Hh Ms oo Wt im ie en SU PO SA HR . hist pon Moana Srp = 8 " a SE TR pe sR RRA a AR | JR 7 : 3 : I HE E _D. A ! AIL LY B R I TIS I S H = HI i G \ THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1983, WE are pave ror | VETTE, {ltrs oisbite|[ ANOTHER TIRE SPECIAL What's The | Remedy { ® | Kingston, Aprl 9.--(To the Ed-| ; 1 i itor): Mr. Puttenham's letter re why THIS EEK i Late Mrs. Mary Webster $0 many Canadian's are leaving for | wa Mrs ." Mary Alexander Webster, the United States is (or ougit to be), { : | widow of the late William A. Web- | Something to make us e't up and | I ster, a former well-known resident | {#ke notice, as it concerns everyone 50 . | of this city, passed away at the resi- ! Spenally those who run the show. | . . ll | dence of her son, Charles R. Web- | ey will need to put on a Se As They Run--Free Kits and Culls to CE rete, ow | Picture to keep the house full. Tel | Wednesday after an illness extend- about putting water into a seive-- | |ing over several weeks. Deceased | !Dat's just how all the immigration | $ / Iwas born" in County of Tipperary, | Schemes are working out, only evs] MILE GUARANTEE-- j | Iretand, eighty-six years ago, and Tuns out than goes in. | We have the Tena stock to choose from. & f | after leaving her native land, resid-| According to reports, Canadians | The BEST Tires on the market. Our prices are LESS.) "ivy us | ed in California for some years. Since | Of the Nost type are crossing over Our TOY DEP'T has just received some wonderful values in DOL us| l | 1385 ¢he !tved in Kingston. Her | (with their families, too,) in large CARRIAGES and CHILDREN'S VELOCEPEDES, . . . | husband predeceased her in 1893. { numbers daily to Detroit and Buff- | Our BASEBALL GOODS have arrived. Any quantity. Bring them in Raw Fur | she was a member of Sydenham | { alo, and believe me, Uncle Sam wel- D partm t |} | street Methodist church. Surviving [nomes them, knowing they are the | e] en |are two sons, Charles R. Webster finest type of citizens in the making, | and C. E. Webster, both of this city. (he is able to get. If this dénflux keops on indefiditely, its effect will Late Mrs. E. McCullough. not only be felt locally, but domin- Mrs. Elizabeth McCullough, widow | fon-wide. What is the remedy? fi '§ of the late Willlam McCullough, this | How can we keep them here when ' |eity, passed away at the Hotel Dieu | laborers are being eagerly sought in | | ion Wednesday evening. The deceas- Detroii at $5 and $6 a day, end mech- | oha McKay Limited jee suffered a painful] aoeident about | anics three times that amount? Is! J Nl Livi six weeks ago and,since that time|it mot natural that the same men, FASHION"S FIRST FANCIES thad-besn-conflned to-hospital. Her | doing the same work and getting y . , | husband predeceased her about eight | about 50 per cent. less on this side, ~ |years ago. Her only daughter, Mrs. | jump across, if cnly to make the coal ! {Edwin Parson, and her husband, | money for next winter? The same | | Solvay, N.Y., both passed away with-| applies to those on their way from | ; 3 [in the last year. | the old country. They, too, will go J | The late Mrs. McCullough had Jumping across, and so the money Y f {been a nurse for a number of years | game will go on--now you see it! \ {and was known as a cheerful and| New you don't! "The hat with ' iq. , I. ® {willing charitable worker, especially | false bottom, or no bottom at all, {among the poor of the city. She was | gnd the emigrant rabbit would keep | |a life-long member of the First Bap- tumbling through as fast as they | THE HANDY SWEET {tist church and took a very active brought him in. The farmer's in | Se part in the various societies and |p, foundry and the farmer's doing ii : work of that congregation. She was | wail. He's getting five and a halt ; . seventy-slx years of age but had re-|, 4,v so the farm can go to--yes, A most delicious and appetizing confection when cut taned her full faculties until a few |r. Editor, Soi al a in slices about one-quarter inch thick and served for des- days before her death. ways open for dise ns | * . tons; let's start something. What's : Late Miss J. R. Drummond. the Remedy?" Miss Jane Redpath Drummond, 2 Yours truly $ $ {eldest daughter of the late Andrew ar > - S TRY SOME TO-NIGHT-- tame Ottawa, passed away at) H. RALPH. . --YOUR GROCER HAS THEM her late residence, 223 Albert street, | A Worthy @ause ° ° on Wednesday: morning. She was : 3 a seventy-seven years of age and was ol Kingston, April 10.