Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Mar 1923, p. 2

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T HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ST SATURDAY, MARCH 81, 1923. RE BRED STOGKAUCION. LOCAL NEWS. | | Up by the Whig Roe No Great Demand And Th [No Grea Domand And The | STORE OPEN FRIDAY, 9.00 AM. TO. 6.00 P.M. Not High. | | A 2 sale at the 1 : ante The firét pure bred stock auction fa stampe lor smle el EAS ER CARDS sale of the Kingston and District| Mr Swaine, piano uner. Orders : ; || Holstein Breeders' Club was hel at [received at 100 Clergy street west. Personally selected at the annual Greeting Card Convention. | the Whitney hotel yard, Kingston !'ph 564 3 : 3: Be Tau, er vor vod Our line represents the choicest numbers from United States and : io at roneidering the inclement | Picton on Goon Fuiday, sometning J] Canadian manufacturers. Cards and Booklets priced from 5c. to I ther that kept distant far-4 i : prit e weather 4hat. kept many distant far-funiuows there belore. 'Hl Post Cards 3 for 5c. to 5c. each. Avoid the last minute rush by mak- Yr; | demand and the prices realized were Come. '] | not high considering that the an- Robert Shields, Lansdowne, was DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS | ; 5 '# | imals were pure bred with register- |brought to the General Hospital, to : i 8 Look out for our Fur Trucks. Make en lea Podieree one brought good |undergo an Ee tor for appendi-; Montreal and Toronto daily papers, as well as all weekly pa- quiries when they will be in your section, so J} | prices, wile those bringing medium jos ll pers available Friday. "hi y 1 |} | prices reduced the average to $83. The Welland Ccnal will be open- | . you may serure the highest cash prices for G. F. Murton, president of the club ed on April 15th. It is not expected your Raw Furs. ana 3. . Henderson, secretary, wove | many bosis will be moving by (hat THE COLLEGE BOOK | | in charge and the auctioneer was time. | Plone or drop a Postcard to-- i} | I. E. Franklin, Toronto, and the ped-| For the first time in many vears | PHONE 919. OPEN NIGHTS igree expert, Bunham N. Foster. A {the coal drivers had to work on Good ! : Fur y marque tent was erected in the | Friday, delivering coal owing to the Morchanta 5 hotel yard and catalogues, printed |€OIf spefl. te wo Yas been th ! 1859 the Dally British Whig job de-{ Mrs. J. Edwards, who has been the by > y ! AB !guest of Mr, and Mrs. Harty Wilson, artment were provided for the buy-| pan om vere were: | Colborne street, left yesterday for Johns McKay Limited i Baker Bros. Portsmouth, sold | her home in Toronto. KINGSTON, CANADA = The two Banks of Montreal in| P Korndyke for $50, ] - Suesie Donte wri Ye $50. oo. | Belleville will merge and on April oli Paul Korndyke for $60. I lie | 37d the two staffs going to the old] - oS ~~ Merchants bank building. HIE , " D. Cox. Mountain Grove, cold Paul | : Chak je Posck Srivie, & young bull to E.