AND WED. MAT. WED. RAND --To-night CAPT. M. W, PLUNKETT'S "DUMBELLS" WITH THE CANADIAN STARS ROSS HAMILTON (MARJORIE) 'A. L. PLUNKETT (YOU KNOW AL) AND A COMPANY OF 33 SOLDIERS IN "CARRY ON" POPULAR PRICES: + +s. 2c. to $1.00 -------- wor : n SENANRANANRSRERNRRRRANG ou 0 ADVANCE IN PRICES AGNES AYRES ADAUGHTER OF LUXURY" § Vo] a JOUVE HEARD OF THE RICH BOY WHO BECAME RICH. [(ERE'S A RICH GIRL WHO BECAME POOR--AND STRUGGLED ACK T'O LOVE AND A FORTUNE. Not since "FORBIDDEN FRUIT" has AGNES AYRES had such IR pleasing role--luxurious gowns and settings. 2 = Comedy--"The High Flyer" - - - - SHERLOCK HOLMES PATHE NEWS : THE BIGGEST SHOW VALUE IN KINGSTON HAPLIN dis Latest Comedy Spree Which Takes Him From a Convict's Cell to a Pulpit With a Laugh very, Step of the Way. - L THE PILGRIM" : VAUDEVILLE THE GERTIE MILLER TRIO COMEDY, MUSIC AND SONG IMPORTANT NOTICE---- muc has been said of the latest million dollar release of Chaplin, RIM," and the extra added attraction, "The 2 Miller Trio," that the management of the Strand announces | perf every evening, thus giving th a chance soo this great picture. The entire double bill will commence the form. o> at 7.80 sharp and the second show will start at 9 bk, so that those who are late for the first show will be able to the entire - » | BLUNDERS "rived The answer will be found among todeg's want ads. ---------- The Renfrew Board of Trade wilt have a banquet on April 24th when Sir Lomer Gouin will be the chief speaker. . » on Friday last the topk place of Mrs. Henry C. Leonard, a native of Brockville, in year. Gordon, Lodgeroom, is de2d. She had been a con- At death . Mrs, Tweed, firmed years, near {t invalid for some twenty * [sea captain, Gerrit Ammidan (Al- {bert Roscoe), for a young Chines2 | AMUSEMENT S | maiden, Taou Yuen, played by Leat- | a RES | § What the Press Agents Say About} rice Joy. Gerrit returns from Shan- Coming Attractions | ighal with his: Chinese wife to find | CHAPLIN AS PARSON | IN "THE PILGRIM" Picture Said to Be Best Work rie Has Ever Done in the Movies. Nettie Vollar ready to marry him. Nettie suffers {an injury and Gerrit leaves Taou to {go to her. Bdward Dunsack (Ray- mond Hatton), a rival of Gerrit's and an opium smoker, tells Taou Yen {that her husband and Nettie Vollar |are in love. The young wife orders fim from the house and goes to [Nettie's home herself. She arrives {Just after her husband has left and rn {goes to the sick room. Edward, now Oharlie Chaplin back! Thea ravi {world's most famous comedian is |eming to the Strand theatre Thurs- |day for a three nights' stand in "The Pilgrim," the last of his series of| miilion-dollar releases, and a picture which has been heralded througlout {Canada and the United States as the greatest efforts of the {inimitable comedian. Chaplin in "The Pilgrim," displays more of his abilities as a comedian; {ka thows his true acting capacities in such a way that those who have s:en the picture have been clamoring for its return. Some of the scenes in the picture beggar description, for {they are veritable works of art, and { Chaplin, with the record of, his tre- mendous successes in "The Kid," | 'Shoulder Arms," "Pay Day," "A Dog's Life" and other pictures, is more than funny in this new release. Supported by a fine cast the famous comedian displays wonderful ability, and keeps the crowds in roars of {laughter throughout. In the role of la parson he is perhaps out of his ele- ment, but the way he fits into the role is one of the most successful fea- tures of the picture. No one who has ever seen Chaplin jon the screen can afford to stay away | trom this latest release, for it is cer- {tainly his best, and the management {of the Strand theatre secured the pic-| ture through difficulty, many other theatres being on the watch for it, lbut other places' loss is Kingston's gain, and Chaplin will be here for three days starting Thursday. An added feature of the perform- ance at the Strand is the coming of the Gertie Miller trio, colored artists in comedy, music and songs, and the |act which has been a feature in New {York and other places, is said to be one of the finest ever given. Not only will the entire programme hold | the boards