--(To the Ed- life-long member of St. Andrew' =| tanta Homo: Tay Ax ain, for Pretty Dresses for the Madam and Madamoiselle in Can- church. . SROTHERS, op 1869 KINGSTON The late Miss Drummond was a| jose 5 ratig We ian of SM ton Crepe, Alltyme and Flat Crepe--made in the slender and . . be: k Er tes Son Hiacva Claes [2p Socks hers the Judie ss (an youthful Silhouette with pretty flowing pleated panels. Others Place 7a sationsl ant_imperiel ut [SOS Sues Soars) way, fot 139 with draped side, daintily caught with fancy buckles. Short or Jairs. She was the daughter of a dis- aid in the well-ba'ig of children. 1 ] 1 1 Th ] F h BI Ry tinguished - Scotch-Canadian, who | n ose, owin Ss egves. € Colors are r'renc came to this country in his early | I am pleased to hear that Mre. ung, 10 ? g us, ust, youth, and for some years was man- 2: Laidlaw through her generous Beige, Cocoa, Navy and Black. All sizes, no ager of the Bank of Montreal -in Sift of $200, has given the home a The Warmer Days Are Coming [|e ver us cuciiire 1s iro nop of haves this longed for --$18.50 to $40.00-- Ottawa. His brother, the late Sir SUR I w /asl @ really. We have a very choice selection of ENGLISH TWEEDS and tr | The home has also lately received WORSTEDS. Everything brand new. Why not get that new Suit Jeorge Drummond, Many ml Waa a Qift of $137 from the Canteen BILLIE BURKE DRESSES $9.50 TO $12.50 now, or how about changing from that heavy Winter Coat to one of Satan 8 BUTS n Tn Sd Fund, Sydenham hosptal, but . . . Se iaayer Weight BNGLIVH TWEED or DARK CHEVIOT TOF |[125° 2erromsits, of come years aga [S500 STSGMMm comet Made in Broadcloth finished Flannel, in clever styles for Katherine, Kingston; Mrs. Frank C&7Ty out the necessary plans. It 1 1 A pleasure to show you our range. Tagle aaa and one brother, |!S to be hoped that the cftezens Women and Misses. Several different, pretty styles to choose -€ R A WF OR D & CO. Robert Drummond, Gananoque. |) give geaeionsly an Jui 3 from in Cocoa, Taupe, Brown, French Blue and Navy. All A tist of talent, Miss Wor cause on the ay for the mimond. was wis Kowa tor per home, Saturday, APFL 14th sizes |6to 42. Priced ................... $9.50 to $12.50 Drummond was well known for her . 173 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2450w. many water-colors of local historical HARRY E. DAY. interest. She had studied painting Physician in charge. under some of the old masters = ory brad, Seek R. M. C. Assistance. | TT : Secretary N. Turner, of the G.W.| \ 3! V.A., has written a letter to Major- Island Roll { To-day's Radio Programme. } General Sir A. C. Macdonell, com- The Big Dry Goods and House Furnishings Store s \ E is mandant of the Royal Military Col- . 3! lege, for permission to invite the col- ul er Thursday, April 12. lege orchestra and cadets to take -------- WGY (Schenectady, N.Y.) part in the entertainment to be giv- Fresh supply coming on every General Electric Company. en by the veterans at the next gener- We specialize on day, per Ib. 45c¢. 12.30 p.m.--8tock quotations, al meeting of the organization. No . ope . Fancy, large GrapeFruit 12.45 pm.--Weather forecast. reply has been received as yet, but Ex | Millizery - full length Door Mir- , Jarge pe ; 2.00 p.m.--Mausic and talk, "What!it is belleved that the commandant C usive fe 1] is § [Animal Experimentation Has Taught | will gladly give his consent to help !| You are known by the hat you wear rors for dr essin g Choice Seedless Oranges, De Us," Miss Jessie G. Cole, Nutrition-|along such a worthy cause. Parisian Shop $3 900 NELSON. STREET--Brick Bungalow, 5 rooms, 9 per dozen | " ist, New York State Department of The members of the entertainment two piece bath, fu barn. rooms or halls; fitted . Jam .... Health. committee will meet this week to 892 BROCK STREET P scion complete in your 08ec. 6.00 pm.--Produce and stock discuss final arrangements for the | $3 500 LIVINGSTON AVE., detached cement block, 7 market quotations; news bulletins. |"big show." If the affair is a suc- rts rooms, three piece bath, gas, electric lights, fur- home. b Large Bananas, per dos. . .30c. 7.45 p.m.--Radlo drama, "On|cess, it is the intention of the com- ICE IS WEAKENING. Race, . Trial." ittee to continue monthly concerts png-- Whe eo SOE % Bie a Sa Ay y | Break-up in Harbor Is Looked For $3 500 BROCK STREET, semDdetached brick, 8 rooms, Th K D ' ibe je Clarke-Galvin Wedding, ms = Mest in Couple Daye: with. a two piece bath, gas for cooking, electric lights. : On Saturday, April 7th, the mar-| Tea and sale, St. Vincent's Marine men state endl | ETE [Bade PR MI BEDE sr i Ao Ep E. W. MULLIN & SON he " e 1ce in Mfg. Co. Heiew Delberthe Cujvin took place 5 10 9 pm, as |en up. On Wednesday some of the Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. t the residence of Mr. and Mrs.