Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Apr 1923, p. 5

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THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1923, = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | ---- " 'Don't Neglect | . rt Your Skin Kingston and Vicinity Ladies-- A few days' treatment with CA LITTLE LIVER PILLS ] J will do more to clean The Snow and Ice Going {L. Murray, up the skin than all The workmen employed in clean- Rod Fraser. The following were |two daughters, Misses Clara ling the streets in the city are rap- [nominated for directors; of © whom { Mary. idly removing the snow and icv ac- three will be chosen by ballot, Hugh {cumulated during the w'mier, and Bryan, W. Dean, C. A. Dewey, T. M. | Wednesday's rain will make their | | Costello, Dr. McCann, N. E. Zim- job even more thorough. A -- Nice, Bright, Large Pea COAL Saxton Coal for Heaters. Clear Lumber Special importations of rich, colored woods of beautiful grain for special interior house finish: California Redwood, Louis- iana Cypress, B. C. Fir, Plain and Quarter- ed Oak, American Walnut, etc. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Factory Phone 1413 ss and | and | COKE and secretary-treasurer, Laurence, James and George Cannel Coal for Grates. Liberal In His Views. Rev. W. Taylor Dale, merman N.Y., and formerly of Kingston, | ------------ { spoke on "Leadership by The! Autoed From Toronto Equipped for Servics Church" before the Jefferson County. | A Toronto travelling salesman ar- One of the delegates to the Board | Ministerial Union at Watertown, | rived in the city on Wednesday of Trade meet'ng, at which the R1d- N.Y. He was liberal in his attitude | having driven from the Queen City eau Lakes Development Association in various matters. He said 'I do not | {in an auto. He stated that the was formed, expressed his amaze- |Lelieve that a man is not a Christ- roads were in very fair condition ment after visiting the different ian just because he may smoke in| ENT ---------- |for this (ime of year. au omobile garages, at the high moderation. Such prejudices harm | TO LE I i i state of efficiency shown. "In these the church. establishments, as well as in your 'Shall we ministers say that our p--dJune 1st | | n Large Furnished House | The M. J. O'Brien, Ltd. a §20,- dealers in tires and other accessor- people should not go to the movies? | to Sept. 1st. 000,000 corporation, operators of jes, you have cause to be proud of | | 1 see no reason why they should not | Earl Strect--Stone, 6 rooms, elec- Plano Tuning, Repairing and the O'Brien Mine at Cobalt and the (what wou have here for tourwsts," |go to the movies occasionally. It is | tric light. $20.00 per month. {Miller Take-O'Brien mii fn Gow- {said he. wrong to class people as outcasts Johnson Street--Frame, 7 room {ganda, us well as holdars of other | because they may not measure quite furnace, electric light, gas. Player Piano Adjusting. Norman | H.* Butcher, 27 Pine Street. || PHONE 1819w. | WOOD Slabs for Kindling. W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. Piezion is Dexter, caused a Office Phone 66. Delving New Venture. Kingston Rotary Club. s, | $22.00 Dr. Routley, Toronto, director of {vig interests in Canada, has secur- | up to our standards. per month. {ed a large acreage in th» new gold | "What attitude shall we bave to- Insurance at lowest races. fields of nerth-western Quebec. the Ontario division of the Red Cross | wand vaudeville? If we stay away Victory Bonds bought and sold. os { Society, will be the speaker at the |from the vaudeville and let it go to R. H. Waddell ; A Sprcial Purchase | weekly luncheon of the Kingston [ne devil, it surely will. People en- Phones 326-806. 56 Brock St. ~ -- i Loys' and young men's suits at a 'Dr.. Routley is a gifted and that there is some vulgarity mixed | great reduction in price, the boys talented speaker, and he will have with the vaudeville, chould this be { i "THOMAS COPLEY {uits' we will put on sale at $6.50 lap interesting message for the mem- [done awdy with, vaudeville would GM rn m------ DR. AW WINNETT | Carpenter. Phone 987. {and $7.60, a suit, all colors, all (pers. The Club was very glad to hear | pe all right.' re See us for all kinds of Carpentry DENTAL SURGEON. work. Estimates given on new floors | lmid. Have your hardwood floors clean- | Corner of Johmsom and Wellington | Btreeta Phone 363 ed with our mew floor cleaning ma- | We have been able to secure 100 [Rotary Club, to be held on Friday. joy a change and, while it is true ~~ Olajen | rmen WILL POSITIV 5 { VoRs ore BUILD NEW TISSUE | AnAEMIA Sn BRONCH AND GIVE YOU REAL RESULTS | Loss LAY A BUILDER FROM CHILDHOOD TO OLD AGE ASK YOUR DRUGGIST AALATTRITION |sizes and the young men's suits in |from Rex Snelgrove this week. He brown, grey and black striped, we !i5 in Cadillac, Mich. put on sale at $18 to $20. | Brock street. | Rideau Devclopment. The