| The death of Mrs, Mary Chennell + * occurred on Wednesday in Montreal. *Conn i $110, | : rc 3 O'Connor, Gananoque, for 110, [She was born in Kingston in 1846. Bontsje Star, milking heifer, to G. a 2a w ® * DE i amy nviien 3eue was Me) Sols, | SPECIALLY PRICED FOR TO-NIGHT RU i La F. S. Ferguson, Inverary, sold Queen {port, is awaiting a call trom King-, HOSIERY ASK 'FOR jn Morrales 2 Ea Nelle, {ston General Hospital where she essa, for 360; Mada LIeKo' | 1 will enter upon training as a nurse. s . "1 . to A. Franklin, Kingston Mills, for |" 1¢ was a "good" Friday after all. | A wide range to choose from, in Silk, Silk and Wool and $120. James R. Henderson, Ports- ! . . . . : OH HENRY Mouth, sold Teake Dekol Bessie. to aine in. the 'morning, following 8 | Heather, in plain and fancy shades with Clocks and Stitching-- R. Aylesworth, Cataraqui for $75: |light snowtall, and the temperature all the newest shades to choose from. Popular prices. Essie Dekol to George Graham Ports- | nose, WITH A SMILE AND A DIME mouth, for $155, Peter Echoslgis to | Miss Isabella MacRae, Toronto, -- GLOVES---- Se G. F. Murton, Portsmouth, fOT has left $3,000 to Queen's Univer ; : A Box of Oh Hemy! Would Mako a Most Delightful $75; Pletjo Canary Abbekerk, to A. [sity to form a RacRae scholarship : A pretty showing of Easter Gloves in Silk and Chamoi- E. Franklin, Kingston Mills, for $80; {fund t ist d i d is : ; I EASTER GIFT E, Franklin, ng I Rog | a rE oe Ml | Isette with the new gauntlet cuff and strap. Colors include Beige, ers, Pittsburg, for $65. C. A. Kin- {quest is made to McGill University. | £7 t SLICE AND SERVE cald, R. R. 1 Kingston, sold Gelden- | | Fawn, Mode, Brown, Black and White ...... .....95¢c. up. | OH HENRY! dale Sylvia Pietje to R. Patterson, | ; | -- SPECIAL . Kingston, for $60. G. F. Murton, d i 3 » ao a ol i b 4 - + a ' . . . THE HANDY-SWEET. portsmouth, sold Susan Hengerveld | (0) :. Ladies fine French Kid Gloves in Brown, Grey, Black CROTHERS : KINGSTON Keyes, to W. Patterson, Kingston, | o ! Fo bt . . Fi . . EST. 1869. for $50; Maggie Hengerveld Keyes | [733 "and White: All sizes. Reg. $2.00. To-night* ... $1.25 pair mers away. Fjfty-eight fine animals | Baster service and musicale: | . . . 7 RA I , || | were offered but there was no great {Cooke's church, Sunday evening, ing your selection to-night or Friday. er IE to G. Gooodtellow, Parham, for $75. a PEER ER LEER BRRERY | and to the same buyer, Mary Henger- | Y x YOUR NEW SUIT. veld Keyes for $80; Maggie Keyes | | ------ Sylvia for $49, Arab Queen Paulie | pate Miss Catharine MeCallum. | is here. It's a beauty. Suits ............. $12.95 to $62.50 for $95 and Poliy Hengerveld Keyes | jigs Catharine McCallum, young-| for $75. W. Patterson, Kingston, |ast daughter of the late Mr. and | NOVELTY NECKWEAR bought Clara Hengerveld Keyes for Mrs, John McCallum formerly of . Sor D.C. Togors bought Pesvi|prizhure townculp. passed away 9a) New Easter Neckwear in Collars and Collar and Cuff sets > + Korngold Johanna for $130. George | Thursday at th asd £ her) . . . . é . SE RADIO BIEN RE DoF Tf Ts A I = in Silk, Satin, F lannel, Lace, Linen and Pique. Specially oye fcr $95. E. Eliott, Cataraqul, er Albert street. The late Miss M:- priced | Sr ss ansins uae 59c. to $2.00. Dekel Pontiac Bonerges for $52.50. | Callum was the last of the old fam- We are offering a number of Connecticut Phone Head Sets, r Mr. Berry, K S Mills, Keyes ily of this name that had lived i .00. These are h ? r TTY ingston 3 3 0 el in| SC 8000 ohm at $6.00 igh-grade and worth $8.00. Bonerges Count for $35. R. Vallen- | Piitshurg for ® several generati>:s, | SILK ARFS---- Radio and Flectric supplies of all kinds. Complete sets in- | tine; Odessa, Dekol Natoye King for |ana Ler passing will cause very] New Silk Scarfs in plain and fancy a et eiveieinenn $2.25 to $3.95 stalled. | $50. Mr. Mugton aléo sold Jane |great icgret amongst a large circle | Hengerveld Keyes for $80. Colin jot friends in that vicinity as weil as New Wrappy Coats .. .50 to $65.00 . Halliday Electric Co. Rovers. Bivabore guid Jassie Grothe [%:05-00 Tan'Kid Gloves for the kiddies--to-night ...."