7 Founded 1847 IF THE CUSTOM TAILORED CLOTHES OF THIS HOUSE LOCAL NEWS. {Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re= porters. { | Hotel Dieu -euchre, Wednesday, 8 p. m. American stamps for sale at the Whig office. ! BE. W. Grant of the Bank of Tor- onto, Waterford, spent Easter at his | home. i Dont forget R.C.H.A. band con- {cert in Grant Hall, Tuesday, April 10th, Remember big concert by R.C.H.A. 'band fn Grant hall, Tuesday, April 110th. | The customs and excise duties for the month ending March 31st were $43,768.59. M. Ryan, a well-known resident of were not the finest in Kingston its Custom Tailoring business would not be the largest in Kingston. That is certainly reasonable, and reasonably certain. Our new Spring Woolens are now await- ing your inspection. SUITS TO YOUR MEASURE BUILT TO WIN CUSTOMERS-- --PRICED TO KEEP THEM The test of time--76 years in business-- &* your guarantee, Calabogie, spent the week-end with friends in the city. Mr. Swaine, plano *zner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west. 'Phone 564w W. F. Nickle, K.C., M.P.P., left for Toronto early Taesday marning after spending the week-end in Kingston. Frank Nicholson, foremah for the Davis Dry Dock Company, left on Monday fo: Cornwall on business. William McCammon, license in- spector, went to Sharbot Lake and ; other northern points in the county { on Tuesday. | Rupert Cross, Ottawa, is spending i the holidays in Kingston the guest | of his brother, Austin F. Cross. Al- | bert street. Miss Sarah Lipman, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Lipman, Brock street, has entered a hospital in New- ark, N.J., as a nurse-in-training. Byron Perry, Centreville, was brought to the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, on Tuesday last, where he under- went an operation for appendicitis. A. H. Muir, city auditor, who has been confined to his home for the |. past two weeks suffering from an | attack of influenza, is getting along | nicely. Arthur and Miss Edith McKee, who have been visiting their father, A. McKee, Lower William street, for the past few duys. returned to Tor- onto on Monday. The many friends of Frank Reid, of the James Reid firm, Princess street, will be pleased to learn that he has recovered from his long siege : ® © 5 » Livingston's 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" of pneumonia, and that he was able to be downtown on Tuesday morn- ing. The funeral of the infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Teeple,| Chatham street, was held on Mon- day morning to Cataraqui cemetery' The remains were laid in the vault, |interment to take place in the | spring at Lake Opinicon, | ! JOHNSTON & WARD. ret BE I... ANDERSON Retail Market Phones 438.459. Business Office 365. Wholesale Jepartment 1767. DOWN-TOWN BRANCM: 282 PRINCESS STREET 39¢ Wednesday 39¢ I Ib. Fresh Shelled Walnuts 1 1b. Pork Chops, 1 1b Veal 39c. 2 Ibs. Hambury, 1 1b. Pork 8 Ibs. Veal Chops 1 1b. Idver, 1 1b, Bacon . .30c. 1 1b. Lard, 2 lbs. Dripping 80c. 89c. | 6 1bs. Beans (white) 2 tins Maple Butter (reg. 25c.) 1 bottle Oct. Chow (Heinz) 39c. | Shredded Wheat, | Puffed Wheat, I Corn Flakes , 1 tin Corn Syrup, 2's, 1 Honey a Members of Montreal and Tovonte Exchanges, 86 Princess NEW YORK STOCKS. | 2 ! April 3rd 2 p.m. | Amer, Locomotive... ... .. Lil Baldwin Loco... .. .... .. 16% peo... ........... 81 jlcen.............. 150% {Cuban Oane Sugar Com ... 16% |G. ST... ey INew Haven.... .. ..i.i + 11H Nor. is hake AS Pan. Amer. Peie.... .. ..« . 4% Fan. Amer. Pete, "B" .... 68 . 89% 121% Sous Ry.-.... -- .. .c: 31% | Stand. Oil oi California.. . 53% Stand, Oil of New Jersey .. 39% reriw 50% {Sinclair Of... .. .. ver vv 36% !Unfon Pac..... . . 136% |U 8. Steel.. . 106% | MONTREAL STOCKS. Abitibi Power.. .: 683% Atlantic Sugar.. .. 25% Rell Telephone.... .. .. . 119% Brompton. ... cia aw British Empire Com.. .. .. British Empire 1st Pfd.. Dritish Bmpire 2nd Pfd ... Can, Cement Com.... .. .. Can. Cement Pfd.... .. .. Can. Car Com.... vine Can, Car. Pfd.. .. ...... Can. Steamship Com.... .. Can, Steamship Pfd .. .. .. Cuban Cane Sugar Pfd. ... Dom. Textile. . Dom. Bridge... .. .. . .. Detroit United.... .. .. .. Gen, Rlectric Howard Smith. . Laurentide.. .... .. iui. Montreal Power... .. Mackay. ... .. .... Natioral Breweries. . . » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SEEKING A LOCATION FOR TOURISTS' CAMP The Automobile Club Would Like to Secure Grounds of Sydenham Hospital. The Kingston Automobile Assoc- iation is engaged in seeking a loca- tion for a tourists' camp site that will be conveniently situated and yet be "off the highway. The fair grounds and East View were propos- ed but they are not regarded as al- together satisfactory. Barriefield common id without shade trees and the golf club grounds in Portsmouth are not available. = The club is now turning #s attention to Sydenham hospital grounds which are declared to be ideal. Being on the water- front, bathing can be indulged in and the beautiful trees provide cool shade in the hottest weather. The Sydenham military Hospital is being taken over on Wednesday by the military authorities, to whom the property belongs; and H. D. Wightman, secretary of the Automo- bile club, will make an application to the general officer commanding M. D No. 3, for the permission