members of the R dean Lakes Develop ent Association go: down {to business at a meeting held iu the Board of Trade rooms Wednesday morning. J. M. Campbell, Elmer Liavis, H. C. Nickle an T. A. Kidl were appointed to the hoard of dir- ectors by the vouncii of the Board of Trade, and they hc!d a confer- Still a Good Milker.' H. Lynn, manager of Senator Hardy's Avondale Farm, Brockville, The residents of the county, who Ontario, advises that May Echo [nave in the past been in the habit |Syivia is due to freshen, at past [ot trapping muskrat and other fur- [fourteen years of age about the mid- | bearing animals, had better first got | |dle of April. She is still milking, but a license or they will find themselves | looks in the best physical condition Prevost, chine. SHOP: 68 QUEEN STREET. | US || Hard Wood Best quality hard body wood. We have a large stock of soft Maple and Birch, at a very ~ | Muskrat Trappers Warned ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. For Moviag 2 SAT FREIGHT, FURNITURE, ES. PIANOS, ¢ CARTAGE and STORAGE OF VERY DESCRIPTION | reasonable price. Dry Kindling and Slabs, Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Fhone 1746J. on Transfer Co. Phone 377. Evenings 23231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. bouquets to order. Residence, 1187. NOTICE . Any repairs left with R. J. Rodger will be sold unless a de- posit is made at once. L. C. HEMSLEY WATCHMAKER 149 Sydenham St. Just Off Princess Street W. R McRae & Co. SOFT COAL and Cannel Coal. Mixed Wood cut in stove lengths. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 Fruitand Vegetables Cholce assortment BDaaanas, Oranges, Grape-Fruit, Malaga Grapes, goed vaviety Vegetables, Lettuce, Radishes, Celery, ete. See us for good things to eat. BOR MARCHE GROCERY Cerner King and Earl Streets Phone 1544. -- i p---- All materials for buildings at lowest prices, L Cohen & Co. 267-275 ONTARIO STREET PHONES 836 and S37. +} ! $4000 | | rooms with elec. light, 3 p.b., goed lot | and South. i improvements and good yard, mear Uni- | #82 water heating, central. | 96500--1 fiocors Ist and 2nd floors, 3 i tion givem on phone. | Phones: 220. Rew. 2260J. { Our mountings are carefully adjust. -| out binding. | when held with our stay-in-place iirew Rotary Club are: {Hugh Macdonald, vice-president, TRY BURNS' WHOLE WHEAT BREAD THE STAFF OF LIFE W. BURNS 61 Frontenac §t., North Beef, Iron : "and Wine That good, reliable tonic you have always found to brace you up, especially in Spring- time. Get a bottle to-day and enjoy bright days that are com- ing. Make this Drug Store your Drug Store. "Wo Strive To Serve." M. R. McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Phone 82. Opposite St. Andrew's Church Several good building lots in different localties, $400.00 to $1800.00. A few good houses with baras rang- tag from $3500-35000. buys =a splendid house of 7 851009 room house, with all modern versity. 200--Buys a solid brick with hot having 10 rooms and 10 room sain brick, Aargwond hy ., Eve thing modern, 2 fireplaces. ° informa E. L. MARTIN 111% Breck § 1150w. ed, m to the bridge of your nose, with guards that cling with- The wind won't blow off your glasses, Our dependable eyeglass service shonid appeal to you R. ARTHEY, RO. VISION SPECIALIST 143 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2108. Open evenings by appointment. iin court. An inspector employed by since she made her forty-one pound {the Ontario department of game and [butter record and her milk record of fisheries has been paying particular [1 |attention to Frontenac, with the re- | sult that some men who have been | {violating the law have been fned. |! 1,005.8 pounds ina weck as |en-year-old. Close-Slate Weddin. a sev- ence with the represontatives from Smith's Falls, Jones' Falls, Elgin, Frontenac county, and Mr. Frazer, Pcterboro, Mr. Carruthers, Ottawa, end Mr. Brownlee of the Ontario hotel committee. The mutter of chief { Signs 0 of Good Health some camera. Stroi | SHE Ben without Pain or Delay-- Miss Leola M. Slate, daughter of IMr. and Mrs. Washington Slate, str 1 : | {Cape Vincent, N.Y., and Clifton C.|vistricts to be illustrated on road Close, Watertown, N.Y., were mar- | Maps for a guide book, or pamphlet, tried on Monday at Watertown. They that is to be published under auth- were attended by Miss M. McKenna |€7iF Of the assoclation. Otlier mun- end Leo Slate, brother of the bride, [1° Palities not represented will be The bride was attired in tan canton j communicated with and given the crepe with het to match and carried privilege of selecting spas and sup pink carnations. The bridesmaid's lying Phiotographe and other in- gown was of brown charmeuse and formation upon Sibscribing io the she carried pink carnations. Renfrew Rotary Club. importance was the se!a:'ion of the The officers elected by the Ren- President, J 'Waubic, A Model Vessel Captain Robt. Caregie