| Ambition ¢ s well [ex 080 MONTREAL STREE Cullen' I onion iy 'The a was ig SAD Seay 2 We residents of Wolfe Island, who came Phone 530w. Corner Johnson and Division Street 3 PHONE 68 Ra S fa brilliant one and will be of inter- | -~ - --------------. ne | OVEF 10 the eity 7aporied Bal the Joe 2 ; 2. ngst T, was getting very thin in spots. Capt. : i Canny aE Ry John Dix, who looks after the Cal-|j= was a former resident of this city. in interests at Garden Island, and Rev. Mr. Berlies of Rhodes avenue THE HAT STORE oh came over from the island on Presbyterian church performed the Wednesday afternoon, stated that the : ~ ceremony. The bride was beauti- ° jce was very weak in places. The fully gowned in groy silk trimmed ice punt broke through a number of x with rose point, and wore a vell and pring d S times. Had it not been for the fact : : crange blossoms. Mr. and Mra a that a strong wind was blowing, the : ! Clarke will spend their honeymoon punt, which is propelled by the use | : In Opera Strap and Colonial styles-- in the Hawaiian Islands. . They will Pa of a sall, would have broken through ® all exceptionally good value at to Toronto in J d resid Made according io SHUT In Toronto fa Juse nd festis | the loo may SBes. $5.00 * claims to be the last islander to the B t S > , cross to the city with a horse and es cience The Ti sling ) sleigh this winter. He had the last Many smart, new les for Spring being featured at this ; trip on Monday, April 9th, and did special price. _ Horse Astfilery will give a Symphony I not break through the ice during the (1)--Patent Le Youther Colonial, with Grey Suede inserts in The work produced by J. S. Assel- Consett iu Grant Hell, Monday, Aj. : day. tongue, Louis H P yJ Hl 16th, at 5.15 p.m. Mr. "Jimmie ay Ye iBagagement of the: Weamer (2)--All Patent Leathet One Strap--short vamp, covered stine is strietly according to the best : toa Trathet of Airs vl Wolfe Islander is rushing the repair two Ts esate Neola: Far ur pics Ca methods and best science. We can find dng artist and will give bis celebrated vas ok slong, se fiat tho gloss will sad: tent Leather Pump with ed Colonial better monologue on Baseball. Tickets are VERY EXCEPTION open! ay pert tion. It will take a couple more (4)--Kid Leather One Strap--short, vamp, Louis covered no equipment or more ex now on sale' at Ustow's Book Store. VALUES AT days to finish the painting of the Heels. ; Many other smart, new styles at popular prices. workmen. To you, this is an assur- pri steamer. ance that when you have entrusted to Prof. W. G. Jordan, of Queen's $3 $3 5 $4 | us . pti { k, . tt Theological College, has been invit- y . Closed Their Engagment. ® ® 5 Your prescription work, no matter ed to take part in the gathering at Capt. M. W. Plunkett's "Dumbells " ' 0' how difficul be, Chautauqua Lake, N.Y., during July In our big range of Spring Com ay" od os tab ns SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION" ow icult it may you may con- to speak upon Hebrew literature and || Hats we are showing Hats from Wi, 0 0 600 Hoo on Wednes- old testament subjects. Dr. Jordan all the best makers of the day, playing to capacity audiences fidently expect lenses of real scientific Bas accepted the invitation. This is|[] world. And for reat value ies [| oo', 0 00i08 to capacity audiences merit. the original camp for Chautauqua beat the Hats that are de a decided hit, and so to ay ws : i enthusiasts, a here in Canada, and long EY penis continues tof DOROTHY CANFIELD'S TRANSLATION put on an entertainment of this | OF P APINI"S We verify every prescription. Bank Contract Awarded. . calibre it is assured of big business les. soli. in } : The contract for the construction in Kingston... The company was LIF E OF CHRIST 7 79.000 « pies sold in Italy alome. of the new Bank of Montreal build- t greatly Pleased with Nis _ reception N. Y. HERALD: Theat a re any) tious under way. 7 ing has been awarded to the John V.' AC oF J » S Asselstine D 0S. or ata healanY. Torn ih so T-* oearnar comers > > 48h be expected in a to. A nl hy i os We * y My lig shoul be made in N. ¥. TIMES: "Papiai's sincere and enthralling book will stand the near future. & : ; The Infants' Home needs jour - BYBSIGHT SPECIALIST re ie---- a ; iLelp--Tag Day next Saturday. for many years as a rallying sign for thousands." 342 KING STREET KIN . Please remember Tag Day for the gale] TR Ia) | At Belleville on Wednesday, the book SD CACO EVENING POST: Ch is altogether likely that this x um GSTON Infants* Hi Sat 20) ets B § Howd book will become a world classic. ww lang"! : Home, Saturday, Ape hile i Jf [Coach occurred of Mrs. May How THIRD LARGE PRINTING, OOTAVO, 408 PAGES Factory on the Premises = Joe. ' "Ql Carruthers, wite of Walter S. Car- ; . 'A good hope is better than a bad 'sathers, aged fifty-seven years, and | possession. 9 A revident of Belleville many years. gi. a a NS