at the Strand for three | | days, but the management has decid- | ed to run two performances every Miss Rapple Becomes the Bride of evening, thus affording everyone a| T. R. Gates chance to see the Chaplin feature | Brockville Recorder. t eda sole; d and the colored artists, The first | A. preity w ng Was, solemuize {show In the evenings will be started | Ardl ah i gn Mr. 2nd lat 7.30, and the second at Jars. TEe Dp. 8, whe oly nine : {only daughter, Myrtle Many, was un- |o'clock, and complete programmes on , will be run for each show. In adai-| ited In marriage to Theodore is {reached. ---- WEDDED IN ST. PAUL'S. -- The Nuptials of Miss Grace Langs- ford and James Pilgrim. A very pretty wedding took place in St. Paul's church on Monday after- noon at five o'clock, when Miss Grace Langsford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Langsford, and James Pilgrim, of the Royal Canadian Horse Artil- lery band were married by Canon W. F. FitzGerald. The bride was at- tended by Miss Doris Langsford and Miss Millie Stacey. T. Priest acted as groomsman. The bride was beau- titully gowned in white crepe meteor with pear] trimmings and wore a lovely hat to match. She carried a beautiful bouquet of ophelia roses. The bridesmaids, were gowned in blue crepe, wore white hats and car- vied bouquets of pink roses. The bride was given away by Mrs. W. F. FitzGerald, who was gowned in grey voile and wore a hat to match. The choir, of which the bride Is a mem- 'ber, sang the hymn "The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden," and J. Harte rendered in fine voice "O Perfect Love." Miss Walker presided at the organ. Immediately after the cere- mony the officiating. clergyman pre- sented a handsomely bound copy in white of the prayer book, which he used in reading the service, as a sou- venir to the bride gf the happy oc- casion. The bride and groom re- ceived numerous and valuable gifts. | Mr. and Mrs, Stacey, Pine street, en- | tertained most hospitably the bridal |evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pilgrim are to reside at 303 Barrie street. MARRIED AT BROCKVILLE R. tion the regular matinees will be on Gates, ot Me. am i every afternoon, thus giving nine; emony was conducted by Rev. R performances in the three days. Sel- |v Hamilton 7 i dom has such a splendid programme |" : {| 'The bride, g'ven away by her been offered by the management of | f nt the Strand, and crowded houses are | father, locked lovely 1a: 4 od sure to be in order for each perform- | 58tin gown trimmed is pearls, with ance, so it will be advisable to be at|'®0 and orange blossoms and car- the" theatre early. Chaplin alone red a slower of Ophelia roses. > Mrs. J. J. Rapple wore a pretty would draw a packed house for each yellow taffetta frock with corsage Of show, but with the added vaudeville | a act, the theatre is sure to be filled to} TO008 and played the wedding march, capacity. {| Miss Lucy Hughes sang "Because" during the signing of the register. | Immedfately after the ceremony [supper was served, after which the {happy couple left amid showers of confiett!, for Watertown and Syra- cuse, N.Y., the bride travelling m a pretty brown Canton crene aress with hat and ehoes to match and scal coat. Among the guests from out ol town were Mr. and Mra. George Gates, Miss Helen Gates, ¥'. J. Gates and the Misses Eletha ard Hazel Gates, of Wes'brook; Mrs. Albert Brown, Lyndhurst, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Rapple, Toronto. Many beautiful gifts were recerved by the bride as tokens of the esteem in which she !s held by her friends. "A DAUGHTER OF LUXURY" MAKES HIT How a succession of circom- stances may convert an innocent situation into a serious complica- tion. through no fault of the prin- cipals concerned, is an interesting plot development of "A Daughter of Luxury," Agnes Ayres' latest Para- mount vehicle, which amused a large audience at the Strand theatre last night. Mary Fenton, the heroine, has been reared in luxury, but is leit Gestitute on the death of her par- ents. She is turned out of her cheap hall bedroom ! because sha cannot Lay the rent, Acoidentally, she meets A man named Owen, a strauger. | Mary, almost