is placing h's steamer Waubic in splendid. con= dition for the Kingston-Cape Vin- cent tourist traffic. Everything has been overhauled and the fitting and equipment are spick and span. Cap- Carnegie looks for a theavy [traffic in tourist and automobile be- lcause of the publicity given to King- ston and Frontenac lakes as beauw spots that attract the week-end visitors 'who want a few days' good fishing. Last summer there was an increase over the previous year. ~lesse every year Sloan's is rapidly mak- ing widespread suffer- ing from rheumatisma thing of the past. Millions can testify to the grateful relief it btings. The moment you feel the first twinge of pain--apply Sloan's. Its tingling, pene- trating warmth gives instant comfort. Before you realize it the pain disap ears. Try it--you'll find many every- day uses for Sloan's. Made in Canada Sloan's Liniment-kills pain! For rheumatism, bruises. strains.chest colds 'The simplest way to end a com is Blue-jay. Stops the pain instantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in clear liquidandin thin plasters Te ation LA the same. Blue-jay Itching PILE S PAZO OINTMENT instantly Re- lieves ITCHING PILES and you ' can get restful sleep after the first application. All druggists are authorized to refund the money if PAZO OINTMENT fails in the treat- ment of any case of ITCHING, BLIND, BLEEDING or PRO- TRUDING PILES. It is guaranteéd by Paris Med- icine Co., Manufacturers of the world-fameus Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets, C. 7) Sore This signature is on every box of PAZO OINTMENT. 60c. Remembered Departing Teacher. Miss Ophia Jackson, teacher in Almonte public school for two years as left for Toronto where she joins the teaching staff of 'the public schools there. Her daparture from Almonte is regretted. The Board of | © Education has given her a very high testimonial and the choir of the Presbyterian Church of which she has been a very active | member presented her with a beaut- | iful boudoir lamp. ard a felicitious | 1idress. Her olass in the public ~~ ischool presented her with a hand- en Na Organs, that function Regularly | | Railways Pleased i The local agents of the canuding National Railway and the Canadian Pacific Railway are glad (lo see an organization formed for the pur-; pose of promoting the tourist traf-, {fic in Kingston end vicinity. "We want them to come by any means," | said one of them, "for when iney get here we have the best service: in the world, and the best summer cimete and scenery wm the womd. | *|We are able to carry them might into the heart of Ontario's out-door ~~~ | life in a few short hours, and 'there is a great field awaiting develop- ment here provided we can give suitable hotel acommodation, for which some plan must be devised." Dr. Martel's Female Pills | Have helped THOUSANDS LAST HALE CENTUR Sealed tin package Pe.iod Treatment $2.00 mail. Knickerbocker » Toronte. WOMEN FROM FORTY TO FIFTY abe dri Dr. A. A. Bearup Dead. Word has been received of the death in Carlsbad, N.M., of Dr. A. A. Bearup, who passed way Raster Sunday. Dr. Bearup was born at Cape Vincent, N.Y., and d his boyhood in that locality. In early marhood he studied navigation on the St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes but later took a course in dentistry ir Toronto University. About 35 years ago he went west and wag the first dentist to practice ir Naw Mexico which was then sparsely settled and without rail- roads. Dr. Bearup performed work for many famous frontier charact- ler in the early days, including Kit Carson, Bill the Kid, and others, Pink One of Perth's Best Painters. Another of the older inhabitants of Perth in the person of James Mor- risan died on April 2nd after an {ll- ness of about two weeks with heart trouble. His age was seventy-six years. He was one of Perth's bes! painters in former days but for some years declining faculties prevented him from foliowing his calling stead- fly and this was a distinct loss to the trade in this neighborhood. Deceas- ed was for years secretary of the Roman Oatholic Separate Schoo Board of Education but took no par: generally in public matters. He survived by hig widow, three sons RATS WANTED GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street \ J You Cannot See Them | In The Window! STEP INSIDE AND WE WILL SHOW YOU THE FINEST SPRING SUITS, TOP COATS AND GABARDINE RAINCOATS AT SPECIAL PRICES. DURING OUR ALTERATION SALE IT WILL MEAN A BIG SAVING FOR YOU. TWEDDELL'S Clothing House 2/9 The New Shades In Homespuns Camel, Mountain Haze, Blyio Blue, Caravan and other staple colors--we r are now showing in best imported and Canadian makes--full 54 inches wide 'at $1.45, $1.75and $1.95 a yard. See our window display of the new Sweaters for Spring and Summer wear--all exclusive styles. | w. N. Linton & Co. , i Phone 191. The Waldron Store.

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