%.$1.00 pair _ en Mercena to M. E. Bennington,| The Jeceased had lived in Kiaz- ONE 08; CORNER KING AN a 8. Cataraqui, for $100; Judy Dekol to ston for the past seventeen years oH ND PRINCESS STS, W. Patterson for $45; Dekol Walker [and lad taken an active part in nei------------ TE -------------------- Dillon to J. W. Mitchell, Cheseboro, many clubs and charitable allairs.| for $52.50. {Sre was a Roman Catholic ir re-| ana id - ligion. She is survived by two nieces, SAVE THE DIFFERENCE | WISKIN-RANEY WEDDING. {han Pencowver, B.C. RT om | THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND ------ i ------ b SATURDAY | At the Home of the Groom's Parcs | Ca | Granulated Sugar, 10 Ibs. $1.00 : on Nelson Street. | Rex's New Military Job | Choice Island 1 Butter .47c. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry { The Billboard, Cincinnati, has the '§| Ts. Soc | Wiskin, 266 Nelson street, was the | Satie nes "Rex Sasigiove, ome: -- Ce i a - | sloned a lieutenant dar: the world | Sr i 'nl: ¥ {scene of a preity wedding Tuesday ng i re We specialize on Canned Salmon {Pine} |evening, March 27th, when Mabel | al, and Juter Pace) on TeEefve: has | EASTER! ir- } Sweet Seedless Oranges Evelyn, only daughter of W, J. been assigned to the general etalf | EDUCED PRICES FOR SALE full length Door Mir [per dozen i Raney, was united in marriage to | headquarters of the 86th division, || HATS ATF I rors for dres sing | Canned Plums . . thelr only son, Wilfred Reginald | Sth army area, we are told. Rex 1s Parisian Shop B : Wiskin. The pretty brido entered [ known as the moving epirit of Rex 322 BROCK STREET brick, 8 rooms, bathroom , electric fure rooms or halls; fitted ) 81c. §|ihe parlors on the arm of her father, | and company." : DE Ea. is, : 1 . Canned Peta and, Tomatoes who gave her away. The ceremony ° 8 complete in your Rolled Oats (new pack) was performed by Rev. I. A Wad- For Colds, Grip or Influenza | CHURCH SERVICES 000 UNIVERSITY AVENUE--duuble Suiens gi 7 7 home 6 lbs. 23c¢ dell, pastor of Princess Street Meth- | and as a Preventive, take Laxative | --- | ly Nouns each, room, electric lights, gas, ar, : . * | BROMO QUININE Tablets. The box | present Truth Hall, corner Prin- garden. i 4 . . " . Gold Dust Cora Meal 6 1bs 25c¢. odist church, The bride looked ex-|, ..o tne signature of E. W. Grove. ose na Mowtres! str rvice | CR VERSIE RAVER npr we 5 $3,500 F locri Higha, hot ar Corn Starch 8 pkgs. 25¢. J |ceedingly charming in a neat navy | N . y cha | (B r A a 30c. nq "" 2 f Fancy Blue Ros Rice 3 Ibs 3c. | blue tricotine suit, with hat of blue | Pop nM BROMO). 30c. |g day, 7.30 p.m. Subject, "What's rooms, bathroom, gas, electric lights, hot air fur- nace. b , ; he K. D. [[} 82 EnGaians: fa mma wi =" = ron ine chur wen | .D. |i} apie dosnt stems), NR, To hawt coe E. W. MULLIN & SON Mf Lettuce--Radish--Celery. bridesmaid, who was dressed Wm a| Farmers on Wolfe Island tock ad- |[Found?" Hear Mr. ee y trac * 8. Co. fretty navy biue suit with navy blue {vantage of the fine weather on Fri- soul stirring subject. Seats free. | Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. , 1 png 0) . -- Phone 530w. Corner Johnson and Division Streets. 