ready to faint from hunger, accepts Owen's invitation to \ have tea in his hotel suite. Bb BITUARY A gossipy friend of Owen's finds ; the girl in his apartment in innocent but suspicious circumstances, 'Ihe " gossip believes Miss Fenton to be : Mary Cosgrove, a wealthy heiress, : and 1a ve trom Scandal Quen, whe Min ee Mss. Er, the Ping al ary laws the Nan Jats Samuel Nostts, Jona. away at : er late residence, 44 Main street, hein a apc phir 'after a lingering illness. Deceased vitation of the Walfords to stay with | "*° Seventy-seven years of age:and them. They bolieve her-to be Mary}? Methodist. Surviving are four Cosgrove, and It is this bo ay daughters: Mrs. Joseph Curtis, Mont- which brings about a serious vom real; Mrs. William Stearne, Phila- . " |delphia; Mrs. William Carroll, Phila- Plication for Mary and Owen, in delphia; and Mrs. Frederick Rud- which a jewel burglary plays an im- der, Hamilton: and one son, Samuel portant part. 3 Norris, this city. A brother, Will- The picture, directed by Paul lam Crellian, Kingston, and a sister, Fowell, is. well done, and the cast Mrs. Stelrick, Buffalo, also survive. is excellent, inchiding as it does S---- Tom Gallery, as leading mean, Ed- : Late Mrs. Thomas P. Maxwell. ward Martindel, Sylvia Ashton, Clarence Burton, ZaSu Pitts and Ro-| Word was received in the city that bert Schable. Ethel Lawson, wife of Thomas P. There is also a very funny two | Maxwell, formerly of Kingston, had reel comedy "The High Flyer," |dled in Ottawa on Tuesday morn- Sherlock Holmes and Pathe News, | Ing. Mr. Maxwell is a school inspect- : or and taught at Cataraqui public school some years ago. The inter- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG (Jacqueline Logan) | | Kingston held in the Old Convoca- | |April 20th, at ng maniac, follows her and a land dramatic finale, filled with thrills, is | Prof. { { | i { quirements of the b TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1925. Y- OF KINGSTON [= FOE rranges For Induction of Cooke's Church New Min- ister on April 20th. ESBIER [A i At a meeting of the Presbytery of | {tion hall, Queen's University, on Monday afternoon, arrangements | {were made for the induction of Rev. | T. J. 8S. Ferguson, Lanark, into the | | pastoral charge of Cook's churcn ou | 8 o'clock. | Rev. Principal Dyde will preside, | address the people, and Rev. | W. G. Jordon will deliver the charge to the minister. At the re- | Quest of the congregation who desire | time to meet and become acquaint- | ed with their new minister, the ous- | ouary sermon will be dispensad | The congregation of Zion church, | Kingston, were advised to apply to | the church and manse building rund | --_-- or Susiginsee in carrying the d | Tenders F or Motor Truck For Fire Department Rev. A. J. Wilson, Napanee, pre- | sented an interesting repont trom | Sealed tenders addressed to the City Clerk, City Buildings, Kingston, Ont., the general interests committee. He | outlined a plan suggested by the | general 'board for meeting the Te | will be received™up to 3 p.m. on Tues udget. Presby-| ieyr Apri areh, for supplying one Mos q | tor truck to be used as & hose tru tery agreed to adopt he plan ana | ¢,, the Fire Denaro oe or en instructed the general interests com- | motor truck Chassis, or for furnishing mittee to take whatever steps might and placing on Chassis one hose body. : All further information may be se- be considered necessany to give el- | cured from the Chief of Fire Depart- fect to it. . | ment at the Brock Street Fire Station. Rev. John Stephen, on behalf of | NN AN Clerk. the committee on the superintens. Kingston, Apr. 10th, 19 23. ance of students, stated that Messrs. | © Gladestone E. Wood, J.T.M. Wilson | LOCAL NEWS » and John McKinnos desired to be | taken on trial for license, as preadh- : ---- Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- ers of the Gospel. They were all agreed that all further. examination porters. men in the evening. Teepell, Carlisle street, is lights, newly decorated. The J. 56 BROCK K. Ca STREET. TRANSATLANTIC SAILINGS Season 1923. Lists and Rates now ready. Apply C. 8. KIRKPATRICK Steamship Ticket Agent, 36 Cl St, Kingston, Out. Tel. 