brock Street FLAT --One 4 room unfurnished fat,| also 2 rooms on bath room fat, both light housekeeping; all| suitable for conveniences. Telephone. Apply 286] 88 VICTORIA STRE 30x30, modern; lot age, ten rod to J. B. Coc res., r4iw. SIXTH STREET; piece bath, electric noors throughout, With white enamel Buiit by cwner. 101 Queen Str 'acht Club preted) Poss.ession imme-| diate. >. S. Kirkpatrick, Secy, 36 Clarence Stree ~ Business Places For Rent LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street --formerly occupied by the 1.0.0.F, Apply to Cunningham d Smi . Farms For Ren. 76 | 4 --Of good pasture and farm | bordéring on Loughborough half a mile east of ham | Apply to Dr. Aykroyd, 92 Prin-|{ 8 Street, Kingsto: Houses Kor Men: CONCESSION STREET--No's 39, each § rooms. and extension, Single garages at 69 Queen next Harkness butcher shop. Queen Street Phone $yw. ; AME DWELLING--Desirably loca ed, 176 University Avenue, together With large garden and stable. Apply James W. Bell, 12 Main Street, or! _Phone 2308 r 7 $10.00 Street, | Apply | , electric light, toilet | 1st. Newly decorat-| Carnovsky, 670] possession May ed. Apply to T. Princess Street. HOUSE--Detached, Lo ly furnished If desired, baleony, water heating, hardwood toors, rg Eas range, grate, lawn in front with | large lawn in rear with/ garage. Can Phone 657J Hi HOUSES-- , Seven roomed, north side, electric light, piece bath, fur- nace; close to i'rincess, 27.00. Also] two apartments, $20 and « Appity _H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick St. | SMALL HOUSE--Seven rooms, central-| ly located, 159 Queen Street. Apply] 179 Division Street. SUMMER COTTAGES -- At Eastview Park, a heautiful spot on the St. ae rence, { wiles frqm Kingston, furn-| ished bungalows, fireplaces and| screened verandahs, with 5 or 6 rooms. | Apply J. D. Boyd, 3382 University Ave.| Poone 1083m. | 318 EARL STRERT Furnished, 8 rooms; all modern Improvements. Pos- session May 1st. To rent till fall, or _by the year. Apply 320 Ear] St. 98 EARL STREET Large, fous house, newly decorated, electric light, electric. attachments for fans, vacuum cleaners and warmers; gas for cooking; 3 p. toilet, Sunshine Hot Air Furnace, garage. Vacant May, bert, 194 Barrie St. Phone 254. 6, phone 3w. commd- J. Gil- After HOUSES-- room, electric lights, gas. May ist $22.00--122 Montreal St., 7 electric lights, May 1st rooms, toilet, $25.00--31 Chatham St room, electric lights rooms, bath-| | E. W. MULLIN & SON Johnson and Diyision Streets Office and Desk Room 78 | GARAGE--14x16, 2 pair doors suitable for 2 cars or will partition it for 2 par- ties if desired. F. B. McNamee, corner Princess and Alfred Sts. Phone 229iw.| OFFICE--136 Wellington Street, at| present occupied by Ur. J. Kane suit-| able for doctor or dentist. Possession | y 1st. Apply 83 Clergy Street. | BARRIE STREET | BUNGALOW --Barrte BUNGALOW- | COLBORNE STREET- Phone 704 or 848). SEE == hame (0 appear, may have to a box number at tice. ly be seen by| | | ------ 0 W. Kent Macnee Real Estate For Sale Houses For Sale rooms; improvements all {m- Street, provements, extra lot. $4,000 SMALL HOUSE---all improvements, $1,- 000. oms, hardwood floors, fir all improvements, $400 down H. furnace, $279. B. WILSON Uptown Post Office Prof H. Mar- is residence and grounds ation will be giv- eh at his house, corner of Union street and Alwington Avenue | HOUSES-- 7 rooms, 4 bed- bath, lights, furnace; Extra lot. $4000. rooms, 3 piece nice verandah SOLID BRICK HOUSE tic, 10 rooms, story and at. , bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 3 ece bath, also toilet and basin in attic; hot water heating; fireplace; Cypress trim; large veran- dah; fine ceiar Fine location on South side. M. B. TRUMPOUR i Bagot Street Bateman's large Real Estate ade vertisement, page J, column 1. bri Solid Sudw.; rooms, frame, 3 lights, polished Colianade arches finish woodwork. Price $2,800. Apply or phonie 1796w. UNIVERSITY AVENUE -- Solid brick house, (ot 45x200, ten rooms, hot water furnace, separate bath and toilet, 2 fireplaces and brick jarage Also Solid brick' house, barn dS acres on North Alfred. Apply University. 