680. MONTRE EE 9 mohair hat to match. Keith Hull {day to bring over hay to the city. A | : : & MONTREAL STREET Cullen Hu acted as best man, Following the [very large quantity was handled. | CQa'vary Congr »gri.tonal Chu PHONE 1681J. ceremony a dainty buffet luncheon | o=--oo-- L |Corher Charles and Baz: Strood CASH AND CARRY ' 3 : . Pastor, Rev. A. F. Brown, ar- was served, the bride's table being Phone 1806w. Sunday, 11 | gemm-- pot decorated in pink and white. Miss "THE HAT STORE" i rio street, A n. ' lam.; 3 p.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m.; Evelyn Wiskin, sister of the groom, % served the luncheon, assisted by Miss | Monday, 8 p.m. Christish iin Vera McGill and Mre. John Dawson, er d {our; Wednesday, » ®B, pal Odessa. Immediate relatives and > ; weeting. - friends present tendered their warm- BUY TO-NIGHT i First Church of Christ, Scientist, Y e 1 omEraniations Yo the amy {95 Johnson street. --Services, 3 e ; The newly-weds left Wednesday m. and 7 p.n. Subject Real on the noon train and will spend a Sunday school, 9.45 a, Ps Fed ' few days with the bride's grand- nesdag, 8 am. testimonial meet: parents and other friendsin Ganano- § > ing. Public reading room pen . : que. The young couple are members ory. afternoon except Bunday »a4 ® : of the choir of Princess Street Meth- holidays, from 3 to 5 p.m. : PRIS or AmRevEL Thursday and Saturday evenings STYLES plist Sparel, aad akg Suchats Ia from 7.30 to 9.30 pm, All are In the many modes and style creations we are offering for e Su y ys WI n er de- cordially invited to the services and Spring wear, you will find Bootery for every occasion and for Keep an eye on your eyes! They're |" |}|partments of the church they have goedialiy invited 10 1 Spring waar Joa .. alw taken an active part, Ma barometers of your personal efficien- A er ve url ey o : BATENT LEATHER ONE STRAPS--with Grey Suede trims d ive & cabelas water vet trom tne |} Come to "The Hat Rj suse vouler GON EC fl Sowa several mide svies i thi reopori-Lwonteetal. ales cy. And they also govern your mea- choir and a silver butter diet from ( Store' to-night and Tif a ly nn ows ng: styles Iu this Yespert-uondortal Taluce - sure of héalth, happiness and comfort . Mr. . choose a new Hat for ut temperature Pop . Se We invite your inspection of same. -for the years to come. Care for them as or oi ad Ip Easter. We sell Hats fyi 27th was Easter Sunday, and tia, me for all the family. Jie es bier ns ed S. J. MARTIN as you do your teeth and your skin -- 1 ¥ We hat everybody. [jie bisbest 47. 1313 yeealls a mod. "SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION" ONLY FAR MORE SO. Have them erately chilly Baster, when March 25rd produced as her lowest temper- examined regularly. Hats for Men. ature 25, while her highest was 88, Consult: : Hats for Ladies. In 1918 it was fair and warm on Hata for Children. Jr imei thom || COUNTER CHECK BOOKS "We save you ff cren beats this for genial warmth, CA ° re : th the highest tempera- ALL STANDARD STYLES AND SIZES, OR A SO) 'showing 64 as y . S. Asselstine D 0 S ture mething On EVEry Wi. ure on Easter Sunday, which bap- SPECIALS TO SUIT ANY REQUIREMENT. LOW- Fe 4 A y We Hat you buy. pened March 27th, while the lowest : EST PRICES AND GOOD SERVICE. PLACE EYESIGHT SPECIALIST (that day wus 49. y YOUR ORDER WITH-- 342 KING STREET - - KINGSTON ' rerveerew : a he Poe : TORRE .. oo oo || BRITISH WAIG JOB DEPARTMENT sh ---------- CTE AEA) FAN An £ : church edifice, 95 Jo a Bele ay apm Joho lll 206-s-10 KING STREET. KINGSTON, Ont. PHONE 243. 72

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