568w. areace properly certified by Principal Dyde. After some discussion, it was be waived, and that the Presbytery | American stamps for sale at the proceed to license the three young |W Me office. Mr. Wilson reported that acting | "Pending a few days with friends in cn instructions from the Presbytery | Battersea, he ad visited Sand Hill, and held a| MF. Swaine, piano 'uner. Orders meefing with the congregation received at 100 Clergy street west. Ir) party and numerous friends in one conded by Rev. A. M. { {MacLean from the charge of |Hill on May 1s», |of his physical pe urged to deal generously with | were made. {there. Mr. Scott, Sand Hil, also | Phone 564w, |@ddressed the Presbytery, The ice and snow are rapidly dis- McTav'sh, se- 2PDearing, but we may Little, Pres- the Cobalt snow storm. bytery decided to release Rev.' J. Al When ordering Javel Water, Sand [Sure and ask for the new brand, and that in view | 'Superior,' chemically tested. disability and also in | A lot of liquor was seized on a G. tanaing {T. R. train at Cornwall. It was oar- strong- ried by passengers but no arrests On motion "of Dr. hear from be him. Rev. J. D. Boyd was appu'nt- The Colonial Auxiliary Forees Of- ed to declare the pulpit of. Sand |ficers' Decoration has been granted Hill vacant on the first Sunday in |to Lt.-Col. Austin B. Gillies, 0. B. May, and to act as moderator of the {E.. 1st Brigade, Ottawa. sessions ©f Sand Hill and St. Junn"s| The late Caleb Brown, whose fun- church, Pittsburgh, till another min- epg] took place a few days ago at iter is settled there. Murvale, was a subscriber and read- Rev. Dr. MacTavish, acting on be- [er of she Whig throughout his life. half of Rev. A. S. Kerr, inter | Kingston ana Deseronto owners moderator of the sess'ons of Melrose of the former Foresters' Island, are and associated congregations, re- |planning the erection of suitable Jovied that @ call had been issued {buildings whereby the island will be- by ese congregations in favor of {come the most famous summer re- eV. G. 8. Wood, Foxboro. This {sort In the Bay of Quinte. call was quite unanimous. On mo- | tion of MacTavish and Ramsay, the The General Hospital governors ja chinic building and the architects call was sustained -and the o's | Ml meet the building committee to take the matter up so that the work can be started this season. Until such time as the trustees at Queen's university meet and ap- roint a successor to Dr. J. O. Mac- donald as medical officer of the un- versity, Dr. P. O. Pilkey, of the staff-of the Kingston General Hos- pital, is carrying on the duties. 'Among those who came to King- {Ston for the proceedings of Queen's theological convocation on Monday {night were Rev. Dr. W. T. Herridge, Ottawa; Rev. D. C. Ramsay, Bella. viile; Rev. R. 8. Cranston, Trenton; and Rev. Dr. W § McTavish, Relle- ville; The Kingston Medical Associaton met at Mowat Memorial hospital on was thereupon placed in Mr. Wood's hands. In a brief address he ac- | cepted it, and it was then agreed that the induction take place in Mel- Tose on April 24th at 2 o'clock, that Rev. A. 8. Kerr be appointed to preach Mr. Ramsay to charge the m'nister and Dr. MacTavish the people, Rev. A. M. Litdle, McDonald's Corners, was appointed a commis- sioner to the general assembly in- stead of Rev. A. O. McDonald, re- signed. Rev. R. A. Cramston, moderator, presided. ------ J BETTER LIVE STOCK. | ' -- i Train at Tichborne Drew Many | i Farmers on Saturday. [Monday evenisg with Dr. H. A. Boyce presiding. Dr. Bruce Hop- kins, Dr. McKay and Dr. D. A. Volume brought a number of cases to the attention of the members, and the clin'c proved very instrue- tive. THE LOUGHBORO STILL CASES TO BE HEARD On Thursday Before Justice of the Peace Allinson--Much Moonshine. Liquor. ---------- Two liquor stills were captured in Loughboro township last week by the O. T. A. officers and the cases wik come up before Justice of the Peace Allison on Thursday, The in- land revenue officers will prosecute for the illegal possession of stills, re- Three hundred residents from the county of Frontenac went to Tich- borne on Saturday for the purpose of seeing Ontario's "Better Live Stock Train," which stopped over