to use the part of the grounds not used for military purposes as a camp site. The club is most anxious to have the site settled early so that it may be nublished on the road maps to be distributed ehowing the facilities Kingston offers to the tourist. ee -- VESTRY MEETINGS Of St. Luke's, Kingston, and St. Mark's, Barriefield The annual vestry meeting of St. Luke's church was held on Momday evening, with Rev. J. de P. Wright presiding. There was a good atten~ dance and many encouraging reports were received concerning the work of the various church societies dur- ing the past yvar. The finances of the church were discussed and plans were made to help along some of the departments that were not on a sound basis. The election of officers resulted as follows: People's warden, A. J. Shannon; rector's warden, G. Compton; vestry clerk, George Hol- land; auditors, G. Holland and Sergt.-Major Clarke. St. Mark's, Barrieficld The annual vestry meeting of St. Mark's church, Barriefield, was held on Baster Monday evening with Rev. A. O. Cook in the chair. Mr. Cook gave a short address, reviewing the work of the past year. Captain PF. Vokes was re-cleoted vestry clerk. The auditor's report was presented by James Stewart, and showed that the expenditures for the year had been $1,836.96. There was still a liability of $200, but this was cover- od by assets and the church was free trom all debt to start on another year. tately following the refusal to subscriptions had been much better than last year, and the special Easter offering had been very favorable. There were 120 communicants on Easter Day, every family in the par- ish being represented. The treas- urer's report was very encouraging. All the members of the vestry hoard and the representatives to the Synod were re-elected. The name of H. Berry was added to the list of sidesmen. With reference {0 the financial year, the vestry resolved to hold the annual meeting in Jan- uary, permission belng received from the canon and passed by. the synod. Votes of thanks were passed to the organist and choir, the alter guild, other guilds and officers of the church. The meeting was a most enthusiastic one. Tuesday, April 10th, is the day of ihe R.C.H.A. band concert in Grant Hall. DAILY MEMORANDUM Euchre and dance, Sons of England hall, Wednesday, Apri] 4th, 8 p.m. A.O.H. euchre and dance, Tuesday night, McGrath's orchestra. Admission 35 cents. Don't forget the Prince Charlie's Chapter Rummage Sale on April 4th, 9.30 a.m. at Austin's old drug store, Market Square. ~~ OFFICE SUPPLIES 'and PRINTERS HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE - KINGSTON . CARROLL--In Pasadena, Calif, on April 2nd, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Carroll, 100 North Mentor Ave, a son. DIED. PRRY -- At Inverary, on April 2nd, 1923, Sheldon Perry, aged 72 years. Funeral will take place from his Iate residence, Inverary, at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon to Cataraqui Cemetery. : Friends and acquaintances réspectfully invited to attend. 170 Ptusiress Gl KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phones 754-755. DO YOU PAY ASMUCH ATTENTION WHEN SELECTING A CORSET AS YOU WOULD IF IT WAS A DRESS OR SUIT ? This is a question that every woman should give care- ful consideration and answer it for herself. It is very im- portant, for unless you are wearing the proper Corset you cannot expect to find a Dress or Suit that will fit you, as you would like it to. ' Your comfort and appearance depends largely upon your Corset, for upon it all your costumes are built, and the Spring of the year is when you need to be fitted pro- perly. Don't leave it too late--answer the question now, and then act accordingly. "MODISH STOUT" Corsets TO SLENDERIZE WITH COMFORT WEAR THIS NEW CORSET $5.00 Our Corsetierres will ex- plain how the bias seam from waist to bust and the specially designed adjustable flaps over the elastic gussets on the hips, give wonderful support while controlling the figure. If you are larger than the average, be sure to see these new Corsets. They provide Corset comfort to many*who have never had it before. SIZES FROM 26 TO 36. C.C. A LA GRACE CORSETS $1.50 to $6.00 There is a model for every moment of thé day, for slender and for fyll figures, and in all weights of materials. Let us show them to you in our Corset Department. ELEGANCE, COMFORT and ECONOMY Warner's Corsets $3.00 to $5.00 _ With increased health and comfort Warner Corsets give the stylish contour, straight hips and back, hips con- fined--the coutour of youth and grace. We will give you the model designed for your type for women who seek style, together with economy. It's absolutely worth while to take the time required and get the correct model. NOTICE With every pair of Warner's Corsets sold to-morrow we will give absolutely FREE a pair of DOLLS CORSETS. WRAP AROUND Corsets $3.00 to $3.75 They do away with lacing and of- fer a strong support to the figure. A Corset that is suited for sports and general wear, have strong elastic sec- tions and are made from good qual- ity Coutil. Brassiers In Many New Styles Ranging In Price From _ Our Brassieres combine perfect comfort and freedo Yih ph and durability which is foun only in Te re suited for every figure Bad ue very Store Hours: 9 to 5.30 og ih ------------------ | -~