1053m. EC Lots For Sale BUILDING LOT--On Livingston Ave. Lot Number 38, west Side, near King Street, 66x132, or wiil sell 33x132 if de- sired Apply W. H. Friendship, 83 | Frontenac Street. 45, 47.) © HOUSE -- Will exchange small house with lot 66x129, part cash and auto, Apply Box H-15, Whig Office Real Estate For Exchange Wanted-- Real Estate -SiX or seven in guod local in Arst letter. Whig Office. HOUSE low rooms, or Bunga- State price, ete. Box F cjo Write vertisers whe do not wish their : replies come 0 the Daily Whig Of- This tuformation 1s kept absolute- _conhdential "FOR SALE. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Corner Johnson and Bagot Streets, having a frontage on Bagot Street, 136 feet. For full particulars en« quire of-- D. A. CAYS, Phone 662w. 37 BROCK ST. For Sale IDEAL LOCATION For the builder of $10,000 or upwards, choleest corner lots Southwest of Streets Street, Street Street ca: a home of one of the in the city. Union and §4 feet 168 feet Both line on Apply Brock corner Lower Albert frontage Union frontage Albert Streets paved. far side of Union Street Ambrose Shea, Street, Barrister, or-- D. A. CAYS BROCK ST. Bank of Commerce Bullding, and King Streets. Phone 701 or 36m. (leneral Insurance Agency, Writing: --Automobile, Fire, Acci- dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burglary etc. Representing caly reliable come. panies. Brock PRIVATE GARAGES--To let on Brock] Street. Apply No. 89, Brock Street Wanted--To Rent 81 | HOUSE--Seven or eight rooms, ust] have hardwood floors; south side of] Princess Street; careful tenants; mar-| ried couple; no children. Apply Box N-18, Whig Oftice or phone 744m mmo sm some = Real Estate For Sale. --_--" IZING SHOP--Fully equ MERCHANDISE oT RE, FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reason- able Prices STOVES Well repaired. at a rgiht price. J. Turk's PHONE 705. Pp In neighboring town of 10,000 popula tion. Apply for full particuiars to] _Box G-13 ig On . { FARM--Of 1256 acres f or would exchange for city Jroveny, | 12 miles from Kingston, 3 miles from | 3 villages, 75 or 80 acres plow land, 30] acres seeded, 25 fall plowed; well wat-| ered; frame house and barns. Ba'e-| man's Real Estate Agency, 1569 Wel-| lington Street, Kingston. | 1 south part Lot No. 15, school Is on said land. Also cheese factory % mile! from church; all in meadow except five | terms. Full particulars apply to D. ---- Free Advise Regarding the best way to re- pair your Automobile, Motor Boat, Engine, and all machinery parts--we 'do a good line of this work at reasonable prices Oxy-Acetyléne Welding, Oxy-Acetylene ( Oxy-Acetylene C DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. acres; well fenced and watered. ai Cays; 57 Brock Street, Kingston ] | East End of Wellington 'Street ANTHRACITE A product of the very highest slate, or other impurities in this fuel. Every piece is a heat unit, Uniform in size. One customer reports they burned in his furnace for 24 hours without attention, and gave splendid heat. We have a car of this fuel in for delivery from car at ......... James Swift & 'BOULETS grade Hard Coal. No bone transit and will take orders ceeres $14.00 per ton, o., Limited Foot of Johnson Street