at that place during the day. The C.P.R. train consisted of twenty-one cars. The whole idea of the train is to convince the farmers of the benefit which can be derived by breeding the better class of cattle. In connec- tion with the train a number of cars were used for bulls which were for sale. During the trip a large number of bulls have been sold to farmers who were breeding the best class of stock. itis understood that more interest is shown by the farmers at the small- er centres and for that reason the train has not stopped at the large towns and cities. A. W. Sirett, the local representative of the Ontario department of agriculture was at Tichborne. -------------- Barriefield Military Camp. Lt. Col. Hodgins, G.8.0., M.D., No. 3., is in Ottawa, and upon his re- turn he will be engaged on the pre- partion of details of the militia camps to be held at Barriefiedd in the summer. The camp will be for the infantry and cavalry militia regiments, while firing detach- ments from the artillery units will be sent to Petawawa for training, Burial of Robert Faton. prosecutor, and an O. T. A. charge will also be made. There is reported to be consider- able moonsh*ne liquor manufactur- ed throughout the rural sections, but it is hard to trace it to the source. Many weeks, and sometimes months elapse before the manufacturers are disclosed apd the evidence for a conviction ned. This past wint- er the weather interfered with the operations of officers and some were considerably delayed, although they knew where and how the "stuff" was being made, who had it and what was being done with it. P. W. O. R. Begins QUEBEC STREET--~Good frame house, 7 rooms UNION STREET WEST--Near University, rooms, furnace, electric lights. BROCK STREET--Opposite V Price $4000, NSURANCE OF ALL KIND conduct of the moderator and the | CW engaged upon the plans fo: | presented by Ambrose Shea, federal | SALE s nice lot, $3000, brick dwelling, 7 Exceptional buy at $4,600. ictoria Park, electric Agency S Phone 68. furnace, rroll Res. 2240m. rr UNTY OF FRONTENAC Tenders Wanted Sealed Tenders marked Tender 'on the envelope, will be received at the office of the County Clerk, Court House, Kingston; Up to noom on Wednesday, the 18th day of April, 1823, for the hire of a 20 h. Pp. Traction Engine, withe out belt, to run the County Road make Ing plant, during the road work seas Son of 1923, Terms and condition of contract te be seen at office of County Clerk. Also for hire or competent man to run the County Road Roller for work Season of 1 The lowest or any tender not neces. sarily accepted, J. W, BRADSHAW, County Clerk. Kingston, April 10th, 19235 PUBLIC NOTICE "Pursuant to the provisions of Pare, 421, King's Regulations ang Orders for the Canadian Militla, notide. is hereby given that, under the Army Act, a sole dier of the Permanent Active Miktia cannot be placed under stoppages of pay for a private debt. If persons suf- fer soldiers of the Permanent Active Militia to contract aebts, they do so at their own risk." E. W. B. MORRISON, Major-general, Adjutant-general. Ottawa, April 4th, 123. PIAA ee tan) XC THOMAS COPLEY iCarpenter. Phone 987, See us for all kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates given om pew floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean ed with our mew floor cleaning mae chine. SHOP: 68 QUEEN STREET. QUEEN'S HOTEL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BROCK ST. PHONE 750 Special Attention to Travellers and Farmers. Sunday Dinner Special Price 50c, J. ROSE, Proprietor cm PURE MILK AND CREAM Sold in sterilized bottles. Place your order with Willew Park Dairy, SHARP BROS. Phone 1300 vr 5. CATARAQUL sn. et am ~ ---- Millinery Opening at Sharbot Lake WHEELER AND O'CONNOR Snmounces their Millinery Opening at the store of H. J. Thompson & Co. APRIL 11th--14th. Try Our Specials Peanut Brittle .. Peanut Candy . . Amorted Chocolates . . Grapefruit Tangerines Also Blood Oranges. The Star Fruit & Candy Store 66 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 273. DAY AND NIGHT PHONE 116 DOMINION TAXI SERVICE 283 KING STREET EVERY DRIVER AN ESCORT. ZENITH OIL HEATERS, (ONTARIO), LAMITED 23 ADELAIDE ST. Ww, TORONTO ron